Tememberance Boudoir COVERED ALBUM SEE REM-B1.ZIP and REM-B2.ZIP for GIFs of finished projects. Fabricraft peel 'n stick 4C11 Remembrance Mini Bone 3 3/8" wide mauve ribbon roses Fabricraft peel 'n stick 4C12 Remembrance Bone Paisley 2 1/2 yds. wide burgundy upholstery piping 1/8 yard of 3/8" long ivory teardrop pearl trim Fabricraft peel 'n stick 4C81 Rice Paper lO"xl2" three-ring binder 3" long bwrgwndy tassel 5"x7" mat with rectangular opening sponge clothespins pencil ruler scissors 5"x7" of cardboard (if mat does not come with a back) 4" wide white Battenberg heart doily tacky craft glue or glue gun and sticks 1. Album: Cut a 14"x24" piece of Mini Bone Fabricraft covering and adhere it to the outside of the notebook. At each comer, fold a triangle to the back, then wrap the side edges to the back. Glue piping around the outer edges, beginning and ending at a back corner. 2. Glue the tassel string to the inside front so it hangs over the edge, left corner. Cut Rice Paper slightly smaller than the round the left corners and adhere to line the inside front. Repeat for the back, rounding in the right corners. 3. Frame: Using the Bone Paisley, follow steps 1-3 below for the mirror, omitting the batting and mirror. Clip the fabric only to the corners of the inner opening; adhere Rice Paper to the front of the cardboard backing. Glue the frame to the backing, leaving an opening at the center top to insert a picture. Glue the frame to the notebook center front. Cut 2-1/3" of pearls and glue diagonally across the upper right frame corner. Glue the doily, roses and pearls to the lower left corner.