CROCHETED BASKET Size: Height about 4", without handle. Materials: J. & P. Coats Knit-Cro-Sheen, 1 ball (250 yds) ecru No. 61; steel crochet hook No. 10; glass for insert, 2 1/2" in diam- eter and 3" in height. BASE: Starting at center of base, ch 5. Join with sl st to form ring. lst rnd Work 10 sc in ring. Do not join rnds for base, but mark beg of rnds with pin. 2nd rnd Work 2 sc in each sc around (20 sc). 3rd rnd Work 1 sc in each sc around. 4th rnd ' Work 1 sc in next sc, 2 sc in next sc. Repeat from * around (30 sc). 5th md ' Work 1 sc in each of next 2 sc, 2 sc in next sc. Repeat from ' around (40 sc). Work even in sc for 7 rnd. 7th md Inc 70 sc evenly spaced around (50 sc). Work even in sc for 7 rnd. 9th rnd Repeat 7th rnd (60 sc). ldth md Inc 4 sc evenly spaced around (64 sc). 11th rnd Ch 3, work 1 dc in each sc of last rnd (64 dc, counting ch-3 as one dc). Join with sl st to top of ch-3. Piece should measure 2 1/2" in diam- eter. Work will start to cup for side section. Side Section: 1st Ch 3, working in dc, inc 7 O dc evenly around (74 dc). Join with sl st to top of ch-3. 2nd md Ch 3, work 1 dc in each dc around (74 dc). Join. 3rd rnd For this rnd only, all sts are worked in back of top chain of dcs of last rnd. Ch 5, skip 1 dc, insert hook in loop in back of top ch of next dc and work 1 sc in this loop, *ch 2, slip next dc, repeat from * around. ending ch 2, skip last dc, join with sl st to 3rd ch of ch-5 (37 sp). From now on work in back loop only of each sc. 4th rnd Ch 3, skip ch-2, sc in back loop of next sc, - ch 2, skip ch-2, sc in back loop of next sc. Repeat from ' around, ending ch 2. sl st in first ch of ch-3. Repeat last rnd 7 times more (there are 9 rnds of spaces). 12th rnd - Ch 5. skip next sc. sc in back loop of next sc. Repeat from * around, ending ch 5. skip next ch-2 of last rnd, sc in top loop of center ch st of first ch-5 of this rnd. From now on, work in top ~oop only of ch st. 13th rnd Ch 5. sc in top loop of center st of next ch-5. Repeat from * around. Repeat last rnd 5 times more. There are 7 rnds of large spaces. 19th rnd f Ch 3, sc in top loop of center st of ch-5 loop. Repeat from " around, ending ch 3, sc in top loop of first ch-3. 20th rnd + Ch 5, sc in top loop of center st of ch-3 loop. Repeat from * around. Re- peat iast rnd once more, working into cen- ter st of ch-5 loop. Do not break off. Ruffle: lst md SI st in next 2 ch StS, sC in next sc, " ch 2, in top loop of center st of next ch-5 loop work (2 tr, ch 1, 2 tr, Cjh 1 and 2 tr); ch 2. sc in next sc. Repeat from * around, work last sc in first sc. 2nd * Ch 5, skip ch-2 and next tr, sc in next tr, (ch 5, skip ch 1 and tr, sc in next tr) lwice; ch 5, sc in next sc. Repeat from * around. 3rd rnd * Ch 5. sc in center st of next ch-5 loop, ch 3, work 3 dc in next ch-5 loop, ch 3, sc in center st of next loop. Repeat from * around. 4th md Work 3 dc in first ch-5 loop, ch 3, sc in last dc worked for a picot; in same ch-5 loop work (4 dc, picot and 3 dc); ' ch 3, skip ch-3 and next 2 dc. sc in next dc, ch 3, sc in last sc worked for picot, ch 3, skip ch-3 and sc, in next ch-5 loop work (3 dc, picot, 4 dc, picot and 3 dc). Repeat from * around. Join and break off. HANDLE: Ch 9. lst row Work 7 dc in 4th ch st from hook and in each remaining ch (7 dc, counting ch-3 as one dc). Ch 3, turn. 2nd row Skip first dc, dc in next dc, ch 1, skip next dc. dc in next dc, ch 1, dc in next dc, dc in top of turning ch. Ch 3, turn. 3rd row Skip first dc, dc in next dc, (ch 1, skip ch-l, dc in next dc) twice; dc n top of turning ch. Ch 3. turn. Repeat last row until handle measures 8" or de- sired length. Break off. FINISHING: If your work has become soiled, wash it before starching. Let it dry thor- oughly, then starch basket and handle with sugar and water or use a very strong solution of any commercial starch. Do not use spray starch as it is not strong enough. Place glass in basket while wet, then stretch and shape basket and ruffle while drying. Let handle dry flat. Sew handle in place. Add silk posies!