Changes from v0.91 to v0.92: * - Fixed some bugs in the Ymodem routines. * - Changed the Zmodem options when doing an EMSI session, so that it now always will use "Zmodem Protect"-mode on incoming files, during the session only. * - Fixed some bugs in the filerequester routines. * - Fixed a bug in the VT-100 callback routines. * - Fixed a bug in the EMSI routines, causing weird things to happen when #?.OUT files was found in the outbound directory. o - Added a "LogFile" feature. o - Minor changes in the status pane, to make room for the two newcomers below: o - Added display of current time in the status pane. o - Added display of connect time in the status pane. o - Added code to recognize tool-types from the icon. The user is now enabled to specify the configuration file within the tooltypes area. o - ZeeTerm now detach itself from the CLI/Shell it is started from. o - Changed the CPS calculating routines in the file transfer window. The "Started" time is replaced with an "Estimated" time, that displays the estimated transfertime for the current file transfer. o - Improved use of the asl.library fontrequester, so that it is now using true multitasking (like the about- and color-requesters) when opened. o - Improved 'intertask-communication', so that the colorrequester now will exit without requiring the user to remove it. If anyone knows how to abort asl requesters without user requirements, please let me know. o - Minor changes in the screen-memory point-and-click routines. Changes from v0.90 to v0.91: * - Fixed a very difficult-to-find bug in the VT-100/IBM-ANSI emulation routines, that caused Enforcer to react on "BYTE READ" from addresses $84 and $8C. o - Optimized scrolling routines furthermore. After a VT-100 CSI reset command (c), or on 'power-up', ZeeTerm will only scroll bitplanes that has actually been written into. o - Changes in the registration checking routines. To fully evaluate ZeeTerm, you are now enabled to use the Zmodem protocol, EMSI and IEMSI. In exchange to this, I have added some (hopefully) very irritating requesters to the unregistered version of the program. o - Minor changes in use of requesters when selecting menuitems from the Miscellaneous menu. o - Changed EMSI, so that it now use a window instead of writing the status of the EMSI session on the screen. o - Changed IEMSI, so that it now also use a window instead of writing the status on the screen. o - Added opportunity of switching "screen memory" on/off, so that the scrolling routines goes yet faster, if it's turned off. (Actually, you won't note the difference, unless you are using a plain 68000 CPU, as the scrolling routines in ZeeTerm makes use of the 68010 "loop-mode".) Changes from previous versions to v0.90: - First official release. - Per Hansen, Tribune Channel Software.