How to Crochet Buttons Materials: Cover Your Own Buttons Size 10 steel crochet hook for close stitch for thin cotton Size 8 " " " for thin yarn Size 6 " " " for medium weight yarn Ch 3, join with a slip st to form ring. RND 1: Work 6 sc in ring. RND 2: Work 2 sc in each sc around (12 sc). RND 3: * Work 1 sc in next sc, 2 sc in next sc; repeat from * around (18 sc) - If necessary to make platter of mold larger, then continue to increase 6 sc on each rnd until piece measures across platter of mold. Work 1 rnd even. Hold crocheted platter over mold and work as follows: Dec RND: * 1 sc in next sc, skip 1 sc; repeat from * around, repeating this dec RND making sure to hold mold firmly as you are working over it until cover for mold is completely closed. End off, leaving enough yarn to sew with.