=========================================================================== BBS: premier.uu.holonet.net Date: 06-02-94 (01:38) Number: 1376 From: INTERNET: AT425@YFN.YSU.E Refer#: NONE To: ** ALL ** Recvd: NO Subj: New MST3K software Conf: (22) MST3K --------------------------------------------------------------------------- I'd like to announce the newest in a line of compilers from Borland: Torgo C++. It compiles the same, but all the error messages are of the form "Line 16: tHe MaStEr dOeS NoT apProVe oF nuLl pOinTeR AssiGnMenTs." -- Tom Salyers "Now is the Windows of our disk contents IRCnick: Aqualung made glorious SimEarth by this Sun of Zork." Denver, CO ---Richard v3.0 =========================================================================== BBS: premier.uu.holonet.net Date: 06-02-94 (01:38) Number: 1374 From: INTERNET: MOOKIE@U.WASHIN Refer#: NONE To: ** ALL ** Recvd: NO Subj: Rec Arts Tv Mst3k Tomorro Conf: (22) MST3K --------------------------------------------------------------------------- The following USENET groups have passed their votes and are being created on the date indicated, barring any serious objections regarding the handling of the vote. Please do not create them before the control message is sent. GROUP STAT VOTE DATE INFO CONTACT rec.arts.tv.mst3k y 416:67 0524 grohol@alpha.acast.nova.edu =========================================================================== BBS: premier.uu.holonet.net Date: 06-02-94 (01:38) Number: 1373 From: INTERNET: BRIAN@SDG.DRA.C Refer#: NONE To: ** ALL ** Recvd: NO Subj: Hy-5...The Drink of Fate Conf: (22) MST3K --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Anyone ever heard of Hy-5? It's a sports drink like Gatoraid. Anyway, on each bottle are 2 large hands, a la the Master's cape from Manos! I tell ya, it's the drink of champions! Just ask Torgo!!!! =========================================================================== BBS: premier.uu.holonet.net Date: 06-02-94 (01:38) Number: 1378 From: INTERNET: TOMSERVO@ACCESS Refer#: NONE To: ** ALL ** Recvd: NO Subj: Re: CC ads on the RADIO!! Conf: (22) MST3K --------------------------------------------------------------------------- >I just heard over a local radio station ads for comedy central, >promoting their new slogan "What the h*** is going on around here?!" >(Which is what most of us think every time we try to tune in to >MST ;)...anyway, it's Penn's lovely voice (not!), and so far >there only seems to be one version of the commerical...one that >advertises WLITA?, KinH, and SNL (thank goodness it's not >S-US-U or SAST!)....hopefully there will be others that involve MST.... CC is running one in the DC area on the Howard Stern radio show (and possibly elsewhere). It mentions MST3K; in fact, Penn starts describing the premise when a group of voices comes on and says the tag line. They alternate this one with the KitH/WLIIA/SNL spot. (Side note: this is kind of ironic, since Stern has said over and over that he hates the people at CC.) -- Scott Fabbri MSTie #31643 tomservo@access.digex.net =========================================================================== BBS: premier.uu.holonet.net Date: 06-02-94 (01:38) Number: 1380 From: INTERNET: JGL2P@LANDAU5.P Refer#: NONE To: ** ALL ** Recvd: NO Subj: Patricide Conf: (22) MST3K --------------------------------------------------------------------------- I wish to announce the imminent death of my father. Dad likes MST3K, but Clemson doesn't get Comedy Central, so he asked me to bring him some tapes. He's getting a tape with, in order Manos, Hands of Fate Monster A-Go-Go Castle of Fu Manchu I don't think the poor man will live through it. =========================================================================== BBS: premier.uu.holonet.net Date: 06-02-94 (01:38) Number: 1381 From: INTERNET: VONKROP@INDY.NA Refer#: NONE To: ** ALL ** Recvd: NO Subj: Taping at the con might b Conf: (22) MST3K --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Um, I hate to rain on everyone's parade here, but from the sounds of things, it looks like the Radisson doesn't want people messing with their TVs. Period. Let's face it, the TVs are Radisson's property, and if you damage one while hooking up a VCR, the Radisson has to pick up the cost of