ABLEnews Extra [The following file may be freq'd as MEDEX404.* from 1:109/909 and other BBS's that carry the ABLEFiles Distribution Network (AFDN). Please allow a few days for processing.] Without Consent The May 15, 1994 Of Note (ON9405B.*) noted: A congressional report, obtained by the Associated Press, concluded that government regulations on when doctors can experiment on patients without their consent are contradictory and the oversight is negligible. "It would seem investigators often exceed the bounds of good judgment and ethical consideration," Rep. Ron Wyden (D-OR) wrote the chiefs of the National Institutes of Health and Food and Drug Administration. "Uncertainty and confusion with regard to federal requirements... could play havoc with patient's lives." The report cited the following unauthorized experiments: --Several hospitals without FDA permission, sidestepped standard cardiopulmonary resuscitation--CPR--and substituted a machine that pumps the chest. FDA halted the tests and said further research must be on consenting patients. The subcommittee said the adults- only pump was used on children and on patients who had requested they not be resuscitated. The manufacturer, Ambu International did not return calls seeking comment. --A hospital drew blood samples from drunken patients for up to eight hours to test blood sugar in a study unrelated to their treatment. Drunken patients are generally hospitalized that long to sober up, and drawing blood to measure alcohol-induced glucose fluctuation met the the NIH's risk requirement, said Kenneth Arnold, attorney for Rhode Island Hospital in Providence. But a worker complained, so the study was stopped until the hospital writes its own ethics guidelines. --Unconscious head-trauma patients were given an experimental drug, designed to stop cell damage from the lack of oxygen, or a placebo. NIH wouldn't sanction the trial. The FDA briefly halted it and asked the drug manufacturer to seek family permission. The company. Sterling Winthrop Inc., called that too costly, said an official who reviewed FDA's private files and requested anonymity. The company refused comment on family consent. {Panel Questions Ethics of Experiments, Martinsburg Journal, 4/21/94] A Fidonet-backbone echo featuring disability/medical news and information, ABLEnews is carried by more than 260 BBSs in the US, Canada, Australia, Great Britain, Greece, and Sweden. The echo, available from Fidonet and Planet Connect, is gated to the ADANet, FamilyNet, and World Message Exchange networks. ABLEnews text files--including our digests: Of Note and Mednotes (suitable for bulletin and file use) are disseminated via the ABLEfile Distribution Network, which is available from the filebone and Planet Connect. ...For further information, contact CURE, 812 Stephen Street, Berkeley Springs, West Virginia 254511 (304-258-LIFE/5433).