PRODIGY(R) interactive personal service 03/26 12:47 PM Number of notes exported: 46 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Board: GAMES BB ^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Topic: FANTASY GAMES M-Z ^^^^^^^^^^^^ =============== Note 1 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: FANTASY GAMES M-Z Subject: MYST To: ALL Date: 03/09 From: VVXC39A JAMES SCOTT Time: 12:14 PM DOES ANYONE HAVE ANY SOLUTIONS TO AN INTERMITTENT "ERROR IS RESLOCK IN AVIEW::OPERATOR=" LOCKUP IN THE NEW MPC VERSION OF MYST, ALWAYS FOLLOWED BY A GENERAL PROTECTION FAULT AND CRASH. BRODERBUND DOESN'T SEEM AWARE OF THE PROBLEM. HAS ANYONE ELSE HAD THE SAME THING HAPPEN OR KNOW HOW TO FIX IT? THANKS./ =============== Reply 1 of Note 1 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: FANTASY GAMES M-Z Subject: MYST To: VVXC39A JAMES SCOTT Date: 03/12 From: KBHA99A WILL BIELINSKI Time: 4:04 PM Check the hardware jumpers pn your Aview Video Card.... ake sure they are set to VESA support if it is a VLB card =============== Reply 2 of Note 1 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: FANTASY GAMES M-Z Subject: MYST To: KBHA99A WILL BIELINSKI Date: 03/13 From: VVXC39A JAMES SCOTT Time: 4:48 PM thanks. will try and post a note if it works. =============== Note 2 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: FANTASY GAMES M-Z Subject: MYST To: ALL Date: 03/10 From: XKMM27A AARON NOVACK Time: 5:11 PM When I go down into the secret door by the dock there is a pool. When I push the button something happens but then I cant do anything. Also what number do I put into the thing in the wall. Lastley when I get to certain places my hard drive goes crazy and I really can't move the pointer. DOes anyone else have this problem. Thanks aaron =============== Reply 1 of Note 2 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: FANTASY GAMES M-Z Subject: MYST To: XKMM27A AARON NOVACK Date: 03/11 From: PVHV01D SARA CHIDESTER Time: 8:19 PM Yeah, I've been having some problems with my hard drive working itself to death. Whenever that happens, I usually save the game, then exit and go back in. It's kind of a pain, but for some reason, it seems to "refresh" the hard drive. *Brice* =============== Reply 2 of Note 2 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: FANTASY GAMES M-Z Subject: MYST To: PVHV01D SARA CHIDESTER Date: 03/17 From: TSDY19A GREGORY VERMILION Time: 0:30 AM Sara, Pick up the note alongside the path above the dock. This gives a hint to operate the pool. Be aware that some marker switches aren't immediately visible. Good luck, I'm almost through and have enjoyed every minute, hour and day I have spent on this game/movie/book (whatever it is. Greg V =============== Reply 3 of Note 2 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: FANTASY GAMES M-Z Subject: MYST To: TSDY19A GREGORY VERMILION Date: 03/17 From: DBTN95B LAURA HUDSON Time: 2:05 PM Is that note in the 1st world? (Wherever that was) If so, I missed it. I've seen an itty bitty pool with a tiny ship in it, and in the 2nd world (where I am presently stuck) there is one near a bunch of trees. -Laura ...i got pink+blue notes, but couldn't read them! =============== Note 3 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: FANTASY GAMES M-Z Subject: MYST To: ALL Date: 03/12 From: BCTG96D CHAD MACARTHUR Time: 3:37 PM WE ARE IN THE WORLD WITH THE ROTATING FORTRESS.WE HAVE FOUND THE HIDDEN RED AND BLUE PAPERS BUT WE DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO NEXT. =============== Reply 1 of Note 3 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: FANTASY GAMES M-Z Subject: MYST To: BCTG96D CHAD MACARTHUR Date: 03/16 From: DNWC69A JOSEPH GUROWICZ Time: 11:27 PM You must learn how to turn the fortress in order to take the pages back. Turning the fortress is done from inside it, that's all I'll tell you to keep it entertaining. =============== Note 4 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: FANTASY GAMES M-Z Subject: MYST To: ALL Date: 03/13 From: ESGJ59A PATRICK BURKE Time: 10:54 AM How is this game? I read an article, and the game sounded pretty good. I have a soundcard, and I was wondering, if this game took advantage of that. I do not have a cd-rom. Thanks for any input! Patrick ESGJ59A =============== Note 5 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: FANTASY GAMES M-Z Subject: MYST To: ALL Date: 03/13 From: GXRB88D A HESPENHEIDE Time: 3:53 PM All, I have "finished" the game, if that is what you want to call it. But it doesn't end!!! I met Sirris's dad and he told me to explore and he'd call me later!! What does it mean?? If anyone knows what to do next please reply privitely. Alex =============== Reply 1 of Note 5 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: FANTASY GAMES M-Z Subject: MYST To: GXRB88D A HESPENHEIDE Date: 03/17 From: TSDY19A GREGORY VERMILION Time: 0:26 AM I'm trying to find the page that the Altris(?) asked for. Is it in the "vault" mentioned in the torn note? Where is the vault? Do I take one of the page (blue or red)? Please help and I'll try to return the favor. =============== Note 6 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: FANTASY GAMES M-Z Subject: MYST To: ALL Date: 03/14 From: BMKK33C BRIAN MORLEY Time: 0:56 AM Is there a way to turn on lights in the ship of the Stoneship Island. I'm hoping the return book to Myst is there, but I am at a loss as to how to explore that area. I have found everything else I think. Any minor clue would be very helpful. Thanks. Brian. =============== Reply 1 of Note 6 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: FANTASY GAMES M-Z Subject: MYST To: BMKK33C BRIAN MORLEY Date: 03/14 From: ARCA47A MARK BENECEWICZ Time: 12:16 PM Sorry, I don't know anything about this game, but I would like to know what its full name is and what it is about. It sounds interesting. Thanks. =============== Reply 2 of Note 6 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: FANTASY GAMES M-Z Subject: MYST To: BMKK33C BRIAN MORLEY Date: 03/14 From: JRRU04A BARBARA GILLICK Time: 6:44 PM Brian, I'm in this place too. Maybe we can help each other o.k. Use the pump under to umbrella to pump out the different tunnels. Use the generator in the lighthouse to lit the corridors. In one you will find a secret passageway, where there is a thing on the floor to activate that room, but I don't know how to do it. Look at the batteries, next to the the generator, when you first see it -it has a red light, when you have sucessfully turn it, the light will go green. It doesn't last too long so try and get things down quickly. Also, were you able to go to the telescope and turn to where the lighthouse beam is lit? Jrru04a Babs =============== Reply 3 of Note 6 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: FANTASY GAMES M-Z Subject: MYST To: JRRU04A BARBARA GILLICK Date: 03/14 From: BMKK33C BRIAN MORLEY Time: 7:50 PM I've done all of that. I actually got lucky and found the doors in the dark initially, each room has a document in it. I still can't figure out how to get back though. Still thinking, Brian =============== Reply 4 of Note 6 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: FANTASY GAMES M-Z Subject: MYST To: BMKK33C BRIAN MORLEY Date: 03/14 From: JRRU04A BARBARA GILLICK Time: 11:42 PM Brian, Float the trunk in the lighthouse. Crank the generator about 10 times. Don't use your zip code on top. Look in the tunnel (the one closest to the umbrella) for a secret passage (look down the bottom at a red square) push the 13th bottom clockwise once inside. Go to the telescope at set it until you see the lighthouse before you go on with the first thing I told you. Don't know if it matters which order you do it in, but to be on the safe side, do the telescope first. Jrru04a Babs =============== Reply 5 of Note 6 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: FANTASY GAMES M-Z Subject: MYST To: JRRU04A BARBARA GILLICK Date: 03/15 From: BMKK33C BRIAN MORLEY Time: 1:03 AM Do you mean the tunnel going into the boat or the mountain? I don't seem to be able to find 13 (bottom? or button?). Next, where are you finding a red square, is it in the tunnel into the mountain. Does this help light up the cabin of the ship? Thanks. Stuck. Brian. =============== Reply 6 of Note 6 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: FANTASY GAMES M-Z Subject: MYST To: BMKK33C BRIAN MORLEY Date: 03/15 From: JRRU04A BARBARA GILLICK Time: 6:31 PM Brian. Did you set the telescope? How go start the generator. go in first tunnel in rock (same boat w/undersea room.) You'll tunnel should be lit (check out the arched gray doors along the passage - and look for a red square, the push, a small passage will open, go inside, you will see a large object in the center, 13th button on outside of it. If you have done it correctly, the lights will be brighter in the room. Now go and push 3rd pump under umbrella, go into the undersea room. Let me know how you make out. I'm in Channelwood now, go there next and we can help each other out. Jrru04a Barb =============== Reply 7 of Note 6 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: FANTASY GAMES M-Z Subject: MYST To: JRRU04A BARBARA GILLICK Date: 03/15 From: BMKK33C BRIAN MORLEY Time: 10:26 PM I figured out my problem (and figured out what your first message meant...even before the second one). I kept zipping past the door. I had looked at some of them previously, but not close enough I guess. How did you figure the number 13? Was it from the position at which the lighthouse was in the telescope? Well, I made it back to Myst, I am still not sure what to do with the documents. I'm now in the spaceship age, I forget the correct name. Well, thanks for your assistance!! Brian. =============== Reply 8 of Note 6 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: FANTASY GAMES M-Z Subject: MYST To: BMKK33C BRIAN MORLEY Date: 03/15 From: JRRU04A BARBARA GILLICK Time: 11:55 PM Hi Brian, Good, glad you made it out, put the color pages you brought back in the books in the library. I'm jealous you made it to the spaceship Age, I can't figure out the tune (tone deaf ya know) but if you get bored with it, go to the tree stage, so we can play it together. On the ship, you have to play the piano key in the sequence of the diagram, and then move the levers to the correct tone you played. Am I correct on this? then pull the lg. lever? If you can think of some way to help me out with the settings, I would just love it..... Mystified....Barb =============== Reply 9 of Note 6 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: FANTASY GAMES M-Z Subject: MYST To: JRRU04A BARBARA GILLICK Date: 03/16 From: BMKK33C BRIAN MORLEY Time: 7:36 AM Yes you are correct. I used both a little hearing and mostly tried just going up the scale with the correct number of notes. These numbers are- 8, 20, 23, 13, 6. You just have to go up really slow to keep count. I would like to go to channelwood, but after getting the steam started and jumping into the hole of the tree as it went up, it came to a stop and I didn't know what else to do but press the button and go back down. Is the book in the tree when at the top height? Brian. =============== Reply 10 of Note 6 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: FANTASY GAMES M-Z Subject: MYST To: BMKK33C BRIAN MORLEY Date: 03/16 From: JRRU04A BARBARA GILLICK Time: 9:58 AM Brian, After you hear it go up, turn the handle off until you hear it coming down, then get on it. The book is underground. Jrru04a Barbara =============== Reply 11 of Note 6 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: FANTASY GAMES M-Z Subject: MYST To: JRRU04A BARBARA GILLICK Date: 03/19 From: SHBV32A NEAL BROADBENT Time: 8:59 AM BARBARA, I JUST PURCHASED A CD ROM AND MYST. YOU SEEM TO BE THE GURU FOR THIS GAME! CAN YOU PLEASE GET ME STARTED? THANKS, NEAL =============== Reply 12 of Note 6 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: FANTASY GAMES M-Z Subject: MYST To: SHBV32A NEAL BROADBENT Date: 03/20 From: JRRU04A BARBARA GILLICK Time: 0:38 AM Hi Neal, Gee you make me blush. Let's see, make sure to read the books in the library, if it shows a chart or picture, copy it in your book. Go to the map on the wall. See the bottom that flash, hold down on it and move it to different buildings. There should be a red line. Hit the picture on the wall to reveal the hidden stairs in the bookcase. Go up to the elevator and look for two stairways, One will have a book, the other a key (make sure to jot down whatever appears. As you get clues to each object. Go to that building at enter the codes. there are 8 switches you will need to open, set that nbr. in the panel door in the passage behind the docks. Then hit the button on the object in the middle of the floor. This will take await to get all the info you need before you can leave this place. Then I can help you further. Jrru04a Barb =============== Reply 13 of Note 6 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: FANTASY GAMES M-Z Subject: MYST To: JRRU04A BARBARA GILLICK Date: 03/20 From: TXFM21A STEVE STAPLES Time: 11:55 PM Barbara: I, too, am new to Myst. Saw your messages to Neal and hope you don't mind if I tag along. The premise of the game is fascinating and I love the graphics, but they don't give you an idea of what you're supposed to do...??? Thus far I've been wandering around the island switching on things for no reason, making some random notes, etc. Found the library and the secret stairs, etc. but can't figure out what to do with the clues given. Am I trying to launch the rocket ship? Get back to the present? Regain my sanity? Thanks for any help you can give! =============== Reply 14 of Note 6 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: FANTASY GAMES M-Z Subject: MYST To: TXFM21A STEVE STAPLES Date: 03/21 From: JRRU04A BARBARA GILLICK Time: 0:45 AM Don't mind at all, but if you back at earlier notes from me you find all the answers you need. Jrru04a Barb =============== Note 7 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: FANTASY GAMES M-Z Subject: MYST To: ALL Date: 03/14 From: MXTW94A JO ANN HIRSHHORN Time: 7:33 PM Stoneship/ Compass- Which button? =============== Note 8 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: FANTASY GAMES M-Z Subject: MYST To: ALL Date: 03/16 From: BGCV86A FREDERICK PILEGGI Time: 10:09 PM Need help revolving the fortress. I have tried the calibration tool, but don't know what I should if anything set this tool to, so that going up in the elevator will get me access to the real controls. What exact sequence do I need? =============== Reply 1 of Note 8 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: FANTASY GAMES M-Z Subject: MYST To: BGCV86A FREDERICK PILEGGI Date: 03/20 From: BMKK33C BRIAN MORLEY Time: 0:57 AM Did you look at the book in Myst? It shows a diagram of the fortress. The calibration tool is for practice to see what you are doing. Listen to the sound when the bridge stops at each side when using the calibration tool. Have you found the real controls yet? Good Luck. =============== Note 9 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: FANTASY GAMES M-Z Subject: MYST To: ALL Date: 03/18 From: NDWR47A NEIL NELSON Time: 2:57 AM Help with the trees and switches. I have mapped this whole place, changed the switches to route water to the elevator farthest away over the sunken bridge but nothing I do makes the elevator work. I have found the other closer in elevator which goes to the first levelup & explored it, found nothing and assume what I need is on the second level up but I can't get there. Someone please help me I'm running around in circles, circles, circles... now stop that!!! Some specific directions would be appreciated.. Thanks... Neil =============== Reply 1 of Note 9 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: FANTASY GAMES M-Z Subject: MYST To: NDWR47A NEIL NELSON Date: 03/20 From: BMKK33C BRIAN MORLEY Time: 0:48 AM On the first level, you'll find a switch that opens the gate to the spiral stairway which you can go down and open, then you are able to redirect the water to the second level elevator and go from there. I couldn't tell you where the switch is, I just sorta bumbled onto it. Good Luck! =============== Reply 2 of Note 9 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: FANTASY GAMES M-Z Subject: MYST To: BMKK33C BRIAN MORLEY Date: 03/20 From: NDWR47A NEIL NELSON Time: 1:17 AM Thanks Brian, do you mean there is a switch on the first level up from the ground level which opens the gate? Then is the switch to direct water to the second level elevator on the ground level? Sorry to be so dense... it comes with age. Neil =============== Reply 3 of Note 9 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: FANTASY GAMES M-Z Subject: MYST To: NDWR47A NEIL NELSON Date: 03/20 From: BMKK33C BRIAN MORLEY Time: 8:33 AM The simple answer is yes. Have you seen all of the y-type switches for directing the water? Those are the ones which need to be changed to get the elevator working. I believe it is actually the first one when coming back from the windmill. =============== Reply 4 of Note 9 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: FANTASY GAMES M-Z Subject: MYST To: NDWR47A NEIL NELSON Date: 03/23 From: CVTH92A DALE PARFITT Time: 0:13 AM Hi Neil, I have the same question to Brian- there are 3 levels. On which level is the switch that opens the gate- and I assume it opens the gate on the second level (?). which you can then go freely up and down staircase. Dale =============== Reply 5 of Note 9 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: FANTASY GAMES M-Z Subject: MYST To: CVTH92A DALE PARFITT Date: 03/23 From: BMKK33C BRIAN MORLEY Time: 6:03 PM The switch is on the second level. You can see the gate from where the switch is and watch it open, if that helps you find it. I never mapped out the level, just got lucky. You are also right that you can then go up and down the spiral staircase once it is open. =============== Note 10 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: FANTASY GAMES M-Z Subject: MYST To: ALL Date: 03/20 From: BMKK33C BRIAN MORLEY Time: 5:25 PM Where is the vault. I followed the instructions on the two pieces of paper, but it hasn't been in plain sight for me yet. Thanks. =============== Reply 1 of Note 10 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: FANTASY GAMES M-Z Subject: MYST To: BMKK33C BRIAN MORLEY Date: 03/20 From: JRRU04A BARBARA GILLICK Time: 7:06 PM Brian, I heard it the marker on the dock, turn that one off. I thinks it's the vault. Jrru04a Barb P.S. you're almost finished!!!! =============== Note 11 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: FANTASY GAMES M-Z Subject: MYST To: ALL Date: 03/21 From: FWWN76F COLIN MOSIAH Time: 5:41 PM Has anyone else seen the name Selenitic age at the end credits when you choose to quit.I went through my computer files and saw the Selenitic age under there as well and found out it takes as much memory(in fact more)as the other ages.What age is this and has anyone been to it.If so reply privately (or publicly.) So I will know if there's more to the game after you beat it. Colin =============== Note 12 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: FANTASY GAMES M-Z Subject: MYST To: ALL Date: 03/21 From: KJXS80A MICHAEL HUEY Time: 8:06 PM I believe I've been to all of the other places, spaceship, sunkenship, mechanical age. Now I'm trying to get into the tree, I have started the furnace, but I don't know what to do next. Can anyone give me a hint? Thanks =============== Reply 1 of Note 12 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: FANTASY GAMES M-Z Subject: MYST To: KJXS80A MICHAEL HUEY Date: 03/22 From: SHPC53B DIANA GOUGH Time: 12:44 PM Turn the wheel all the way (I don't remember which direction). Shortly, you will hear a "thumping sound." Go to the giant tree and see what is happening. =============== Note 13 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: FANTASY GAMES M-Z Subject: MYST To: ALL Date: 03/24 From: TMHR03E TYLER KELLEY Time: 0:36 AM I know this sounds stupid, but I can't get the ship thing to work. I think I've done everything right. I've finished channelwood and whatever the sound age is called. I set the spider, leaf, and snake to green....what am I doing wrong? Ty =============== Reply 1 of Note 13 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: FANTASY GAMES M-Z Subject: MYST To: TMHR03E TYLER KELLEY Date: 03/24 From: XJMF22B RU MANCHU Time: 5:13 PM You have to activate the switches in the right order, as well as making sure that none of the other switches are on. FETT LIVES =============== Note 14 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: FANTASY GAMES M-Z Subject: MYST To: ALL Date: 03/24 From: BMKK33C BRIAN MORLEY Time: 11:53 PM I am still flustered by the vault. It was mentioned that it might be the final marker switch. Is this correct? Is the piece of paper for Dunny in the vault? If not, a small clue as to its whereabouts. I have been all over the island many times now to no avail. I even followed the vault instructions to a tee, at least so I thought. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks. Brian. =============== Reply 1 of Note 14 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: FANTASY GAMES M-Z Subject: MYST To: BMKK33C BRIAN MORLEY Date: 03/25 From: XBHK64A STEVEN BUCHTHAL Time: 12:21 PM Make sure all the marker switches are on (all 8). Then go to the dock and turn the marker switch off. The vault should open. Steve =============== Note 15 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: FANTASY GAMES M-Z Subject: MYST To: ALL Date: 03/25 From: HSMY25A JAN PAOLONE Time: 5:12 PM Where is the green page???? please reply PRODIGY(R) interactive personal service 03/26 12:49 PM Number of notes exported: 8 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Board: GAMES BB ^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Topic: FANTASY GAMES M-Z ^^^^^^^^^^^^ =============== Note 1 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: FANTASY GAMES M-Z Subject: MYST - HELPPP To: ALL Date: 03/12 From: JRRU04A BARBARA GILLICK Time: 0:09 AM On the generator do you set the right or left side on the diagram on the wall it show left - power and right - ship but I can only set one side (the left). I cannot get the doors to the space ship to open. Pleaseeee help. Have done everything here, I think. Jrru04a Babs =============== Reply 1 of Note 1 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: FANTASY GAMES M-Z Subject: MYST - HELPPP To: JRRU04A BARBARA GILLICK Date: 03/14 From: NUWV44A BRIAN HARRIS Time: 11:47 PM Barb Try the generator room. Set both dials to the same number. Be careful here. You must have the tower clues by now? =============== Note 2 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: FANTASY GAMES M-Z Subject: MYST - HELPPP To: ALL Date: 03/12 From: RRDC26B SUSAN NEEDLEMAN Time: 12:13 PM How do I get up in the tree with the fence around it? Thanks. Susan =============== Reply 1 of Note 2 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: FANTASY GAMES M-Z Subject: MYST - HELPPP To: RRDC26B SUSAN NEEDLEMAN Date: 03/14 From: NUWV44A BRIAN HARRIS Time: 11:47 PM Sue Try the furnace and watch the dial! The tree makes big noise. =============== Note 3 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: FANTASY GAMES M-Z Subject: MYST - HELPPP To: ALL Date: 03/17 From: DBTN95B LAURA HUDSON Time: 2:05 PM I think I left the 1st world without doing a bunch of stuff. (Like climbing the tree) How do I get back? Also, in the second world, this lock has sounds and I can't get the right combination! -Laura =============== Reply 1 of Note 3 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: FANTASY GAMES M-Z Subject: MYST - HELPPP To: DBTN95B LAURA HUDSON Date: 03/18 From: YKMU05A BRIAN ALBERS Time: 8:38 PM Ummmmm.... There isn't really any second world, because you can go to them in any order you like. Therefore, the things you "should" have done with the tree you can do when you return to Myst (the tree leads to another world). In the age you are in, yes, you need to figure out the sounds to open the door. If you look around the island carefully, there is somewhere that you can see but cannot walk to >> directly. You'll need to find a special route there (a ladder), but you don't need to solve any puzzles to find it. It's in plain view on the main island. Just keep looking. Once you reach this new area, the machine on it will give you a hint about how to discover the sound pattern for that door. Hope this helps! -B- =============== Reply 2 of Note 3 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: FANTASY GAMES M-Z Subject: MYST - HELPPP To: DBTN95B LAURA HUDSON Date: 03/19 From: KMKK00B KENNETH WADE Time: 0:01 AM Laura- We just got Myst yesterday (it has been around for some time as a Mac game) and we don't know where to begin. How many switches are there on the island? How do we figure out the combinations? Are there any numbers we should look for at the water turbulent pool, besides the ones on the chart? If anybody reading this would like to share clues, we would be extremely grateful. The screens are really great and the idea of a blank journal is novel, but, boy can it be frustrating to not have any idea what we are doing here. Thanks for letting me ramble. Ken and Vera Wade (My daughter Vera is only 12, but I don't have an excuse for enjoying these games as much as I do) =============== Reply 3 of Note 3 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: FANTASY GAMES M-Z Subject: MYST - HELPPP To: KMKK00B KENNETH WADE Date: 03/20 From: BNTH21A MICHAEL STEPHENSON Time: 2:02 PM The answer to your current question, and those that are sure to come, are answered in the CD-Rom Entertainment section of this BB. It is this board that has the most help. Set your date back on the first screen of this BB to about 09-01 and you will find lots of information. Be carefull, don't read too much as it will ruin the game, but also don't let yourself get stuck for 8 days as one person did. The key to this game is to LISTEN VERY CAREFULLY. Even when you are sure you know the answer, sight won't always help. Mike in OR PRODIGY(R) interactive personal service 03/26 12:49 PM Number of notes exported: 4 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Board: GAMES BB ^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Topic: FANTASY GAMES M-Z ^^^^^^^^^^^^ =============== Note 1 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: FANTASY GAMES M-Z Subject: MYST - HOW IS IT? To: ALL Date: 03/13 From: SBVK83A EDDIE REDMOND Time: 2:09 AM I am interested in finding out what kind of a game Myst is. Is it any good? If so why? Thanks! =============== Reply 1 of Note 1 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: FANTASY GAMES M-Z Subject: MYST - HOW IS IT? To: SBVK83A EDDIE REDMOND Date: 03/20 From: NYUW87D ANDY MEESE Time: 2:24 PM THE GAME SUCKS. DON'T GET IT. GET GABRIEL KNIGHT OR REBEL ASSAULT. THEY KICK ASS. =============== Reply 2 of Note 1 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: FANTASY GAMES M-Z Subject: MYST - HOW IS IT? To: NYUW87D ANDY MEESE Date: 03/20 From: DGKC87C JEFF KUENNING Time: 3:56 PM IT ALL DEPENDS ON WHAT KIND OF GAME YOU LIKE. IT TAKES A LOT OF THINKING, AND IS SOMEWHAT DIFFICULT. BUT IT AWESOME GRAPHIX. LONEWOLF =============== Reply 3 of Note 1 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: FANTASY GAMES M-Z Subject: MYST - HOW IS IT? To: DGKC87C JEFF KUENNING Date: 03/20 From: NYUW87C EDDIE MEESE Time: 6:51 PM LEARN TO SPELL. PRODIGY(R) interactive personal service 03/26 12:49 PM Number of notes exported: 10 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Board: GAMES BB ^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Topic: FANTASY GAMES M-Z ^^^^^^^^^^^^ =============== Note 1 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: FANTASY GAMES M-Z Subject: MYST - LIGHTHOUSE To: ALL Date: 03/13 From: JRRU04A BARBARA GILLICK Time: 0:21 AM Can someone tell us how to get the generator in the lighthouse to work and do to I get to the sundail. Jrru04a Babs =============== Reply 1 of Note 1 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: FANTASY GAMES M-Z Subject: MYST - LIGHTHOUSE To: JRRU04A BARBARA GILLICK Date: 03/14 From: MXTW94A JO ANN HIRSHHORN Time: 7:32 PM Babs, Go to telescopeand turn till you see top of light house. Write down degrees and set generator crank to same. If you figure out which compass button, later in same age, let me know. Jo =============== Reply 2 of Note 1 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: FANTASY GAMES M-Z Subject: MYST - LIGHTHOUSE To: MXTW94A JO ANN HIRSHHORN Date: 03/14 From: JRRU04A BARBARA GILLICK Time: 8:15 PM Thank you Jo Ann, and I will as soon as I find out. Jrru04a =============== Reply 3 of Note 1 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: FANTASY GAMES M-Z Subject: MYST - LIGHTHOUSE To: JRRU04A BARBARA GILLICK Date: 03/14 From: XBHK64A STEVEN BUCHTHAL Time: 9:29 PM Just crank the generator for about 10 turns, that should fully charge it. You can check by clicking on the battery and looking at the white level line. Eventually it will be fully charged but it doesn't last forever. Steve =============== Reply 4 of Note 1 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: FANTASY GAMES M-Z Subject: MYST - LIGHTHOUSE To: MXTW94A JO ANN HIRSHHORN Date: 03/14 From: JRRU04A BARBARA GILLICK Time: 11:07 PM Jo-Ann I figured it out - Crank the generator until green light is on. Go to secret passage - push the 13th button from the very top (example what would be 12 o'clock.) You should have light. Jrru04a Babs =============== Note 2 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: FANTASY GAMES M-Z Subject: MYST - LIGHTHOUSE To: ALL Date: 03/23 From: SHPC53B DIANA GOUGH Time: 5:46 PM Lighthouse: pumped it out. turned valve on trunk. How do you get the key? =============== Reply 1 of Note 2 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: FANTASY GAMES M-Z Subject: MYST - LIGHTHOUSE To: SHPC53B DIANA GOUGH Date: 03/23 From: JRRU04A BARBARA GILLICK Time: 11:28 PM After you get the water out of the truck, close the value, and flood the lighthouse again. Jrru04a Barb =============== Note 3 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: FANTASY GAMES M-Z Subject: MYST - LIGHTHOUSE To: ALL Date: 03/23 From: SHPC53B DIANA GOUGH Time: 5:46 PM Lighthouse: Pumped it out. Turned valve on trunk. How do you get the key? =============== Note 4 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: FANTASY GAMES M-Z Subject: MYST - LIGHTHOUSE To: ALL Date: 03/25 From: NSHF41A RICHARD COHEN Time: 10:44 PM Where is the generator for power?I can only find the three buttons that start some engine and die off. I searched the island well and I am stumped. Appreciate any help. Thanks, Rich NSHF41A =============== Reply 1 of Note 4 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: FANTASY GAMES M-Z Subject: MYST - LIGHTHOUSE To: NSHF41A RICHARD COHEN Date: 03/26 From: HSMY25B MICHAEL PAOLONE Time: 12:27 PM Mr. Cohen, The buttons that you push drain water from different parts of the island. Hit the third button and go to the lighthouse. Once you get there go down the stairs to the chest. There is a little lever to the bottom left hand sideof the chest. turn it. Go back and hit the third button again, and then go back to the lighthouse. Unlock the chest. PRODIGY(R) interactive personal service 03/26 12:50 PM Number of notes exported: 17 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Board: GAMES BB ^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Topic: FANTASY GAMES M-Z ^^^^^^^^^^^^ =============== Note 1 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: FANTASY GAMES M-Z Subject: MYST - SPACESHIP To: ALL Date: 03/11 From: JRRU04A BARBARA GILLICK Time: 10:19 PM I have set the 59 volt, looked at the 3 dates in planatarium, turned all switches on, even clock (set at 221,(what is the lever on the back wall for?). But I can't get access to the spaceship. What am I doing wrong.... Jrru04a Babs =============== Reply 1 of Note 1 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: FANTASY GAMES M-Z Subject: MYST - SPACESHIP To: JRRU04A BARBARA GILLICK Date: 03/12 From: RVDC11A GRAHAM ZARETSKY Time: 8:02 PM How did you get it to 221? It starts at 333, and then you can only increment the top two digits, or the bottom two digits. There's got to be a way to get it to start at other than 333, or a way to change the function of the levers, because it's 221 is, as far as I can tell, impossible to achieve from the position that I currently am in--you can prove it by drawing a tree of every possible combination. =============== Reply 2 of Note 1 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: FANTASY GAMES M-Z Subject: MYST - SPACESHIP To: RVDC11A GRAHAM ZARETSKY Date: 03/12 From: JRRU04A BARBARA GILLICK Time: 8:40 PM Graham, Pull down the right lever and hold it for two rotations Pull down the left lever and hold it for two rotations Pull down the right lever for one rotation. This should give you 221. Jrru04a Babs =============== Reply 3 of Note 1 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: FANTASY GAMES M-Z Subject: MYST - SPACESHIP To: JRRU04A BARBARA GILLICK Date: 03/18 From: RVDC11A GRAHAM ZARETSKY Time: 0:55 AM Start : 333 Right Twice : 113, 223 Left Twice : 231, 212 Right Once : 322 (NOT 221) -- I don't get it? I'm fairly certain that I've done exactly this, because its in my notes, and got these exact results, but I'll certain try it again. -Graham =============== Reply 4 of Note 1 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: FANTASY GAMES M-Z Subject: MYST - SPACESHIP To: RVDC11A GRAHAM ZARETSKY Date: 03/20 From: JRRU04A BARBARA GILLICK Time: 0:38 AM Okay, Try it again, I'm sure what I told you was correct. This is done in the clock not the spaceship. Let me know how you make out. Jrru04a Barb =============== Reply 5 of Note 1 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: FANTASY GAMES M-Z Subject: MYST - SPACESHIP To: JRRU04A BARBARA GILLICK Date: 03/20 From: TTDD75B BRUCE HUMPHREY JR Time: 8:39 AM Try Reading the books in the library they have vital information on solving each puzzle to each of the worlds. I would put all of the pictures you find into the book you were given. The spaceship puzzle has to do with notes. -Dead Boy =============== Reply 6 of Note 1 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: FANTASY GAMES M-Z Subject: MYST - SPACESHIP To: RVDC11A GRAHAM ZARETSKY Date: 03/24 From: TMHR03E TYLER KELLEY Time: 0:36 AM If you pull and hold one lever, the middle gear will keep moving while the others stay still. Ty =============== Reply 7 of Note 1 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: FANTASY GAMES M-Z Subject: MYST - SPACESHIP To: RVDC11A GRAHAM ZARETSKY Date: 03/24 From: XJMF22B RU MANCHU Time: 5:13 PM It can be have to figure the right combination of pulling the right and left levers...if I remember correctly, it's something like two pulls of the left follwed by one or two of the right (something like that)...keep trying, you'll get it. FETT LIVES =============== Note 2 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: FANTASY GAMES M-Z Subject: MYST - SPACESHIP To: ALL Date: 03/14 From: FVSS55A TERRI STETZER Time: 7:32 PM Hi All, Can someone please tell me the correct sequence of numbers to put into the generator so that both meters read 59. I have tried 16 different combinations and only the left meter comes up to 59. Thanks in Advance Terri in Oregon =============== Reply 1 of Note 2 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: FANTASY GAMES M-Z Subject: MYST - SPACESHIP To: FVSS55A TERRI STETZER Date: 03/14 From: JRRU04A BARBARA GILLICK Time: 8:15 PM You're all set, you need only to have the left one done. If you still can't get in ship, Go to the two tall towers and pull down the switches (don't worry that they won't stay down, (you should get in the ship now) Jrru04a Babs =============== Reply 2 of Note 2 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: FANTASY GAMES M-Z Subject: MYST - SPACESHIP To: JRRU04A BARBARA GILLICK Date: 03/15 From: EFKG14B MIKE PATEL Time: 12:16 PM OK, but what do you do once you are actually IN the spaceship? I can't figure out what to do with that organ and switch. I tried the combination of keys that is listed in that bok in the library, but nothing happens! Mike =============== Reply 3 of Note 2 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: FANTASY GAMES M-Z Subject: MYST - SPACESHIP To: EFKG14B MIKE PATEL Date: 03/15 From: JRRU04A BARBARA GILLICK Time: 6:54 PM Mike, I don't know yet, the clues I gave you are ones I got from other myst players. I haven't taken off the the spaceship yet. I'm in channelwood now, and I've completed Stoneage, I can help you out on that one. Jrru04a Barbs =============== Reply 4 of Note 2 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: FANTASY GAMES M-Z Subject: MYST - SPACESHIP To: JRRU04A BARBARA GILLICK Date: 03/15 From: EFKG14B MIKE PATEL Time: 8:17 PM Umm, which one is stoneage? I've gotten to the world with the ship & the lighthouse, and I've also gotten to the one with all the trees and swamps. Mike =============== Reply 5 of Note 2 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: FANTASY GAMES M-Z Subject: MYST - SPACESHIP To: EFKG14B MIKE PATEL Date: 03/15 From: JRRU04A BARBARA GILLICK Time: 10:26 PM Mike, StoneAge is the one with the lighthouse. Have you done the one with the Windmill - I'm stuck, can you tell me what to do first there, haven't a clue. would appreciate some out and out instructions there. Thank you Mike. Jrru04a Barb =============== Reply 6 of Note 2 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: FANTASY GAMES M-Z Subject: MYST - SPACESHIP To: JRRU04A BARBARA GILLICK Date: 03/16 From: EFKG14B MIKE PATEL Time: 11:09 AM Barb, I'm afraid I can't help you with the windmill age. The only thing I could do was turn the hose on up at the top of the tower. I'm not sure what it did though. Then there's also all those little switches on the tracks. Not to mention that wooden elevator that I can't get to work. I guess I'm not much help. =( Mike =============== Reply 7 of Note 2 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: FANTASY GAMES M-Z Subject: MYST - SPACESHIP To: EFKG14B MIKE PATEL Date: 03/17 From: JRRU04A BARBARA GILLICK Time: 0:27 AM Thanks anyways - That's about as far as I gotton myself. Maybe someone else can tell me more. Jrru04a Barb =============== Note 3 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: FANTASY GAMES M-Z Subject: MYST - SPACESHIP To: ALL Date: 03/24 From: XJMF22B RU MANCHU Time: 5:11 PM Okay...I got the door open and got down to that sub or whatever...what's the deal with it? Does it take me to the Myst book, or what? (I play it on a friend's computer, so I am limited as to when I can play). Also, what is the deal with the fireplace in the book room in the main age of Myst? Where do you find out what combination to use on it? FETT LIVES PRODIGY(R) interactive personal service 03/26 12:50 PM Number of notes exported: 1 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Board: GAMES BB ^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Topic: FANTASY GAMES M-Z ^^^^^^^^^^^^ =============== Note 1 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: FANTASY GAMES M-Z Subject: MYST -STONE AGE To: ALL Date: 03/13 From: JRRU04A BARBARA GILLICK Time: 11:15 PM When I enter the secret passage, with the large object in center of floor. Which button do I push first the small or large, and on the small which one is it? Jrru04a Babs P.S. forget the spaceship, I'm tone deaf, and I'll never be able to get off the ground. PRODIGY(R) interactive personal service 03/26 12:51 PM Number of notes exported: 2 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Board: GAMES BB ^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Topic: FANTASY GAMES M-Z ^^^^^^^^^^^^ =============== Note 1 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: FANTASY GAMES M-Z Subject: MYST : DUNNY To: ALL Date: 03/19 From: TTDD75B BRUCE HUMPHREY JR Time: 3:33 PM I have made it all the way to dunny but I have no idea what to do next. All he tells you to do is explore. It didn't seem like the end of the game. Hhhheeelllppp!!!! -"Dead Boy" =============== Reply 1 of Note 1 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: FANTASY GAMES M-Z Subject: MYST : DUNNY To: TTDD75B BRUCE HUMPHREY JR Date: 03/20 From: KFRX04A RICK TRUJILLO Time: 7:37 PM That's it! PRODIGY(R) interactive personal service 03/26 12:51 PM Number of notes exported: 6 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Board: GAMES BB ^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Topic: FANTASY GAMES M-Z ^^^^^^^^^^^^ =============== Note 1 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: FANTASY GAMES M-Z Subject: MYST BEGINNING To: ALL Date: 03/20 From: SHPC53B DIANA GOUGH Time: 9:27 PM Need a little help to get started. Have activated 6 of the eight marker switches, set tower beam to point at giant cog. At top of tower ladder I see through a slit to the cog. So what? Please help me to get going. =============== Reply 1 of Note 1 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: FANTASY GAMES M-Z Subject: MYST BEGINNING To: SHPC53B DIANA GOUGH Date: 03/21 From: TTDD75B BRUCE HUMPHREY JR Time: 10:23 AM the other side of the wall has hints on the puzzle in the clock tower. -Dead Boy =============== Note 2 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: FANTASY GAMES M-Z Subject: MYST BEGINNING To: ALL Date: 03/22 From: SHPC53B DIANA GOUGH Time: 12:38 PM Picked up that paper (note?) next to book in library and seem to have lost it. Now I'm further along in game and finding notes (turn into cursor symbols) all over the place. When I pick up one, the previous one disappears. What are these notes and what to do? =============== Reply 1 of Note 2 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: FANTASY GAMES M-Z Subject: MYST BEGINNING To: SHPC53B DIANA GOUGH Date: 03/22 From: JRRU04A BARBARA GILLICK Time: 10:48 PM Diana. There's a blue and red book in the library. As you get the red and blue pages you need to put them in the book. You can carry only one page at a time, so you need to go back again to retrieve the other page if you want it. The good part is the 2nd time you don't have to repeat everything. Jrru04a Barb =============== Reply 2 of Note 2 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: FANTASY GAMES M-Z Subject: MYST BEGINNING To: JRRU04A BARBARA GILLICK Date: 03/23 From: SHPC53B DIANA GOUGH Time: 4:38 PM Barb: Thanks for the clues. Once you have a red or blue note, how you get back to the library to put it inside the book? At the beginning of the game, I put the note found in the library inside the book. When I opened the book, all I got was interference. What does this mean? =============== Reply 3 of Note 2 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: FANTASY GAMES M-Z Subject: MYST BEGINNING To: SHPC53B DIANA GOUGH Date: 03/23 From: JRRU04A BARBARA GILLICK Time: 10:53 PM Click on the book, when it opens, a scratchy film will run and he will tell you to get another page. You don't actually get to see it in the book. As you bring the pages the audio get better, but it will never be perfectly clear. (that's the way the game was made). Don't get 4 red AND 4 blue or you'll end up like them. Bring 4 to only one, and if you want 3 to the other. PRODIGY(R) interactive personal service 03/26 12:51 PM Number of notes exported: 5 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Board: GAMES BB ^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Topic: FANTASY GAMES M-Z ^^^^^^^^^^^^ =============== Note 1 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: FANTASY GAMES M-Z Subject: MYST CANDLEWOOD To: ALL Date: 03/22 From: SHPC53B DIANA GOUGH Time: 6:26 PM I must be dense. Can't get any elevator to work. Stuck on the first level. Have been able to activate bridge and attach hose. When I directed water (threw 4 switches) to elevator closest to windmill, I hear both running water and motor noises. I enter elevator and pull lever. NOTHING HAPPENS. What to do? Have directed water to other elevator, still nothing. Directed water to gate...nothing. HELP! =============== Reply 1 of Note 1 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: FANTASY GAMES M-Z Subject: MYST CANDLEWOOD To: SHPC53B DIANA GOUGH Date: 03/22 From: JRRU04A BARBARA GILLICK Time: 10:48 PM Diana, Go to the first fork closest to the willmill that has a switch. The first thing you need to do is direct water to the elevator at the spiral staircase. Don't forget to close the door once you are inside, then you can pull the handle. Jrru04a Barb =============== Note 2 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: FANTASY GAMES M-Z Subject: MYST CANDLEWOOD To: ALL Date: 03/23 From: SHPC53B DIANA GOUGH Time: 4:38 PM Ok, I rode the elevator (closest to windmill) to upper level. Rode other elevator up and found book which took me back to library. I don't think I finished everything in Candlewood such as walked stairway or operated the motor in windmill. Am I done here? Does the Candlewood book serve any other purpose than to get me back to library? Maybe I'm missing the larger picture. Please fill me in. =============== Reply 1 of Note 2 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: FANTASY GAMES M-Z Subject: MYST CANDLEWOOD To: SHPC53B DIANA GOUGH Date: 03/23 From: JRRU04A BARBARA GILLICK Time: 11:28 PM If you didn't get any pages, then you're not done. Jrru04a Barb =============== Note 3 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: FANTASY GAMES M-Z Subject: MYST CANDLEWOOD To: ALL Date: 03/24 From: SHPC53B DIANA GOUGH Time: 9:38 PM Barb, its me again. Thanks for all your clues. I'm back to Candlewood. Read other clues that said the switch to the staircase was on the second level in sight of the gate. I've look all around (my video in quite dark, or maybe it's my brain) but can't find it. Could you give me its PRECISE location? PRODIGY(R) interactive personal service 03/26 12:51 PM Number of notes exported: 3 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Board: GAMES BB ^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Topic: FANTASY GAMES M-Z ^^^^^^^^^^^^ =============== Note 1 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: FANTASY GAMES M-Z Subject: MYST MPC WIN GPF'S To: ALL Date: 03/18 From: FKRW13A AARON BUSI Time: 10:20 PM I have been enjoying Myst for the last week untill I have come to the land with the windmills and trees where on one specific screen I get this Windows General Protection Fault. WD31_8.DRV at 0001:3AF9. I don't feel I should have to call Broderbund long distance for tech help that is needed as a result of a problem caused by their programing. I am running Myst for Windows on a 486SX\25 with 8megs of ram >> and a Paradise Accelerator card for Windows with 1 meg of ram on it. I am using the paradise 800x600 265 color driver. I only get this GPF on one screen in the "Tree or Windmill 'land'". I have tried using my other video drivers and I still get this GPF. Any advise on how to resolve this problem would be GREAT! Thanks in advance! Aaron Busi in Charlottesville VA @9600 =============== Reply 1 of Note 1 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: FANTASY GAMES M-Z Subject: MYST MPC WIN GPF'S To: FKRW13A AARON BUSI Date: 03/20 From: STVD98A DAVID PAVUK Time: 0:02 AM I know you said you tried the some other drivers but its seems it' the westerndigital (paradise) driver thats causing the error.Documentation suggerst you shoul have windows in the 640 x 480 256 color mode to run Myst correctly. Also if you are using 32 bit file access try turning it off. I've known to cause some strange errors and address conflicts. Hope this helps....--------Digit-------- =============== Reply 2 of Note 1 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: FANTASY GAMES M-Z Subject: MYST MPC WIN GPF'S To: STVD98A DAVID PAVUK Date: 03/20 From: FKRW13A AARON BUSI Time: 0:37 AM David Thanks for your reply! I will try turning off the 32bit disk access. I have tried running Myst with all of my video drivers and I still get the same GPF on the same screen. It's strange that everything else in the game works fine. I may call the Western Digital BBS and see if there are some more current video drivers for my Paradise Accelerator card. I also upgraded windows 3.10 to 3.11 >> and I will change back to 3.10 and see if this may solve the problem as I know OS/2 for windows has problems running under windows 3.11. Thanks! Aaron Busi in Charlottesville VA @9600 PRODIGY(R) interactive personal service 03/26 12:52 PM Number of notes exported: 8 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Board: GAMES BB ^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Topic: FANTASY GAMES M-Z ^^^^^^^^^^^^ =============== Note 1 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: FANTASY GAMES M-Z Subject: MYST VIDEO PROB. To: ALL Date: 03/06 From: UCPR15A ROBERT GEREAU Time: 3:16 PM I need help with the video part of MYST. I have check the file but found no help there. I have 486 sx 25mhz, I have had no problems with the audio part. The Main picture is all right but ( quick time movies ) is split and on the bottom of the screen. HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! =============== Reply 1 of Note 1 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: FANTASY GAMES M-Z Subject: MYST VIDEO PROB. To: UCPR15A ROBERT GEREAU Date: 03/06 From: FSTD28A SANDY POYNOR Time: 7:35 PM Did you set your video to 640 x 480 x 256 colors? =============== Reply 2 of Note 1 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: FANTASY GAMES M-Z Subject: MYST VIDEO PROB. To: FSTD28A SANDY POYNOR Date: 03/06 From: CVTH92A DALE PARFITT Time: 10:26 PM Have been playing MYST for a few days and find it enjoyable and challenging, However... The screens seem rather dark and find it difficult to play w/ lights on in the room. Monitor is a high end Seiko w/ no problems apparent in any other software. Brightness all the way up in MYST and still OK but dark. Anyone else notice this? Dale in S FL =============== Reply 3 of Note 1 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: FANTASY GAMES M-Z Subject: MYST VIDEO PROB. To: UCPR15A ROBERT GEREAU Date: 03/06 From: FSHA19A JOYCE KNARR Time: 11:11 PM Broderbund says to update drivers for CD ROM, video, and sound to correct problems. I am having similar problems myself. =============== Reply 4 of Note 1 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: FANTASY GAMES M-Z Subject: MYST VIDEO PROB. To: CVTH92A DALE PARFITT Date: 03/07 From: FSTD28A SANDY POYNOR Time: 4:08 PM Some places in the game seemed dark and gloomy to me too. I also turned contrast/brightness all the way up.. I think Rock Island and the Mechanical age rooms were the darkest I ran into. Sandi =============== Reply 5 of Note 1 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: FANTASY GAMES M-Z Subject: MYST VIDEO PROB. To: UCPR15A ROBERT GEREAU Date: 03/09 From: JRRU04A BARBARA GILLICK Time: 7:19 PM Robert, I'm having similar problem, w/ the split vidio on the top and bottom. If you find out how you corrected it would you please let me know, just brought the game today 3/9/94. Jrru04a Babs =============== Reply 6 of Note 1 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: FANTASY GAMES M-Z Subject: MYST VIDEO PROB. To: UCPR15A ROBERT GEREAU Date: 03/10 From: BMFC73A ANTHONY HUYNH Time: 0:50 AM I called Broaderbaund and they told me to run the file QTW.ini through the RUN command in Windows and when you run this program you will find a line at the bottom that says something like OPTIMIZE=HARDWARE, IF THIS IS THIS CASE CHANGE THE COMMAND TO READ OPTIMIZE=DRIVER. THEY SAID THAT THIS WORKS MOST OF THE TIME BUT FOUND IT USELESS IN MY APPLICATION.maybe if you hear something new, you'll let me me know... Good Luck and may the mind of Atrus be with you... .....Freddog BMFC73A =============== Reply 7 of Note 1 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: FANTASY GAMES M-Z Subject: MYST VIDEO PROB. To: BMFC73A ANTHONY HUYNH Date: 03/19 From: UCPR15A ROBERT GEREAU Time: 11:31 AM I also called broderbund and got the same fix. BUT,it did not work for me ethier. They then gave me # to call that was dis-connected. (yippppee) So---- no luck so far. 3/19/94 PRODIGY(R) interactive personal service 03/26 12:52 PM Number of notes exported: 1 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Board: GAMES BB ^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Topic: FANTASY GAMES M-Z ^^^^^^^^^^^^ =============== Note 1 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: FANTASY GAMES M-Z Subject: MYST, GREEN PAGE To: ALL Date: 03/25 From: HSMY25A JAN PAOLONE Time: 5:00 PM Dear whoever can help, After walking around thi darn island and all it's ages for two weeks I almost broke my CD in half looking for that @$*!ing green page. If you have any information to it's wereabouts PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE reply. thank you PRODIGY(R) interactive personal service 03/26 12:52 PM Number of notes exported: 2 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Board: GAMES BB ^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Topic: FANTASY GAMES M-Z ^^^^^^^^^^^^ =============== Note 1 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: FANTASY GAMES M-Z Subject: MYST-BACK TO ISLAND? To: ALL Date: 03/25 From: KDTP10A MARK TOBIAS Time: 0:52 AM I was wondering how to get back to the main island. I am on the off world with the fortresss and need to get back to the Library to finish reading. Any suggestions? Also I picked up two pages in the fortress in hidden rooms. Can these pages be read? When I picked up the second page, the first one turned read. What do I do with these pages? Do I keep carrying them around or should drop them? * Mark in N. Y.* 03/24/94 11:44 p =============== Reply 1 of Note 1 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: FANTASY GAMES M-Z Subject: MYST-BACK TO ISLAND? To: KDTP10A MARK TOBIAS Date: 03/25 From: BMKK33C BRIAN MORLEY Time: 7:26 AM Actually, you already dropped on. You can only hold one page at a time, the other was magically transported back to its original location. Getting back to Myst is the main puzzle of the land. Have you found the elevator yet? You need to get clues from a couple different parts of the land to help you return to Myst. I know this is sort of vague, if you want more specifics, you can ask, but most of the fun comes from figuring out these, sometimes pretty tricky, puzzles. Good Luck! PRODIGY(R) interactive personal service 03/26 12:52 PM Number of notes exported: 3 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Board: GAMES BB ^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Topic: FANTASY GAMES M-Z ^^^^^^^^^^^^ =============== Note 1 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: FANTASY GAMES M-Z Subject: MYST-CHANNELWOOD To: ALL Date: 03/14 From: JRRU04A BARBARA GILLICK Time: 11:42 PM Besides charting the maze - You someone tell what the best thing to do to get started here. Switch-crazy Barbs Jrru04a =============== Note 2 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: FANTASY GAMES M-Z Subject: MYST-CHANNELWOOD To: ALL Date: 03/15 From: JRRU04A BARBARA GILLICK Time: 7:14 PM What do I do first in channelwood? Jrru04a Barbara =============== Reply 1 of Note 2 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: FANTASY GAMES M-Z Subject: MYST-CHANNELWOOD To: JRRU04A BARBARA GILLICK Date: 03/24 From: TMHR03E TYLER KELLEY Time: 0:36 AM Go to the windmill and turn on the water. Then you need to set the little valves on the bridges so that the water can flow to an elevator. I know that's vague, but I'll go into more detail if youneed it. Ty PRODIGY(R) interactive personal service 03/26 12:53 PM Number of notes exported: 5 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Board: GAMES BB ^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Topic: FANTASY GAMES M-Z ^^^^^^^^^^^^ =============== Note 1 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: FANTASY GAMES M-Z Subject: MYST-PB VIDEO To: ALL Date: 03/12 From: ATFG48A DAVID HARTZELL Time: 5:22 PM I thought I would start a new subject for those of us with Packard Bell Video Cards that split the screen in MYST. From what I have learned on AOL, here, & from BroderBLUNDER is that the HT card won't work. I have downloaded the latest 10/25/93 video drivers from PB BBS 1-818-313-8601 and still I cannot get rid of the split screen problem. I installed the video 7 512k 640x480 256 driver also.>>> And still no luck. If anyone has any suggestions OR solutions please post here. This game is approaching the $100 mark in phone bills & useage costs. I hope its worth it!. Thanks. Dave in WV, MYSTified. =============== Reply 1 of Note 1 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: FANTASY GAMES M-Z Subject: MYST-PB VIDEO To: ATFG48A DAVID HARTZELL Date: 03/17 From: ATFG48A DAVID HARTZELL Time: 7:40 AM JUST KEEPING THIS ALIVE... Surely I'm not the only one with a Packard Bell that is having problems? reply with suggestions on split screen problems. =============== Reply 2 of Note 1 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: FANTASY GAMES M-Z Subject: MYST-PB VIDEO To: ATFG48A DAVID HARTZELL Date: 03/19 From: UDXB32A RICHARD STRAIT Time: 11:59 AM I too have a PB computer, and was thinking of buying in fact, when I just ran across your note. I do believe I shall wait now...I don't need the grief it sounds like you're having. Good luck... Richard UDXB32A =============== Reply 3 of Note 1 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: FANTASY GAMES M-Z Subject: MYST-PB VIDEO To: ATFG48A DAVID HARTZELL Date: 03/20 From: JRRU04A BARBARA GILLICK Time: 1:37 AM David, I called the my Circuit City Hot Line and they put me through a conference call with Packard Bell. I spoke with a head executive and we said they are aware of the problems and I had to order hardware to update my video (headland card) the part is call Zip-Ram Part No.080326. Cost $48.00 plus tax. Hope will helps you out now that I have about $100. in telephone calls to California. I'm having the hardware shipped Federal Express, it coming out of Mexico, should have it by Wednes. or Thurs. this coming week. I let you know hope it works out. Jrru04a Barb P.S. It pays to be old sometimes, they listen better. =============== Reply 4 of Note 1 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: FANTASY GAMES M-Z Subject: MYST-PB VIDEO To: ATFG48A DAVID HARTZELL Date: 03/20 From: VXMU07A MICHEAL FOSTER Time: 8:27 AM Dave,I also have a PB 486 with the same problem,I also tried a new video card that a friend had,the video was fine but the speed was way slow.Not even worth it.I took the game back and traded it in.They should put a warning for all of the PB people out here. MF PRODIGY(R) interactive personal service 03/26 12:53 PM Number of notes exported: 2 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Board: GAMES BB ^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Topic: FANTASY GAMES M-Z ^^^^^^^^^^^^ =============== Note 1 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: FANTASY GAMES M-Z Subject: MYST/MECH AGE?????? To: ALL Date: 03/24 From: HJBY93A JOHN GILKER Time: 10:42 PM Help!!!! I am in Mech.Age,my computor lockup on the holographic device and will take a week. Is there any way of getting around the device. Thanks John =============== Reply 1 of Note 1 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: FANTASY GAMES M-Z Subject: MYST/MECH AGE?????? To: HJBY93A JOHN GILKER Date: 03/25 From: CEPU20B JASON ZOMICK Time: 3:52 PM Same thing happens with my game. Is that holographic machine and bird important for solving the game? Please tell me if it is. -Jason PRODIGY(R) interactive personal service 03/26 12:53 PM Number of notes exported: 1 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Board: GAMES BB ^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Topic: FANTASY GAMES M-Z ^^^^^^^^^^^^ =============== Note 1 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: FANTASY GAMES M-Z Subject: MYST/VAULT????? To: ALL Date: 03/25 From: HJBY93A JOHN GILKER Time: 8:43 PM PLEASE HELP!!!! HOW DO YOU READ MESSAGE FROM VAULT? I AM STUCK THANKS JOHN PRODIGY(R) interactive personal service 03/26 12:53 PM Number of notes exported: 2 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Board: GAMES BB ^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Topic: FANTASY GAMES M-Z ^^^^^^^^^^^^ =============== Note 1 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: FANTASY GAMES M-Z Subject: MYST? To: ALL Date: 03/23 From: NCWG37B STEPHEN GIUMENTA Time: 6:03 PM I just got the game I don't want Any hints but can you tell me what the object of the game is? THANKS STEPHEN =============== Reply 1 of Note 1 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: FANTASY GAMES M-Z Subject: MYST? To: NCWG37B STEPHEN GIUMENTA Date: 03/25 From: TMHR18A DAVID SARKISIAN Time: 6:53 PM Stephen...Part of the game is to determine what the object is. Explore and observe and things will start to fall into place. Good luck. David S. PRODIGY(R) interactive personal service 03/26 12:54 PM Number of notes exported: 10 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Board: GAMES BB ^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Topic: FANTASY GAMES M-Z ^^^^^^^^^^^^ =============== Note 1 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: FANTASY GAMES M-Z Subject: MYST\MPC\WNDWS VERS. To: ALL Date: 03/07 From: XTVM54A KENNETH MORRISON Time: 1:38 AM I HAVE JUST PURCHASED MYST FOR IBM AND AM TRYING TO SET PARAMETERS FOR COLOR CARD AND DRIVER.I THINK I HAVE DRIVER OK. I HAVE A ONE MEG TRIDENT CARD BUT I CANT FIND A 640X480X256 CHOICE.GAME TELLS ME I NEED THIS.I AM COMPUTER ILLITERATE COMPARITIVELY.ANY HELP WILL BE APPRECIATED ESPECIALLY BY THUR WHEN MY COMPUTER MAN COMES TO TRY TO STRAIGHTEN THINGS OUT.IT IS NOW SUNDAY NIGHT IN...NEXT NEW ENGLAND.ANY ADDRESSES OR ADVICE ABOUT DRIVERS OR VIDEO CARD I HAVE {TRIDENT 1 MEG} WOULD BE APPRECIATED. THANK YOU FOR ANY HELP KEN MORRISON XTVM54A SUN 11PM =============== Reply 1 of Note 1 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: FANTASY GAMES M-Z Subject: MYST\MPC\WNDWS VERS. To: XTVM54A KENNETH MORRISON Date: 03/08 From: TWVX13A ALFRED VULPIS Time: 5:55 PM Kenneth, With your trident card, you should have also received either two or three diskettes with various drivers.When you go through the windows setup, you can install the proper driver from the disketts. Good luck Al =============== Reply 2 of Note 1 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: FANTASY GAMES M-Z Subject: MYST\MPC\WNDWS VERS. To: XTVM54A KENNETH MORRISON Date: 03/13 From: MXBW22A GERALD BECKER Time: 1:45 PM Ken, I also have a Trident Card and could not get the drivers that come with the card to work. I had to call Microsoft download service and get an updated version of the drivers for super vga cards. The file you need to download is "svga.exe". Put the file in an empty subdirectory then run svga.exe. The file will uncompress and then you can load the 640x480x256 driver from windows set-up. =============== Reply 3 of Note 1 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: FANTASY GAMES M-Z Subject: MYST\MPC\WNDWS VERS. To: XTVM54A KENNETH MORRISON Date: 03/13 From: NWEW59A HAL NAVY Time: 2:31 PM Yo Kenneth it's me. The about to be famous Viper or Kat. Anyways my dad knows that kind of stuff and so do I. so give me a call and well talk. Number is 488-9011. Se ya!! =============== Note 2 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: FANTASY GAMES M-Z Subject: MYST\MPC\WNDWS VERS. To: ALL Date: 03/14 From: AMFF91A VIRGINIA HERD Time: 0:23 AM Where can I purchase MYST/MPC/WINDOWS version? I live in the Oklahoma City area. Any ideas? =============== Reply 1 of Note 2 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: FANTASY GAMES M-Z Subject: MYST\MPC\WNDWS VERS. To: AMFF91A VIRGINIA HERD Date: 03/14 From: