By: Vikki Clayton Six Bath Salt Recipes Base salt: equal parts Sea or Table salt, Epsom salt, Baking soda Blend in a glass jar or bowl. To mix the scents and colours, mix the colours (food colouring is fine) in a separate spoon or small dish before blending with the base. Add the oils a drop at a time, mixing after each oil is added, until the smell is 'right'. The following scents use essential oils, which can be bought at healthfood stores or mail ordered. Bath #1 -- 3 parts Lavender, 2 parts Rosemary, 1 part Peppermint, 1 part Bergamot. Bath #2 -- 4 parts Patchouli, 3 parts Cypress, 1 part Vetivert Bath #3 -- 3 parts Frankincense, 2 parts Basil, 2 parts Juniper, 1/2 part Orange Bath #4 -- 3 parts Palmarosa, 2 parts Lavender, 2 parts Rosewood (if desired, some Rose may be added, but I have omitted it as genuine Rose oil is prohibitively expensive) Bath #5 -- 3 parts Cedarwood, 2 parts Sandalwood, 1 part Frankincense Bath #6 -- 2 parts Palmarosa, 1 part Sandalwood, 1 part Myrrh, 1 part Ylang-Ylang This should get you started. Helpful hint: I use a small spoon or miniature wire whisk to blend the oils through the salts evenly. *WARNING* -- fiddling with essential oils and making bath salts is addictive. Your nose could become highly trained, and you will eventually become overloaded with bathsalts, thus necessitating the buying of cute little oriental boxes or other pretty packaging to fill with salts and give as appreciated gifts. Think carefully before you embark! :)