getting it fixed. Now I agree that you probably won't do that much damage (maybe screw up the wiring is all) but it still would mean some hassle for the hotel. And depending on how ticked off the Radisson gets about it, it could mean anything from higher room fees to no Forrester packages offered at all for future conventions. Just something to think about -- =========================================================================== BBS: premier.uu.holonet.net Date: 06-02-94 (01:39) Number: 1408 From: INTERNET: LARRY1103@DELPH Refer#: NONE To: ** ALL ** Recvd: NO Subj: Re: OUR LETTERS TO UNIVER Conf: (22) MST3K --------------------------------------------------------------------------- This also made it to the Philadelphia Inquirer on Sunday. They even included an excerpt from a letter: (okay, I just can't resist- I'll type the whole article!) btw, "|" is for bold print. This is by Steven Rea (just to give him credit) ___________________________________________________________________________ |Play "Mystery" for Me.| Fans of _Mystery Science Theater 3000_, the Comedy Channel cult fave that merrily lampoons old and cheesy flicks, especially old and cheesy sci-fi and horror flicks, are up in arms over news that Universal Pictures, which had struck a deal to develop a big screen _MST3K_ project, is getting cold feet. Diehard "Misties" (as they're wont to dub themselves) are inundating Universal production cheif |Casey Silver| with pleas to reconsider. Part of one of the hundreds of epistles dropped on Silver - this one from a |Debra Caruthers| in Santa Barbara, Calif. - goes like this: "I heard a story once that, in the mid '20s, a young man named Walt suggested doing a cartoon about a little black mouse to the executives at Universal. They declined the idea. So young Walt built his oun empire, practically next door. Missed oppurtunities. They're not a pretty sight." No response yet from Silver's office. ___________________________________________________________________________ Well, HA. _I_ posted the article. I wonder what would've happened if Mickey went to Universal? =========================================================================== BBS: premier.uu.holonet.net Date: 06-03-94 (03:15) Number: 1527 From: INTERNET: JENKINS@MHD1.MO Refer#: NONE To: ** ALL ** Recvd: NO Subj: Copyright Infringement! Conf: (22) MST3K --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ___ CCCC OOOO PPPP Y Y RRRR IIIII GGGG H H TTTTTTT ./ \. C O O P P Y Y R R I G H H T | C | C O O PPPP Y RRRR I G GGG HHHHH T `\___/' C O O P Y R R I G G H H T CCCC OOOO P Y R R IIIII GGGG H H T T IIIII N N FFFF RRRR IIIII N N GGGG EEEE MM MM EEEE N N T I NN N F R R I NN N G E M M M E NN N T I N N N FFF RRRR I N N N G GGG EEE M M EEE N N N T I N NN F R R I N N G G E M M E N NN T IIIII N N F R R IIIII N N GGGG EEEE M M EEEE N N T =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ Howdie! (Hi.) If you're wondering what a hot and controversial title like this is doing on your newsgroup (yeah, right!), it's because we're a short- term, temporary publication for the con-goers of the national MYSTERY SCIENCE THEATER 3000 convention taking place this fall on September 16 and 17 at the Radisson South, Bloomington! (*Whew!*) "Are you serious?!" you ask? Heck no! If we were serious, we'd be New York lawyers and be making millions and millions of dollars! So, instead, our intention is to keep fans informed about the fan goings-on at the ConventoInventa...uh, the ConvoCreat-o...um, you know, the convention thingie everybody's been talking about! How do we do this? Easy -- join a mailing list! Mind you, now, the mailing list is edited and will be mailed out whenever the editor darn like feels like it! But, hey -- what do you want for free? Wanna join? Easy! Make an e-mail reply to this posting right now! Not going to the con but you're desperate for e-mail? Sure! Why not? Reply & request to be added to the list. What if the convention has now (by the time you read this) come and gone and is a long-lost memory? Well, you can beg, plead and grovel for back issues of the mailings, but what's the point? It's OVER! Now, mind you, we've got nothing to do with BEST BRAINS, INC., as great and powerful as they are.... Until we're told to cease and desist, we're COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT! This notice copyright 1994 Rocky and Ken Forklift Team. All right reserved. -- * Lisa Jenkins ,_\\._, jenkins@mhd1.moorhead.msus.edu / &&\_\&\ /___&&&&__\ |`COMEDY `| This has been a presentation of.... | -=CENTRAL.