KMWR72A PETER WARD Time: 1:04 PM Pick up any big computer mag. and order it through the mail. Could be cheaper, too. Pete (nj) 03/14 01:01 pm =============== Note 3 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: FANTASY GAMES M-Z Subject: MYST\MPC\WNDWS VERS. To: ALL Date: 03/14 From: KJPN80A MARC DIETZ Time: 1:23 AM I think I need some help getting Myst for Windows to run properly. I just bought it today, but spent a few hours this evening getting it going. I finally got the correct video drivers installed and it looks good. The problem is the game play. It starts out fine, but after I do something, move around a bit or flip some switches etc. It begins to move slower and slower until it almost locks up, > with my hard drive sounding like it is ready to explode!! I have upped the windows swap file to well in excess of recommended and have removed all screen savers etc that might be interfereing. Any help on making this run well. It looks good, but frankly, I can't stand the noise from the poor drive!! It just goes slower and slower the further I travel. =============== Reply 1 of Note 3 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: FANTASY GAMES M-Z Subject: MYST\MPC\WNDWS VERS. To: KJPN80A MARC DIETZ Date: 03/14 From: EFKG14B MIKE PATEL Time: 8:42 AM It seems to do the same thing to me. It will start out at a decent speed, then SLOOOOOOWWWW down and you can really start to hear some number crunchin from the HD, then it will speed up again after a while. That's what mine does anyway. I guess I just have to put up with it. Mike =============== Reply 2 of Note 3 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: FANTASY GAMES M-Z Subject: MYST\MPC\WNDWS VERS. To: EFKG14B MIKE PATEL Date: 03/14 From: KJPN80A MARC DIETZ Time: 8:55 PM Mike, Do you know if there is anyway to run it outside of Window's? The slowness is really irritating. I am using a 486DX-33 and have given it a ton of memory in the swap file. =============== Reply 3 of Note 3 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: FANTASY GAMES M-Z Subject: MYST\MPC\WNDWS VERS. To: KJPN80A MARC DIETZ Date: 03/17 From: DBTN95B LAURA HUDSON Time: 2:11 PM Myne does that too, and yt also turns off the sound. Y have to turn off my computer from Wyndows. Yt's annoyyng, and Y thynk yt wyll crash my computer. -Laura from Rhode Ysland PRODIGY(R) interactive personal service 03/26 12:55 PM Number of notes exported: 143 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Board: GAMES BB ^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT ^^^^^^^^^^^^ =============== Note 1 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST To: ALL Date: 12/22 From: FWVM78B JASON ABRAMS Time: 2:53 AM Could someone please tell me all there is to know about a "bug" in the fortress rotation simulator in the mechanical age? Thanks. --Jason FWVM78B =============== Reply 1 of Note 1 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST To: FWVM78B JASON ABRAMS Date: 02/12 From: XKKP40A J CONSCHAFTER Time: 5:52 PM That rotation device is practice for the one above the elevator. Back on Myst patterm 158 in the library takes you to the passage to Atrus, in the fireplace. If you need anymore hints reply back soon. Steve C. =============== Note 2 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST To: ALL Date: 01/03 From: SPGW69A JEFFREY MOORE Time: 6:44 PM I have done the following, turned the switches on so they show on the map, rotated the tower and got the four clues. From there I opened the safe and got the matches, entered the dates in the star thingy but I dont know what it does. What does the 59 volts mean? And this 2:40 2,2,1? I found a generator looking thing and pressed buttons to get to 59 but I'm still lost. Help Quick!!!! thanxs R@CHEL =============== Reply 1 of Note 2 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST To: SPGW69A JEFFREY MOORE Date: 03/06 From: FSHA19A JOYCE KNARR Time: 11:36 PM The large wheel is 5 minute increments, the small wheel is hours. Set clock to 2:40. Turn gears to 2,2,1. This will open BIG gears at beginning. I am stuck in the mechanical age at just this point. =============== Reply 2 of Note 2 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST To: FSHA19A JOYCE KNARR Date: 03/08 From: PFWD79B NICHOLAS JONES Time: 9:55 PM to get out of the mechanichal world you must go in the elivator go to the high level hit the middle bottun and get out of the elivator if you need to learn how to use it listen to the sounds of the gears switching and learn the sounds. also go into the room with the hologram of the island. =============== Reply 3 of Note 2 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST To: SPGW69A JEFFREY MOORE Date: 03/08 From: PFWD79B NICHOLAS JONES Time: 9:55 PM ok you need to go back into the star room and mark down the stars constilations go back into the library find out wich contalations they are and then you go to where the ship is in the well then find those three contalations on the staffs then the ship should rise and you will have the stoneship era then talk later Dr. Bones =============== Note 3 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST To: XTVV73A MARTHA FONTENOT Date: 01/15 From: KWDT34A DAVID DUNCAN Time: 10:05 PM DEAR MARTHA, HOW IN THE HELL DO I LAUNCH THE SPACE SHIP!?I HAVE MATCHED THE SOUNDS,PULLED THE LEVER AND NOTHING HAPPENS. SIGNED SHOCK-G(KWDT34B) =============== Reply 1 of Note 3 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST To: KWDT34A DAVID DUNCAN Date: 02/12 From: XKKP40A J CONSCHAFTER Time: 6:01 PM First make sure you have matched the sounds correctly because if you are one off, the ship wont be activated. There is also a more complex hint to the end, the brothers in the library are out to get you, dont give them too much pages or you will end up where they are. Steve C =============== Reply 2 of Note 3 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST To: KWDT34A DAVID DUNCAN Date: 02/12 From: DXXK40A JEFFREY HARVEY Time: 6:44 PM EASY JUST MAKE SURE YOU MATCH THE SOUNDS EXACTLY AND HAVE THEM GO LEFT TO RIGHT THEN PULL THE LEVER. HOPE THIS HELPS. JEFF DXXK40A =============== Reply 3 of Note 3 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST To: KWDT34A DAVID DUNCAN Date: 03/06 From: FSHA19A JOYCE KNARR Time: 11:36 PM Even though the book gives the piano keys as 5,1,4,2,3 - you must put them into the lever thing as 1, 2,3,4,5. Pull handle and Bon Voyage =============== Note 4 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST To: FCSB49A JASON MELTZER Date: 01/18 From: KWDT34B CHRISTOPHER DUNCAN Time: 12:18 PM DEAR JASON, HOW DO I GET BACK TO THE FIRST AGE FROM THE ROCKS?I RAN AROUND IN THE SUB AND IT TURNS OUT I RAN AROUND IN CIRCLES.GIVE ME THE DIRECTIONS PLEASE? SIGNED SHOCK-G(KWDT34B) =============== Reply 1 of Note 4 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST To: KWDT34B BILL DUNCAN Date: 02/22 From: HPTN55C JIMMY RUSSELL Time: 11:14 AM Is the "sub" the place where the compass that looks kinda like a roulette wheel is? =============== Note 5 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST To: ALL Date: 02/03 From: GWWT60C JERMAINE MCBEAN Time: 8:12 PM How do you get the key for the safe. I in the tower what do you do with the symbol of the book and the key. How do you raise the ship, how do you get in the clock tower and what do you do in the planetarum thanks =============== Reply 1 of Note 5 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST To: GWWT60C JERMAINE MCBEAN Date: 02/04 From: XBHK64A STEVEN BUCHTHAL Time: 3:25 PM This is the major puzzle at the beginning of the game. To get the answers to each of the puzzles it is necessary to turn the tower. This is done on the map in the library. Making sure that all the marker switches you can get to are turned on - look at the map; by clicking on tower it will start to rotate. stop when the line is red. Go back to the tower and look out the window and look at the far wall . by repeating this for all possible red lines you should be well on your way to solving the game steve =============== Note 6 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST To: ALL Date: 02/12 From: DXXK40A JEFFREY HARVEY Time: 4:50 PM I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO IN THE TUNNELS IN THE ROCKETSHIP WORLD. EVRY TIME I GO SOMEWHERE IN THE TUNNELS I GET LOST. PLEASE HELP!!! WHERE DO I GO IN THE TRAIN TUNNELS ON THAT SHIP. PLEASE REPLY. THANKS JEFF DXXK40A =============== Reply 1 of Note 6 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST To: DXXK40A JEFFREY HARVEY Date: 02/14 From: XBHK64A STEVEN BUCHTHAL Time: 12:30 PM This region is a variation on the classis adventure game maze. One way to beat it is to map exactly where you go and keep track. Eventually, you will find the end of the maze where the book is. Alternatively, I've HEARD that there is an easy way through the maze. Keep you EAR the the ground for clues. This SOUNDS like a faster way Steve =============== Reply 2 of Note 6 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST To: XBHK64A STEVEN BUCHTHAL Date: 03/06 From: HPTN55C JIMMY RUSSELL Time: 1:20 PM If youre sick of the hints the other person gave you on the tunnels heres the easy way to get threough. Each direction you travel has a specific sound. As you travel through youl figure out which sound means which direction to travel. If you hear a combo of sounds it means go in the direction of the combo you hear.(the N and E sound together would mean Northeast. I hope this helps. James P.S. Dont go backward! If you just came to a place by travelling north than dont go south, you would just be going back to where you came from. =============== Reply 3 of Note 6 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST To: HPTN55C JIMMY RUSSELL Date: 03/07 From: FNRJ43A BRUCE RIEDINGER Time: 11:59 PM If you just stay to the right you will get through just don't go back down the path you came from. IF THAT'S TOO HARD FOR YOU THEN LOOK AT PAGE TWO >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> N, W, N, E, E, S, S, W, SW, W, NW, NE, N, SE then get out of the train. good luck. BAR in H.B. CA =============== Note 7 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST To: ALL Date: 02/20 From: SKCT33B MICHAEL MEIKSON Time: 12:25 PM Is Myst worth buying? Can you please tell me about it (other than what's on the box cover)? Thanks! ---Mike =============== Reply 1 of Note 7 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST To: SKCT33B MICHAEL MEIKSON Date: 02/21 From: MHMG38C NICK DARGAHI Time: 1:34 AM Myst is definitely worth buying. The detailed graphic environment is so compelling that once you're in it you never want to leave. There's a great mystery to solve, weird alien hardware you have to figure out how to start up, and a complicated story. =============== Reply 2 of Note 7 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST To: MHMG38C NICK DARGAHI Date: 02/21 From: FNXB96C A J BERGER Time: 10:47 PM any idea when it will be available for the Intel based PC ? =============== Reply 3 of Note 7 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST To: FNXB96C A J BERGER Date: 02/22 From: DVBK31A ANDREW HALL Time: 3:19 AM Soon. I just saw the "Coming VERY Soon!" box for it in ELB. I'm assuming within a month, no later. AH. =============== Reply 4 of Note 7 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST To: SKCT33B MICHAEL MEIKSON Date: 02/22 From: YNCW96E J CAMPBELL Time: 4:00 PM At Egghead they hyave the myst or will have it by the 28th of this month. jc =============== Reply 5 of Note 7 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST To: YNCW96E J CAMPBELL Date: 02/23 From: FNXB96C A J BERGER Time: 1:51 PM I just confirmed that 2/28 release with Broderbund; should actually be in the stores about a week or two latter. If you like 7th Guest, I'm sure you'll love this game ! =============== Reply 6 of Note 7 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST To: YNCW96E J CAMPBELL Date: 02/23 From: FNXB96C A J BERGER Time: 1:51 PM Oh, one more thing... Myst on the PC will ONLY RUN IN WINDOWS 3.1 sucks, dose'nt it... now I gotta figure out how to get my CD and Sound DLLs to work in Windows. =============== Reply 7 of Note 7 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST To: FNXB96C A J BERGER Date: 02/28 From: FSTD28A SANDY POYNOR Time: 4:30 PM Just bought it today. Requires Win 3.1. Sandi =============== Reply 8 of Note 7 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST To: FSTD28A SANDY POYNOR Date: 03/01 From: UNNF44A ROBERT KADISH Time: 0:04 AM How much ram do you need to run this? Does it run slow? I got Hell Cab and it is slow as molasass. It also needs four megs of ram free once you are in windows and hates virtual memory, so I wound up not having enough memory to play it quickly anyway. Then I talked to people who said they had 16 megs and HC was still slow. I don't want another repeat of that $50 mistake. Any info is appreciated. Thanks, Rob =============== Reply 9 of Note 7 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST To: UNNF44A ROBERT KADISH Date: 03/01 From: FSTD28A SANDY POYNOR Time: 2:43 PM I have 8mb of ram and a double speed cd-rom (toshiba) and a 486 dx 33.. I don't notice that it runs unusually slowly. All the cd games I've played seem to run slower than if they were running from the hard drive tho. The box states it will run on a 386dx 33 but that a 486 is recommended, as are 4mb of RAM, windows 3.1 and DOS 5.0 or higher. Also need SVGA 640x480 X 256 colors. =============== Reply 10 of Note 7 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST To: UNNF44A ROBERT KADISH Date: 03/01 From: HXMT06A TIMOTHY MEIER Time: 6:05 PM Well, I am running Myst with a 486DX-25, a Sony Singlespeed CDROM, 8 Meg of Ram, and a generic Trident Video Card at 640X480, and it seems to run fast enough for me. The Sound does stutter sometimes when it is going to the CDROM, but most of the game is unanimated, so it doesn't boggle down. But it gets faster as you give windows more virtual memory. Good game, I like it a lot, so far. Tim =============== Reply 11 of Note 7 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST To: HXMT06A TIMOTHY MEIER Date: 03/01 From: UNNF44A ROBERT KADISH Time: 6:45 PM Thanks for the info! Rob =============== Reply 12 of Note 7 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST To: DVBK31A ANDREW HALL Date: 03/04 From: EGNU81A PETER HANDKE Time: 4:53 PM I just bought it today at Software Etc. =============== Reply 13 of Note 7 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST To: EGNU81A PETER HANDKE Date: 03/06 From: UTFT02A LESLIE HORVATH Time: 2:22 PM Need more virtual mem. help! Ive tried every thing I del. all the files I could doesn't help it tried memmaker,ect. running at 83% and experencing some glicks utft02a @#@$#%^pissed =============== Reply 14 of Note 7 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST To: SKCT33B MICHAEL MEIKSON Date: 03/06 From: NSFX45A DALE BURNER SR Time: 4:35 PM What do I do in the boat world after I turn on the lights? =============== Note 8 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST To: ALL Date: 03/01 From: FVBC39A DIANE CHAVEZ Time: 1:55 AM I just got myst and cannot play because a problem with my windows super vga driver. Has anyone had these problems? If so, What is the best way to get the new drivers? Please help asap I am anxious to play. Thanks for any help. =============== Reply 1 of Note 8 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST To: FVBC39A DIANE CHAVEZ Date: 03/01 From: FSTD28A SANDY POYNOR Time: 11:26 PM Many video card manufacturors have bulletin boards from which you can simply download new drivers. Check your video card manual to see if your card manuf. has one. Sandi =============== Reply 2 of Note 8 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST To: FVBC39A DIANE CHAVEZ Date: 03/02 From: AVDB49A CHRIS ARELLANO Time: 6:09 AM I had the same problem. The settings for screen resolution need to be set to 256 colors. Mine was set for 16 million. I hope this info helps. :-) =============== Note 9 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST To: ALL Date: 03/02 From: RCXH59A YALE POPOWICH Time: 8:28 AM Help ! I managed to get to the desert planet on the spaceship. Now I'm stuck though. I have activated all five sights (red button), exchanged the blue for red paper,heard their sounds and reached the tuning tower. What do I do there ? Adjusting is a slow process ? Is that what I am even supposed to do there ? What about the elevator door ? Inputting the sounds doesn't seem to work. Thanks for the help. Yale Popowich =============== Reply 1 of Note 9 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST To: RCXH59A YALE POPOWICH Date: 03/03 From: BGBF46A DAN KUSHNER Time: 11:48 PM I would help you out, but I too am clueless. =============== Reply 2 of Note 9 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST To: BGBF46A DAN KUSHNER Date: 03/04 From: AGJV70A DAVID IBRAHIM Time: 2:45 AM How do you get into the spaceship? I set the overall power level at 59 volts, but the meter still says the ship has no power. Help!! =============== Reply 3 of Note 9 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST To: AGJV70A DAVID IBRAHIM Date: 03/04 From: RCXH59A YALE POPOWICH Time: 4:17 PM You'll notice a utility pole near the spaceship. Climb it and close the switch to supply power to the ship. Yale =============== Note 10 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST To: ALL Date: 03/06 From: NSFX45A DALE BURNER SR Time: 11:26 AM Could someone that opened the envelope please give me each one of the hints word for word =============== Reply 1 of Note 10 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST To: NSFX45A DALE BURNER SR Date: 03/06 From: JDTF35A JOSEPH BRYSON Time: 8:30 PM Why not just open yours? Joe =============== Reply 2 of Note 10 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST To: JDTF35A JOSEPH BRYSON Date: 03/08 From: BGBF46A DAN KUSHNER Time: 6:48 PM These are the hints,but, unless you are a complete idiot, you already knew this useless info. Hint 1. Access to the places of protection starts by examening everything on the library walls.If you still need more go on to the next hint. Hint 2.Access to the places of protection starts by the>>>>> understanding of the function of the map in the library. If you still need more, go on to the next hint. Hint 3.Turn on the Marker switches on Myst island to activate locations on the map in the library.Rotate the tower to locations that turn the line red by clicking and holding the flashing icon on the map.Go to the tower to find the access keys. =============== Note 11 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST To: ALL Date: 03/06 From: NSFX45A DALE BURNER SR Time: 4:35 PM What do I do in the boat world after I turn on the lights? =============== Reply 1 of Note 11 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST To: NSFX45A DALE BURNER SR Date: 03/06 From: FSTD28A SANDY POYNOR Time: 7:20 PM Start searching for the red and blue pages. Pushing different switches under the umbrella, will pump water out of the 2 tunnels, and the boat. Open all drawers you find in the rooms. You'll also need to look through the telescope and write down the degree at which you find the flashing light on the lighthouse. Search all walls in the tunnels for secret doors. Sandi =============== Note 12 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST To: ALL Date: 03/06 From: SSRJ43A DAVID CRANDON Time: 7:20 PM I recently got myst, and have reasonable luck finding a few different ages. But I have two problems at the very beginning. First, I have been able to set the first power setting to 59 volts, but the second remains stubbornly at zero. How do I set the power indicated by the second readout to 59 volts. And second, I don't know what to do with the vat (for want of a better word) that I find down the stairway to my left just as I first enter Myst. I hit the power button and the liquid disappears to reveal some type of buttons or keyboard. But I cannot get anything to happen from that point. Thanks for any hints or help. Dave =============== Reply 1 of Note 12 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST To: SSRJ43A DAVID CRANDON Date: 03/06 From: VMKG13B LARAINE SPALTEN Time: 8:31 PM Dave, I just started Myst also. And found that vat thing by error. Turn around and look at the wall behind you. You might find out some new info. Laraine =============== Reply 2 of Note 12 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST To: SSRJ43A DAVID CRANDON Date: 03/06 From: YKMU05A BRIAN ALBERS Time: 9:36 PM I'm afraid that, if you tried turning on the power and shut it off after giving up, you'll have to reset the breakers. Go back outside and follow the power lines to the ship. At two points on the way are pillars with ladders going up. Climb both and flip switches. Then try again. One pillar right next to shed, one on walkway to ship you are powering. Combination for 59 volts is 1,4,7,8,10 buttons. -B- =============== Reply 3 of Note 12 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST To: SSRJ43A DAVID CRANDON Date: 03/06 From: FSHA19A JOYCE KNARR Time: 11:48 PM The vat is powered by the sign on the wall. Upper left corner is a button. Push it. This is also where you get the message left for Catherine. Punch in the number of switches on the island. This info can be obtained by info on front of sign. =============== Note 13 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST To: ALL Date: 03/06 From: VMKG13B LARAINE SPALTEN Time: 9:36 PM Just thought of another question--how does everyone know that the fireplace is the place for that 8 x 6 puzzle? Which book mentioned it? Thanks, Laraine in So Fl (here EB has the game for $49.99, and Compusa has it for $47.95.) Also the hint book is $19.95 list but I am hoping to solve this without spending that much =============== Reply 1 of Note 13 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST To: VMKG13B LARAINE SPALTEN Date: 03/06 From: FSHA19A JOYCE KNARR Time: 11:48 PM I just got into the fireplace and found that out for myself. =============== Reply 2 of Note 13 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST To: FSHA19A JOYCE KNARR Date: 03/07 From: VMKG13B LARAINE SPALTEN Time: 8:49 PM I also got into and out of the fireplace, and did not see anything that could help. Where is the clue? Also I managed to get someplace that no one else is mentioning--after setting the clock and 2,2,1 I noticed that the big gear was split and went to investigate this and am now stuck with houses on water and cannot get back to Myst, Am I in another world? Or how can I get back to try the #'s for the "dentist chair thing"? Thanks, Laraine =============== Reply 3 of Note 13 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST To: VMKG13B LARAINE SPALTEN Date: 03/07 From: EGWA99A STEPHEN DRAGE Time: 11:31 PM COSTCO HAS THIS GAME FOR ABOUT 40.00 =============== Note 14 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST To: ALL Date: 03/08 From: FNRJ43A BRUCE RIEDINGER Time: 0:17 AM HELP! I'm in the channelwood age and can't get in the treehouse. I've made the little bridge and connected the pipe, the elevator wont move! PLEASE HELP! Kelli for her Dad =============== Reply 1 of Note 14 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST To: FNRJ43A BRUCE RIEDINGER Date: 03/08 From: WXBH78B CLAY DILKS Time: 2:00 AM Ok. This is hard to explain, but every time the pipes fork, there are almost like gate-valve type things. Each valve has to be open toward the direction you are wanting the water to go. If the valve is open the right way, you will here the sound of rushing water. It's probably best to start at the pump house and work your way to the elevator. -Clay =============== Reply 2 of Note 14 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST To: FNRJ43A BRUCE RIEDINGER Date: 03/08 From: WXBH78B CLAY DILKS Time: 2:00 AM Almost forgot, did you close the door of the elevator after getting inside? Took me a half hour to figure that one out.-Clay =============== Reply 3 of Note 14 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST To: WXBH78B CLAY DILKS Date: 03/08 From: FNRJ43A BRUCE RIEDINGER Time: 2:54 PM Thanks, I knew to use the valves but not close the door. BAR =============== Note 15 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST To: ALL Date: 03/08 From: FNRJ43A BRUCE RIEDINGER Time: 0:17 AM Ok, Here is a second question. I have the three constilation (sic) and don't how to use them on the pillars. At least thats were I think I'm supposed to use them. That should get us to the fourth age. Done the rocket and the mechanical ages. Thanx in advance. Kelli and BAR in H.B. CA =============== Reply 1 of Note 15 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST To: FNRJ43A BRUCE RIEDINGER Date: 03/08 From: GWXS94A JOE EIERS Time: 10:07 AM If you have gone to the planetarium with the dates, ID (see what pictures they are) the constellations and click on those pictures on the pillars. After this another world will be ready for you. Joe =============== Reply 2 of Note 15 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST To: GWXS94A JOE EIERS Date: 03/08 From: FNRJ43A BRUCE RIEDINGER Time: 2:54 PM Ok but is that click on it or pass over it??? Must be click on it since passing over it doesn't seem to do the trick. I'll have to try that later when I get home from work. Thanks, BAR =============== Reply 3 of Note 15 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST To: FNRJ43A BRUCE RIEDINGER Date: 03/11 From: FDBH20A ASWIN PRIBADI Time: 2:53 PM Those constellations received from the Dentist chair (I get traumas) after putting the code must be matched on those in the pillars in GREEN. =============== Reply 4 of Note 15 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST To: FDBH20A ASWIN PRIBADI Date: 03/13 From: KBHA99A WILL BIELINSKI Time: 7:39 PM Click On the Symbols to raise the model ship....I myself am completely stumped at that point!!!!!! Have funn!!! Will =============== Note 16 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST To: ALL Date: 03/08 From: NCHW46B DAN NAPLES Time: 2:26 AM Anyone help. I have completed all ages except the Channelwood age. I can get up the in the trees & also back home to Myst but don't know where any pages or the other half of the white note is. I think there is a way to go higher in the huts on top but to get that elevator working I would have to turn off the one that gets me up there to begin with. Any help appreciated. Thanks, Dan =============== Reply 1 of Note 16 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST To: NCHW46B DAN NAPLES Date: 03/08 From: XBHK64A STEVEN BUCHTHAL Time: 7:07 PM Once you've reached the 2nd level, you should find a switch that opens the stairway between the 1st and 2nd level. Then it is easy to redirect the water to power the elevator that goes from the 2nd to 3rd level. Steve =============== Reply 2 of Note 16 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST To: XBHK64A STEVEN BUCHTHAL Date: 03/09 From: NCHW46B DAN NAPLES Time: 1:59 AM Thanks Steve, I found it! How could I have missed it. I appreciate the help. Dan =============== Note 17 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST To: ALL Date: 03/10 From: GPPM21D MICHAEL DEMAIO Time: 4:18 PM How do I get to the clock tower? AND Does anybody know what to do in the stoneship age? THANKS......... =============== Reply 1 of Note 17 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST To: GPPM21D MICHAEL DEMAIO Date: 03/10 From: JVPJ84A SCOTT MCCLELLAND Time: 6:47 PM SET THE CLOCK TO 2:30 BY WAY OF THE WHEELS AND THEN PUSH THE RED BUTTON. THE THREE RED NOBS TO YOUR RIGHT AS YOU ENTER THE SHIP AGE ARE WATER PUMPS. TRY PUSHING DIFFERENT ONES TO CLEAR PATHS HINDERED BY WATER. IF YOU HAVE ANY MORE QUESTIONS, MY ID # IS JVPJ84A. JASON =============== Note 18 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST To: ALL Date: 03/10 From: NBFT18A FRANK CALVAGNA Time: 5:11 PM How do you get out of channelwood? We've been to the upper levels and we cant find a way out.If possible e-mail. Thanks> Frank C. NBFT18a =============== Reply 1 of Note 18 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST To: NBFT18A FRANK CALVAGNA Date: 03/10 From: JVPJ84A SCOTT MCCLELLAND Time: 6:47 PM HOW DID YOU GET TO CHANNELWOOD? JASON MCCLELLAND JVPJ84A =============== Note 19 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST To: ALL Date: 03/12 From: EKTF77C JOSH WINKLE Time: 1:37 AM I'm the type of guy who likes kings quest and police quest kind of games, so is this game worth paying $65 for it???? Clueless??? =============== Reply 1 of Note 19 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST To: EKTF77C JOSH WINKLE Date: 03/13 From: SDGS11A J WEISE Time: 8:50 PM "$69" no way. It is available many places for $49. That said, it is a great game -- if you are into logical thinking and a minimum of "shoot em ups". Myst is primarily just you trying to figure out what happened and where everyone went =============== Reply 2 of Note 19 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST To: SDGS11A J WEISE Date: 03/13 From: FSHA19A JOYCE KNARR Time: 11:59 PM Sorry but no game is worth $69!! I paid something like $39.97! You'd better shop around! =============== Reply 3 of Note 19 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST To: EKTF77C JOSH WINKLE Date: 03/17 From: JJJG32A TONY FERDAISE Time: 2:58 AM Clueless, I paid less then $65 for the game, I paid under 50 for it. So far It's driving me up the wall, which I like. It really gets you to think. The Graphics are out of this world. Tony/ Who is stuck on the island !! =============== Note 20 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST To: ALL Date: 03/12 From: JWCH73A MARVIN BOOTH Time: 2:24 AM Channelwood in Myst. How do you get the gate open to go down the stairs? Is there a switch, and if so, where is it? I need to go down so that I can switch the water valve for the elevator to get to the third level. =============== Reply 1 of Note 20 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST To: JWCH73A MARVIN BOOTH Date: 03/13 From: RGBN48A MICHAEL BUSH Time: 12:56 PM There is a lever on the first level of treehouses. It's in a hut that has a view of the door at the top of the stairs. It can be reached from the hut which has a table with baskets on it. I wish I could give better directions, but I don't remember the exact location. Mike =============== Note 21 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST To: ALL Date: 03/13 From: KBHA99A WILL BIELINSKI Time: 12:13 PM i NEED A COMPLETE WALK THROUGH OF THE sTONEaGE WITH THE BROKEN BOAT....I CANNOT FIND ANY BOOK....DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO WITH THE IRON MASK, NEEDLE, BALL ON PEDLESTLE, ROOM UNDER BOAT, ROULETTE WHEELE, ROSE AND SKULL, THOSE TWO GLOWING BALLS IN THE CLEAN ROOM....please help A.S.A.F.P. thanks...Bill =============== Note 22 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST To: DHJY11A FLORINE KLUSSMANN Date: 03/13 From: JRRU04A BARBARA GILLICK Time: 11:16 PM I'm in the stoneAge, I have entered the secret passage through the tunnel. What do I do with the object in the middle of the floor? I heard I should push the 12th bottom. there are buttons all around it and a center one. In what sequence should I push (small and then larger?) smaller one - Which one? Jrru04a Babs =============== Reply 1 of Note 22 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST To: JRRU04A BARBARA GILLICK Date: 03/19 From: DHJY11A FLORINE KLUSSMANN Time: 10:12 PM SORRY I HAVN'T REPLIED SOONER. YOU HAVE PROBABLY ALREADY FIGURED OUT THAT IN ORDER TO TURN ON THE SUBMERSIBLE LANTERNS YOU HAVE TO PUSH THE 12TH BUTTON FROM THE TOP OF THE SUN DIAL THING ON THE FLOOR. (STARTING AT THE TOP AND COUNTING CLOCKWISE) =============== Note 23 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST To: HVYH71A NORM BUCHLER Date: 03/13 From: JRRU04A BARBARA GILLICK Time: 11:42 PM Hi Norm, It's Barbara, are you just starting the game or have you finished it. I haven't seen any questions from you, so I'm assuming you're are either doing well or in expert in the subject. I'm a mom of two teenagers, so if you're looking for a young female, I'm sorry, but I don't fit the bill. Hope to hear from you soon. Jrru04a Babs =============== Note 24 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST To: ALL Date: 03/13 From: KWVV59A ARNOLD KEMPER Time: 11:59 PM HELP NEEDED RE: GETTING THE SPACESHIP OFF THE GROUND. I'VE TURNED THE GENERATOR ON TO 59 AND AM IN SIDE THE SHIP AND HAVE THE TUNE WHICH NEEDS TO BE PLAYED. I CAN'T GET THE SWITCHES ON THE TOWERS TO CLOSE. ANY HELP WOULD BE APPRECIATED. KWVV59A =============== Reply 1 of Note 24 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST To: KWVV59A ARNOLD KEMPER Date: 03/14 From: JRRU04A BARBARA GILLICK Time: 6:26 PM Arnold, If you were able to get in the spacespace you should have power. You will need to play the notes, and then set the switches on the console to sound the same. (move up and down). Jrru0ra Babs =============== Note 25 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST To: ALL Date: 03/14 From: MXTW94A JO ANN HIRSHHORN Time: 7:29 PM Help! Stoneship/ Compass Which button? I have tried all arond the 135 degree area and I still get flashing blue light and alarm! Is there something else that has to be done? JO =============== Reply 1 of Note 25 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST To: MXTW94A JO ANN HIRSHHORN Date: 03/14 From: XBHK64A STEVEN BUCHTHAL Time: 9:24 PM Make sure that the generator is fully charged. Then push the 13th button from the top clockwise Steve =============== Reply 2 of Note 25 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST To: XBHK64A STEVEN BUCHTHAL Date: 03/15 From: MXTW94A JO ANN HIRSHHORN Time: 5:01 PM Thank you Steven! It was the generator! You made it possible for me to finish the game. Now I can get back to work! =============== Note 26 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST To: ALL Date: 03/14 From: PYDX07A ERIC HURST Time: 11:47 PM I'm in the fortress, does anyone know how to rotate it or anything else to do. =============== Reply 1 of Note 26 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST To: PYDX07A ERIC HURST Date: 03/15 From: TEWS31A TED BUMP Time: 1:24 AM Eric: There is a rotation simulator in the torture chamber but, it doesn't actually move the fortress. There's also two different letters that you can pick up in the chambers behind the wall in the same room. I can't find anything else. =============== Reply 2 of Note 26 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST To: PYDX07A ERIC HURST Date: 03/15 From: YKMU05A BRIAN ALBERS Time: 8:14 PM The simulator he speaks of is just that - a simulator. There is a different place in the fortress that contains the actual tower rotation controls, and finding it is the key to this world. Here's a hint: thoroughly explore the elevator (that is, if you've found it). It doesn't operate quite like other elevators in this game. If you want more, or info on any other part of this game, ask away. -B- =============== Note 27 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST To: ALL Date: 03/15 From: AGJV70A DAVID IBRAHIM Time: 1:15 AM I have a few questions. 