STARBALL 94 by David A. Hook If you are amongst the 60,757 entries in this year's Toronto Star fantasy baseball contest, you already know what a drudgery it is to recalculate 18 players' scores every week to check your new total. From the Excel 4.0a spreadsheet (and template) provided, you may enter your player codes (A1, B4, C3, etc.) once, into a template, then copy it onto the spreadsheet provided, and all the totals will be run for you. Up to twelve players may be accommodated (or six, before and after the trades permitted, prior to the June 24 deadline.) I have entered all the player data from the first TEN weeks of the contest for you, and plan to post them immediately after each Wednesday's Star publication. So you may wait for them, or enter the 144 numbers yourself, to keep it up-to-date for yourself every week. Please note, all the values have been double-checked but I offer no guarantees on the (future) accuracy. In fact there have already been at least three typos in the Star listings so far, as my Week Three summary gave differing totals for two players (who knows which value is correct!), and one poor guy had fewer points in a subsequent week than in a preceding one. You will get points totals for all players (up to 12 participants), and a table with the maximum points possible for that week, the minimum, the average, and the median points. Each new week extends the table so all prior history is maintained. Requirements You will need to be running Windows 3.1, and (at least) Version 4.0 of Microsoft Excel to use this spreadsheet. I do not know if all the Excel functions are available in competing spreadsheets, because Excel is the only product that meets my needs, and I do not use other spreadsheets on a regular basis. How to Use Load in the template, called TEMPLATE.XLS, first. Change the Names in the top row to match your contestants. Under the appropriate column change the A1, B4, C3, etc. to the codes matching your own players on the Starball entry form. When complete, Save this template UNDER A NEW NAME (the SAVE AS... option, please.) Do NOT make any changes to the other (weekly) spreadsheet, called SB940706.XLS (stands for JuLY 06, 1994 newspaper, which was Week NINE of the contest.) Instead, you next load in the current worksheet, SB940706.XLS; select all the rows and columns from your TEMPLATE worksheet; then COPY this range to the weekly one, starting at cell C1 (for the upper-left cell.) In this way, when you get a new weekly one (e.g. SB940713.XLS is the next to be published) you may simply copy in your own players from your own TEMPLATE again, thus eliminating any new data entry on your part each week. Print out whatever portion of the spreadsheet you wish, using the usual page and printer setup commands. I'd recommend landscape mode. Two pages should cover the entire contest range for the players and the high, low, etc. You will get the filename on the upper left, a centred title, and the date of printing on the upper right. A page number will appear centred on the bottom of the page. Your Obligations It is silly to ask people to pay for something you have done for your own enjoyment, especially when the accomplishment is a modest one. So please enjoy it--I hope you find it useful. My only promise of support is a money-back guarantee! The calculations do work, and this is the second year of use of this format. Please do not contact me for any technical support, as none is offered. Excel junkies will readily see that more than twelve players can be accommodated, by copying and modifying the formulations. Do so at your own risk, please. A postcard or a brief note to the address below will give me an idea of the range of interest. But if you don't get around to it, do not suffer any lingering guilt. Back in the good old days of microcomputers, everyone was a lot freer with their (admittedly- less-sophisticated, but no less-useful) handiwork. David A. Hook 215 Anne Street North Barrie, ON L4N 4T4 P.S. Yes, the template given is for the six members of my immediate family, including room for post-trade totals. Hope you have been better, or luckier, in your player selections!