Thank You for using Soldier Editor There are a few things you should be aware of before using the soldier editor. I. The soldier editor must be executed within the save game directory you wish to edit. Ex. c:\mps\ufo\game_1. That would be the directory to run Soldedit from within to edit the soldiers in game 1. II. The Wound Recovery option heals all of your soldiers from any wounds they might have recieved in their past missions. You will still need to reassign them to a ship. III. The Max Out option kicks up all of your abilities to the farthest they can go without screwing up the graphs. We recommend that if you use Max Out, you keep using it to stop your soldiers from advancing to too high of an ability. This is a bug in the game, not the editor. IV. The Stagger option randomizes your abilities on the high end, so that a cursory glanc, it doesn't look like you cheated. Once Again, watch your abilities. V. As a disclaimer, we are not responsible for anything this program might do. So far it has worked, but there just ain't no guarentees in life. Programmer and Hacker: Michael Burk Assistant Hacker: Steve Osborn Distributor: James Glover /^\ | \|/ /|\ / \ |/_ _\|