1)How do I get into channelwood? I light the furnace, but what do i do next? Nothing seems to work. 2)What do once I get into the stoneship age? I'm stumped. 3)Is there any way to leave an age once your in it, or do you have to solve it first? =============== Note 28 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST To: XBHK64A STEVEN BUCHTHAL Date: 03/15 From: JRRU04A BARBARA GILLICK Time: 8:45 PM Steve, Need you help on how to repair the bridge, I'm in Channelwood with all the pipes and windmill. jrru04a Barb =============== Note 29 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST To: ALL Date: 03/16 From: JGHW67F BRIANNE MURCHISON Time: 11:18 PM I can't solve the puzzle at the switches after getting to the second world and I don't know how to return to the original world...Somebody Please Help me!! -Bri =============== Reply 1 of Note 29 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST To: JGHW67F BRIANNE MURCHISON Date: 03/17 From: JRRU04A BARBARA GILLICK Time: 11:56 PM Brianne, Which one is the second world? There are switches in all of them. Jrru04a Barb =============== Note 30 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST To: ALL Date: 03/17 From: JJJG32A TONY FERDAISE Time: 3:05 AM Hello all you MYST people, I need some help. Ih ave figured out SOME of the first part. I can raise the ship, and get into the spaceship, but I have 2 questions At the start of the game you come across a letter on the groud. It says there is a message by the fore-chamber by the dock. WHERE is this fore-chamber ???? 2) The model ship in the fountian, is this for show or am I to do something with it ?? I have raised the ship out of the water... Thanks for your help.. Tony/San Diego =============== Reply 1 of Note 30 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST To: JJJG32A TONY FERDAISE Date: 03/17 From: YKMU05A BRIAN ALBERS Time: 9:03 AM The chamber in question is reached from the dock - in fact, the very same space where you start the game. Go in the door, down the stairs, and explore the room very carefully to figure out how to operate it. Raising the boat is an indication that you have opened the doorway to the Stoneship world. Now where do YOU think the entrance to this world is going to be? -B- =============== Reply 2 of Note 30 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST To: JJJG32A TONY FERDAISE Date: 03/17 From: JRRU04A BARBARA GILLICK Time: 11:56 PM the fore-chamber is the door against the dock. the ship in the fountain is for show. When the small boat rises, so did the larger one. Jrruo4a Barb =============== Reply 3 of Note 30 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST To: YKMU05A BRIAN ALBERS Date: 03/18 From: JJJG32A TONY FERDAISE Time: 2:14 AM Brain, Thanks for the info, after asking my questions, I found the fore-chamber.. I'm still working on the chamber, I found the "Setting Dimensional" on the wall, but I haven't figured out anything else in the room. I do click on the white light on front of the culdern but after that I can't get close to it. thanks for the info.. Tony/ Lost in Myst, but enjoying it !!! =============== Reply 4 of Note 30 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST To: JRRU04A BARBARA GILLICK Date: 03/18 From: JJJG32A TONY FERDAISE Time: 2:14 AM Barb, thanks for the info, This is ONE addicting game ! This staying up until 3am is going to kill me !! Tony =============== Reply 5 of Note 30 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST To: JJJG32A TONY FERDAISE Date: 03/18 From: YKMU05A BRIAN ALBERS Time: 8:55 PM To get new displays in the viewer, click on the red button in the upper left corner of the sign on the opposite wall. This opens up a panel, and you can enter numbers to see different messages on the viewer. For the message from Atrus, enter the number of switches on the island(8). -B- =============== Reply 6 of Note 30 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST To: YKMU05A BRIAN ALBERS Date: 03/18 From: JJJG32A TONY FERDAISE Time: 11:23 PM Brain, In the log cabin, I turn the valve open and I hear steam but the tree doesn't move, also WHERE do I find the combo for the safe. I tryed the numbers from the clock <221> but that doesn't work.. Tony =============== Reply 7 of Note 30 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST To: YKMU05A BRIAN ALBERS Date: 03/18 From: JJJG32A TONY FERDAISE Time: 11:25 PM Brian, thanks for th hint, It was driving me crazy looking for ANYTHING to get the viewer to come on.. Tony/San Diego =============== Reply 8 of Note 30 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST To: JJJG32A TONY FERDAISE Date: 03/19 From: YKMU05A BRIAN ALBERS Time: 8:14 PM The combo to the safe can be found, if I remember correctly, the same way you got the numbers for the clock. Turn the library tower to the hut with the safe and go up into the tower to see the clue. Once you get the safe open, you'll know what you need to do to get the tree moving. -B- =============== Reply 9 of Note 30 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST To: JJJG32A TONY FERDAISE Date: 03/20 From: JRRU04A BARBARA GILLICK Time: 0:39 AM Tony, I am totally stuck now, I'm in the world with the windmill, that you access through the tree. If you make it there, maybe you can get me started. Jrru04a Barb =============== Reply 10 of Note 30 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST To: YKMU05A BRIAN ALBERS Date: 03/20 From: JJJG32A TONY FERDAISE Time: 7:06 PM Brain, I found teh safe combo, but here is my problem HOW do I get to the tree in time to go up ? Tony/San Diego =============== Reply 11 of Note 30 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST To: JRRU04A BARBARA GILLICK Date: 03/20 From: JJJG32A TONY FERDAISE Time: 7:06 PM Barb, I'm having 2 problems, one is HOW do I get into the tree befor it goes UP and I'm stuck in the damn spaceship. I'm stuck on the musical notes.. Tony/san Diego =============== Reply 12 of Note 30 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST To: JJJG32A TONY FERDAISE Date: 03/21 From: JRRU04A BARBARA GILLICK Time: 0:32 AM Can help you with the spaceship, I can't get that myself. As far as the tree, turn the furnace off, then when it is coming down, jump on. Jrru04a Barb =============== Reply 13 of Note 30 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST To: JRRU04A BARBARA GILLICK Date: 03/21 From: JJJG32A TONY FERDAISE Time: 2:00 AM Barb, Thanks for the tip on the tree. So you want to go DOWN not UP.. Interesting. I've gone into the Stoneage and I'm lost. I've gone into Channelwood ??? The world by the gears on the hill, interesting place, I'm lost in both worlds. But it's too late right now to play on tonight.. Tony/San Diego =============== Note 31 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST To: ALL Date: 03/17 From: VWFB33C TOM BARR Time: 7:52 AM Inside Space ship having trouble with the keyboard. Found music in the library and have played notes a thousand times. Whats the trick here or do I have a tone-deaf ear?? Thanx TB =============== Reply 1 of Note 31 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST To: VWFB33C TOM BARR Date: 03/17 From: YKMU05A BRIAN ALBERS Time: 9:09 AM Be careful that you are hitting the right octave. If you don't know much about music, this means that essentially, you are hitting the same not but higher or lower on the scale. Sometimes this is hard to distinguish. Make sure that when you hit the switch and play back the notes, they are in the right order and, more importantly, they correspond by "distance" to the ones on the keyboard. >> In other words, if the note you entered is quite a ways above or below the previous one on the machine, but the corresponding one on the keyboard is fairly close to the previous one, you are probably hitting the wrong octave. Try to find a similarly sounding note closer to the previous one. Hope this helps! -B- =============== Note 32 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST To: ALL Date: 03/18 From: HMEV63A DOUGLAS SMITH Time: 1:06 AM Can anyone tell me where the other secret room is in the rotating fortress. I've been in the one with the cage that lights up but can't find the other one. Any help would much appreciated. Doug =============== Reply 1 of Note 32 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST To: HMEV63A DOUGLAS SMITH Date: 03/22 From: AWXB96A DAVE MURPHY Time: 1:47 AM There is one secret room off each of the two main ones. I can't remember which is which off hand, but they're both next to the chairs. One you get to by pressing on a yellow stripe (I think) and the other by pressing the lower left corner of a big tapestry by the chair. Dave =============== Note 33 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST To: ALL Date: 03/18 From: NYUW87D ANDY MEESE Time: 10:33 AM What is the point of myst. I can't get anywhere. Where are the marker switches. I need some help. Thanks in advance HT Andy =============== Reply 1 of Note 33 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST To: NYUW87D ANDY MEESE Date: 03/20 From: JRRU04A BARBARA GILLICK Time: 0:58 AM The marker switches are the ones outside different buildings. Example would be like the one coming up from the docks, as you hit the stairs, pull every lever up that you find. There are 8 all together. Jrru04a Barb =============== Reply 2 of Note 33 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST To: JRRU04A BARBARA GILLICK Date: 03/20 From: NYUW87D ANDY MEESE Time: 2:25 PM THANKS BUT WHAT DO YOU DO AFTER THAT. HELP WOULD BE GREATLY APPRECIATED. I HAVE BEEN STUCK FOR WEEKS. =============== Reply 3 of Note 33 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST To: NYUW87D ANDY MEESE Date: 03/23 From: RAAX46A PIETER HOOLBOOM Time: 9:24 PM I don't know what the point is to myst.The marker switches are those levers on the small pedestal like things next to all the buildings -Patches WW.HH.- =============== Reply 4 of Note 33 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST To: RAAX46A PIETER HOOLBOOM Date: 03/24 From: JJJG32A TONY FERDAISE Time: 3:10 AM Patchs those switchs by the space ship and such aren't the marker switchs !! Tony =============== Note 34 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST To: ALL Date: 03/18 From: XBJG99D JONATHAN HOYSRADT Time: 3:22 PM It seems that everyone but me knows how to activate the chimney in the library (I read something about an 6x8 grid puzzle1!?!?!?!?) A little help on this sbuject would be greatly appreciated! Thanks -Jon =============== Reply 1 of Note 34 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST To: XBJG99D JONATHAN HOYSRADT Date: 03/18 From: YKMU05A BRIAN ALBERS Time: 8:55 PM This is the last puzzle in the game. You will know when to activate the chimney and how to do it, when the time is right. Hope this helps! -B- =============== Reply 2 of Note 34 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST To: XBJG99D JONATHAN HOYSRADT Date: 03/23 From: RAAX46A PIETER HOOLBOOM Time: 9:24 PM The way you activate the chiminey is once you are inside you turn around and will see a panel mess around with that. -Patches WW.HH.- =============== Note 35 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST To: ALL Date: 03/18 From: WWTK85C RAJ SHAH Time: 8:06 PM I've started the boiler and the tree went up, but do I ride it up eventhough I haven't finished everything on the island. 2nd I did the clock tower and the gear turned halfway, now what? I would be greatfull for any help. Thankz, Raj Shah =============== Reply 1 of Note 35 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST To: WWTK85C RAJ SHAH Date: 03/20 From: JRRU04A BARBARA GILLICK Time: 0:58 AM You need to get as much info from the Island first, then do your thing with the tree but not when it is going up. Turn to handle off, and when it is coming down, get on it. Jrru04a Barb =============== Reply 2 of Note 35 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST To: WWTK85C RAJ SHAH Date: 03/22 From: AWXB96A DAVE MURPHY Time: 1:47 AM As for the clock tower, what you did also opened the big gear at the opposite end of the island, where you'll find another book. Dave =============== Note 36 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST To: ALL Date: 03/19 From: CEPU20B JASON ZOMICK Time: 3:00 PM I was wondering if Myst can be played on dos or windows. I know it's out for Mac what about others? =============== Reply 1 of Note 36 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST To: CEPU20B JASON ZOMICK Date: 03/19 From: JJJG32A TONY FERDAISE Time: 7:40 PM It's on the PC now and it's a Windows version game. Tony/ Lost in Myst =============== Reply 2 of Note 36 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST To: CEPU20B JASON ZOMICK Date: 03/23 From: RAAX46A PIETER HOOLBOOM Time: 9:24 PM Myst is now out on PC for windows I have it! -Patches WW.HH.- =============== Note 37 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST To: ALL Date: 03/20 From: YYEU39A ROBERT LIPPER Time: 12:54 PM HELP! I just got MYST and I am so stuck!! Already!! I have wandered around the island and been to every screen. What does this note to Catherine on the ground mean? I read all the books, what important clues do I need from them? What do I do with the chair and constellation thingy? What about these signs that turn pink and green and are eyes and birds, and arrows and stuff. What about this gigantic tree? Or the Spaceship? What are these switches in front of all the buildings? This elevator is taking me to the top of the tower where there is NOTHING but a wall. And how come everytime I restore a game I am in a book with a little picture? HELP!!! QUICK PLEASE!!! --Marcie =============== Reply 1 of Note 37 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST To: YYEU39A ROBERT LIPPER Date: 03/20 From: JRRU04A BARBARA GILLICK Time: 6:38 PM Robert, You ask alot at once...You need to copy charts out of the books, these are vital info. Go to the map in the library. You will see a round circle, I think it flashes. Hold down on it and move it to a specific building. A red line should be showing. Touch the picture of the bookcase to reveal a passage. Go up in the elevator and now see if you can read clues to each building. These are access codes to each age, when set correctly. If you put the red line (from the map) on the spaceship, you will get (3) dates - go sit in the chair and enter them in the screen above your head. (when you see the constellation, make a note of it - clue has to do with the red and green symbols. Jrru04a Barb =============== Reply 2 of Note 37 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST To: JRRU04A BARBARA GILLICK Date: 03/20 From: YYEU39A ROBERT LIPPER Time: 9:51 PM Barb, sorry, one more question. You said copy charts out of the books. I found one book with over 100 designs of the 8x6 grid. What do I need all those for? And where is that 8x6 grid? I thought it was in the fireplace, but when I go in there I can't get the door to come down! HELP AGAIN, please! --Marcie =============== Reply 3 of Note 37 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST To: JRRU04A BARBARA GILLICK Date: 03/20 From: YYEU39A ROBERT LIPPER Time: 9:55 PM Thanks for the help! I am finally un-stuck!! --Marcie (robert is my dad) =============== Reply 4 of Note 37 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST To: YYEU39A ROBERT LIPPER Date: 03/21 From: JRRU04A BARBARA GILLICK Time: 0:32 AM later in the game, you will use the fireplace and the grid will be explained. Jrru04a Barb =============== Reply 5 of Note 37 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST To: YYEU39A ROBERT LIPPER Date: 03/23 From: RAAX46A PIETER HOOLBOOM Time: 9:24 PM The note to Catherine tells you that you need to go into the imager room and input the number"08". once in the imager room turn to your right you will see a note on the wall when you approach it closer you will see that there is a button in the upper left hand corner press it and set the numbers to "08"then turn around and press the button on the front of the imager. -Patches WW.HH.- =============== Reply 6 of Note 37 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST To: RAAX46A PIETER HOOLBOOM Date: 03/24 From: JJJG32A TONY FERDAISE Time: 3:10 AM Why are U telling people the answers, give them clues !! So you don't ruin it for other people. Tony =============== Note 38 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST To: ALL Date: 03/20 From: YYEU39A ROBERT LIPPER Time: 1:10 PM Just started the game. I am feeling really stupid after reading all these other notes, but what age am I in? I haven't done anything yet except walk around and flip switches and push buttons and read books. Just please tell we what age I am in!!! --Marcie =============== Reply 1 of Note 38 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST To: YYEU39A ROBERT LIPPER Date: 03/20 From: NYUW87D ANDY MEESE Time: 2:35 PM SAME HERE. I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO. HT ANDY =============== Reply 2 of Note 38 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST To: NYUW87D ANDY MEESE Date: 03/20 From: YYEU39A ROBERT LIPPER Time: 3:27 PM Well, let me know if you get anywhere. Down by the dock, there is a door. It doesn't exactly look like a door, it's kind of in the wall. If you go down there you might get some clues and stuff. I did. Let me know what you have found. --ML =============== Note 39 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST To: ALL Date: 03/21 From: NDWR47A NEIL NELSON Time: 1:53 AM Lost in the trees. How do I get home from the tree house area. I have found the red and blue papers in the second level above ground and have looked at that funky globe with the four buttons on it and pressed all of them but I still don't know how to leave this land and get back to the island. The bridge is up on the land, the gate is open, I have looked in both levels above the ground and no book to>> get home with. HELP!!! Neil P.S. What is the thing in the house that looks like a big trap that actuates when you click on the base its mounted on for? Neil =============== Reply 1 of Note 39 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST To: NDWR47A NEIL NELSON Date: 03/22 From: HSWC67A JUDY DENNEN Time: 3:55 PM I know how to get home, you have to go back down to the entry level. You then go to another elevator. You have to build a bridge, attatch a pipe and get on the other elevator. At level 1 the door when you open the door the book will be there. Now perhaps you can tell me how to get to level 2. I have been all over level 1 found the elevator but it goes no =============== Note 40 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST To: ALL Date: 03/21 From: KTGC38B PHIL BEAN Time: 11:03 PM I FINISHED THE GAME BUT STILL HAVE NO CLUE ABOUT THE CHIMNEY HELP ................................................! =============== Note 41 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST To: ALL Date: 03/23 From: RAAX46A PIETER HOOLBOOM Time: 9:24 PM HELP!!!! I got some dates the tower rotation and used the dates in the observatory star place but I can't figure out how that helps me !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! =============== Reply 1 of Note 41 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST To: RAAX46A PIETER HOOLBOOM Date: 03/23 From: CSNR23B HEATHER ASHBUAGH Time: 11:25 PM pieter, you need to make note of the constellations on those dates then go to the library and find the book that has the constellations in it,match them up to the one you found and then use the symbols and tun them green in the yard> heather in ct =============== Reply 2 of Note 41 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST To: RAAX46A PIETER HOOLBOOM Date: 03/23 From: JRRU04A BARBARA GILLICK Time: 11:25 PM In the bookcase, a book will show different constellations, and under each a symbol. Example: a snake. Take notes and copy each one exactly as you saw it in the book. Go and set those in the planatarium with the dates you received. Go to the boxes that run down the path. Set the three symbols you got green, and the rest red. =============== Note 42 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST To: ALL Date: 03/24 From: FBBM57B DAVID ROSS Time: 0:38 AM I got to the Stoneship Age. My question is how do I get back to Myst? I need to. Also, If I wanted to, could I go to other ages? It seems as though Stoneship Age is the only one I can get to. =============== Reply 1 of Note 42 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST To: FBBM57B DAVID ROSS Date: 03/24 From: BNTH21A MICHAEL STEPHENSON Time: 10:43 PM To return to Mist you need to either solve the world you are in or start a new game. You can go to any of the worlds, in any order but all entrances start/end in Mist. =============== Note 43 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST To: ALL Date: 03/24 From: BNTH21A MICHAEL STEPHENSON Time: 2:19 PM Myst 2, if/when it comes out, MAY load like a software upgrade. This means that if you haven't saved your completed game you will have to be play Myst 1 again to be able to see all the elements of Myst 2. If you didn't save your completed game, or worse yet, gave your game away it MAY be a good idea to get it back. All I have said comes with a BIG MAYBE, but better safe than sorry. I know I would hate to miss game 2 because I gave away game CD 1 and didn't want to buy it a second time. This concept is UNDER CONSIDERATION and this message is no way intended to represent that it is locked in stone. I felt, however, that it was worth sharing. Mike in OR =============== Note 44 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST To: ALL Date: 03/25 From: YYEU39A ROBERT LIPPER Time: 11:57 AM OK, thanks for your help before, I've got more questions now. What do I do in the little house where on the left there is a picture of that big tree, on the right there is a wheel and in the middle is an engine or something. When I turn around there is a place to enter numbers with a handle. What do I do here? Thanks for help! --Marcie PRODIGY(R) interactive personal service 03/26 1:02 PM Number of notes exported: 5 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Board: GAMES BB ^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT ^^^^^^^^^^^^ =============== Note 1 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST - CAN'T QUIT To: ALL Date: 03/06 From: DTPD89A SCOTT YOUNG Time: 11:13 PM I am trying to get Myst working. My biggest problem is when I qyut the game, it always kicks me out of Window's to the DOS prompt and then locks up the system. If I am using EMM386, I do get a message that there was a EMM386 fault. With QEMM - ni message just dead. I went to QEMM because with EMM386, the game caused GEberal Preotection Faults every time. BY using QEMM, I have a lot more memory availabe . I just wish that I could quit. Any comments? Thanks... Scott... =============== Reply 1 of Note 1 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST - CAN'T QUIT To: DTPD89A SCOTT YOUNG Date: 03/07 From: MVXV92C KEVIN GONZALEZ Time: 11:59 PM How much RAM do you have and what version if QEMM do you have? =============== Reply 2 of Note 1 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST - CAN'T QUIT To: MVXV92C KEVIN GONZALEZ Date: 03/08 From: DTPD89A SCOTT YOUNG Time: 8:58 PM While in Window's I have 595K free memory. QEMM version is the latest 7.xx. This is frustrating. The game works fine except when I quit. I just installed the latest video drivers tonight but the same thing happens. Maybe it's because I am using the Norton Desktop but I don't see why that would make any difference. I haven't had any problem with anything else. Thanks for you help... Scott =============== Reply 3 of Note 1 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST - CAN'T QUIT To: DTPD89A SCOTT YOUNG Date: 03/09 From: XKMS63A BILL FALCONE Time: 9:21 AM Scott, Norton's Desktop for Windows IS the culprit. I had the same problem exiting Myst with NDW installed, but when I went back to the Windows Program Manager, the problem cleared up. The easiest way to rectify this is to edit the SYSTEM.INI file in the Windows directory. Look for the line that says SHELL=C:\NDW\NDW.EXE. It should be towards the top, so it isn't hard to find. Put a semi-colon ";" in front of the line so it looks like this: ;SHELL=C:\NDW\NDW.EXE Go to the end of the line and hit ENTER, so a blank line appears after the NDW line and before the next. Then type in: SHELL=PROGMAN.EXE, save and exit. When you reload Windows, you'll be back to the Program Manager (you'll still have the NDW group) and your Myst troubles will be over. You may have to set up a new Broderbund group--I did. When you finish the game for good, just edit your SYSTEM.INI again, removing the ";" from the NDW line, and deleting the PROGMAN.EXE line, and you'll back to the NDW shell. I hated giving up the NDW shell, but it's only temporary and it's better than having conflicts with the game... Bill =============== Reply 4 of Note 1 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST - CAN'T QUIT To: XKMS63A BILL FALCONE Date: 03/11 From: DTPD89A SCOTT YOUNG Time: 10:20 PM Thanks, I went back to Program Manager and everything is now working. Scott PRODIGY(R) interactive personal service 03/26 1:03 PM Number of notes exported: 1 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Board: GAMES BB ^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT ^^^^^^^^^^^^ =============== Note 1 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST - CHANNELWOOD To: ALL Date: 03/25 From: EJJK73A LAURIE THOMSON Time: 1:01 AM HELP!!! I've been up to the windmill, and everything I try to do seems like it doesn't have any effect..the water-turn thing, the lever on the pump.I've followed the pipes, but trying to switch the direction, the lever jumps back. I really want to get out of here, and get the pages, but I'm stuck, stuck, stuck!!! If anyone could help, I'd be eternally grateful..What am I doing wrong?...thanks! L. PRODIGY(R) interactive personal service 03/26 1:03 PM Number of notes exported: 15 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Board: GAMES BB ^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT ^^^^^^^^^^^^ =============== Note 1 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST - CLOCK To: ALL Date: 03/11 From: JRRU04A BARBARA GILLICK Time: 7:55 PM How many switches are there 8 or 9? Can't turn on the gears, yet I know the readings. Can you give me any blunt clues. Jrru04a Babs =============== Reply 1 of Note 1 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST - CLOCK To: JRRU04A BARBARA GILLICK Date: 03/11 From: JRRU04A BARBARA GILLICK Time: 10:20 PM I figured out my own question. I set all the settings on the generator, set dates in planatarium, done the clock bit, but I can't access the spaceship. The doors won't open -- what am I doing wrong or have I missed something important? Jrru04a Babs =============== Reply 2 of Note 1 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST - CLOCK To: JRRU04A BARBARA GILLICK Date: 03/12 From: NHTC10D STEVEN BARBER Time: 12:42 PM Barbara,set 59 volts to the generator,and throw the switch on the pole just outside the generator shack. HTH! Steve =============== Reply 3 of Note 1 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST - CLOCK To: JRRU04A BARBARA GILLICK Date: 03/12 From: SDGS11A J WEISE Time: 2:55 PM I can give you exact clues -- if you want them -- I bought the answer book. However, for the benefit of those who may want to play on their own, I suggest that you contact me directly by E-mail. Tell me where you are in the game. Myst is a great game and really was a lot of fun -- before I got the answer book. =============== Reply 4 of Note 1 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST - CLOCK To: JRRU04A BARBARA GILLICK Date: 03/12 From: DSBU28A JESSE MELENDEZ Time: 3:18 PM there is 08 marker stwiches. The message is really not that helpfull. jesse. =============== Reply 5 of Note 1 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST - CLOCK To: SDGS11A J WEISE Date: 03/12 From: JRRU04A BARBARA GILLICK Time: 8:43 PM J. I'm really stuck badly inside the ship. I have the chart for the piano, but I assume I have to play the note, then set it on the console. (I just can no do). Can be tell me like 1. half way up or something to that effect....please... Thank thank you. Jrru04a Babs =============== Reply 6 of Note 1 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST - CLOCK To: NHTC10D STEVEN BARBER Date: 03/17 From: JJJG32A TONY FERDAISE Time: 3:11 AM Steve, What am I supose to do with the clock... Be nice with your answer... Tony/san Diego =============== Note 2 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST - CLOCK To: ALL Date: 03/13 From: AKRP32A P GUNTER Time: 10:47 AM Help! I