NOTES ~~~~~ 1. The word //indriya// is derived from the Vedic god Indra, the ruler of the gods in the ancient pantheon. Hence the word suggests the idea of dominance or control. 2. See Selected Texts below, Section 5. 3. Don Quixote fights "commending himself to God and his mistress" and he feels himself as an instrument of Dulcinea who infuses valour into his arms. "She fights in me, she is victorious in me and I live and breathe in her, receive life and being itself from her." He thus belongs to the large band of those who sustain their faith by the love of a feminine being and his Dulcinea corresponds to the Virgin Mary of the Catholics and to the Tara and Prajnaparamita of Mahayana Buddhism. 4. //Zen in English Literature//, 1948, p.199. 5. //Ibid.//, p.201. 6. See //Visuddhimagga//, IV,45-49. 7. Faith lends itself to emotional excitement; vigour to the excitement of doing things and wanting to do more; wisdom to the excitement of discovery. 8. //Visuddhimagga//, IV,49 9. //Majjhima Nikaya//, i,57. 10. The commentary to this passage should be consulted. It has been translated in Bhikkhu Soma, //The Way of Mindfulness//, 1949, pp.18-31. 11. //Samyutta Nikaya//, iii,13; //Visuddhimagga//, XIV,7. 12. E.g. //Abhidharmakosha//, vi, pp.142-144. 13. //Trimshika// by Vasubandhu, ed. S. Levi, 1925-26. 14. Sec. 16; commentary in //Atthasalini//, PTS, 1897 (=Asl.), pp.147-49. 15. //Indriya//. //Asl.// 122: "Through overwhelming ignorance it is a 'dominant' in the sense of 'dominant influence'; or it is a 'dominant' because by exercising discernment (//dassana//) it dominates (associated //dharmas//)." 16. //Asl.// 123: "As a clever surgeon knows which foods are suitable and which are not, so wisdom, when it arises, understands dharmas as wholesome or unwholesome, serviceable or unserviceable, low or exalted, dark or bright, similar or dissimilar." Similarly //Abhidharmakosha//, I,3; II,154. 17. Dharma: the four holy Truths (//Asl.//). 18. //Vebhabya; aniccadinam vibhavana-bhava-vasena//. Or "a critical attitude"? 19. Or "examination." 20. Or "breadth." Wisdom is rich and abundant, or massive. 21. //Medha//; also "mental power." "As lightning destroys even stone-pillars, so wisdom smashes the defilements; alternatively, it is able to grasp and bear in mind." 22. //Milindapanha//, I,61: "It is like a lamp which a man would take into a dark house. It would dispel the darkness, would illuminate, shed light, and make the forms in the house stand out clearly." 23. Because it gives delight, is worthy of respect (or "variegated"), hard to get and hard to manifest, incomparable and a source of enjoyment to illustrious beings. 24. //Milindapanha//, as translated in my Buddhist Scriptures, 151-52 (see Appendix, Ia). 25. //Asl.// 123: "This penetration is unfaltering (//akkhalita//), like the penetration of an arrow shot by a skilled archer." 26. //Visuddhimagga//, XIV, 7. //Dhammasabhava-pativedhalakkhana panna; dhammanam sabhavapaticchadaka-mohandhakara-viddhamsanarasa//. 27. A full translation of this text has been published, as Wheel No. 21, under the title //The Removal of Distracting Thoughts (Vitakka-santhana Sutta)//. With the Commentary and Marginal Notes, translated by Soma Thera. Buddhist Publication Society, Kandy. 28. //Sotapattiyangani//: The four are: unshakable faith in the Buddha, Dhamma and Sangha; and perfect morality. 29. //Sammappadhana//: the effort of avoiding or overcoming evil and unsalutary states, and of developing and maintaining good and salutary states. 30. //Satipatthana//: mindfulness as to body, feelings, state of mind and mind-objects. 31. //Jhana//. 32. The truths of suffering, its origin, its cessation and the way to its cessation. The Commentary says that, in the field ascribed here to each faculty, the respective faculty is dominant at the height of its particular function, while the other four are concomitant and are supporting the dominant function. But the faculty of wisdom is the highest in rank among the five. 33. That is, of his having attained Arahantship.