See RSFVR1.ZIP and RSFVR2.ZIP for .GIF views of this project Fabricraft Rose Fever Covered Frame Fabricraft n'peel 'n stick 4C25 Rose Fever Mini Black 3 - 1" wide dark pink ribbon roses Fabricraft n'peel 'n stick 4C91 Black Velour 8 1/2" wide dark pink ribbon roses 5"x7" woodframe 4 - 1" wide dark pink ribbon roses 3"x5" mat pencil, scissors, tacky craft glue or glue gun and sticks 1. Separate the frame, cardboard back, inner and outer mats. Trace the outer mat on the paper side of the floral fabric. Cut 1/2" larger than line. Clip each inside corner. Remove the backing and press onto the mat folding over each edge. Repeat with Velour on the inner mat. Cut a 1/4" wide Velour strip and press onto the frame. 2. Put the picture and mats together. Loop and glue the ribbon as shown with a ribbon rose over each glue spot. Tie two shoestring bows with 1" loops. Glue to opposite comers with 1" roses in the centers as shown.