Welcome to the 1.02 (beta) release of TicToss for RBBS-PC! Work progresses on the 1.10 release which will shatter the 150 AreaName limitation currently observed in the 1.0x series. My personal target is to have a alpha level of the code in place by July 17th, with an official release of the 1.10 version in early August. Some RBBS-PC sysops are using the Cellar Door Merges which has a Times Downloaded field in their FMS (it may also be available in a standalone .MRG). If you're using the Cellar Door merges, or have support for a Times Downloaded field compatible with the CDOR one, this beta is just for you. There is NO advantage to using this beta if you are NOT using the Times Downloaded. To take advantage of this feature within TicToss, use the "TimesDownloaded" keyword in your TICTOSS.CFG. I would like to thank Dan Drinnon for responding to netmail with the necessary specifications (and sample FMS) to allow me to easily add support for CDOR -- Thanks again Dan! Note: You MUST ALSO already have your FMS formatted for the new FMS format or TicToss will not operate correctly!!! Eddie WerDev@Fidonet#1:136/1 WerDev@Aol.Com BBS 318-325-6608 v.fc 28.8k