For those who have been in on the tambour thread, I don't remember seeing anyone post a source for the hooks. If I missed it, sorry for this, but they are available from: Garden of Beadin' 1-800-232-3588 _An inexpensive tambour hook and needle_ "A tambour beading needle needs a sharp point, unlike the blunter point of a tambour crochet hook. A shortened industrial machine- embroidery needle (No. 80, series 253M) (bottom of photo) makes an excellent tambour hook when inserted into a metal razor handle like the Excel USA, about $2 at art supply stores. Red nail polish painted on one quadrant of the handle vise makrs the needle face position. Traditional wood (about $15) or metal handles also work, but the single screw tends to bend the needle. You can order a needle from Jan Bryant [the author]. Send a check for $3 per needle and a self-addressed, stamped envelope to PO Box 8162, Los Angeles, CA, 90008. The plastic tip cover that comes with the Excel handle is great for protecting the needle when it's not in use. To shorten the needle, break the shaft where it begins to thicken. Grip the threaded shaft with pliers, grasp the muslin-covered point and thin section, and snap the needle in two." My understanding is that tambor hooks are like metal crochet hooks with a different handle. They can be used for both embroidery and beading. I know that _Threads_ magazine had an article in the last 2 years about beading using a tambor hook.