DOS DOORWAY 1.1 Copyright 1993 by: Studio, Eh? Productions All rights reserved DOS Doorway is a small utility written in Visual Basic 3.0 (Pro) for Windows. It is essentially an icon that, when you double-click on it, launches a DOS window. REQUIREMENTS A computer running Windows 3.1 A copy of VBRUN300.DLL somewhere on your path. The best place is in the windows\system directory. INSTALLATION Make a directory for the executable. I put mine in C:\WINDOWS\DOSDOOR, but you can put it wherever you please. Put DOSDOOR.PIF into your Windows main directory (this is where Windows looks for .pif's by default). Again, mine is C:\WINDOWS, but you could have your machine set up altogetherly different. Put SYSMENU.VBX into your \windows\system directory. If you'd like DOS Doorway to come up automatically when you load Windows, edit your WIN.INI file so that the load= line includes the full path and filename of the program. In my case, I have three things that autoload from there so the line looks like: load=progrm1.exe progrm2.exe c:\windows\dosdoor\dosdoor.exe] That's it! NOTE: that if you are using something other than COMMAND.COM you'll have to go into the Pif editor and edit DOSDOOR.PIF to reflect whatever command processor you use. TO USE IT Double-click on the icon. Pause a moment. There's your DOS window! To close it, just single click the icon and choose Close from the menu. HISTORY December 14, 1993 Version 1.1 released. Contains one small bugfix and the SYSMENU.VBX, which allows the About Box. November 12, 1993 Version 1.0 released. GUARANTEE I guarantee nothing except that this works fine on my machine and it'll certainly take up about 9k on YOUR harddisk too! Neither the author nor Studio, Eh? Productions will be held liable for any damage incurred by the use of this program. PRICE I'm releasing DOS Doorway as FreeWare. If you like it you could drop me a postcard at the address below, but there are NO fees nor restrictions on how many computers you can run it on, etc. If you REALLY insist on it... you can send me a couple of bucks to pay for my coffee or ale habits! :) Send correspondence to: Mark Alan Pruitt c/o Studio, Eh? Productions 2318 2nd Ave #337-A Seattle, WA 98121 -=*=- I'd like to extend my special thanks to the nice fella at Microsoft's Visual Basic Technical Support line for helping me overcome the "how do I do it from an icon?" problem. Also special thanks to Paul Fremantle in England who wrote the wonderful SYSMENU.VBX and then went through so much trouble to get it to me. -=*=- Enjoy! Mark Pruitt Seattle, WA December 14, 1993