Using the EXTERNAL Attribute Variable or FILE defined externally. All this is described(briefly) in the Clarion Doc's on the External Attr or you can get SwiftPro and it is at your finger tips. I don't know how anyone can program quickly by not using SwiftPro to answer the questions that arise while programing . This example is how one way to use the external attribute on files and variables with DLL's. Variables are easy, files will take more work. The App Gen can be used for all developement. If one wants to use files then you will need to generate the code for the application and then add the external('') attribute to any file in the main cla file for the app. (see below) Variables: Compile the App's and check out how the variable can be changed in the exe and Dll's and the changes are seen wherever you are. Look at the embed source for the exe and Dll's for this variable. I used this approach for the variable: 1. Created a dll(a hand coded program with the variable declared without the External attribute). 2. Compiled as a dll. Named as Extinc.DLL. 3. Declared the same variable with the external attribute in the exe and any other dll's that will use this var(in an embed source pt). 4. In the project file for the exe and the dll's link in the Extinc.dll as a Lib or Obj. ** Note: ** If you will notice I made a procedure for this Extinc.dll. I used this approach to call this procedure from my exe to load these var's. The reason I did this was I create dll's in separate dir's. I only want to use one set of files. I declare all my files in the exe and all dll's(not Extinc.dll) with the External(''),Name(VarName). The name I put on in the dictionary. The Varname's all have the path to a directory where my files rest. This would allow the changing only of one var to change the path for any files. This could have definite advantages for archived files. Look below for example ** ** If you will notice: 1. In the example you cannot add a record in the DLL. 2. The reason is the files have been allocated different space. 3. The same files are being declared in the exe and the Dll's. 4. The External for files is not given as a demo but the way to code this is given below. One way to solve this problem is the same as the External var's. 1. This takes more work. We are only talking about the files that will be used in other DLL's, but I use all the files because it is easier. 2. I declare the files in a DLL(same one as Var's) making sure it is a program module. Use the CDD editor and import all the definitions into your Extinc.Cla file. 3. After generating the code for my exe or DLL's that will all use the same file, I change the Main cla file for each. They all need to have the External('') Attr on the files that are declared in the other Extinc.DLL. 4. This really is easy by using the program I downloaded form DBA Software Solutions. I also modified this code and now you can use Externfx.exe. Call the batch file Extfx.bat and give the name of the cla file as the required two parameters and it will add the External('') to all files in that cla. No parameters does the same thing does, lets you give the string inside the left and right parenthesis. 5. You can now not compile again from the App Generator, unless you do the above again. 6. Load the Cla file into the Editor from the Clarion Env and then load the project file. Recompile again. $Unresolved$ If one just declares a var in one DLL and declares the same var in another DLL with the External Attr you will get an Unresolved Link error. When the Unresolved appears while compiling the DLL's it is because the DLL cannot find the variable that has been declared without the external Attr. This is why I put the variable in a DLL without the External Attr and add it to the project file. If I call a procedure in this dll to load This is the Dll that has all the files and var's declared normally. Below it is the include file that is used by all app's. PROGRAM MAP SetFilePath END INCLUDE('FILEPATH.INC','FileVarsDef') File1 FILE,PRE(REC),DRIVER('Clarion'),CREATE,RECLAIM,NAME(F__Var1) File2 FILE,PRE(REC),DRIVER('Clarion'),CREATE,RECLAIM,NAME(F__Var2) " " " CODE SetFilePath RETURN SetFilePath PROCEDURE CODE INCLUDE('FILEPATH.INC','SetPathsVars') INCLUDE('FILEPATH.INC','SetFileVars') RETURN SECTION('FileVarsDef') ! Include at source point "Before File Declarations" in dll file. F__Var1 STRING(60) F__Var2 STRING(60) F__PATH1 STRING(48) SECTION('FileVarsExtDef') ! EXTERNAL DECLARATIONS ! Include at source point "Before File Declarations" in main file. ! of dll's F__Var1 STRING(60),EXTERNAL F__Var2 STRING(60),EXTERNAL F__PATH1 STRING(48),EXTERNAL SECTION('SetPathsVars') ! Include at source point "Setup" in main file. F__PATH1 = 'PathToFiles\' ! Put backslash on end SECTION('SetFileVars') ! Include at source point "Setup" in main file. ! This section can also be used after path is changed at run time. F__Var1 = CLIP(F__PATH1) & 'File1' F__Var2 = CLIP(F__ PATH1) & 'File2' These are the statements to use in your app's to declare the var's Include('FILEPATH.INC','FileVarsDef') Include('FILEPATH.INC','SetPathsVars') Include('FILEPATH.INC','SetFileVars') Hope this helps. It took some time to figure this all out but am glad to pass it along to you people. I know, I will need questions answered in the future. Thanks to Fred for his code to This is from his readme file. Fred Schmitthammer Professional Practice Systems, INC. (310)804-7674 To use this just compile the .CLA file and run the program in the directory that contains the file you want to convert. If you like it let me know....if you don't like it then delete it and don't let me know ! THIS PROGRAM CHANGES FILES !!!! MAKE SURE YOU HAVE A BACKUP !!! YOU USE THIS PROGRAM AT YOUR OWN RISK !!!!!! Jimmy Rogers JJ Software (904) 249-9098