EDSBack v1.00 BETA Copyright (c) 1994 by Eric D. Scales T E S T I N G O B J E C T I V E S -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= NOTE: If you see something that you would like changed or added, please feel free to notify Eric Scales on the change. If it is a reasonable request it will be added. - Read through the entire documentation. -Make reports to the author on grammatical and spelling errors. -Make reports on subjects that are unclear or too broad. -Make reports on parts of the document that should be deleted. - Fully test the operation of long distance and toll calling.. -Make sure EDSBack recognizes a long distance or toll call number. -Make sure EDSBack does not call LD or Toll call numbers when it is told not to. -Make sure EDSBack upgrades the proper security levels, etc. , when it verifies a toll call or long distance number. -Make sure EDSBack correctly adds the 1 + Long distance access code -Make sure EDSBack uses the area code for toll calls when it is told to via the config file. -Fully test the upgrading facility -Make sure EDSBack upgrades the security levels according to that set in the config file. -Make sure EDSBack upgrades to the proper expiration date. -Make sure EDSBack upgrades the proper Expired security level. -Make sure EDSBack is correctly addressing messages. -Make sure the values are actually saved to the user record. -Make sure the EDSBack comments are added to the place specified in the config file. (UNOTE1, CMNT1, etc.) -Make sure EDSBack is not writing the same number twice in the TRASH.BIN file -Fully test the International support NOTE: EDSBack does not honor the areacode.use file, or prefix.use file when it calls an International number. -Make sure EDSBack is correctly dialing the number. -Make sure EDSBack waits long enough for a connection. -Fully test the delays -Make sure EDSBack allows callers of all speeds enough time to connect. (2400 usually takes longer to negotiate) -Fully test the verification prompts -Make sure the user has to enter the correct information for EDSBack to accept it. -Make sure the user isn't denied access for correct information being entered. -Look Closely at the Prompts when EDSBack runs. -Make sure no color "bleeding" takes place. -Make sure the prompts are precise and to the point. -Make sure the prompts are correct for the operation taking place. Thanks for taking the time to test EDSBack. This file should be updated regularly during updates. When a bug is found, please call E.D.S. Development (Number is in the EDSBACK.DOC file) and enter your message to Eric Scales in the EDSBack conference. Same goes for wishes for changes/additions to EDSBack/EDSUtil.