| `\-----&---/` \ ____& / =========================================================================== BBS: premier.uu.holonet.net Date: 06-04-94 (20:26) Number: 1851 From: INTERNET: LYNSARED@TELEPO Refer#: NONE To: ** ALL ** Recvd: NO Subj: Re: ATTN MAC USERS: Stack Conf: (22) MST3K --------------------------------------------------------------------------- > What does this have to do with the Stack O'Love? > > Please forgive my ignorance, but my .net access was removed from me for a > while, and I only just got over the surgery.... > > Any info regarding the SOL will be greatly appreciated... OK, to save time I'm also posting this to r.a.t.m so the new people there can catch up. -sigh- mac.archive.umich wanted to put Stack O' Love version 2.0 in their ftp site, but they couldn't do it without permission from Best Brains, since it contains copyrighted material. I gave them Jim Mallon's email address, with a caveat that he rarely answers; the boneheads sent the request with that mild insult attached. I don't know if it had any influence, but about a month later I got an email from Julie Walker (only after I asked her about it in alt.tv.mst3k) telling me Jim wants me to stop distributing the SOL, followed up by an email from Mallon himself about two weeks later. Both letters were polite. I stress: *No legal action has been taken against me at this date, nor has any been threatened.* Points: 1) None of the copyright material I used for the SOL was taken from the show by me. It still exists, widely available on the Internet, CompuServe and America OnLine. If I stop distributing the SOL, the copyright violations will still exist. 2) If BBI is concerned about copyright, it should patrol the net and online services more closely for violations. BBI members are on all major online services and have access to the Internet. 3) The graphics and sound in the SOL, while adequate for the task, are low quality--1-bit black and white, 11 khz sound. That was to save room in what is already a huge document (1.4M). This is hardly a threat to any kind of database program BBI itself may want to put out. 4) I notified BBI via email in November before I uploaded version 1.0 to the Internet about the program's existence and asked if they had any problem with it. I got no reply. I took that as a "We don't care," not that off an assumption when you look at the gigabytes of other MST copyright violations floating around cyberspace. 5) BBI could easily license the SOL for one year's non-profit distribution at literally no loss to themselves. I did not put the stack together with thought of profit and have turned down any shareware fees anyone has attempted to send me. (Easy enough; I just don't send them my snail mail address.) Since the stack's upload and enthusiastic reception, I have begun working (though not lately *blush*) on a commercial version demo to present to BBI. It's obvious there's a market for an MST database, and the team behind Torgo the Module of Fate wants to take it to its extreme conclusion: The Disc O' Love CD-ROM. Though I programmed the SOL by myself, it's the only program I've ever written, and I'm not up to the task of programming a CD in C. Brandon The Computer God is an actual CD-ROM interactive game programmer, I mean, he gets *paid* to do it, so if I ever get my act together it'll happen. At least, BBI will get to see it. At this point, I don't have high hopes for its acceptance. So that's the story behind BBI vs the Stack O' Love. Updates can be found, Adam Curry-like, on my World Wide Web page, URL to be found in my .sig file. Lynsa is lynsared@teleport.com: Look for the Stack O' Love version 2.0, the Ultimate MSTie database, at finer ftp sites until further notice! Remember: If MST Databases are Outlawed, Only Cabot Will Have MST Databases. And check out my mutating-every-hour World Wide Web home page: http://www.teleport.com:80/~lynsared ===========================================================================