From: J. BARRETT Title: Beach Granny, from jackie Categories: Crochet Servings: 1 -----------------------------------SIZES--------------------------------- 1 Fits all, 32 - 40 ------------------------MATERIALS (COTTON, 2 1/2 OZ------------------ 4 Skeins violet 4 Skeins turquoise 3 Skeins Royal Blue 3 Skeins Flame 2 Skeins Gold 1 Crochet hook size I 1 Yarn needle ------------------------------GAUGE (CHECK IT)------------------------- 1 Large motif= 10" diam. 1 Small motif= 3 1/2" diam. LARGE MOTIF #1 (make 4) A=Flame, B=Violet, C=Turquoise, D=Gold. With A, ch 6, join with sl st for ring. Rnd 1: ch 1, work 16 sc in ring, join with sl st to first sc. Rnd 2: ch 4, dc in same sc, *sk 1 sc, in next sc work dc and ch 1 and dc; rep from *, join to 3rd ch of beg. ch. Rnd 3: Sl st in first ch 1 sp, ch 3, (yo pull up loop in same sp, yo and through 2 lps) 3 times, yo and through all 4 loops on hook (beg. cluster made), *ch 5, in next sp work (yo, pull up lp in sp, yo and through 2 lps) 4 times, yo and through all 5 loops on hook (cluster made); rep. from *, end ch 5, skip last sc, join to top of beg. cluster- 8 clusters and 8 ch sps. cut yarn. Rnd 4: join B in a ch 5 sp, ch 3, work 7 more dc in same sp, *8 dc in next ch sp; rep from *, join to 3 ch of beg. ch 4 - 8 groups of 8 dc. Rnd 5: ch 4, sk 1 dc, dc in next dc, ch 2, sk 1 dc, *dc in next dc, ch 1, sk 1 dc, dc in following dc, ch 2 sk 1 dc; rep from *, join to 3rd ch of beg ch 4- 32 ch sps. Cut yarn. Rnd 6: join C in a ch 2 sp, ch 3, in same sp work dc and ch 2 and dc, *sk next ch sp, in next ch 2 sp work 2 dc and ch 2 and 2 dc; rep from *, join. Rnd 7: sl st to first ch sp, ch 3, in same sp work 2 dc and ch 1 and 3 dc, *in next ch sp work 3 dc and ch 1 and 3 dc; rep from *, join to beg ch 3. Cut yarn. Rnd 8: join D in a ch 1 sp, ch 1, sc in same sp, *ch 3, 1 dc between last dc of this group and first dc of next group, ch 3, sc in next ch 1 sp; rep from *, end ch 3, join to first sc - 32 ch sps. Rnd 9: ch 1, *sc in sc, work 4 sc in ch 3 loop, sk dc, work 4 sc in next ch 3 loop; rep from *, join. Cut yarn. LARGE MOTIF #2 (make 4) Work as Motif #1, but use colors as follows: A=Gold, B=Turquoise, C=Royal Blue, D=Flame LARGE MOTIF #3 (make 4) Work as Motif #1, but use colors as follows: A=Turquoise, B=Gold, C=Flame, D=Royal Blue LARGE MOTIF #4 (make 4) Work as Motif #1, but use colors as follows: A=Royal Blue, B=Flame, C= Violet, D=Turquoise BACK #7 #7 (fill in, half motif) (#4)(#1)(#2) #5 #5 - (fill in motif) (#2)(#3)(#4) / #6 #6 #6 #6 SLEEVE (#4)(#3)NECK(#1)(#2) SLEEVE #6 #6 #6 #6 (#1)(#2)(#3) \ #5 #5 #5 #5 - (fill in motif) (#3)(#4)(#1) #7 #7 #7 #7 (fill in half motif) FRONT ASSEMBLY: Following layout, sew large motifs together starting at sc above a dc, then sew corresponding stitches of 2 motifs together ending above 3rd dc (4 adjacent loops on each motif are joined). Skip next 4 loops on first motif, and join next motif to this motif starting at stitch above next dc and ending above 3rd dc (another 4 loops joined). Continue until all large motifs of front, back and sleeves are joined. There will be 4 free loops between each seam. SMALL MOTIF #5: (make 6) With violet, ch 5, join with sl st for ring. Rnd 1: Ch 3, work 15 dc more in ring, join to beginning ch 3 - 16 dc. Rnd 2: Ch 1,(sc in sc, ch 4, sk 1 sc) 8 times, join to first sc- 8 lps. Joining Rnd 3:*work 2 sc in lp, skip first free loop next to seam on large motif, sc in center of next large notif loop, work 2 more sc in same lp of small motif, 2 sc in next loop of small motif, sc in center of next free lp on large motif, 2 more sc in same small lp of small motif, skip last free loop on this large motif; repeat from * 3 times around opening (small motif now joined to 4 large motifs), join to first sc. Cut yarn. SMALL MOTIF #6 (make 8)These arm & neck motifs are joined on 3 edges. Rnd 1-2: same as motif #5. Joining Rnd 3: in first loop work 5 sc, in 2nd loop work 5 sc, join rem. 3 edges (6 lps) to large motifs as for motif #5. To finish use colors as follows: A=Violet, B=Turquoise, C=Royal