From: J. BARRETT Title: Winged dragon, cr Categories: Crochet Servings: 1 WINGED DRAGON SANDRA BODWIN (RBVJ63B) Size:6"high. Materials:4ply yarn, green,light green,red, and black. Hook size D.Fiberfill,yarn needle. Two 9mm glass cat eyes. Gauge:5 sc = 1". Note1:crochet is worked tightly to make a stiff fabric. Note2:Join end of each rnd with 1 sl st and ch 1 to start next rnd, unless otherwise specified. Caution-for safety: If a baby or young child will be playing with this toy, embroider eyes instead of using glass eyes. DRAGON-BODY:Starting at chest end with green, ch 2. Rnd1:Work 6 sc in second ch from hook. Rnd2:work 2 sc in each sc around-12 sc. Rnd3:Work 2 sc in each sc around-24 sc. Rnds4-11:Work even. Rnd12:Work 1 sc in each of first 16 sc, 2 sc tog, 1 sc in each remaining sc around-23 sc. Rnd13:Work 1 sc in each of first 12 sc, 2sc tog, 1 sc in each remaining sc around-22 sc. Rnd14:Work 1 sc in each of first 3 sc, 2 sc tog, 1 sc in each remaining sc around-21 sc. Rnd15:Work 1 sc in each of first 4 sc, 2 sc tog, 1 sc in each remaining sc around-20 sc. Rnd16:Work first 2 sc tog, 1 sc in each remaining sc around-19 sc. Rnds 17-21:Repeat rnds 12 through 16-14sc. Rnd22:Work 1 sc in each of first 7 sc, 2 sc tog, 1 sc in each remaining sc around-13sc. Rnd23:Work 1 sc in each of first 5 sc, 2 sc tog, 1 sc each remaining sc around-12 sc. Stuff. Rnds26-27:Work 2 sc tog around. Stuff firmly. Fasten off. NECK:With green, ch 10, join with sl st to first st. Rnd1:Work 1 sc in each ch around-10 sc. Rnd2:Work 1 sc in each sc around. Rnds3-9:Repeat rnd 2. Fasten off. HEAD:With green,ch 2. Rnd1:Work 8 sc in second ch from hook. Rnds2-4:Work 1 sc in each sc around. Rnd5:* Work 1 sc in first sc, 2 sc in next sc; repeat from * around-12sc. Rnds6-8:Work 1 sc in each sc around. Rnd9:*Work 1 sc in first sc, 2 sc in secon sc; repeat from * around-18sc. Insert glass eyes in place. Stuff. Rnd10:Work 1 sc in each sc round. Rnd11:Work 1 sc in first sc, 2 sc tog; repeat from * around-12 sc. Rnd12:Work 2 sc tog around-6 sc. Stuff firmly. Rnd13:Work 2 sc tog around-3sc. Fasten off. LEGS:Make four.With green, ch 6, join with sl st to first st. Rnd1:Work 1 sc in each ch around-6 sc. Rnds2-4:Work 1 sc in each sc around. Rnd5:Work 2 sc in each sc around-12 sc, join light green in last sc by pulling off last 2 loops with light green yarn, do not fasten off green yarn. Rnd6:Make one toe with light green yarn by working 3 sc in first st, drop last loop on hook, insert hook in first of 3 sc, pick up dropped loop and draw through first sc-one toe made, 1 sc in next sc,(1 toe in next sc, 1 sc in next sc) twice, join green in last light green sc as above, work 1 sc in each remaining sc around. Fasten off light green. Rnd7:Work 1 sc in each sc around. Stuff. Rnds8-9:Work 2 sc tog around. Fasten off. BLACK RIDGE:With light green ch 32, turn. Work 1 sc in second ch from hook, *1 sc in next ch, 1 hdc in next ch, 1 dc in next ch, 1 hdc in next ch, 1 sc in next ch; repeat from * 5 times more. Fasten off. TONGUE:With red, ch 5, turn. Work 1 sc in each ch across, * ch 3, turn, work 1 sc in each ch, sl st to next st; repeat from * for other fork of tongue. Fasten off. WING:Make two pieces with green and two pieces with light green. Ch 17, turn. Row1:Starting in second ch from hook, work 1 sc in each ch across-16 sc. Ch1, turn. Row2:Work 1 sc in each of first 13 sc. Ch 1, turn. Row3:Work 1 sc in each sc across. Ch1, turn. Row 4:Work 1 sc in each of first 10 sc. Ch 1, turn. Row5:Work 1 sc in each sc across. Ch1, turn. Row6:Work 1 sc in each of first 7 sc. Ch1, turn. Row7:Work 1 sc in each sc across.Ch1,turn. Row8:Work 1 sc in each of first 3 sc.Ch 1, turn. Row 9:Work 1 sc in each sc across. Fasten off. FINISHING-Wings:Place one light green and one green wing piece together, positioning the pieces so tat the green piece will be on the top of each wing and the light green piece will be onthe bottom. With light green yarn and light green piece facing, join the two pieces with one rnd of sc worked through both thicknesses. Sew head to neck. Stuff neck. Sew neck to body. With one ply of light green yarn, sew back ridge to body. Sew legs to body. With black, embroider mouth and nostrils. Sew tongue to mouth. Sew wings to body. Embroider eyes if not using glass eyes.