Denim and Doily Vest MATERIALS: Denim Vest Large Lace Doily Large Battenburg Lace Heart-Shaped Doily 2 5" Battenburg Lace Doilies 3 2-1/2" Square Battenburg Lace Doilies Yard of "Pearls by the Yard" Assorted Jewels, Pearls, Trim and Ribbon Cloth Roses (To embellish) 3 Yards White Lace White Picot Spool O'Ribbon Fabric Glue Scissors DIRECTIONS: 1. Glue large lace doily to front right side of vest. (Refer to photo for placement) 2. Glue a small square doily above large doily. 3. Glue the two 5" lace doilies to bottom left of vest front, then connect them with a piece of trimming. (Refer to photo) 4. Glue remaining 2 small square doilies to top left side of vest. 5. Glue heart doily to center back of vest. Outline heart by gluing on pearls by the yard. 6. Make several small bows with white spool o' ribbon and glue them to front of vest as desired. (Refer to photo for placement suggestion) 7. Glue lace around edges of vest. 8. Glue on assorted jewels and trim to embellish as desired. (Refer to photo for suggestion)