The World's of BOB: There are 6 Worlds in BOB. Each is 16x8.. 128 blocks. Each world has a region name to help you keep track of yourself Each world can contain up to 30 sub-worlds. A sub-world is exactly that, a world under the world. Each sub-world is 5x5.. 25 blocks. I'll bet that most of the good stuff is hiding in sub-worlds. When you execute a LOOK command on a world block and there is a sub-world under that block, you will automatically drop into that sub-world. You can type L (Leave) to exit the sub-world at any time. Each World (region) has 5 cities. Use the LOOK command to enter the city. Use the L again to leave the city. Hint: Bartenders are full of information. If you ask the right questions or have enough Gold. Hit Return to Continue