Door: * v2.1b0 ... With this version I added the Gender features. It will now ask you what sex you are and when you do a match it will ask you what type of match to perform. * v2.1b1 ... Well, I gotta appoligize for v2.1b0. That one got out before I knew how bad it was. See the note below (mmconfig v2.1b1) that is important to this release * v2.1b2 ... Added sexual preference to work in unison with the gender selection so the matches are broken down a bit more. Also added gender and preference to the listing. * v2.1b3 ... The gender/preference match feature is now a reality. It seems to be working well. See the note below. * v2.1b4 ... Dan Hornback was right. There was a serious problem if no other users existed in the Inter-BBS Users Data Base. Thanks Dan... Also, there was a problem in the Inter-BBS questionaire where it thought the user had already answered them when in fact the user hadn't. This was related to the bug that Dan helped me find. * v2.1b5 ... Dan finds another bug.. netmail is now working * v2.1b6 ... Added Gender and Orientation to the listing when performing a Browse function. * v2.2 ... The first official public non-beta release... fixed last known bug - viewing feature wasn't working in the browse section * v2.3 ... Cosmetics and bug which caused alias name to not get carried over to the inter-bbs section * v2.4 ... Fixed msg base bugs * v2.5 ... Fixed Netmail bug * v2.51 ... Fixed new user bug that didn't ask gender or orientation * v2.52 ... Rearranged date of netmail msg to meet specifications * v2.53 ... The netmail msgs now being created are `null messages'. Now, with most mailers, the sysop has the option of deleting the netmail msgs. * v2.54 ... Removed automatic DAT file application. You MUST now use the mmconfig.exe program to apply the DAT files. * v2.55 ... Found bug in browse/view essay answer routines * v2.56 ... More bugs in browse/view area * v2.57 ... bugs in essay answer routines again. Del your old tcmessay.asw file if it has trash in it. Also made some cosmetic changes. Added ability to skip the initial questionaire in case they only want Inter-BBS. * v2.58 ... Bug in inter-bbs section where the gender/orientation was being passed correctly. Cosmetics in inter-bbs. v2.59 ... Finally found that name bug in the alias name routine v2.6 ... Changes in phone number and support BBS due to the closure of my BBS. Mmconfig: * v2.0b3 ... Changed the color schemes a bit * v2.1b0 ... Had to upgrade this one due to the upgrade of the door (changed file formats). * v2.1b1 ... Added ability to alter a users Gender. Please ***********>>>>> go into your user data base a set everyones *read this*>>>>> Gender otherwise the new Gender Match feature ***********>>>>> won't work. * v2.1b2 ... Added ability to alter user preference. As with the above it is recommended that you make sure all the users in the data base have a valid preference. * v2.1b3 ... Added routine to automatically update tcmout.dat file when you alter the sex and/or preference. Included with this version is GENDER.HLP which I suggest you read. * v2.1b4 ... fixed bug that sent out dif file, when you removed a user, even if the user record had not been exported * V2.1b5 ... Added ability to clear out Alias name in case user decides they want to change their name. If you allow a user to update their alias and they have already exported their data under their old alias then you need to turn off their export flag so they may re-export their data which will cause a update of all links. * v2.2 ...... First public non-beta release * v2.3 ...... Fixed bug that caused a bug when deleting a user (if the user was the last and only message writer) * v2.4 ...... Fixed netmail msg bug * v2.5 ...... Fixed bug which didn't delete the existing dif file when the sysop did a rescan option while editing the Inter-BBS BBS configuration. Also under this same rescan option I had a bug which would export users that did not originate from your bbs which was not consistent with other parts of the program which require this. * v2.51 ..... Rearranged date in netmail message to specifications * v2.52 ..... Cosmetics and readability changes * v2.53 ..... The netmail msgs now being created are `null messages'. Now, with most mailers, the sysop has the option of deleting the netmail msgs. * v2.54 ..... Discovered bug that could of possibly cause corrupted data in the Inter-BBS section when .DAT files were applied. Also added the ability to look for extensions DAT, DA1, DA2, DA3, DA4, DA5, DA6, DA7, DA8, DA9 So if you get multiple files and your mailer renames them with the ascending extensions the mmconfig.exe will now see them and process them * v2.55 ..... Bugs in user editor area * v2.56 ..... Added a Jump feature in the user editor * v2.57 ..... bug in jump fixed .. and user editor still had a problem which is now fixed. also squashed the bug that was causing the * ILLEGAL ACTION CODE * error when you did a RESCAN of the users [inter-bbs] v2.58 ..... Changes in phone, etc... due to closure of my bbs * This version change should not affect your existing data records. Everything should remain intact.