From: JANE DEVLIN Circular Dishcloth (knit) Materials: 1 - 1 3/4 oz skein cotton yarn (Lily Sugar & Cream or equivalent), #9 knitting needles, yarn needle Note: dishcloth is knit in wedges with rows starting at the center and running to the outside edge. Cast on 15 st. Row 1: K 15 Row 2: K 3, YO, K 11, turn Row 3: Slip 1 as if to purl [S1P], K 14 Row 4-7: repeat rows 2 & 3 twice Row 8: Bind off 3 st, K 2, YO, K 8, turn Row 9: S1P, K 11 Row 10: K3, YO, K8, turn Rows 11-13: repeat rows 9, 10 & 9 Row 14: Bind off 3, K 2, YO, K 5, turn Row 15: S1P, K 8 Row 16: K3, YO, K5 Rows 17-19: repeat rows 15, 16 & 15 Row 20: Bind off 3, K to end Repeat rows 1-20 six more times (7 wedges). With yarn needle, weave stitches from last row to cast on stitches, gather points of triangles in center with yarn and fasten. Run yarn ends into work.