*IRobot* (C) Copyright 1994 by Andrew Laakmann All rights reserved. LICENSE AGREEMENT -------------------------------------------------------- Note: Continuing beyond this point indicates your acceptance of the licensing agreement for *IRobot*. If you have not already done so, please read the license contained within the file "license.txt" before continuing. Thank you. INSTALLATION ------------------------------------------------------------- Thank you for purchasing *IRobot*, an action-packed arcade game for TBBS systems. To install the game, please follow the instructions below: 1) make an IRobot directory 2) unarchive the package into the directory 3) make an SDL entry for the game as follows (yours may be different) Entry: R) Play *IROBOT* Key=R Type=200 Opt Data=f:\games\irobot\irobot /q INSTRUCTIONS -------------------------------------------------------------- Instructions on playing the game can be found by selecting [I] from the main menu. HIGH SCORES --------------------------------------------------------------- *IRobot* maintains a high score list of all players. Additionally, the top few players are shown besides the game field on the main screen. If any SysOp enters the game (privilege level of 255), an additional menu option of '[R]eset High Scores' will be presented to them. To reset the high scores, simply select this option and respond 'YES' (all caps!) to the safety question. The high score file will then be cleared. DEMONSTRATION SOFTWARE ---------------------------------------------------- If you did not purchase the retail version of *IRobot*, you have by default the demonstration version of the game. The difference between the retail and demonstration version of *IRobot* is the maximum game level that can be reached and the lack of a high score list. In the demonstration version, players can only play until level 6, while the retail version has no limit on game play. SUPPORT ------------------------------------------------------------------- If you have any questions or would like to comment about *IRobot*, please contact the GW Associates BBS at 508-429-8385.