Love Seat "Almost" No-Sew Cover Materials: 2 King Size FLAT Sheets 1/2" Wide Cording (measure to fit) Sew King size sheets together lengthwise. Drape sheet over Love Seat, big hemmed end at the front. Tuck sheet behind seat cushions to anchor, making sure the sheet drapes onto floor around sides and front of love seat. Measure the circumference of the love seat, double this amount plus 6 feet. C x 2 + 6 = Total 14 ft x 2 = 28 ft + 6 ft = 34 ft = 10 1/3 yds Double the cording. Wrap cording around base of loveseat placing near bottom of seat cushions in front. Tie into decorative bow or knot at the left or right side of sofa. Or to hide joining, tie in back of love seat. Work sheet into desired position of it needs it. Cut excess sheeting from sides and back. Front should have sheet positioned so as to utilize the hemming in the sheet as noted in the beginning of the instructions. Voila! Hints: Double stitch for strength when joining the sheets. Remember people will be sitting on this. If you use 100% cotton, prewash for shrinkage. Sturdy Sheets recommended. Treat with Scotchguard, especially if you have children!