need help with the 2,2,1 gears in the clock. Since they turn either the top two or the bottom two at a time the combo 221 is not possible. What am I missing? Second: the tall tree. It seemed to have rotated after turning the boiler fully, but I'm still missing something. Since I'm still unable to do anything with it. Must I read all those books page for page? Must I copy all 300 8X6 puzzle?? I have levitated the ship...still working on the levers & the piano thingy. I don't know what to do with the piece of paper I found by docks. (in switch, not ground) it's niether red nor blue. I dare not 'jump' into the book in the boat for fear of being lost in it before doing all these other puzzles. Any help ia appreciated, Pearl =============== Reply 1 of Note 2 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST - CLOCK To: AKRP32A P GUNTER Date: 03/13 From: RGBN48A MICHAEL BUSH Time: 1:09 PM The levers act differently if you kepp them pulled down. Let the tree finish rising, then turn off the boiler and go over to the base of the tree. It's a good idea to read all of the books, bur don't worry about the 6x8 grids. You'll know when to use that book. Don't worry about the page you found by the docks. You'll know when to use that, too. If you find a book, it's a good idea to save your game before you enter it. That way you can explore the other Age without worrying about getting stuck. Mike =============== Reply 2 of Note 2 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST - CLOCK To: AKRP32A P GUNTER Date: 03/13 From: HGNP24D MATTHEW DISTEL Time: 11:42 PM To get the combo 221 first pull the left lever twice than pull the right lever three times =============== Note 3 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST - CLOCK To: ALL Date: 03/14 From: DTPD89A SCOTT YOUNG Time: 9:23 PM I am pretty much at the beginning and am trying to get to the clock. How do you find out the correct setting for the clock. I read the books in the library but they did not say. Thanks... Scott =============== Reply 1 of Note 3 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST - CLOCK To: DTPD89A SCOTT YOUNG Date: 03/14 From: PYDX07A ERIC HURST Time: 11:47 PM Look at the time on the clock, the wheels control the big and little hands on the clock. =============== Reply 2 of Note 3 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST - CLOCK To: PYDX07A ERIC HURST Date: 03/15 From: PYDX07A ERIC HURST Time: 9:19 PM the time you need is in the tower behind the book case. I think it was 2:40 =============== Note 4 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST - CLOCK To: ALL Date: 03/17 From: HSWC67A JUDY DENNEN Time: 5:53 PM I have set the clock for 2:40 and know the gear setting is 221 my question is how do you get 221. I have gotten everyother combination. Please advise which lever's to pull in what order. Thanks in advance. Judy D =============== Reply 1 of Note 4 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST - CLOCK To: HSWC67A JUDY DENNEN Date: 03/17 From: HGNP24D MATTHEW DISTEL Time: 9:23 PM Pull the first lever and hold it down so that it passes twice. Then hold the second lever down for two release and pull it down once more. PRODIGY(R) interactive personal service 03/26 1:03 PM Number of notes exported: 4 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Board: GAMES BB ^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT ^^^^^^^^^^^^ =============== Note 1 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST - DESERT PLANET To: ALL Date: 03/15 From: KXTN60A IAN SPARKES Time: 0:34 AM We've explored this and found all 5 places and pressed the red buttons. But at the scanner we can't get a water sound. I assume the door with the sliders won't open until we fix this. Any help is appreciated Ian =============== Reply 1 of Note 1 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST - DESERT PLANET To: KXTN60A IAN SPARKES Date: 03/15 From: MGGE80C BRIAN DOUGHER Time: 8:14 PM Did you move the view finder around to where the source of the noise was? That could help. -Brian =============== Note 2 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST - DESERT PLANET To: ALL Date: 03/16 From: AGJV70A DAVID IBRAHIM Time: 0:33 AM What do I do in the underground maze? =============== Reply 1 of Note 2 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST - DESERT PLANET To: AGJV70A DAVID IBRAHIM Date: 03/18 From: BGBF46A DAN KUSHNER Time: 4:52 PM How do you get there from the place above Ground. PRODIGY(R) interactive personal service 03/26 1:04 PM Number of notes exported: 19 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Board: GAMES BB ^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT ^^^^^^^^^^^^ =============== Note 1 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST - GOOD? To: ALL Date: 12/12 From: VPKJ53B JEFF KRONLAGE Time: 8:20 PM I saw this game in the store the other day. Is it good? How are the graphics? How do the graphics compare to graphics in The 7th Guest? Thanx, Jeff =============== Reply 1 of Note 1 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST - GOOD? To: TBDT07A HELGE LARSEN Date: 02/02 From: TPVT24A JJ JULIAN Time: 10:40 PM From the Land of Misery(MO)=- There's one of two things happening here. Either you guys are mistaken (my belief) or it's only out in one part of the country. I checked two major chains yesterday (CompUSA and Babbages) and BOTH haven't heard thing-one about it for IBM. Also, every time I read a reference to the IBM conversion, March is the date mentioned. the currently-starved KCMOSHer =============== Reply 2 of Note 1 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST - GOOD? To: VPKJ53B JEFF KRONLAGE Date: 02/04 From: EGSM21A CHARLES NUSSRALLAH Time: 2:35 PM I've been kinda looking for Myst, too. I'm a bit leery of a Mac program converted to IBM, as I recently finished Journeyman, and judging by the amount of people that could not get it to run with out always locking up (backdate your messages and check out journeyman on this forum) I >>>more think I'll wait and see how it plays out under IBM. If it runs under DOS, it'll probably be ok, but if it's a Windows only.....It took me quite a while to get Journeyman to run, turns out there are tons of software conflicts, from video drivers to sound drivers and finding the right combination can be a bit frustrating. =============== Note 2 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST - GOOD? To: ALL Date: 03/10 From: FDBH20A ASWIN PRIBADI Time: 3:39 PM I realize that those of you who have played Myst probably has had a whack or two at 7Guest. I have been getting different responses from people when I asked 'Compare.....' Some claim Myst leaves 7G down in the dust. On the other hand, others say the puzzles in Myst are not as challenging as 7G and Myst has a weak plot. Btw, am I correct in assuming that Myst is similar to 7G? =============== Reply 1 of Note 2 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST - GOOD? To: FDBH20A ASWIN PRIBADI Date: 03/10 From: JVPJ84A SCOTT MCCLELLAND Time: 7:08 PM IN THE 7TH GUEST WHEN YOU MOVE FROM PLACE TO PLACE IT PANS, ZOOMS, AND MOVES LIKE A MOVIE. IN MYST WHEN YOU MOVE FROM PLACE TO PLACE IT MOVES FROM PICTURE TO PICTURE LIKE FROM A 90 DEGREE ANGLE TO A 180 DEGREE ANGLE BUT MISS ALL THE PARTS IN BETWEEN. THE 7TH IS ALSO STORED ON 2 DISKS INSTEAD OF MYST'S 1, WHICH GIVES THE 7TH MORE MEMORY AND GRAPHICS.ON THE OTHER HAND, IN MY OPINION MYST'S PICTURE AND SOUND>>> QUALITIES ARE MUCH RICHER AND CLEARER, WHICH GIVES ME AT LEAST, A MORE FEELING LIKE I'M THERE. I SUGGEST THAT YOU BUY MYST. JASON MCCLELLAND JVPJ84A =============== Reply 2 of Note 2 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST - GOOD? To: FDBH20A ASWIN PRIBADI Date: 03/11 From: NHBE17A LORI NISHIMURA Time: 1:39 AM Dear Aswin- I just started Myst but have finished Seventh Guest. I'm not sure about the Myst plot, but Seventh Guest had a very confusing plot. I finished the game and I'm still not sure what it all meant. I think the real difference between the two games is that in Myst you solve the puzzles by observing things and reasoning based on your observations. Seventh Guest had more "game" type puzzles like crosswords, cards, puzzles, or chess that were not based on observation. The Seventh Guest puzzles were more the ability to reason how to solve the game. No observation at all. The problem was it was sometimes hard to figure out what the goal was in the Seventh Guest puzzles. Others of them like the chess board with black knights on one side and white knights on the other side were easy to understand the goal (switch all the pieces to the opposite side using only legal moves and one open square). Seventh Guest also had a hint type feature. So the short answer is that I think both are good games. It just depends on what type of puzzles you want to confront. Hope this helped- lori =============== Reply 3 of Note 2 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST - GOOD? To: NHBE17A LORI NISHIMURA Date: 03/11 From: FDBH20A ASWIN PRIBADI Time: 1:15 PM Finally went with my gut instincts and bought Myst. Initially it does seem overly vague, something no game players do not want to feel when playing a new game. But as I go deeper, the plot (if I can call it that, as I dont understand it,yet) flowers nicely. And turning on the transitions smooths the transition between scenes, nice touch. Anyhow, for Myst prospectors out there,...... GET THIS GAME!. One thing I'll say, it is not as linear as 7Guest, and very intriguing. Good luck playing. =============== Note 3 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST - GOOD? To: NNCS27B SCOTT MESSER Date: 03/20 From: NNCS27B SCOTT MESSER Time: 5:53 PM I'm thinking of buying THE MYST in the near future. I was wondering if it's worth 48 bucks. I have THE 7TH GUEST; how does it compare? Any other game recomendations are welcomed. (I hate role playing games) E-mail me at NNCS27B. -#22 Scott =============== Reply 1 of Note 3 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST - GOOD? To: NNCS27B SCOTT MESSER Date: 03/20 From: AHKB24A ARTHUR CIANCIULLI Time: 6:38 PM Myst is a great game and has good graphics Isuggest purchasing now! =============== Reply 2 of Note 3 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST - GOOD? To: NNCS27B SCOTT MESSER Date: 03/20 From: JRRU04A BARBARA GILLICK Time: 6:52 PM This is a tuff game with puzzle solving but different from the 7th guest. Each age you enter is a puzzle in itself. So far we all love it - and yes it's worth 48, the graphics are great, though they don't move like in the 7th guest. go buy it. Jrru04a Barb =============== Reply 3 of Note 3 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST - GOOD? To: NNCS27B SCOTT MESSER Date: 03/20 From: NYUW87D ANDY MEESE Time: 8:10 PM DON'T GET IT. TOO CONFUSING. I SUGGEST DAY OF THE TENTACLE OR REBEL ASSAULT. HT ANDY =============== Reply 4 of Note 3 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST - GOOD? To: NNCS27B SCOTT MESSER Date: 03/21 From: JJJG32A TONY FERDAISE Time: 2:06 AM Scott, Look at all the people who are playing MYST ! Just by the post it must tell you something !! If you like great graphics and a game that gets you thinking then MYST is for you. But be prepared to stay up late at nights playing this game !!! Tony/San Diego =============== Reply 5 of Note 3 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST - GOOD? To: NYUW87D ANDY MEESE Date: 03/21 From: JJJG32A TONY FERDAISE Time: 2:06 AM Andy, Just because you can't figure it out doesn't make it a bad game. =============== Reply 6 of Note 3 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST - GOOD? To: NNCS27B SCOTT MESSER Date: 03/21 From: VKJG02A BRIAN KEY Time: 10:43 AM Scott, I have had this game twice, once I bought it and the 2nd time I got it as a gift.It sucks real bad.It is a slide show with puzzles.If you like pretty pictures with puzzles then by all means get it.I returned both my copies.Save your $ and wait for something else.So Barb, I don't go along with you that everybody likes it. Brian in TX =============== Reply 7 of Note 3 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST - GOOD? To: VKJG02A BRIAN KEY Date: 03/21 From: YKMU05A BRIAN ALBERS Time: 12:09 PM Don't listen to this guy. MYST is one of the most original games around, because it has a decent plot. The "slide show" effect works very well because there are extensive views of every world, and it really draws you in. If he returned it after a day, it's probably because the plot unfolds slowly as you discover more details. The puzzles are well-integrated into the worlds, and there >> is plenty of exploration that doesn't require overcoming obstacles, but just adds to the feel that you are in a complete world. I normally don't like Mac games ported to the pc, but this is a definite exception. A different Brian in Texas =============== Reply 8 of Note 3 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST - GOOD? To: NNCS27B SCOTT MESSER Date: 03/21 From: UXMS82A RONALD FREYNIK Time: 4:52 PM I have Myst and The 7th Guest. If you like The 7th Guest you will probably like Myst. I think Myst is worth the money. Although, if you don't like roll playing games I suggest Rebel Assault. =============== Reply 9 of Note 3 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST - GOOD? To: YKMU05A BRIAN ALBERS Date: 03/21 From: VKJG02A BRIAN KEY Time: 5:06 PM Brian, All I am telling this guy is my opinion.If he likes puzzles then he will like Myst.It would sure seem to me though that somebody out there should be able to make a cd-rom game that would justify a cd-rom purchase.So far I have seen none.I think floppy disk games are still the way to go until companies can figure out how to make a cd-rom game.And yes I have played just about all there is out >>>>> there available for the cd-rom, which isn't much. Brian in TX (WITH AN OPINION) =============== Reply 10 of Note 3 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST - GOOD? To: VKJG02A BRIAN KEY Date: 03/22 From: YKMU05A BRIAN ALBERS Time: 1:26 AM No problem, Brian, and I respect your opinion. I would like to share my opinion on some CD games that I think ARE worth buying a CD-ROM system for. 1) Day of the Tentacle (CD-ROM). If you haven't played the dos version, this game is great. Great voices, animation, and puzzles! 2) Gabriel Knight (CD-ROM). Once again, the CD voices >> add to the experience of a great adventure. 3) Myst - this game is original in plot, and although it IS a puzzle game, the puzzles become part of the environment and help you understand the world, rather than just serve as random obstacles thrown into the environment. I wish I could recommend more CD-ROM games, but the rest of them have significant flaws. Although some of them are good, none of the others are outstanding. And many are horrible, action games especially. CD-ROM, at least currently, is not built for action. Just my opinion. -B- =============== Reply 11 of Note 3 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST - GOOD? To: VKJG02A BRIAN KEY Date: 03/22 From: JJJG32A TONY FERDAISE Time: 1:37 AM Brian, In your own words what should a CD Rom game do ? Look at the graphic's of MYST vers a Hard disk game. Of course the HD game well run faster but there well be limitation of the gaphics. A CD Rom can hold 650 megs of information, most of the CD Rom games out now are around 300 megs if that. What I see from you is the slowness of the drives. I don't have a double speed drive but I do have a cache program from my CD drive and it has increased the speed 3 fold. Tony/San DIego PRODIGY(R) interactive personal service 03/26 1:05 PM Number of notes exported: 19 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Board: GAMES BB ^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT ^^^^^^^^^^^^ =============== Note 1 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST - HELP!! To: ALL Date: 03/08 From: NKGF55A LARRY KROVLEV Time: 4:43 PM I have just baught the game. And am stuck like glue to it. Unfortunately, I have no idea what to do. What's the first thing you do, the second, the third? Please help me. I'm stuck on the puzzle, and the game. It's awesome. Thanks in advance. =============== Reply 1 of Note 1 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST - HELP!! To: NKGF55A LARRY KROVLEV Date: 03/08 From: BGBF46A DAN KUSHNER Time: 7:06 PM The first thing you do is go to all the marker switches you can find.turn them on. Then you go to the library and read all the books you can, coping down the puzzles.Some of the puzzles are of costellations.Copy these down perfectly.Turn the line on the map so that it is red, and on the sunken ship by the gears.Touch the picture of the library stairsand it will reveal a stair case.Go up the stair case, up the >> elevator, andto the top of the tower.Look at the book and the key icons. Go up the key one.Copy down those dates.Go back down to the constalation room.Enter these dates in one at a time.Now you must match them with the pictures of conselations.Find out what three the symbols pertain to, thengo to the park.Press those the symbols so that they are green, then look at the ship in the fountain. If it has risin thenyou did your job right. Make sure that all other symbols are red.If the ship rises then go to the large one, down its door, and through the hatch.Touch the book and go to the Stoneship Age. =============== Reply 2 of Note 1 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST - HELP!! To: BGBF46A DAN KUSHNER Date: 03/10 From: CNCX23B KEITH MCRAE Time: 1:55 AM Good luck once you are in Stoneship. I hope you find it tedious and annoying to leave. =============== Reply 3 of Note 1 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST - HELP!! To: NKGF55A LARRY KROVLEV Date: 03/12 From: SDGS11A J WEISE Time: 2:55 PM Go down the stairs in the wall on the dock. Look at the water tank in the middle of the room. Turn around and go to the thing that look like a fuse box to the left ot the stairs open it do something and then look at the water tank ..... =============== Reply 4 of Note 1 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST - HELP!! To: NKGF55A LARRY KROVLEV Date: 03/13 From: HGNP24D MATTHEW DISTEL Time: 6:05 PM I cant figure out anything in the game,I just started but I'm lost. What do you do with the place behind the books and how do you get in the lighthouse? The notes say that you can get into the ship, how? In need of HELP =============== Reply 5 of Note 1 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST - HELP!! To: HGNP24D MATTHEW DISTEL Date: 03/13 From: HGNP24D MATTHEW DISTEL Time: 11:42 PM I figured out everything in the lighthouse got the book and everything changed to a new age I presume. Got the pages I want to now how to get back to the other age or place? =============== Reply 6 of Note 1 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST - HELP!! To: CNCX23B KEITH MCRAE Date: 03/17 From: BGBF46A DAN KUSHNER Time: 11:40 PM I went to Stoneage first (dumb) and spent nearly a month there.But I figured it out. =============== Note 2 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST - HELP!! To: ALL Date: 03/10 From: NHBE17A LORI NISHIMURA Time: 3:23 AM Help!! While waiting for another patch to come out for Arena, I started playing Myst. I'm stuck in the beginning. I found the plaque in the tower with the number 2,2,1,2:40 and have put that number in the observatory (as Feb 2, 1, 2:40 am and pm) but have not come out with a recognizable constellation. Also I have gone in the imager room to try and get the message. I push the middle button so the cloudy film clears from the top of the imager and the mechanisms underneath are visible. Then I've opened the box behind the note and tried to input 8. However, the first time I change the number, the game freezes with the number showing 68. I'd appreciate it if anyone could tell me what I'm doing wrong. Lori =============== Reply 1 of Note 2 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST - HELP!! To: NHBE17A LORI NISHIMURA Date: 03/11 From: EGSM21A CHARLES NUSSRALLAH Time: 0:51 AM Actually, what you found was the time & code for the water tower. explore the island completely, then rotate the tower til the line is red(3 or 4 different angles of rotation)then go up and check the key ladder, you'll find three or four more plaques on the wall. The map on the wall should show all the structures on the island. Read the books in the library-they give more hints. I'm not much farther than you, I just started too. This looks to be quite detailed, I'm sure it wont take me too long to become completely lost and befuddled! =============== Reply 2 of Note 2 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST - HELP!! To: EGSM21A CHARLES NUSSRALLAH Date: 03/11 From: NHBE17A LORI NISHIMURA Time: 1:31 AM Dear Charles- Thanks for the help! Will move the tower again and then check for more plaques. lori =============== Note 3 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST - HELP!! To: ALL Date: 03/18 From: YWRV58A GREGORY SUGGETT Time: 1:06 AM I HAVE GOTTEN THROUGH MYST AND REALLY ENJOYED IT. I GAVE THE WHITE PAGE TO THE FATHER AND HE TOLD ME FEEL FREE TO EXPLORE. IS THIS THE END? PLEASE TELL ME THERE IS MORE! THANKS. =============== Reply 1 of Note 3 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST - HELP!! To: YWRV58A GREGORY SUGGETT Date: 03/21 From: VMKG13B LARAINE SPALTEN Time: 11:03 PM Gregory, How or where did you get the white page. I am stuck in the room with the father and he asked for the page, and I do not have it. How can I get back to Myst? Laraine =============== Note 4 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST - HELP!! To: ALL Date: 03/20 From: JRRU04A BARBARA GILLICK Time: 0:58 AM Greg, Since you finished the game, Can you P L E A S E tell me what to do or get started in the age with the windmill. I am totally stuck and at a lost, How do I begin to repair the bridge or is that not the first step? Jrru04a Barb =============== Reply 1 of Note 4 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST - HELP!! To: JRRU04A BARBARA GILLICK Date: 03/20 From: YKMU05A BRIAN ALBERS Time: 5:41 PM The first thing you will want to do is turn the water on up in the windmill. Once you find and turn this switch, water will flow through the pipe. Direct the water to the area you want to "power up" using the switches along the pipe. If you can hear the water in the pipe as you walk along it, then it is flowing through that section. Once you divert water to the bridge, you can raise it. -B- =============== Reply 2 of Note 4 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST - HELP!! To: YKMU05A BRIAN ALBERS Date: 03/20 From: JRRU04A BARBARA GILLICK Time: 6:38 PM Thanks Brian, Are you here now too? Jrru04a Barb =============== Reply 3 of Note 4 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST - HELP!! To: YKMU05A BRIAN ALBERS Date: 03/20 From: JRRU04A BARBARA GILLICK Time: 6:52 PM Brian, I think I raised it already, but when I go in the (I think it an elevator and close the door, nothing. Now what? Jrru04a Barb =============== Note 5 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST - HELP!! To: ALL Date: 03/24 From: CEPU20B JASON ZOMICK Time: 8:59 PM i hope you can help me without giving it away. I found two red pages and a blue in 2 differnt places but can't bring it back to myst. Do i have to solve the puzzle on each island to get back? Thanks. -Jason =============== Reply 1 of Note 5 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST - HELP!! To: CEPU20B JASON ZOMICK Date: 03/24 From: BNTH21A MICHAEL STEPHENSON Time: 10:43 PM There is one red and one blue page in each world, each page is returned to Mist individually. To return to Mist you must solve the world. =============== Reply 2 of Note 5 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST - HELP!! To: BNTH21A MICHAEL STEPHENSON Date: 03/25 From: CEPU20B JASON ZOMICK Time: 3:43 PM I thought I solved the puzzle on the ship. I turned on the generator, went into the cave and found both papers. When I walk down to the room down in the ship it's too dark to see. What do I have to do? I'd appreciate if you just told me a few hints not the whole description. Thanks. -Jason PRODIGY(R) interactive personal service 03/26 1:05 PM Number of notes exported: 4 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Board: GAMES BB ^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT ^^^^^^^^^^^^ =============== Note 1 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST - HINT BOOK To: ALL Date: 03/10 From: TMCP33A DOUG GORDON Time: 6:47 PM OK, I am thinking about throwing in the towel and getting the hint book (just for a peek or two). Unfortunately, I can't find the paper that came with the game that had the offer on it. Would someone please post the 800 number that was on the enclosure? Thanks. =============== Reply 1 of Note 1 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST - HINT BOOK To: TMCP33A DOUG GORDON Date: 03/10 From: JRRU04A BARBARA GILLICK Time: 8:03 PM I don't see an 800 Number, but have (415)382-4600 and refer to code 319 it say $12.95 plus $2.20 SSH. Jrru04a Babs =============== Reply 2 of Note 1 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST - HINT BOOK To: JRRU04A BARBARA GILLICK Date: 03/11 From: TMCP33A DOUG GORDON Time: 7:05 AM Thanks -- I definitely lost the original paper. $12.95 is a bit steep for a hint book, though -- about 1/2 of what I paid for the game! =============== Reply 3 of Note 1 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST - HINT BOOK To: TMCP33A DOUG GORDON Date: 03/21 From: VMKG13B LARAINE SPALTEN Time: 11:03 PM Doug, where did you get the game for only $25.00 . I paid $49.99 and thought that was a good price. Laraine PRODIGY(R) interactive personal service 03/26 1:06 PM Number of notes exported: 3 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Board: GAMES BB ^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT ^^^^^^^^^^^^ =============== Note 1 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST - QUICKTIME To: ALL Date: 03/24 From: FKJN28A JOHN HUNT Time: 7:59 PM When software companies convert games like Myst from the Apple/Mac platform to the PC platform I don't understand why they don't also convert the video segments from the stupid QuickTime format to a native PC format (like Microsoft for Windows). Since almost all the problems PC users are having with Myst are caused by QuickTime, this simple change would have eliminated most people's complaints. I'm not a programmer but I can't imagine that simply converting the video segments would be that difficult. Anyway, I still can't get QuickTime to work for me. I have an NEC 3Xi CD-ROM which I run from a SoundBlaster 16, SCSI-2. If I transfer the QuickTime movies to my harddrive they play without problem. I know I don't have a DMA or IRQ problem because all other CD software works fine. Any suggestions?? Frustrated and Mystless, J. Hunt =============== Reply 1 of Note 1 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST - QUICKTIME To: FKJN28A JOHN HUNT Date: 03/24 From: BNTH21A MICHAEL STEPHENSON Time: 11:01 PM Don't assume you don't have a DMA problem simply because you have no problem with other CD-Rom titles. Myst stretches the "envelope" of nearly all PCs. I too had no problem with other CD-Rom titles but could not get Myst to run faster than a glacier. I found that Gateway had set my new machine's DMA channel incorrectly, and that the card wasn't even at normal defaults. Once set correctly, Myst ran great. I was getting good scores on M-Softs VidTest before, with the correct DMA setting (really fron no DMA to having DMA) I get fantastic scores. It way be worth a look. Mike in OR =============== Reply 2 of Note 1 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST - QUICKTIME To: FKJN28A JOHN HUNT Date: 03/25 From: TMCP33A DOUG GORDON Time: 7:26 AM My friend's system has a similar problem. He has a Gateway 486/33 with SB Pro, but is using a Phillips CD-ROM unit and interface. Everything else from 7th Guest to MS Bookshelf, etc., runs OK, but Myst seems to almost completely lock up the system -- it looks like it cannot read the CD correctly. We sometimes even get a message that the wrong CD is inserted! Maybe I'll check for DMA problems also! PRODIGY(R) interactive personal service 03/26 1:06 PM Number of notes exported: 10 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Board: GAMES BB ^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT ^^^^^^^^^^^^ =============== Note 1 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST - SPACESHIP To: ALL Date: 03/24 From: TMCP33A DOUG GORDON Time: 9:18 PM I've been in the powerhouse and see that there's several ways to get 59 volts. Does it matter? Then, what do you do with the switches on top of the pylons? I can't seem to get the voltage out to the ship. I have uncovered the books in the gears and on the ship, but am stuck on this one. Can these all be solved before actually travelling to the other worlds? =============== Reply 1 of Note 1 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST - SPACESHIP To: TMCP33A DOUG GORDON Date: 03/24 From: BNTH21A MICHAEL STEPHENSON Time: 11:02 PM I opted for 59 volts on both meters, but have read that 59 volts on either works. Get 59 volts, switch one of the two tower switches and the door should open. It makes no difference in what order you solve the 4 worlds. Mike in OR (back home after solving Myst) =============== Reply 2 of Note 1 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST - SPACESHIP To: BNTH21A MICHAEL STEPHENSON Date: 03/25 From: TMCP33A DOUG GORDON Time: 7:20 AM The meters always read both the same for me -- is there some other way to set the voltage? Also, you said to switch "either" of the tower switches -- so I just climb up either one of the towers and pull the handle down once? Is it normal for the handle to then spring back up? This is probably what was throwing me off track -- I would repeatedly try the switches on both towers. =============== Reply 3 of Note 1 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST - SPACESHIP To: TMCP33A DOUG GORDON Date: 03/25 From: UYRW52A WILLIAM MELLOR Time: 9:39 AM The way to get 59 volts on both meters is to push the first and third buttons on the left, and the third and fourth buttons on the right. Anything over 59 volts will zero the right meter, and then you have to check both circuit breakers on each tower. =============== Reply 4 of Note 1 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST - SPACESHIP To: UYRW52A WILLIAM MELLOR Date: 03/25 From: JJJG32A TONY FERDAISE Time: 12:21 PM Bill WHY are U telling people what to do ?? Give them hints, you are only ruining it for other people. Tony =============== Reply 5 of Note 1 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST - SPACESHIP To: JJJG32A TONY FERDAISE Date: 03/25 From: UYRW52A WILLIAM MELLOR Time: 1:55 PM Tony there are 102 other puzzles in Myst that will take most people months to solve. By that time they'll have Beneath a Killing Moon, Eleventh Hour, Outpost, etc. etc. =============== Reply 6 of Note 1 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST - SPACESHIP To: UYRW52A WILLIAM MELLOR Date: 03/25 From: TMCP33A DOUG GORDON Time: 2:32 PM I guess I didn't notice this since I managed to find 4 different ways to get 59 volts on both meters, but never did exceed 59. However, even after setting the breakers on the two towers I did not see the ship's door open. There are just two breakers, right? Anything else to press near the ship? =============== Reply 7 of Note 1 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST - SPACESHIP To: UYRW52A WILLIAM MELLOR Date: 03/26 From: JJJG32A TONY FERDAISE Time: 1:34 AM Bill, I'm stuck, On myst island in the Library there is a fireplace, where do I fine the right number of the grid ?? Also I count 5 books that U can read on the bookshelve is this correct ? I really like this game but it get to you. Tony/SaN Diego =============== Reply 8 of Note 1 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST - SPACESHIP To: JJJG32A TONY FERDAISE Date: 03/26 From: CEPU20B JASON ZOMICK Time: 9:52 AM Bil, The book for the codes to the fireplace is o the second shelf, the last one. There is 300 you have to try. If you want to know the exact one reply back. What do you do in the spaceship in the deserted planet. -Jason =============== Reply 9 of Note 1 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST - SPACESHIP To: CEPU20B JASON ZOMICK Date: 03/26 From: HSWC67A JUDY DENNEN Time: 10:49 AM Jason, I want to know the exact one. Judy D PRODIGY(R) interactive personal service 03/26 1:06 PM Number of notes exported: 3 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Board: GAMES BB ^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT ^^^^^^^^^^^^ =============== Note 1 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST - SPLIT VIDEO To: ALL Date: 03/09 From: RXPP35A STEVEN HASTINGS Time: 8:26 PM It looks like MYST is a return for me. I received a fax from Broderbund stating the following: ------ There is a know problem at this time between the Video 7/Headland video card and Apple's QuickTime for Windows engine. Due to the design and video sophistication of the program, Myst MPC requires QuickTime to run effectively. Myst is setup so that it could accept a patch for QuickTime if or when it becomes available. Apple does not have a fix as of yet. Symptoms of this problem are as follows: * Unable to see the full animation of QuickTime movies * Split video * Animation half way off the screen Until that time, we may suggest trying the following which has helped a few find success: Please go to the QuickTime init file and change the "optimize" section from "hardware" to "driver". This has seemed to resolve the split screen problem. To do this go to the QTW.INI file and you will see a line that says OPTIMIZE=HARDWARE. Please change the line to read OPTIMIZE=DRIVER. This seemed to work for quite a few people, however, it may slow down your system a little bit. (Here is the kicker line. They must not like to sell software) If the above information does not work for you, we must unfortunately suggest that you return the software from to the dealer from where it was purchased until Apple is able provide an update. ---------- Well this did not work for me. My QTW.INI did not even have the above mentioned OPTIMIZE line. I tried adding it, but it still did not work. I will be returning this game ASAP. Hope this helps others out and keeps others from buying the game and wasting a lot of time like I have. I have to say that I will not be purchasing anything from Broderbund and/or anything that uses QuickTime in the near future. =============== Note 2 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST - SPLIT VIDEO To: ALL Date: 03/14 From: EFRA96A VINCENT LOMBARDO Time: 1:04 PM Recently got a Packard Bell Force 2010 Multi-Media and am having problems with "Myst" - the screen is divided in half - with the upper part of the game appearing at the bottom and the bottom half at the top. Is there anyone who can give me easy to understand step-by-step instructions how to correct this problem. I am at my witts end and would be eternally greatfull!!! Thanks in advance!!! VL =============== Reply 1 of Note 2 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST - SPLIT VIDEO To: EFRA96A VINCENT LOMBARDO Date: 03/15 From: GDCX15A W SILVERSTEIN Time: 7:43 PM Vince, O.K. here's the scoop. BTW, my name is Bill, I live in Upstate New York and just about EVERY Packard Bell owner is having this problem.If you get a chance look up the info on a subject I started here called "Myst-Video Problems." Myst was designed by Apple Inc. Apple Inc. makes a very fast qtw.ini file.