LOD 4.00 Bug Fix! This file contains various "fixes" for bugs that may occur in the release version of LOD. Due to the size of LOD (approx 3 megs), I have decided to release these minor bug fixes rather than re-release the entire package. Filename: LxxxFIXy.ZIP xxx is the version number of lod. y is the revision of the bug fix file. e.g. L400FIX2.ZIP is bug fix #2 for LOD version 4.00 Contained in the bug fix file will always be a text description of the bug(s) that are present and/or replacement files to fix the bugs. Bug fix files can always be obtained from the LOD support bbs at 1-602-544-4655. ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------- BUG: "Resource.000 not present! Please unzip LODxxxC.ZIP ..." DESCRIPTION: LOD will terminate with the above message and wait for a key press from the sysop's keyboard. The bug will occur when all of the following conditions are met: 1) LOD is run in EGA mode 2) ... and running in a MULTINODE setup 3) ... and two people try to play at the same time. SYSTEMS AFFECTED: Only those running MORE THAN ONE NODE and in EGA MODE. Sysops running only one node or who are running multiple nodes in ANSI mode need not concern themselves with this bug. CURE: Replace GAME.EXE and GAME.OVR with the files supplied in this bug fix archive. ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------- BUG: CVT400.EXE is missing; There is no way to convert pre-4.00 games to 4.00. DESCRIPTION: There was supposed to be a file called "CVT400.EXE" which would convert pre-4.00 LOD games to the new 4.00 data formats. Unfotunately, it got left out. This file is only necessary if you need to upgrade an old game to 4.00; If you are resetting the game, you needn't worry. SYSTEMS AFFECTED: Anyone who wants to upgrade an old game. CURE: CVT400.EXE is included with this archive.