Area: COMMENT Date : Jan 22 '94, 09:43 Pvt Loc From : Ron Jenson 8:200/0.0 To : Ray Waldo 8:200/0.0 Subj : OLB RWP module, *.SDN ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Mr. Waldo, Here is some information that will be helpful to anyone else who downloads RWPFIX??.SDN, the Robertson's Word Pictures for the Online Bible. This is a great package. I hope others have not given up after all the downloading. Installation of RWPFIX??.SDN These files are not in the normal Online Bible distribution format, and do not work with the installation program. They may be easily installed, however, using these steps. 1. Create three subdirectories under \BIBLE (or whatever directory contains your bible.exe file): \Bible\RWP.000 \Bible\RWP.030 \Bible\RWP.060 2. Using ARJ.EXE, extract RWPFIX01.SDN, RWPFIX02.SDN, and RWPFIX03.SDN into the \RWP.000 subdirectory. 3. Extract the contents of RWPFIX04.SDN, 05, and 06 into the \RWP.030 subdirectory. 4. Extract the contents of RWPFIX07.SDN and 08 into \RWP.060. 5. Place the RWP.MAP file in the same directory as the BIBLE.EXE file. 6. If you are using OLB 6.0's data compression option follow the instructions in DIET.DOC for compressing note directories and compress the contents of the three new directories. 7. To access Robertson's work select F8 to display notes, then F2 to flip through your notes and other note modules until you arrive at the RWP notes.