Blue, D=Flame, E=Gold ---------------------------SECOND PART, COVER-UP--------------------- 1 Neck edging 1 Small half motif 1 Finishing HALF MOTIF #7 (make 6) With A, ch 5, join with sl st for ring. Row 1: ch 3, work 8 more dc in ring - 9 dc. Ch 1, turn. Row 2: sc in first dc, (ch 4, skip 1 dc, sc in next dc) 3 times, ch 4 skip 1 dc, sc in 3rd ch of beginning ch 3 - 4 ch loops. Ch 1, turn. Joining Row 3: Work 2 sc in first loop, sc in center of 3rd lp from seam on a large motif at lower edge, 2 sc in same loop of half motif, 2 sc in next half motif loop, sc in center of next loop on large motif, 2 sc in same loop on half motif, join rem 2 loops of half motif to corresponding loops of next large motif. Cut yarn. FINISHING LOWER EDGING: Rnd 1: from right side, join A in center of first free loop of a large motif at lower back edge, pull up a loop, ch 1, *sc in center of loop of large motif, (ch 4, sc in center of next loop) 5 times, ch 4, sc in side of dc of half motif, ch 4, sc in center ring of half motif, ch 4, sc in side of next edge dc of half motif, ch 4; rep from * around, join - 54 loops. Rnd 2: ch 1, work 5 sc in each loop aorund, join. Cut yarn. Rnd 3: Join C in center sc of next loop, pull up a loop, ch 1, sc in joining, ch, *sc in center sc of next loop, ch 4; rep from *, join. Rnd 4: work as for Rnd 8 of neck edging. Cut yarn. RIGHT BACK UNDERARM: Row 1: from wrong side, join a color other than A in last free loop of sleeve motif #3, (ch 4, sc in next free loop of small motif #6) twice, ch 4, sl st in center of first free loop of side edge large motif #2 - three ch 4 loops. Turn. Row 2: work 5 sc in each loop across, sl st at beginning of last row. Cut yarn. Row 3: join another color other than A in next free loop of sleeve large motif, (ch 4, sc in center of nex loop) 3 times, ch 4, sl st in next free loop of large motif - 4 loops. Turn Row 4: rep row 2, cut yarn. Turn. Row 5: join A in 8th free loop of sleeve large motif, (ch 4, sc in next free loop) 11 times, ch 4, sl st in next free loop of side large motif - 12 loops. Turn. Row 6: Rep row 2. Turn. Row 7: sl st to center of first loop, (ch 4, sc in center of next lp) 11 times, ch 4, sl st at top edge of seam of side edge large motifs. Turn. Row 8: Rep row 2. RIGHT FRONT UNDERARM: Row 1: from wrong side, join a color other than A in last free loop of right front side edge motif #1,(ch 4, sc in next free loop of small motif)twice, ch 4, sl st in next free loop of sleeve large motif. Work rows 2-7 to correspond to right back underarm, reversing all shaping. Turn. UNDERARM JOINING Row 8: *work 2 sc in next loop, sc in center of corresponding loop on row 8 of back underarm, 2 sc in same loop of front underarm; rep from * across. Cut yarn. Left Front Underarm: work as for right front underarm. Left Back Underarm: work as for right back underarm. EDGING: Rnd 1: from right side, join D in sleeve edge at underarm joining, work 30 sc evenly around wrist edge, join to first sc. Rnd 2: * sc in 5 sc, ch 3, sl st in 3rd ch from hook for picot; rep from *, join. Cut yarn. From wrong side, lightly steam flat all seam edges and joinings. NECK EDGING Rnd 1: from right side, join A in center of first free loop of a large motif at back neck edge, pull up loop, ch 1, sc in center st of loop, ch 2, * sc in center st of next free lp, ch 2; rep from * around large and small motifs of neck edge, join to first sc- 32 loops. Rnd 2: ch 1, work 3 sc in each ch sp around, join. Rnd 3: ch 1, *sc in next sc, ch 3, sk 2 sc, rep from * around, join. Cut. Rnd 4: join B in next ch 3 sp, ch 1 work 3 sc in each ch space around, join. Rnd 5: Ch 5 (counts as dc and ch 2), sk 2 sc, *dc in next sc, ch 2 skip 2 sc; rep from * around, join. Cut yarn. Rnd 6: join C in next ch sp, ch 1, work 3 sc in each ch sp around, join. Cut yarn. Rnd 7: join D in joining of last rnd, ch 1, *sc in next sc, ch 3, ckip 5 sc; rep from *, join. Rnd 8: *in next ch 3 space, work 2 sc, ch 3, sl st in 3 rd ch from hook for picot, 2 sc in same space; rep from *, join. Cut yarn.