Mah Jongg Tile Set Description Tile Set Name: ELECT.Til Subject: ELECTRONIC SYMBOL DRAWINGS Created by Jesse Abel MAY 1992 Description: I hope you will enjoy this set of tiles as much as I have. Below is a list of the Tiles. The four colored tools are matches and the four colored pieces of test equipment are also matches. Enjoy 1. Diode 2. Zenor Diode 3. Resistor 4. Capacitor 5. OHM Symbol 6. Speaker 7. Head Phones 8. PNP Transistor 9. NPN Transistor 10. FET Transistor 11. Vacuum Tube 12. Transformer 13. Fuse 14. Relay 15. Battery 16. Small Chip 17. Large Chip 18. OPS Amplifier 19. Inverter 20. Nand Gate 21. Rotor Switch 22. Toggle Switch 23. Stereo Head Phone Jack 24. Antenna 25. Crystal 26. Circuit Ground 27. Ohms Law Table 28. Incadesent Lamp 29. Neon Lamp 30. Inductor 31. Speaker 32. Circuit Breaker 33. Light Emitting Diode 34. Chassis Ground 35. Soldering Iron 36. Terminal Crimpers 37. Wire Cutters 38. Screw Driver 39. Multimeter 40. Oscilloscope 41. Frequency Counter 42. Power Supply