[quick time file for windows Mac based.]The qtw.ini file you will find in your WINDOWS >>>>> directory is NOT compatable with the qtw.ini needed to run Myst well. Unfortunately, Broderbund software did not know this. I called Tech Support at Broderbund and was told that they were "attempting to contact Headland Technologies but have been told that they may have relocated to Japan. Headland Technologies makes the video card for Packard are your options 1. go into windows, go to file manager,go to Windows directory and bring up the qtw.ini file .You are going to edit this file while in Windows. On the TOP line add the following, [video],then enter, directly underneath it write> optimize=driver, then enter, which will leave a space between this and the rest of your qtw.ini file. It looks something like this : [video] optimize=driver - then the rest of your qtw.ini file then SAVE this, exit windows and then restart windows. The video will aapear normal but slow, very slow. 2. make sure your sound card drivers are the newest version 3.make sure your CD-ROM drivers are the newest versions might want to possibly contact Packard Bell BBS to>>> downlaod their latest qtw.ini file.I have not yet attempted this, though I am going to try this route. 5.Lastly the Tech told me if all else fails, simply return then game.Once Apple, Broderbund, and Headland Technologies get things together, expect a new version of Myst. Well, I hope all this helps. You're not alone in this. Anyone with a Packard Bell with a HT video card will have the same problem. Best of luck. Bill Silverstein, GDCX15A Upstate New York PRODIGY(R) interactive personal service 03/26 1:06 PM Number of notes exported: 6 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Board: GAMES BB ^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT ^^^^^^^^^^^^ =============== Note 1 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST - SWITCHES To: ALL Date: 03/06 From: TMCP33A DOUG GORDON Time: 6:36 PM Just starting the game -- which switches are the "marker" switches? Are they the ones located near the gears, rocket ship, etc., or are they the "icons" located on the rows of columns outside the library (if not, then what are these "icons" used for)? Also, in general, how easy (difficult?) is it to work out the puzzles in this game? I can see that it could get very complicated in a hurry, for example >> if some particular combination of switches is required for something (there are 8x7x6x5x4x3x2 possible combinations of switch settings!). I can't decide whether to take my time and figure everything out myself (as I did with 7th guest), or go looking for a lot of hints (as I usually do with adventure games with too many non-logical puzzles). =============== Reply 1 of Note 1 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST - SWITCHES To: TMCP33A DOUG GORDON Date: 03/06 From: FSTD28A SANDY POYNOR Time: 7:20 PM The marker switches are the ones that actually have the switch that you can put in the up or down position. The other ones around the pool with the sunken boat are for something else. Read the books in the library, they'll help you. =============== Reply 2 of Note 1 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST - SWITCHES To: FSTD28A SANDY POYNOR Date: 03/06 From: TMCP33A DOUG GORDON Time: 8:31 PM I was wondering about those books. There's a LOT of text in there to read! I also discovered the book that appears to be full of some sort of coded patterns -- guess I'll figure out where to use that information later. =============== Reply 3 of Note 1 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST - SWITCHES To: TMCP33A DOUG GORDON Date: 03/07 From: FSTD28A SANDY POYNOR Time: 4:20 PM You don't actually have to read all the books, but each readable book has a map of the world that the book is about. In Channelwood, that can help. As far as the codes go in that last book on the second shelf, you'll find out about it at the end. Sandi =============== Note 2 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST - SWITCHES To: ALL Date: 03/11 From: GCCD15C TIM MOTOH Time: 1:13 AM I am having a hard time finding all 8 switches (I know there are eight because I put in 7 in the imager and it didn't work so I tried 8). Anyways, I've found the one by the rocket, gears, contellation viewer, pool with ship, log cabin, The building to the right of the cabin, and I saw the one on the island with that building. Where is the eigth, also how do I get over to that island to turn on the switch I've messed with the gears to no avail. Hoping someone will help. Tim This game is much more difficult than Critical Path. =============== Reply 1 of Note 2 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST - SWITCHES To: GCCD15C TIM MOTOH Date: 03/11 From: TMCP33A DOUG GORDON Time: 7:10 AM There's one along the walkway in the "garden" in front of the library (near the pool or fountain). To get to the clock you must set the correct time on it using the wheels that are on the shore. You will find the time to set when you get into the tower and find the clues. You have a little ways to go! PRODIGY(R) interactive personal service 03/26 1:07 PM Number of notes exported: 2 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Board: GAMES BB ^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT ^^^^^^^^^^^^ =============== Note 1 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST -DMA HELP! To: ALL Date: 03/14 From: UDWU21B TINA KINDER Time: 0:57 AM I WOULD LIKE TO UTILIZE DMA. I KNOW I HAVE TO SPECIFY /M:D, IN MY DEVICE COMMAND (CONFIG.SYS) BUT I DON'T KNOW HOW TO FIND OUT WHAT MY DMA CHANNEL NUMBER IS. IS THERE A DOS COMMAND OR REFERENCE MANUAL THAT WOULD HELP ME OBTAIN THIS INFORMATION ? ALSO ANY ADVICE ON BECOMING MORE TECHNICALY LITERATE? THANX, TINA IN CT =============== Reply 1 of Note 1 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST -DMA HELP! To: UDWU21B TINA KINDER Date: 03/23 From: BNTH21A MICHAEL STEPHENSON Time: 1:50 AM Start with your card manual. It will tell you the factory defaults and where to look on the card. It will also tell you what all the switches mean in your config.sys when you loaded the program. Chances are it was factory set to use DMA (direct memory access). Be aware that even the factory goofs. The Gateway machine I just received had the wrong switch setting in the factory config.sys. Good Luck. PRODIGY(R) interactive personal service 03/26 1:07 PM Number of notes exported: 2 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Board: GAMES BB ^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT ^^^^^^^^^^^^ =============== Note 1 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST -LIGHTHOUSE To: ALL Date: 03/13 From: JRRU04A BARBARA GILLICK Time: 0:21 AM I have the red page, and found the blue too. But you can only carry one at a time I assume. I can no way, no way get the generator in the lighthouse to work. Can't see in the room down in the boat - Need help in a hurry. How do you fire it up the generator in the lighthouse? Jrru04a Babs =============== Reply 1 of Note 1 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST -LIGHTHOUSE To: JRRU04A BARBARA GILLICK Date: 03/13 From: RGBN48A MICHAEL BUSH Time: 1:09 PM You can only carry one page at a time, so if you want to bring both pages back from each Age you must visit them all twice. Of course, sooner or later you'll have to decide which brother is telling the truth... There is a separate switch for the lights in the boat. Check the passageways in the rock carefully. PRODIGY(R) interactive personal service 03/26 1:07 PM Number of notes exported: 4 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Board: GAMES BB ^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT ^^^^^^^^^^^^ =============== Note 1 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST AGES To: ALL Date: 01/23 From: TKKN38B AVI GOLD Time: 9:26 AM Thanks Steve for telling me about the fireplace. I have another question. I just brought back the two pages from the stoneship age. But in the room with the skeleton there was a half of a piece of white paper with words on it where do I find another half if there is one. Thanks. =============== Reply 1 of Note 1 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST AGES To: XBHK64A STEVEN BUCHTHAL Date: 02/08 From: SPGW69A JEFFREY MOORE Time: 5:35 PM What I did is I traveled to the Stoneship age and wrote down what I could of the white piece of paper, then I traveled to the other age where the other piece is and I copied that down and combined them. R@CHEL =============== Note 2 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST AGES To: ALL Date: 03/11 From: TKKN38B AVI GOLD Time: 2:21 PM Please answer more of those questions =============== Reply 1 of Note 2 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST AGES To: TKKN38B AVI GOLD Date: 03/18 From: BGBF46A DAN KUSHNER Time: 5:07 PM No one Knows What You are talking about. PRODIGY(R) interactive personal service 03/26 1:07 PM Number of notes exported: 40 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Board: GAMES BB ^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT ^^^^^^^^^^^^ =============== Note 1 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST ANSWERS To: ALL Date: 02/27 From: NUCD29C KEN MEEGAN Time: 6:43 PM If anyone out there is stuck on this game,I will tell you anything you need to know.I will give you the answer on any question about,Myst Island,The Library,The Selentic Age,The Stoneship Age,The Mechanical Age,The Channelwood Age and the Endgame!!! =============== Reply 1 of Note 1 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST ANSWERS To: NUCD29C KEN MEEGAN Date: 02/28 From: RCXH59A YALE POPOWICH Time: 6:27 PM Hi. I could use a tip. I managed to get the spaceship going and landed on the barren Myst planet. I activated all the red buttons and found the two (notes ?). I cant seem to access the door to the elevator, nor operate the control panel with the screen. What's up ? Did I come to this planet unprepared ? Thanks for the help. Yale Popowich =============== Reply 2 of Note 1 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST ANSWERS To: NUCD29C KEN MEEGAN Date: 02/28 From: SBRT07A PAUL SHELC Time: 8:49 PM Ken, Tell me what to do in the fireplace that is in the library and also how do I get up the tree that is behind the cabin with the boiler on Myst island? Thanks Paul =============== Reply 3 of Note 1 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST ANSWERS To: NUCD29C KEN MEEGAN Date: 03/07 From: HDBH00A STANLEY GURIAN Time: 9:51 PM I am just starting Myst and I'm stuck already. I have entered the number of switches into the the wall machine but nothing happens in the imager. What's wrong? Judy =============== Reply 4 of Note 1 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST ANSWERS To: NUCD29C KEN MEEGAN Date: 03/07 From: DKVV14A CHARLES BROWN SR Time: 11:31 PM I'm stuck in the library and can't get out. I'd also like to know where to go after that, I'm completely lost Thank you dkvv14a. =============== Reply 5 of Note 1 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST ANSWERS To: NUCD29C KEN MEEGAN Date: 03/07 From: PPJB34A NANSON HWA SR Time: 11:31 PM Hi! I need help on the stoneship age. I've given the bedroom and the voodoo place light. Please tell me where to go next. I wonder what to do with the white paper and how to get out of this age!!!Please E-mail if you can! Thankyou----HELP =============== Reply 6 of Note 1 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST ANSWERS To: NUCD29C KEN MEEGAN Date: 03/12 From: DXXK40A JEFFREY HARVEY Time: 5:23 PM I really need to know how to get to the stoneship age. I have done every thing but still nothing. I have pressed the leaf, snake, and spider in the courtyard, nothing. I have tried all possible orders in which to press the 3 things. What am I doing wrong. I have the tower on the ship. What do I do. PLEASE HELP ME!!!!!!!!!! -Jeff DXXK40A =============== Reply 7 of Note 1 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST ANSWERS To: NUCD29C KEN MEEGAN Date: 03/13 From: AKRP32A P GUNTER Time: 10:47 AM Help! I need help with the 2,2,1 gears in the clock. Since they turn either the top two or the bottom two at a time the combo 221 is not possible. What am I missing? Second: the tall tree. It seemed to have rotated after turning the boiler fully, but I'm still missing something. Since I'm still unable to do anything with it. Must I read all those books page for page? Must I copy all 300 8X6 puzzle?? I have levitated the ship...still working on the levers & the piano thingy. I don't know what to do with the piece of paper I found by docks. (in switch, not ground) it's niether red nor blue. I dare not 'jump' into the book in the boat for fear of being lost in it before doing all these other puzzles. Any help ia appreciated, Pearl =============== Reply 8 of Note 1 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST ANSWERS To: NUCD29C KEN MEEGAN Date: 03/16 From: JNCC76B DAN FAUST Time: 8:49 PM tell me what to do in the mechanical age....please! =============== Reply 9 of Note 1 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST ANSWERS To: NUCD29C KEN MEEGAN Date: 03/16 From: JGHW67F BRIANNE MURCHISON Time: 11:18 PM Please Help me!! I'm stuck in the world after you move the hinges and there's a building with three rooms and when you first get there there is a panel with different shapes and I don't know the combination...I've been trying over and over..Could you help me please? -Bre =============== Reply 10 of Note 1 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST ANSWERS To: JGHW67F BRIANNE MURCHISON Date: 03/20 From: JBHT20A JOHN MURCHISON Time: 3:17 PM Hi Brianne - I'm your fathers's cousin John. My son, Sean, and I are having the same problem with this game. I think you're in the Mechanical Age. If so, we're just as stuck as you are. We have made it through the Stone Age, if you need help, write back. Tell you father (Brad) Hi for me. John & Sean Murchison (Santa Maria, Ca) =============== Reply 11 of Note 1 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST ANSWERS To: NUCD29C KEN MEEGAN Date: 03/20 From: JBHT20A JOHN MURCHISON Time: 3:27 PM Ken, I've waited long enough. I can't stand it! Several questions: 1) What, in the world, do you do with the firepalce??? 2) We're stumped in the Selentic Age (Barren planet)? Pushed all buttons, set all quardenants & can not get that door open to what I guess is a maze or something. 3) Ben through Channelwood. Can not find anthing other than> a w ay way back to Island of Myst via the book, HELP! 4) Stuck BIG TIME in Mechanical Age... been several places, just haven't figured how to turn the thing! Any Help would be very much appreciated... good clues rather than the answer would be fine too. Thanks, MURCH =============== Reply 12 of Note 1 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST ANSWERS To: NUCD29C KEN MEEGAN Date: 03/20 From: YYEU39A ROBERT LIPPER Time: 5:26 PM OK, I have a question, actually quite a few. Please go back to Subjects, pick Myst, and it is probably the most recent note there. PLEASE REPLY!! --Marcie =============== Reply 13 of Note 1 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST ANSWERS To: NUCD29C KEN MEEGAN Date: 03/20 From: NYUW87D ANDY MEESE Time: 8:10 PM WHAT IS THE FIRST THING YOU DO. I NEED HELP! PLEASE E-MAIL. THANKS. =============== Reply 14 of Note 1 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST ANSWERS To: NUCD29C KEN MEEGAN Date: 03/21 From: FKPK94A THOMAS GUARNIERI Time: 9:39 PM I need to know how to beat the selentic age please help me!! e-mail me fkpk94a =============== Reply 15 of Note 1 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST ANSWERS To: NUCD29C KEN MEEGAN Date: 03/24 From: HSWC67A JUDY DENNEN Time: 9:18 PM I am stuck in the mechanical age. I have been to both rooms and the secret rooms in each. I have the blue page and know where the red page is. I read the other note in the wine bottles and have opened and rode up on the elevator. But what is the point of the elevator. I copied the etchings on the wall while the elevator is going. My ? is how do I get back to Myst Island with my page? What else do I have to do =============== Reply 16 of Note 1 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST ANSWERS To: HSWC67A JUDY DENNEN Date: 03/24 From: BNTH21A MICHAEL STEPHENSON Time: 11:23 PM When you ride the elevator to the top, REALLY look around. The way back to Myst is in sight. Access is the contrary to what you would normally do in an elevator. Cryptic response, I know, but don't want to give away an answer that may ruin the game for you, at least not until you ask. P.S. The give away answer lives elsewhere on this BB. =============== Reply 17 of Note 1 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST ANSWERS To: BNTH21A MICHAEL STEPHENSON Date: 03/25 From: HSWC67A JUDY DENNEN Time: 6:30 PM Michael: I found the two switches on the top of the elevator, but when I click on them nothing happens. Was I suppose to do something before going up in the elevator? I never did figure out the dial and switch thing at the very begining of the mechanical age. Does that solve the problem and if it does, I sure don't know the symbols or where to find the answer. I know there are two switches or levers on top of the elevator, but nothing I do activates them. Please help. Thanks Judy D =============== Note 2 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST ANSWERS To: ALL Date: 02/28 From: TRMT99A STUART SCHNAPP Time: 10:57 PM How do I use the match in the boiler room. I'm clicking on everything (I turned the handle) but nothing seems to happen =============== Reply 1 of Note 2 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST ANSWERS To: TRMT99A STUART SCHNAPP Date: 03/01 From: SBRT07A PAUL SHELC Time: 0:04 AM Stuart, You touch the match to the pilot light, which is in the lower left corner of the boiler. Then you go to the wheel and turn it (green arrows) all the way open. You will know because it won't turn any more. Then you can go and figure out the puzzle to get to the watch tower. Paul =============== Reply 2 of Note 2 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST ANSWERS To: SBRT07A PAUL SHELC Date: 03/01 From: TRMT99A STUART SCHNAPP Time: 8:21 AM Ah, I tried turning the gas on first. It's really hard to tell what's happening here because I got no visual feedback from the game. =============== Reply 3 of Note 2 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST ANSWERS To: TRMT99A STUART SCHNAPP Date: 03/01 From: HXMT06A TIMOTHY MEIER Time: 6:05 PM Did you try to light the match? Use the match on the matchbox, then it will light, and then you can go light the pilot light on the stove. =============== Reply 4 of Note 2 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST ANSWERS To: HXMT06A TIMOTHY MEIER Date: 03/07 From: PGKJ54A DICK GLICKMAN Time: 3:20 AM To paraphrase that famous hamburger line "Where's the Match" =============== Note 3 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST ANSWERS To: ALL Date: 03/07 From: DKVV14A CHARLES BROWN SR Time: 11:59 PM I'll take any and all answers to get started in this game. I know I'm giong to keep on gettin stuck till I get the hang of this. Thanks Charles Brown dkvv14a, me and snoopy need help! =============== Note 4 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST ANSWERS To: ALL Date: 03/13 From: CWKJ95B BRIAN LIPTON Time: 3:39 PM Help! Letssee, Like someone else, I keep hitting all 3 of the symbols on the towers but no ship comes up and nothing happens, I feel that I have left out the previous step or something. I don't get it. Could someone start with the boiler, in exactness, and go on till I get to a different world >>>>> I mean, I set the boiler on and nothing... I can set the power for the FIRST box to 51, but can't get both to 51 ( if that is the right number)... And I'm just stuck, at these 3 places... Also.. I did the tower, you know the 2 7 4 or whatever it is... But I didn't gain from it.... I mean nothing happend, no one spoke to me, I didnt get anything... whats with that? =============== Reply 1 of Note 4 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST ANSWERS To: CWKJ95B BRIAN LIPTON Date: 03/13 From: SDGS11A J WEISE Time: 9:17 PM Get a match from the safe next to door inside boiler room, fire up the boiler, when banging starts quickly go outside and behind cabin -- pay attention to the tree. =============== Reply 2 of Note 4 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST ANSWERS To: SDGS11A J WEISE Date: 03/13 From: HGNP24D MATTHEW DISTEL Time: 11:42 PM How do you open the safe? =============== Note 5 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST ANSWERS To: ALL Date: 03/22 From: VHBD22C DEACON HAYMOND Time: 9:36 PM HI, I'm stuck. I was wondering what to do. I have entered the rocket, I don't quite know what to do in there. I guess that I have to go read in the library. I am afraid to go into some of the other ages for the fact that I might not return. I found the book in the gear and underneath the tree, and the one on the boat. Now what? How am I supposed to enter the #8 into the imager? Please help. =============== Reply 1 of Note 5 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST ANSWERS To: VHBD22C DEACON HAYMOND Date: 03/22 From: JRRU04A BARBARA GILLICK Time: 11:16 PM In the library there was a book that showed a piano keyboard. You must play the notes, listen and then go to console and enter the same tone by moving the levers. When you have all 5 set, pull the large lever. Jrru04a Barb =============== Reply 2 of Note 5 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST ANSWERS To: JRRU04A BARBARA GILLICK Date: 03/23 From: JJJG32A TONY FERDAISE Time: 1:04 AM Barb, I'm still stuck in the damn ship, what is the trick to get the tones right !! I have gone to all the ages except the one for the spaceship Where the gears are I entered that age and I have found the red and blue papers HOW do I get back to MYST island and "read/hear" what these pages say ?? Hope everything is going well for you.. Tony =============== Reply 3 of Note 5 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST ANSWERS To: JJJG32A TONY FERDAISE Date: 03/23 From: JRRU04A BARBARA GILLICK Time: 11:25 PM All I can tell you is to play the notes and just keep trying to get it set on the console the first 3 notes go up the scale the next two down. * * - - * * * This is only to give you an ideal, but maybe it will help. From the 1st lever, botton go: 8,20,23,13,6 Jrru04a Barb =============== Reply 4 of Note 5 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST ANSWERS To: JRRU04A BARBARA GILLICK Date: 03/24 From: JJJG32A TONY FERDAISE Time: 3:05 AM Barb, I've done that I have counted BUT my problem is getting the mouse and the control to go up one octive at a time, but sometimes it goes up 2-3 then i get lost !! OK, I'm stuck, how doI get back to myst island from the age that has the rotating house. I have found the red and blue pages !!! I love this game but it's going to drive me crazy !!! Tony/San Diego =============== Reply 5 of Note 5 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST ANSWERS To: JJJG32A TONY FERDAISE Date: 03/24 From: BNTH21A MICHAEL STEPHENSON Time: 11:23 PM The answer to the fortress lies with the elevator. For more, see my answer more towards the beginning of the section. =============== Reply 6 of Note 5 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST ANSWERS To: JJJG32A TONY FERDAISE Date: 03/25 From: JRRU04A BARBARA GILLICK Time: 8:31 PM Tony, You should have found 4 different symbol to enter into the console (at the place you entered the age). This will reveal a hidden staircase you entered to exit. If you're really struck, I'll try to explain them as best I can. Barb =============== Reply 7 of Note 5 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST ANSWERS To: JRRU04A BARBARA GILLICK Date: 03/26 From: JJJG32A TONY FERDAISE Time: 1:44 AM Barb, I'm still looking around on this age, but I can't find those symbols your talking about.. I bet they are rignt in front of me aren't they !! Tony/San Diego =============== Note 6 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST ANSWERS To: ALL Date: 03/25 From: VHBD22C DEACON HAYMOND Time: 10:07 PM Ok, now I don't know what to do. I've been in the age from the spaceship, and I have finished that. I can't find a red or blue page in channelwood, I don't know what I am supposed to do with the controls in the mechanical age, and where are the pages in that age. I'm really confused. How many pages are you supposed to give the brothers? Don't they kill you if you give them too many? Also thank you for that last---- answer Barbara. It was greatly appreciated. Deacon =============== Reply 1 of Note 6 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST ANSWERS To: VHBD22C DEACON HAYMOND Date: 03/25 From: JRRU04A BARBARA GILLICK Time: 10:32 PM Hello again, In channelwood, go to the umbrella, hit the 2nd pump button down. Go in the first tunnel and open the drawers in the bedroom in the tall drawer. In the second tunnel, which also will be empty of water too, it's just lying right in the open on the bed. In the Mechanical Age, When you enter the bedroom, look care fully behind the tapestry hanging, there a secret door. Jrru04a Barb =============== Reply 2 of Note 6 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST ANSWERS To: VHBD22C DEACON HAYMOND Date: 03/26 From: CEPU20B JASON ZOMICK Time: 9:52 AM If you finished the rocket age maybe you can help me. What do I do in the spaceship. I keep on going in circles and doing nothing. Please help. -Jason =============== Reply 3 of Note 6 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST ANSWERS To: CEPU20B JASON ZOMICK Date: 03/26 From: HSMY25B MICHAEL PAOLONE Time: 12:36 PM Go N Then W,N,E,E,S,S,W,SW,W,NW,NE,N, Then SE. =============== Note 7 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST ANSWERS To: ALL Date: 03/26 From: HSWC67A JUDY DENNEN Time: 10:49 AM I am in the mechanical age. I have found the pages and the note from the other brother. I would like to get back to Myst. I know there are levers on top of the elevator but I don't know how to activate them. How does that happen? Also what are the symbols for the machine at the entrance to this age? Please advise. PRODIGY(R) interactive personal service 03/26 1:09 PM Number of notes exported: 7 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Board: GAMES BB ^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT ^^^^^^^^^^^^ =============== Note 1 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST ANY GOOD? To: ALL Date: 03/14 From: DMTJ44A SAM PORTNOY Time: 11:12 PM If it's possible can someone tell me about myst? I personally loved indiana jones 4 and the dagger of amon ra and the lost files of sherlock holmes, but I hated inca, all ad&d games, and alone in the dark. I'd like to know about the graphics(if they compare with police quest 4 or are they a different style. I'd also like to know about the storyline and how you personally like it. Oh ya! also sound. thanks so very! very! much, sam =============== Reply 1 of Note 1 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST ANY GOOD? To: DMTJ44A SAM PORTNOY Date: 03/15 From: JRRU04A BARBARA GILLICK Time: 0:34 AM Sam, The game is like nothing we've playing before. The graphics are wonderful, there are different ages you go to - each place is a maze or puzzle in itself. going by the games you have playing solving things - this should be right up your alley. Besides we could always use another helper in figuring it out. Go Buy it. Jrru04a Barb =============== Reply 2 of Note 1 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST ANY GOOD? To: DMTJ44A SAM PORTNOY Date: 03/15 From: VKJG02A BRIAN KEY Time: 4:46 PM Sam, This game was a major disappointment for me.It is a bunch of photographs with puzzles. Brian in TX =============== Reply 3 of Note 1 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST ANY GOOD? To: VKJG02A BRIAN KEY Date: 03/15 From: DMTJ44A SAM PORTNOY Time: 6:51 PM what do you mean? can you be more specific? thanks, sam =============== Reply 4 of Note 1 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST ANY GOOD? To: DMTJ44A SAM PORTNOY Date: 03/15 From: YKMU05A BRIAN ALBERS Time: 8:14 PM What he means (from reading his previous