By: Donna L. Bonchin There is a terrific video out by Sandra Betzina Webster called Handwoven & Quilted Garments. It is about sewing handwoven fabric into garments - interfac- ing, seam treatments, hems, trim techniques, etc. I saw it advertised in a sewing mag (either McCalls or Sew News) and sent for it. It is $24.95 and about 2 hrs. long. Even though it says its 105 minutes. She also interviews a designer (forgot his name) who makes & markets quilting in garments - beautiful stuff. I'm a video junkie when it comes to weaving and this is definitely (in my opinion) the best yet. It is available from Power Sewing, 1-800-845-7474. The rest of her videos and books are strictly sewing info. Donna Bonchin(not connected to Power Sewing)