By: Theresa Merkling Mitered Corner Hints #2 "Mitered corners can be done when there is excess backing fabric all the way around the outside edge of the quilt. With this technique, the backing creates the final border. "Trim the backing so that the excess fabric is equal all the way around the outside edge of the quilt. "Trim the batting to slightly half the width of the excess backing, 1/4" less than half is plenty. "Fold the corners of the backing inward as illustrated. Tuck the tip of the corner under as shown in detail. /------------------------ <------------------------| / |----------------------- | / /----------------------- | ---/| | | | | | (the top | | | | section) "Fold backing to overlap the last border by 1/2". ---| --------------- |\ | \------------- | | "Turn the raw edges under 1/4". "Pin often. "Edge stitch through all three layers. "Hand stitch the miter." Sorry my illustrations aren't more useful. I'll try to find that alternate technique for you.