complaints about this game) is that Myst does not flow smoothly from location to location the way 7th Guest does. This is hardly a flaw in the game. The transitions in 7th Guest were nice the first time or two walking through the house, but then they became tedious. Myst uses the CD space to create MANY more locations to visit, rather than transitions. I've played nearly every game on the market, CD included, and here are Myst's strong points. It has a very unusual story line (especially for a computer game), and you learn it at your own pace (7th Guest's story didn't make much sense even after the game was finished). Myst has a feature to allow you to move quickly from location to location. It's graphics, while not featuring transitions, are even better looking than 7th Guest's graphics. The puzzles in Myst deal with the environment you explore, whereas 7th Guest's puzzles are like board games strewn about a house for no apparent reason. Both games have good music, but the >> music and sound in Myst is less glaring and, in my opinion, better suits the mood of the game. The acting in Myst is not nearly as hammy as that in 7th Guest. However, Myst's strongest point is the way its puzzles are integrated into the story and force you to make choices about which characters to trust. Don't get me wrong - I liked both games. Myst, however, is an UNUSUAL game, by gaming standards. If you don't like it, take it back, but I personally recommend it. -Another Brian in TX- =============== Reply 5 of Note 1 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST ANY GOOD? To: DMTJ44A SAM PORTNOY Date: 03/15 From: SDGS11A J WEISE Time: 9:49 PM I thought it was great. good graphics. interesting sound. a mental challegnge --- not just how fast can you move your thumb on the "trigger". I keep reading about problems running this ona PC. I don't know about that. I ran it on a Mac and had great fun with it. =============== Note 2 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST ANY GOOD? To: ALL Date: 03/25 From: CRBN15A JOE WARFEL Time: 6:02 PM I've read most of these notes but nobody has said anything about speech. Does it have complete speech, just partial like in RTZ, or none at all? Also, someone please compare it to Return to Zork in regard to the puzzles, challenge and length. One more thing, what are the system requirements for running the game (well). Please write back-- /Cepper\ PRODIGY(R) interactive personal service 03/26 1:10 PM Number of notes exported: 10 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Board: GAMES BB ^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT ^^^^^^^^^^^^ =============== Note 1 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST BIG PRBLM HELP! To: ALL Date: 03/18 From: GKHX15A JOSEPH FECAROTTA Time: 8:40 PM I've got a 486 33mhz local video with a Tseng ET4000 board. I'm running a Philips double speed CD-Rom, and am using a Sound Blaster Pro board. I just can't get the game to run at all. The Making of Myst starts out fine but then turns choppy. The game starts out but locks up just after the book opens. I've tried every imaginable tweak to memory, loaded all of the newest drivers, and followed all of the suggestions Borderstupidbunds faxed to me. Am I at a dead end with my system as it relates to this game??? I'm at the point of thinking the Soundblaster can't handle it. If thats the case then I'm looking to spend a couple of hundred bucks in order to play one $45.00 game, which is the only game that won't perform on my system. Any suggestions would be appreciated. If it's upgrading the sound board say it softly so my wife doesn't hear. Thanks Joe Fec. =============== Reply 1 of Note 1 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST BIG PRBLM HELP! To: GKHX15A JOSEPH FECAROTTA Date: 03/18 From: NSMS77A EDWARD KHOURY Time: 11:07 PM I have a 386/33, a soundblaster-pro and a Creative-Omni double speed drive. I been playing the game for a while and have had no problems in windows 3.1. Doesn't sound like it's your soundblaster. How much RAM do you have installed? Good Luck, Ed By the way, I also have a TSENG 4000(Diamond Speedstar) =============== Reply 2 of Note 1 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST BIG PRBLM HELP! To: GKHX15A JOSEPH FECAROTTA Date: 03/19 From: MVXV92C KEVIN GONZALEZ Time: 1:20 PM I also have a Soundblaster Pro and am playing Myst with no problems. Must be something else. =============== Reply 3 of Note 1 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST BIG PRBLM HELP! To: MVXV92C KEVIN GONZALEZ Date: 03/19 From: MRHW92A CHRIS GOULETTE Time: 3:24 PM Your not alone, I have the same problems, and I'm using a 486DX2/66 with 8MEG of RAM, CD-ROM drive, SVGA-LOCAL BUS. I sometimes have problems with just installing the game. (Getting read errors from the CD), I've tried it on another identical system, and it works just fine. The only thing that I can think of, is the CD-ROM driver, supplied with your CD-ROM. It doesn't seem to like the Mitisumi, but likes the SONY driver. I need to find a new driver for Mitisumi, anyone have one? =============== Reply 4 of Note 1 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST BIG PRBLM HELP! To: NSMS77A EDWARD KHOURY Date: 03/19 From: GKHX15A JOSEPH FECAROTTA Time: 7:25 PM Running 8 megs of memory. Frustration level is growing. Thanks for the comeback. Regards Joe FEc =============== Reply 5 of Note 1 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST BIG PRBLM HELP! To: MRHW92A CHRIS GOULETTE Date: 03/19 From: JJJG32A TONY FERDAISE Time: 7:40 PM Chris, I was having trouble with MYST in the game> I would get error's at certain point of the game. I went to the computer store where I bought the game and there machine came up with the same error's. I have a new disk and the game runs fine. Tony/San Diego =============== Reply 6 of Note 1 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST BIG PRBLM HELP! To: MRHW92A CHRIS GOULETTE Date: 03/19 From: GKHX15A JOSEPH FECAROTTA Time: 7:40 PM Hi Kevin, I think you have the answer. Spent all day just goofing around with settings etc. Nothing much helped. I am of the opinion at this point that the cdrom driver is at fault. I even loaded the myst directory and mscdex into a ram drive and tried it that way. No help. Anyway thanks for the reply. Regards Joe Fec. =============== Reply 7 of Note 1 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST BIG PRBLM HELP! To: GKHX15A JOSEPH FECAROTTA Date: 03/20 From: YEJF93B NICHOLAS COOLEY Time: 1:08 AM Have you tried creating virtual memory with the windows control panel. The trouble shooting guide has details on how to do it under MEMORY. I had some error messages until I did this and then all my problems went away. DRACO =============== Reply 8 of Note 1 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST BIG PRBLM HELP! To: GKHX15A JOSEPH FECAROTTA Date: 03/21 From: TJRV12A WAYNE HIXSON Time: 1:08 AM I have a 486/40, 16 Megs, Soundblaster 16 SCSI-2, with NEC 3Xe triple speed, and I have similar problems - lockup in "The making of Myst" at different points, and lockups in the game. I have tried the latest SCSI and SB16 drivers, and it has gotten worse...sigh =============== Reply 9 of Note 1 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST BIG PRBLM HELP! To: TJRV12A WAYNE HIXSON Date: 03/22 From: FKJN28A JOHN HUNT Time: 1:37 AM Wayne - I've got a set-up similar to yours (SB16,SCSI-2 and NEC 3Xi) and am also having the same problem. After much tinkering, I believe there is an incompatibility problem between the Adaptec CD-ROM driver (the one for the SB16,SCSI-2) and QuickTime for Windows when using the NEC 3Xi. If I transfer "The Making of Myst" to my harddrive (I have a large harddrive), I can get it to play fine, but it won't play from my CD-ROM drive. On the other hand, other video formats such as Microsoft Video for Windows will play from my CD-ROM drive without a hitch. So I think the problem is QuickTime in combination with our CD-ROM driver when used with the 3Xi. Unfortunately, I don't know if there is a solution other than waiting for an updated version of QuickTime or of the Adaptec CD-ROM driver. Please, please let me know if you find another solution. PRODIGY(R) interactive personal service 03/26 1:10 PM Number of notes exported: 2 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Board: GAMES BB ^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT ^^^^^^^^^^^^ =============== Note 1 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST BIG QUESTION To: ALL Date: 02/01 From: DXXK40A JEFFREY HARVEY Time: 8:48 PM I want to know which pages to get? I think I have been pretty successful at figuring out how t get and what to do in the ages but I am curious to know if I should get both blue and red or just red because Achenar is evil or is Sirrus evil. Please answer???? -Jeff Dxxk40a =============== Reply 1 of Note 1 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST BIG QUESTION To: DXXK40A JEFFREY HARVEY Date: 02/02 From: XBHK64A STEVEN BUCHTHAL Time: 1:39 PM Certainly Achinar is a little unbalanced and Sirus seems to be very reasonable. However, things aren't always what they seem. If you've been searching all the ages, you've seen each brother's living areas. Maybe there are clues to their personalities there. Sorry to be so evasive- but it's something every player should decide for themselves. If you really want a strait answer just turn the page - XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXxX Actually - you should get both pages in all the ages. You don't have to make a choice until after 5 pages. The sixth page is the key page and will free either brother - if that's what you want to do. There is another choice- which will become obvious when it arises Steve PRODIGY(R) interactive personal service 03/26 1:10 PM Number of notes exported: 3 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Board: GAMES BB ^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT ^^^^^^^^^^^^ =============== Note 1 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST ENDGAME, VAULT? To: ALL Date: 03/05 From: BRXP61D CLAIRE ALTER Time: 11:55 PM I have both halves of the note giving instructions on how to access the vault, have carried out those instructions to the tee and yet can't find the vault ("in very plain view", indeed!!). Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you. =============== Reply 1 of Note 1 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST ENDGAME, VAULT? To: BRXP61D CLAIRE ALTER Date: 03/06 From: YHFN15A JAMES BALDASSARRE Time: 9:54 AM The note suggests that you turn off all the marker switches on the island. What must be done is that all of the switches must be turned on, then turn the one switch on the dock off, this will produce your white page(bottom of marker switch open up). BALDY =============== Reply 2 of Note 1 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST ENDGAME, VAULT? To: YHFN15A JAMES BALDASSARRE Date: 03/06 From: HPTN55C JIMMY RUSSELL Time: 12:48 PM Maybe it is not working because you have not turned the marker switch on the clock tower on. James PRODIGY(R) interactive personal service 03/26 1:10 PM Number of notes exported: 1 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Board: GAMES BB ^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT ^^^^^^^^^^^^ =============== Note 1 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST ERROR'S To: ALL Date: 03/18 From: JJJG32A TONY FERDAISE Time: 11:25 PM Hello all you MYST people, I'm wondering if any of you are getting errors as you are playing this game. Once I get these errors the game kicks me out of the game back into windows. BUT I have to reboot my system if I want to play the game again. I have a 486DX50 with 634K of conventional memory and 16 megs of ram.. I'm going to call Broderdund on monday if I can't get this game to stop comming up with errors.. Thanks. Tony PRODIGY(R) interactive personal service 03/26 1:11 PM Number of notes exported: 2 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Board: GAMES BB ^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT ^^^^^^^^^^^^ =============== Note 1 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST ERROR'S II To: ALL Date: 03/19 From: JJJG32A TONY FERDAISE Time: 0:46 AM Ok people here are some of the error's I get and where it happens. There are only 2 places I get errors. The first place is the Fore-Chamber when I'm retriving the message, how long is this message, I'm not too sure I get all of it for part of it. He doesn't say where the "books" are. This is the error's I get in this part of the game: Error in the resLoad in Aview:: Exitview Error in memlock in Aview:: exitview Next error is this: Application Error: Myst casued a Gerneral protection fault in the Module MYST.EXE at 0018:1226 Then I get kicked out of MYST and also Windows !! Then I have to reboot my system to beable to play the game once again. Next Error Ok I open the book on the ship and enter it, I go into the Light house and "try" and pick up the key that is on the floor, but I end up getting this error: Application Error Myst Caused a General Protection fault in module QTRLE.QTC at 0005:1F56 < once again it must be an address in the code> but it's really getting to be a pain in the butt. I don't have Sound Blaster 16, I have a Sound Blaster Pro so I didn't have to update anything.. Has anybody else getting these type or error's, it doesn't have to be in the same spot !! Also WHERE are can I find the combo for the safe in the Cabin !!!! I've looked everywhere and I'm clueless.. Thanks everybody. Tony/ MYSTLESS in San Diego =============== Note 2 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST ERROR'S II To: ALL Date: 03/19 From: JJJG32A TONY FERDAISE Time: 7:40 PM Ok people I went back to where I bought the game and played MYST on there computer, I get the same error;s in the same spot as on my computer. After rebooting the system I use there MYST disk and get no error's. So they gave me another dish to try, so far no problems. Also the screen on this new disk is much brighter and the colors are richer. So it looks like I had a bad disk !! I'm still clueless on the cabin safe !! HELP ! Tony/San Diego PRODIGY(R) interactive personal service 03/26 1:11 PM Number of notes exported: 4 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Board: GAMES BB ^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT ^^^^^^^^^^^^ =============== Note 1 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST FINISHED GAME To: ALL Date: 02/05 From: FKWD09B CHRIS COLLINS Time: 8:01 PM To anyone who has finished Myst, I've heard some people here talk about being able to use the Myst linking book to move around freely to any age you want after going to the Dunny age. Is this possible? I've picked up the book from the man at the end (I won't give it away), but it just takes you back to the library. Is this possible or is there anything else you can do after finishing the game? Are there any differences on Myst or in any other ages? -Chris- =============== Note 2 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST FINISHED GAME To: ALL Date: 03/06 From: HPTN55C JIMMY RUSSELL Time: 1:10 PM Is there anything to Myst after I give the guy in Dunny the white page? PLEASE REPLY FAST! James =============== Reply 1 of Note 2 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST FINISHED GAME To: HPTN55C JIMMY RUSSELL Date: 03/06 From: DHJY11A FLORINE KLUSSMANN Time: 11:15 PM NOT UNTIL THEY COME OUT WITH MYST 2. =============== Reply 2 of Note 2 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST FINISHED GAME To: DHJY11A FLORINE KLUSSMANN Date: 03/08 From: BGBF46A DAN KUSHNER Time: 7:07 PM They are coming out with Myst 2? PRODIGY(R) interactive personal service 03/26 1:11 PM Number of notes exported: 2 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Board: GAMES BB ^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT ^^^^^^^^^^^^ =============== Note 1 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST HELP SELENTIC To: ALL Date: 03/23 From: FKPK94A THOMAS GUARNIERI Time: 7:43 PM TO ANYBODY!!!! I HAVE MADE IT TO THE SELENTIC AGE AND PRESSED ALL THE BUTTONS. I FOUND THE WIERD MACHINE THAT YOU SEE WHEN YOU GET OUT OF THE WIND TUNNEL. I ALSO FOUND THE DOOR WITH THE LITTLE SOUND PANEL. WHAT DO I DO????HELP!!! TOM FKPK94A(FOR E-MAILING) =============== Reply 1 of Note 1 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST HELP SELENTIC To: FKPK94A THOMAS GUARNIERI Date: 03/24 From: BNTH21A MICHAEL STEPHENSON Time: 11:23 PM Remember that in this game, sound is everything. Watch what happens as you press the various buttons on the 'weird" machine. If you need more, e-mail for a private response so as not to post an answer others may not wish to see. PRODIGY(R) interactive personal service 03/26 1:11 PM Number of notes exported: 1 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Board: GAMES BB ^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT ^^^^^^^^^^^^ =============== Note 1 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST JOURNAL HELP To: ALL Date: 03/25 From: NWBU31A DENISE KEMMER Time: 12:03 PM i'M WRITING MY MYST JOURNAL I'LL TAKE ANY TIPS OR HINTS FROM YOU MYST-GAMERS OUT THERE! I REALLY DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO IN MYST HELP!! IF SOMONE IS WILLING TO KEEP CONSTANT CONTACT AND HELP ME WITH MYST IF I HAVE A QUESTION. WRITE TO ME ID NWBU31A JOE.K PRODIGY(R) interactive personal service 03/26 1:12 PM Number of notes exported: 1 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Board: GAMES BB ^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT ^^^^^^^^^^^^ =============== Note 1 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST MESSAGE To: ALL Date: 03/08 From: JNCC76B DAN FAUST Time: 4:17 PM hey everyone. I need to know how to erase the holographic message in Myst. I dont want to know anything else, just this. Thanx everyone. PRODIGY(R) interactive personal service 03/26 1:12 PM Number of notes exported: 1 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Board: GAMES BB ^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT ^^^^^^^^^^^^ =============== Note 1 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST QUICK GUIDE TO To: ALL Date: 03/05 From: NUCD29F JEREMIAH MEEGAN Time: 11:55 PM Here's a quick walkthrough of all the steps you'll need to take to unlock the secrets of the myst.Keep in mind that the game does not have a strictly linear structure.You can explore the four ages-Selenitic,Stoneship,Mechanical and Chanelwood-in any order of what you wish.My solution sequence was chosen arbitrarily!I'll start with an explanation of the map mechanissm in the library.>>>>>>>>>> Understanding how the map works is the key to unlocking the other wonders of myst,including travel to the four ages. Important:Please read the following section about the map first!Much of the Walkthrough is based on the assumption that you know how the map works. TO BE CONTINUED... PRODIGY(R) interactive personal service 03/26 1:12 PM Number of notes exported: 2 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Board: GAMES BB ^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT ^^^^^^^^^^^^ =============== Note 1 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST REAL HELP To: ALL Date: 03/15 From: CWKJ95B BRIAN LIPTON Time: 9:49 PM Hiya, Alright, I am posting a subject because I am not receiving decent feedback when I post a question -- I rarely receive more then one response due to people assuming someone has already answered my question or someone HINTING and not HELPING. Trust me, helping on 1 thing, or even 10 things on Myst is not going to ruin the game, there are >>> enough puzzles and problems to figure out that you can trust me you wont spoil it. Alright, now on to the important stuff. I am having all these problems and no idea on what to do: 1) I programmed in 59, and It only powers up the left side of the engines... What more can I do? And after I do that, what is the result of that? Where do I go next? 2) In the Channelwood era, which I got to thru the pole behind the burner -- I walked around for a LONG time only to find a MYST book. There was one elevator I couldn't open that was right of a twirling staircase >>> how does this one open? and what do I find up there? and what do I do with my findings? 3) I set the lighthouse correctly to the 3 numbers, and it locked in place -- What was the point of that? I didn't have any change in anything? Where do I go from there? 4) I hit the 3 symbols on the structures i.e. Leaf, Snake, Beetle. No change in the small boat, no change seen. What do I get out of this? what do I do next? What have I done wrong? 5) The rocket door won't open. What have I done wrong? >>> Finally, 6) I read all I could at the 4 books in the library, all weren't very helpfull except the one with the stars to tell me the symbol meanings... Why do I check them, or don't I? What is with all these replacing of 'Pages'? Inly pages I have seen is one laying at the beginning - a note to a Catherine, and the two that were in the library which I put in the fuzzy animated books of the two children... What else is there? Any whY? Thanks a ton! Please... Please try to help =============== Reply 1 of Note 1 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST REAL HELP To: CWKJ95B BRIAN LIPTON Date: 03/16 From: YKMU05A BRIAN ALBERS Time: 10:40 AM First off, you are probably not getting many replies because these same questions have, for the most part, been answered on this BB, often repeatedly. People don't want to spend the time and messages replying to something that has already been said. Backdate your responses and read for yourself. But here are answers to a few of your questions. 1) If you tried to power up the generator, failed, and turned it off, you have to reset the circuit. Notice that the voltage to the ship originally worked, until you shut it off. Go outside and follow the power lines to the ship (you DID notice that's where they went, I hope). At two of the pillars along the lines, there are ladders. Go up and flip the switches. Then redo the generator to 59 volts. This will open the spaceship. 2) To operate things in Channelwood, go up to the windmill and turn the water on. Follow the water down the branching pipes, using the switches to direct it where you want it to go. If the water is flowing the the correct location, it will "power up" the thing that the pipes lead to. 3) Solving the clock tower opens up the gears near the dock (to the Mechanical Age). 4) You aren't doing something right with the little boat. 6) Figure out the plot yourself. It is only revealed gradually, and that is one of the strengths of the game. Contrary to your belief, there are not THAT many puzzles in this game. If you get too many hints it will fly by too quickly. Try to be more thorough in your search (you should have figured out number 3 by just looking around). There is a logical reason for everything in the game. -B- PRODIGY(R) interactive personal service 03/26 1:12 PM Number of notes exported: 7 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Board: GAMES BB ^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT ^^^^^^^^^^^^ =============== Note 1 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST \ PLS TELL ME To: ALL Date: 02/10 From: DKKM19C JON GUERIN Time: 6:53 PM I just want to know what the game is about, what everyone thinks of it. Difficulty, 1-10 sccale =============== Reply 1 of Note 1 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST \ PLS TELL ME To: DKKM19C JON GUERIN Date: 02/11 From: XBHK64A STEVEN BUCHTHAL Time: 3:05 PM This is a game in which the object is to figure out what one has to do. There is no time limit. There are no death traps . The graphics are suberb. The puzzles are challenging but not impossible. The climax is somewhat of a letdown but that is a small quibble. All in all this is an excellent game in which one can think about what one is doing and appreciate it. Steve =============== Note 2 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST \ PLS TELL ME To: ALL Date: 03/06 From: VMKG13B LARAINE SPALTEN Time: 9:15 PM I am on the first part of this game. The biggest problem I am having is in the library. There are 2 books by themselves a red and blue (I think) When I open them I get a very scratchy and fading video. How can this be corrected? Also how do you know which land you are in? Is the first land called Myst? People have gotten quite far in a short time. I have explored the first land and checked out the map, etc in the library. Laraine =============== Reply 1 of Note 2 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST \ PLS TELL ME To: VMKG13B LARAINE SPALTEN Date: 03/07 From: FSTD28A SANDY POYNOR Time: 4:20 PM The scratchiness will fade somewhat (very slightly) as you keep finding pages to put into each book. Sandi =============== Reply 2 of Note 2 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST \ PLS TELL ME To: FSTD28A SANDY POYNOR Date: 03/07 From: VMKG13B LARAINE SPALTEN Time: 8:49 PM Sandy, Are these found in the first world? or other places? Also I see a page next to one book in the library, I can pick it up but not read it or seem to be able to do anything with it. There is also a paper on the steps leading up to the "gear", that the "hand" does not seem to be able to pick up? After watching the "video message", do you have to go to all the places again to see if anything changed? I thought I had gotten all the info (like the library "key" etc.) Laraine =============== Reply 3 of Note 2 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST \ PLS TELL ME To: VMKG13B LARAINE SPALTEN Date: 03/08 From: FSTD28A SANDY POYNOR Time: 11:30 PM Each age will have a set of pages. You have to go to each age twice to get them both. As for the age with all the houses, you'll have to set the water pipes to flow in the right direction so they power the elevators. There are only 4-5 books that you can read on the bookshelf, the rest have been burned. You get back to Myst by finding the book in each age, and clicking on it. Sandi =============== Reply 4 of Note 2 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST \ PLS TELL ME To: VMKG13B LARAINE SPALTEN Date: 03/25 From: FSTD28A SANDY POYNOR Time: 7:08 PM Sorry it's taken me so long to reply, but I've been without a computer for several weeks. I'm borrowing one tonite.. just couldn't take it w/o a computer any more . Anyway, I hope you're further along and have figured some things out. The red pages you find in the worlds go in the red book, the blue pages go in the blue book. You need to go back to each world twice.. once for each colored page as you can only carry one page at a time. The only page I remember seeing on Myst was the one by the steps near the wharf that tells you to count the monitors or transformers (or whatever.. the word fails me) and input them in the room you find on the wharf. Once you've done that, you need to go back to the library. Click on the paintings and you'll find a room behind the bookcase. Use the map and once you get a red line, go up the elevator to the observatory, and write down the numbers you see on the key stairs. Then go outside and figure out where to use the numbers (looking through the slit in the observatory will help). Once you've solved> a puzzle, a abook will appear. Click on the book to enter the new world. You'll have to read the books to figure out the answers to some puzzles.. like the sunken ship south of the library. Sandi PRODIGY(R) interactive personal service 03/26 1:13 PM Number of notes exported: 2 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Board: GAMES BB ^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT ^^^^^^^^^^^^ =============== Note 1 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST- HELP ME! To: ALL Date: 01/22 From: HPTN55C JIMMY RUSSELL Time: 10:50 AM How do I get to the clock!!! Please reply Fast! jAMES =============== Reply 1 of Note 1 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST- HELP ME! To: BGJE57A ROSS BARBOUR Date: 02/09 From: BSVK86D BRETT SCHELLENBERG Time: 6:48 PM keep turning the wheels till you get the time to 2:40, then press the red button PRODIGY(R) interactive personal service 03/26 1:13 PM Number of notes exported: 11 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Board: GAMES BB ^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT ^^^^^^^^^^^^ =============== Note 1 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST- PLEASE HELP ME To: ALL Date: 01/06 From: SPGW69A JEFFREY MOORE Time: 4:39 PM I can't raise the spaceship. I've powered both generators to 59 volts, and I've pulled both of the power switches on the high latters and nothing happens. What am I doing wrong? r@chel =============== Reply 1 of Note 1 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST- PLEASE HELP ME To: SPGW69A JEFFREY MOORE Date: 03/01 From: FSTD28A SANDY POYNOR Time: 0:54 AM Where do you find the keys? I've climbed the ladder with the book on it, but haven't found any keys. Also have only found one tower with a power switch on it (near the rocket). Where's the other one? Thanks, Sandi =============== Reply 2 of Note 1 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST- PLEASE HELP ME To: SPGW69A JEFFREY MOORE Date: 03/01 From: RCXH59A YALE POPOWICH Time: 8:10 AM In the librarry there is a book ( I dont remember the color) that has a picture of a piano keyboard and a numerical sequence of keys. Remeber this. Go to the ship and play the sequence on the piano to hear each tone. On the opposite side of the ship each lever will correspond to one tone which is why you must remember the tone. Do them one at atime. After all five levers have been set, pull the big lever down and you're off ! Once there, see if you can help me, b/c I'm stuck in this world ! Yale Popowich =============== Note 2 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST- PLEASE HELP ME To: SPGW69A JEFFREY MOORE Date: 01/20 From: KWDT34B BILL DUNCAN Time: 7:10 PM DEAR RECHEL, WHAT DO I DO IN THE MECHANICAL AGE?HOW DO I TURN ON THE LIGHTS IN THE BOAT TUNNEL IN THE STONESHIP AGE?HOW OLD ARE YOU SIGNED SHOCK-G =============== Reply 1 of Note 2 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST- PLEASE HELP ME To: KWDT34B BILL DUNCAN Date: 02/08 From: SPGW69A JEFFREY MOORE Time: 5:48 PM Well I'm 95 years old.......just kidding, I'm really 16. Well anyway about the lights. To turn them on, you have to get acess to the top of the lighthouse. You probably are trying to unlock that #%$%^% key, right? Have you seen that chest on the bottom of the lighthouse? Hint: bring the chest to the key, not the key to the chest. wb R@CHEL (Rachel) =============== Note 3 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST- PLEASE HELP ME To: ALL Date: 03/05 From: BSNT30A DAVID FRESKO Time: 8:28 AM I'm playing the IBM-CD version and I'm done with the Mechanical Age. My step is Stoneshhip Age. I did everything to activate the lighthouse and got 130 degrees or so from the telescope-like device. I cannot enter either one of the stone walled passages and the room down the stairs is too dark to see. I cannot any device to turn the lights on. Where is the switch? Is the fact that I cannnot go through t the stone walled pasages a bug on the IBM version? Any help or hint will be appreciated. Thanx. David F. =============== Reply 1 of Note 3 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST- PLEASE HELP ME To: BSNT30A DAVID FRESKO Date: 03/05 From: YHFN15A JAMES BALDASSARRE Time: 12:17 PM If you walk along one of the planked walkways you will arrive at an object that has three switches. Pressing one of the switches will open the stone passageways, another will get the water out of the lighthouse, while the last will allow you to enter the room in the boat. BALDY =============== Reply 2 of Note 3 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST- PLEASE HELP ME To: BSNT30A DAVID FRESKO Date: 03/05 From: DHJY11A FLORINE KLUSSMANN Time: 11:39 PM To turn the lights on down in the boat, you have to go down in the room where the sun dial looking thing is on the floor and push the 12th button from the top. Be sure you have charged up the generator in the lighthouse. This will turn on the submersible lanterns and you will be able to see where to go once you get down in the ship. Good luck! =============== Reply 3 of Note 3 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST- PLEASE HELP ME To: BSNT30A DAVID FRESKO Date: 03/06 From: FSTD28A SANDY POYNOR Time: 0:39 AM If you explore the island, you'll come to an umbrella with three switches under it. Pushing different switches pumps water out of different areas. As for the the light.. you'll have to check out the light house. Pump out the water from the light house, turn the petcock on the chest to dump the water out of it. Turn the water back on so the chest floats.. that will get you upstairs in the light house>> Once up there, turn the generator to provide light in the concrete tunnels. Also, while in the tunnels, check out the sides of the tunnels, one of them has a secret door. Sandi =============== Reply 4 of Note 3 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST- PLEASE HELP ME To: FSTD28A SANDY POYNOR Date: 03/08 From: BSNT30A DAVID FRESKO Time: 9:26 PM Thanx Sandi. I don't know whether you remember, but you were a grat help in CODS too. I'm a;most done with Myst and exploring Arena now. I'm sure you'll move into that subject too. =============== Reply 5 of Note 3 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST- PLEASE HELP ME To: BSNT30A DAVID FRESKO Date: 03/08 From: FSTD28A SANDY POYNOR Time: 11:30 PM I've checked out Arena and it looks good. I'm holding off computer has developed a slight glitch, and I'm sending it back to the place I bought it for a physical. Take care, Sandi PRODIGY(R) interactive personal service 03/26 1:13 PM Number of notes exported: 3 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Board: GAMES BB ^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT ^^^^^^^^^^^^ =============== Note 1 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST- RESTORE HELP To: ALL Date: 03/24 From: GJWN55A STEVE ARKY Time: 10:17 PM Help! Everything works while playing Myst, but whenever I want to restore a saved game I get the error message: "Cannot find Myst CD in CD ROM Drive." It will not find the CD even though it is in the drive. I can only CTRL-ALT-DEL out of it. Can someone help me with this aggravating problem? Thanks, Steve =============== Reply 1 of Note 1 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST- RESTORE HELP To: GJWN55A STEVE ARKY Date: 03/25 From: JJJG32A TONY FERDAISE Time: 12:21 PM Steve, When I first got MYST, I was getting all sorts of errors with the game. Come to find out that I had a bad disk. The same thing might be true for you. Tony/San Diego =============== Reply 2 of Note 1 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST- RESTORE HELP To: GJWN55A STEVE ARKY Date: 03/25 From: GJWN55A STEVE ARKY Time: 9:20 PM Thanks for your response. It turns out that the problem was Norton Desktop 3.0. As soon as I swithced back to progman everything worked fine. Norton cannot be running at all (either as the shell or otherwise). Perhaps this will help someone else. Steve PRODIGY(R) interactive personal service 03/26 1:14 PM Number of notes exported: 3 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Board: GAMES BB ^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT ^^^^^^^^^^^^ =============== Note 1 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST---GOOD? To: ALL Date: 03/13 From: TCNU02A CAROL GORE Time: 8:50 PM Uh-Hu I was like wondering, dudes is Like, Myst any good, should I LIKE get it, what are its LIKE system requirments HU what are they, tell me, I NEED TO KNOW OR I WILL ETERNALY PERISH INTO THE REALM OF DEATH AND WILL NEVER KNOW WETHER I SHOULD OF like GOTTEN IT OR NOT! Someone who cares!?!?! =============== Reply 1 of Note 1 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST---GOOD? To: TCNU02A CAROL GORE Date: 03/25 From: CTKK22C SCOTT VARLAND Time: 5:50 PM I DON'T THINK ANYONE CARES....