What's Up Status System Copyright 1994 Arthur Ward This document applies to the source code as it exists in the 1.xx versions. Theoretically it will remain the same long into the future. User contributed status modules If you have knowledge of C programming, you are welcome to write your own module to be included in What's Up in a new version. First off, this is open *only* for C code and nothing else (no C++, no Pascal, just straight C). Second, it should compile under Borland C++ 4.0 with a minimum of changes or else it may be rejected. Thirdly, it should use ANSI calls where possible. Finally, the Borland conditionals may be used if you need calls that are different between platforms, and you should also tell me if your code will only work under DOS or Windows, etc. *IMPORTANT* Once contributed, your code is considered part of the project! To keep things simple, any received donations will *not* be divided among contributors! At any time in the future if this program becomes commercial or shareware, income from purchases/registrations will not be divided. On the other hand, you will get a blurb in the docs as long as your code/advice/whatnot is in use. If you wish your source to remain non-public domain (ie. between the people working on the What's Up projects only) in the event that other sources are released, mark it clearly on everything. This policy may or may not change. Assume that you are releasing code into the public domain for no charge when writing. The system is very easy to deal with: Your routine will be called every time the display is updated in order to generate an entirely new listing. There is no correspondence between one update and another, they are all generated fresh. Because your routine will be called at potentially high frequencies (once or twice a second, with others needing to run, plus display & time release to multitasker), it should work quickly. Configuration: Provide me with a list of items that needs to be filled from the configuration file, and I will add them to the configuration loader (easy). When naming your configurable variables, please remember that they must be public to all other modules, so use a unique name (like some mangled form of the software followed by the name of the data; BinkOutbound, MaxIPC are some that I use already). Currently only strings (copied from configuration as-is minus leading & trailing whitespace (as set by isspace() ) and unsigned integers have code. Others will require more time to implement. Source format: Your code may not remain in your source file! My style uses 4 space tab stops for grouping (ie. the inside of {}'d code, etc.), and when brief debugging status entries are needed from all of the modules, the DEBUG define will be declared. If your code uses multiple procedures, follow the guideline for configuration variables. When writing your module, I strongly encourage you *NOT* to do anything requiring one-time initalization/deinit setups, as there are not really any provisions for this. If you need memory for storage, I recommend alloca() and use the stack, although if you really need to, malloc() is OK as long as it is freed at the end of the module. Your module will be running in the LARGE model, so don't worry about farmalloc() or anything like that. Available What's Up calls: void AddStatusItem(_status Status) AddStatusItem appends a new status entry to the status list, allocating memory as needed. All you do is fill a _status structure and pass it to AddStatusItem to have it displayed when the screen is redrawn following the completion of all status modules. If there is insufficent memory for AddStatusItem to complete the operation, it will simply ignore all new status entries. (meantime, it will have changed the last available entry to an error message so the user knows what has happened) Available structures 'n stuff: typedef struct { char Name[ST_NAMELEN], /* Name of program/user/whatever */ Status[ST_STATLEN]; /* Whassup */ } _status; Obviously, this is the structure that holds each entry. ST_NAMELEN and ST_STATLEN are two defines that contain the size of the Name & Status fields (respectively), including the null terminator. Ta-da, that's it. A whole 2 basic units to make this entire thing tick. Have fun. Arthur Ward May 26, 1994 (revised slightly June 23)