(CATCH UP ON YOUR ENGLISH) :) =============== Reply 2 of Note 1 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST---GOOD? To: TCNU02A CAROL GORE Date: 03/25 From: SSDD47B ROSA JENKINS Time: 6:54 PM Personally, I don't the like Beavis and Butthead routine. Danny M. in Orlando PRODIGY(R) interactive personal service 03/26 1:14 PM Number of notes exported: 5 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Board: GAMES BB ^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT ^^^^^^^^^^^^ =============== Note 1 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST--3D MOVEMENT? To: ALL Date: 03/01 From: NNXX03A CLARK GERMANN Time: 0:04 AM I'm thinking about buying Myst, but have a question. Is movement 3D like Wolfenstein or 7th Guest, or does it simply have changing pictures, like Hell Cab or Laberynth of Time? How real is the movement in the game? Thanks to anyone who can help. Clark =============== Reply 1 of Note 1 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST--3D MOVEMENT? To: NNXX03A CLARK GERMANN Date: 03/01 From: TRMT99A STUART SCHNAPP Time: 8:27 AM From what I've played so far, it can be set up either to dissolve between movements or to replace one picture with another. There is no sense of real movement. Howevver, I don't find this to be a major stumbling block to what seems to be a really enjoyable game. =============== Reply 2 of Note 1 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST--3D MOVEMENT? To: TRMT99A STUART SCHNAPP Date: 03/01 From: NNXX03A CLARK GERMANN Time: 5:36 PM Thanks for the info--I think I'll buy it. The IBM version just came out at Software Etc. =============== Reply 3 of Note 1 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST--3D MOVEMENT? To: NNXX03A CLARK GERMANN Date: 03/05 From: VKJG02A BRIAN KEY Time: 9:37 PM Clark, I bought it and returned for that very reason.It claims on the box to leapfrog past 7th Guest.I don't think so! Brian in TX =============== Reply 4 of Note 1 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST--3D MOVEMENT? To: NNXX03A CLARK GERMANN Date: 03/05 From: PSAH91A BRIAN SCHMITT Time: 10:36 PM I recently purchased MYST for my PC and I can recommend it highly. While there is very little animation involved the games is an excellent exercise in problem-solving. The graphics are mostly stills, but they are beautifully rendered and do a great job of setting a very surrealistic mood. I would suggest buying it at a retailer that allows returns as not everybody likes games like this one. PRODIGY(R) interactive personal service 03/26 1:14 PM Number of notes exported: 2 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Board: GAMES BB ^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT ^^^^^^^^^^^^ =============== Note 1 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST-ANY GOOD? To: ALL Date: 02/03 From: KWXR14A ANTHONY GIORGIO Time: 8:10 PM Has anyone played this game called "MYST" I saw it at the store and it looks tremendous. Can you give me a run down on the graphics, sound, fun factor, the theme(without giving anything away) and just overall goodness! thanks in advance =============== Reply 1 of Note 1 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST-ANY GOOD? To: KWXR14A ANTHONY GIORGIO Date: 02/09 From: BSVK86D BRETT SCHELLENBERG Time: 7:03 PM Buy it! its awesome! PRODIGY(R) interactive personal service 03/26 1:14 PM Number of notes exported: 19 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Board: GAMES BB ^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT ^^^^^^^^^^^^ =============== Note 1 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST-BEGINNER HELP! To: ALL Date: 01/06 From: SPGW69A JEFFREY MOORE Time: 8:23 PM I opened the spaceship and I went to another world. There are these things that make sound and you press a button. Then there is a little house thing and there is a code outside the door and you have to make a combo of the sounds to get in (I think.) I don't know what to do. I've gone underground and went up another manhole and found a wierd looking machine that I don't know what it does.HELP!!!!!!!!! =============== Reply 1 of Note 1 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST-BEGINNER HELP! To: SPGW69A JEFFREY MOORE Date: 03/17 From: TJDA75A NELSON CANNON Time: 9:43 PM the answere is whistle water air quake and finally clock if you finish the submarine E-MAIL me at TJDA75A =============== Note 2 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST-BEGINNER HELP! To: ALL Date: 03/03 From: FPCA04A MARTIN DIGIACOMO Time: 4:12 PM Where to Start, I have no Clue. Somebody, anybody I need a jump start on this crazy mixed up game. help... Thanks, Marty =============== Reply 1 of Note 2 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST-BEGINNER HELP! To: FPCA04A MARTIN DIGIACOMO Date: 03/03 From: FSTD28A SANDY POYNOR Time: 4:33 PM walk around, search everything. Go into all the buildings. First thing to do is climb the stairs up from the wharf, pick up the note and read it. You can then drop it. The note gives you a hint on how to get started. Sandi =============== Note 3 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST-BEGINNER HELP! To: ALL Date: 03/03 From: FPCA04A MARTIN DIGIACOMO Time: 8:58 PM Does anyone know where this IMAGER is. Help... =============== Reply 1 of Note 3 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST-BEGINNER HELP! To: FPCA04A MARTIN DIGIACOMO Date: 03/04 From: FSTD28A SANDY POYNOR Time: 0:05 AM You just started? And you're refering to the imager in the note you found next to the steps, just up from the wharf? If you go back down, and check the walls carefully, you'll notice a "panel" on the side of the wall. Click on it and it opens. Sandi =============== Note 4 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST-BEGINNER HELP! To: ALL Date: 03/03 From: HDSK65A JACK BENJAMIN Time: 9:52 PM OK I counted the marker switches and entered the number and got the message. Now what do I do. Is turning the tower my next project? If yes point me in the right direction please. Someone, anyone. Thanks J/\KE =============== Reply 1 of Note 4 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST-BEGINNER HELP! To: HDSK65A JACK BENJAMIN Date: 03/04 From: FSTD28A SANDY POYNOR Time: 0:05 AM check out the library next =============== Note 5 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST-BEGINNER HELP! To: ALL Date: 03/05 From: GHNY71A CLAUDETTE BURNETTE Time: 4:16 PM I'm on the mechanical island and can't figure out how to rotate the fortress...I've seen what I believe are the controls on top of the central elevator, but I can't figure out how to access them...I've been in the two 'secret' rooms and other than the pages have found nothing! Anybody, please help!!! P.S. I think this game is pretty cool, even without > full-blown movement graphics such as T7G. People should judge the game on it's own merit, not their own presumptions. Thanks!!!! R. Cummings =============== Reply 1 of Note 5 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST-BEGINNER HELP! To: GHNY71A CLAUDETTE BURNETTE Date: 03/05 From: DHJY11A FLORINE KLUSSMANN Time: 11:40 PM You have to go up in the elevator and then press the middle button. You will have a few seconds to get out of the elevator before it will go down half way revealing the controls for you to use. =============== Reply 2 of Note 5 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST-BEGINNER HELP! To: GHNY71A CLAUDETTE BURNETTE Date: 03/19 From: XBDT28B DEREK ELKINS Time: 3:13 PM HOW DID YO FIND THE SECRET ROOMS? THANKS, DEREK =============== Note 6 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST-BEGINNER HELP! To: ALL Date: 03/05 From: HDSK65A JACK BENJAMIN Time: 5:19 PM OK I'm in the library and I must be blind, what do I do. No hints I want the answer. I found the map I,ve been up the elevator I've read four books what is next, exactly. Help I want to do something else besides go around in circles. Thanks J/\KE =============== Reply 1 of Note 6 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST-BEGINNER HELP! To: HDSK65A JACK BENJAMIN Date: 03/06 From: FSTD28A SANDY POYNOR Time: 0:39 AM Make sure that all the marker switches on the island are ON. Then click on the picture to open the bookcase. Go upstairs and check out the "observation" slit and then go up the other ladder and find a set of numbers or instructions. You'll need to use that information at different places on the island. Once you solve a problem, come back to the map, rotate the "gears" (or whatever you want to call it)> so the red line meets another spot on the island. Go back up through the bookcase, and check out the new site and number. Do that several times..a nd that should get you started. =============== Note 7 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST-BEGINNER HELP! To: ALL Date: 03/06 From: XRTN01B PAUL ELLIS Time: 0:53 AM HELP!! I just started this game and already I'm STUCK! I read the note, counted the switches(6), and found the imager. Now what?! I press the button on the pot and it doesn't do anything. Where do I enter in the number of markers?! -Paul =============== Reply 1 of Note 7 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST-BEGINNER HELP! To: XRTN01B PAUL ELLIS Date: 03/06 From: YHFN15A JAMES BALDASSARRE Time: 10:01 AM There are eight marker switches on the island. Putting this number into the imager will produce your image. BALDY =============== Reply 2 of Note 7 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST-BEGINNER HELP! To: XRTN01B PAUL ELLIS Date: 03/06 From: YHFN15A JAMES BALDASSARRE Time: 10:08 AM Forgot to mention where to enter number. When you enter the room where the imager is turn around and click on the paper on the wall. The paper has words with corresponding numbers on it. On the wall (upper left) is a button,click on this. This is where you enter your number. Now turn around and press the button on the imager. BALDY =============== Note 8 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST-BEGINNER HELP! To: ALL Date: 03/06 From: WFJT18B JAMES MEI ESQ Time: 1:57 PM I listened to the message but couldn't understand what he said. Where did he leave his messages or whatever?--J.A.M. =============== Reply 1 of Note 8 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST-BEGINNER HELP! To: WFJT18B JAMES MEI ESQ Date: 03/06 From: FSTD28A SANDY POYNOR Time: 7:35 PM Count how many markers there are on the island. Then, down by the wharf where you first started, is a door in the wall. Click on it, enter the room. Check the walls and click on on the "note" hanging on one of the walls. Sandi =============== Note 9 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST-BEGINNER HELP! To: ALL Date: 03/20 From: PKGM80B LEIGH RYDER Time: 9:07 PM I'vr got all of the information from the tower and I started with the clock tower, rotated it, found the book and entered the mechanical age (I think that it at least) I'm in a fortress and totally confused. I went back and found Chanelwood through the tree and got confused there too! Can someone help me in either age?! Thanks! LEigh Ann PRODIGY(R) interactive personal service 03/26 1:15 PM Number of notes exported: 2 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Board: GAMES BB ^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT ^^^^^^^^^^^^ =============== Note 1 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST-BEGINNING To: ALL Date: 03/13 From: YWCD38A SCOTT COUTURIER Time: 9:46 PM I've just started exploring this game and can't quite seem to get a grasp on it. I've read the books in the library. Can anyone give me some starting pointers to get me in the right train of thought? Thanks much. Also just finished Gabriel Knight if anyone needs help. Scotty =============== Reply 1 of Note 1 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST-BEGINNING To: YWCD38A SCOTT COUTURIER Date: 03/17 From: BGBF46A DAN KUSHNER Time: 11:56 PM I'm not going to tell you much, except Stay Away From the Stoneship age.It is incredibly frustrating.It has alot to do with the Constalations, and the Constalation room.Oh yeah, try turning on all the Marker switches too.That Might Help.Then Go to The library map, rotate it to the red line you want, And Go up the Stairs to the Tower. PRODIGY(R) interactive personal service 03/26 1:15 PM Number of notes exported: 7 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Board: GAMES BB ^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT ^^^^^^^^^^^^ =============== Note 1 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST-CELENTIC HELP!! To: ALL Date: 02/08 From: SPGW69A JEFFREY MOORE Time: 5:24 PM I am really confused in this age. So far I have traveled around and gone to different stations that make different noises and I pressed every button next to all of the different sounds. I see there is a door but I can't open it. I'm guessing that you have to make a combo of different sounds to open it. PLEASE HELP I'VE BEEN WORKING ON THIS PROBLEM FOREVER AND I'M GOING TO GO CRAZY! R@CHEL =============== Reply 1 of Note 1 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST-CELENTIC HELP!! To: SPGW69A JEFFREY MOORE Date: 02/09 From: XBHK64A STEVEN BUCHTHAL Time: 1:08 PM You need to know what sounds and what order to open the door. Have you been to the island in the bay? You get there by an underground tunnel at the wind noise. Once there, open up the device and it will be obvious what to do. Steve =============== Note 2 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST-CELENTIC HELP!! To: ALL Date: 02/09 From: SPGW69A JEFFREY MOORE Time: 5:59 PM Yes I have traveled to the manhole. I went down it and up another and found a wierd machine. I don't know how to use it. I can't open the door either. Please show me how. I have found all 5 sounds and pressed each button. I've tried opening the door by a combo of sounds on which one I heard 1st, 2nd, ect. I also tried the order it shows on the machine but it won't open! R@CHEL =============== Reply 1 of Note 2 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST-CELENTIC HELP!! To: SPGW69A JEFFREY MOORE Date: 02/09 From: BSVK86D BRETT SCHELLENBERG Time: 7:03 PM OK, here goes. goto the Machine. open the cabinet-like doors. move left and right w/ the buttons. aim the crosshair at different sattelite dishes. you will hear the sound if its the right dish. after doing this to all, press button shaped like a distorted E. this will give you the order to put into the door Brett => => => => =>N E XT PS you have to press the buttons next to each sound) =============== Reply 2 of Note 2 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST-CELENTIC HELP!! To: BSVK86D BRETT SCHELLENBERG Date: 03/20 From: NBWT39A CLAUDETTE RUGG Time: 11:02 PM Aloha Brett, Maybe you or someone else that has gone past this point can give me some help. I guess I'm dense but even after following your directions I can't get that darn door to open. I've rotated the viewfinder and pressed the button corresponding to the sound but now what. The numbers that show on the viewfinder don't seem to be of any help as I still dont know how to enter them into the door. Plenty mahalo for any help. Claudette on Maui =============== Note 3 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST-CELENTIC HELP!! To: ALL Date: 03/13 From: VXRC04B CAMERON GROVES Time: 2:09 PM Can somebody help me with the maze with the machine. I need somekind idea what the sounds mean and what I do with them? Can somebody really help me? Thanks, Cameron P.S. I prefer you write E-Mail, but is ok to write publicly. =============== Reply 1 of Note 3 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST-CELENTIC HELP!! To: VXRC04B CAMERON GROVES Date: 03/13 From: SDGS11A J WEISE Time: 9:17 PM I can help but ... more fun to do it yourself. You need to draw a map. Listen to sounds: N=small bell (bing), W=bird sound (twree), E= Airbrake, S= bell clank, NE, NW,SE,SW are combnations of two. If you can't do it let me know via e-mail PRODIGY(R) interactive personal service 03/26 1:16 PM Number of notes exported: 3 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Board: GAMES BB ^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT ^^^^^^^^^^^^ =============== Note 1 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST-CHANNELWOOD To: ALL Date: 03/14 From: PVHV01D SARA CHIDESTER Time: 4:12 PM I've been doing pretty well, and I think I have this world figured out, but I have no idea where to find the blue and red pages here. I've figured out the pumps, and explored the upper level, (I think) but I can only find the book back to Myst, and no pages... If anyone could help me, it would be much appreciated. -Sara =============== Reply 1 of Note 1 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST-CHANNELWOOD To: PVHV01D SARA CHIDESTER Date: 03/15 From: MXTW94A JO ANN HIRSHHORN Time: 5:01 PM The elevator next to the stairs works too! Have fun! =============== Note 2 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST-CHANNELWOOD To: ALL Date: 03/24 From: EJJK73A LAURIE THOMSON Time: 11:01 PM HELP!!! I've been up to the windmill, and everything I try to do seems like it doesn't have any effect..the water-turn thing, the lever on the pump.I've followed the pipes, but trying to switch the direction, the lever jumps back. I really want to get out of here, and get the pages, but I'm stuck, stuck, stuck!!! If anyone could help, I'd be eternally grateful..What am I doing wrong?...thanks! L. PRODIGY(R) interactive personal service 03/26 1:16 PM Number of notes exported: 4 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Board: GAMES BB ^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT ^^^^^^^^^^^^ =============== Note 1 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST-CHANNELWOODHELP To: ALL Date: 02/02 From: SPGW69A JEFFREY MOORE Time: 6:10 PM help I need to know what to do in the 2nd level of the tree house and I can't get the elevator to take me to the 3rd level. PLEASE RESPOND FAST, I'VE BEEN WAITING FOR A MONTH! R@CHEL =============== Reply 1 of Note 1 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST-CHANNELWOODHELP To: SPGW69A JEFFREY MOORE Date: 02/03 From: XBHK64A STEVEN BUCHTHAL Time: 0:31 AM On the second level you need to pull the lever that opens the door to the stairway back down to level 1.The lever is located on the far side of level 2 near the elevator from level 1. This gives you easy access to level 2. Then you have to redirect the water to the motor that runs the elevator to the 3rd level - which is conveniently beneath that elevator Steve =============== Note 2 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST-CHANNELWOODHELP To: XBHK64A STEVEN BUCHTHAL Date: 02/05 From: SPGW69A JEFFREY MOORE Time: 9:47 PM Okay thanks for the help but I don't really understand. When you say pull the lever that opens the stairway so I can have easy acess to level one, which one do you mean? Do you mean the lever that is in the other elevator? Is there a different lever? The only lever I can find is the one in the other elevator. RSVP R@CHEL =============== Reply 1 of Note 2 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST-CHANNELWOODHELP To: SPGW69A JEFFREY MOORE Date: 02/07 From: XBHK64A STEVEN BUCHTHAL Time: 11:11 AM Make sure that you search the entire 2nd level. You should find a tree hut with a lever that opens the doorway. It is about 3 or 4 huts away from the 1-2 elevator and has a view of the stairway and the 2-3 elevator Steve PRODIGY(R) interactive personal service 03/26 1:16 PM Number of notes exported: 1 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Board: GAMES BB ^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT ^^^^^^^^^^^^ =============== Note 1 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST-COOPERATION To: ALL Date: 03/25 From: NWBU31A DENISE KEMMER Time: 1:30 PM THIS IS A DISTRESS CALL! I JUST GOT MYST AND I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO.IF ANYONE IS WILLING TO KEEP CONTACT WITH ME AND HELP ME THROUGH THE MYST WORLDS I'LL BE HAPPY!!PLEASE NEED HELP!! NWBU31A JOE.K PRODIGY(R) interactive personal service 03/26 1:16 PM Number of notes exported: 2 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Board: GAMES BB ^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT ^^^^^^^^^^^^ =============== Note 1 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST-DISTESS CALL!!! To: ALL Date: 03/25 From: NWBU31A DENISE KEMMER Time: 1:30 PM THIS IS A MYST DISTRESS CALL ON ALL FREQUENCIES!! I NEED HELP IN MYST! ANYTHING TO WRITE IN MY MYST JOURNAL.LIKE COMBINATION TO THE SAFE,TIME TRAVEL DATES ETC.PLEASE HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NWBU31A JOE.K =============== Reply 1 of Note 1 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST-DISTESS CALL!!! To: NWBU31A DENISE KEMMER Date: 03/25 From: WWTK85C RAJ SHAH Time: 6:41 PM 8 switches; safe combination, 7,2,4; Time on clock 2:40 Turn the tower on the map till the line turns red,(in library) go up to tower and find hints. This should get you started, if you need more help E-mail. Raj Shah PRODIGY(R) interactive personal service 03/26 1:17 PM Number of notes exported: 6 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Board: GAMES BB ^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT ^^^^^^^^^^^^ =============== Note 1 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST-DUNNY & STONE?? To: ALL Date: 03/20 From: XBDT28B DEREK ELKINS Time: 2:25 PM WOULD SOMEONE PLEASE GIVE ME A HINT ON WHERE TO FIND OUT HOW TO GET TO THE STONESHIP AGE AND THE DESERT AGE. I SAID NOT AN ANSWER JUST A CLUE. THANKS, DEREK =============== Reply 1 of Note 1 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST-DUNNY & STONE?? To: XBDT28B DEREK ELKINS Date: 03/20 From: JBHT20A JOHN MURCHISON Time: 3:27 PM To get to the Stoneship Age you may want to raise the ship in the fountain (Outside the Library), pay attention to the surrounding symbols. Knowing your constellations will help with this one. Selentic Age (Barren Plant) You must fly the space ship. Ever play the piano? There's a book in the Library that will help. Good Luck, MURCH =============== Reply 2 of Note 1 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST-DUNNY & STONE?? To: JBHT20A JOHN MURCHISON Date: 03/20 From: XBDT28B DEREK ELKINS Time: 9:55 PM I STILL NEED TO KNOW WHERE TO FIND THE STARS, I KNOW ABOUT THE BOOK. THANKS, DEREK =============== Reply 3 of Note 1 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST-DUNNY & STONE?? To: XBDT28B DEREK ELKINS Date: 03/23 From: ERRT62A ERIN COLLINS LMP Time: 8:29 AM Derek, so this may be an oversight on your part, but turn the markerswitches on and use the tower rotation. The keys are there.--Erin (geez, I hope I didn't give away too much!) =============== Note 2 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST-DUNNY & STONE?? To: ALL Date: 03/26 From: VWFB33C TOM BARR Time: 8:53 AM I've found four ages and the guys in the books say there is another. I've been to stoneship, treehouses,barren age,and mechanical age. Please a little hint on where to go next. Thanx TB =============== Reply 1 of Note 2 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST-DUNNY & STONE?? To: VWFB33C TOM BARR Date: 03/26 From: CEPU20B JASON ZOMICK Time: 9:52 AM The fireplace!!! PRODIGY(R) interactive personal service 03/26 1:17 PM Number of notes exported: 7 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Board: GAMES BB ^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT ^^^^^^^^^^^^ =============== Note 1 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST-ENDING??? To: ALL Date: 03/18 From: YWRV58A GREGORY SUGGETT Time: 12:56 PM I'VE GOTTEN THROUGH MYST AND REALLY ENJOYED THE GAME. I GAVE THE WHITE PAGE TO THE FATHER AND HE TOLD ME FEEL FREE TO EXPLORE. IS THIS THE END?? PLEASE TELL ME THERE IS MORE! THANKS G =============== Reply 1 of Note 1 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST-ENDING??? To: YWRV58A GREGORY SUGGETT Date: 03/18 From: TTHG93A STEVEN AKYUZ Time: 10:52 PM Sorry, but according to the "Official Guide to MYST", that's all there is. Your "reward" is similar to the "reward" when solving "7th Guest" : an "open house" type feature that allows you to journey to all the Myst Islands as much as you want. I agree they should've made a more elaborate ending. Hopefully the makers of MYST will keep that in mind for MYST2, which apparently will involve helping the man search for his wife in some additional, stranger islands. I have no idea when they'll be coming out with this sequel, though... ---Steve P.S. - From the time you give the guy the white page, click on the book on the desk to go back to the mainland of MYST, which will allow you to jouney through the island in "Open House"-type style... =============== Reply 2 of Note 1 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST-ENDING??? To: TTHG93A STEVEN AKYUZ Date: 03/20 From: CGWN80A KENNETH KAVULA Time: 11:06 AM please!!!!! I have looked and looked and looked. Where is the white page? Is it the one with the hint that is on the ground on Myst Island? Or is it the two pieces that talk about the markers and how to open the vault? Or is it something else. I'm sooooooo frustrated! Please HELP!!!!!!!!! =============== Reply 3 of Note 1 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST-ENDING??? To: CGWN80A KENNETH KAVULA Date: 03/20 From: TTHG93A STEVEN AKYUZ Time: 1:38 PM The white page is hidden behind one of the switches on the "main" MYSt island. The two half-pages tell you how to switch the levers so that the "secret compartment" opens to reveal the page. If you'd rather not search around to see what the two page halves say, just switch all eight switches "ON", then go to the dock and turn that marker switch "OFF". The "white page" will be revealed in a secret compartment... =============== Note 2 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST-ENDING??? To: ALL Date: 03/20 From: CGWN80A KENNETH KAVULA Time: 11:43 AM Please -- Can anyone help me find the white page to end the game? I've found the note on Myst Island and the two halves of the note that explain the marker switches, but I can't fing any note to actually pick up and carry except the red ones and the blue ones. Please help! I'm sooooo frustrated! Thanks ---- Ken =============== Reply 1 of Note 2 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST-ENDING??? To: CGWN80A KENNETH KAVULA Date: 03/20 From: JRRU04A BARBARA GILLICK Time: 6:52 PM Ken, This is only from what I've read, I have not finished the game, but I think you turn the marker switch near the dock off - it's a vault that will open and reveal the other half of the note. Jrru04a Barb =============== Reply 2 of Note 2 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST-ENDING??? To: CGWN80A KENNETH KAVULA Date: 03/23 From: ERRT62A ERIN COLLINS LMP Time: 8:41 AM Agreed!!!!! Distressing, isn't it, after being immersed in the Myst world, and then that's it...I felt the same way when I finished T7G. It's as if the designers thought, well, let's just end the damn thing and get it over with. Where is Catherine?! Didn't you just love "I'm fighting a larger foe, I may need your services in the future." blah blah blah. Boy, what a lead on. I almost feel like a lover scorned!>> For all the fablulous graphics, quicktime (which wasn't so quick on my system due to it's own quircks and nonsense), and so forth, the ending was a real letdown. Is it time to petition software designers for better endings? Games that take longer than 4 days to play? Maybe it's juts me...--Erin PRODIGY(R) interactive personal service 03/26 1:17 PM Number of notes exported: 2 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Board: GAMES BB ^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT ^^^^^^^^^^^^ =============== Note 1 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST-FIREPLACE HELP! To: ALL Date: 02/10 From: SPGW69A JEFFREY MOORE Time: 5:37 PM PLEASE HELP ME BEFORE I GO CRAZY!!! I've gotten the number of puzzle to enter into the fireplace from the blue brother. I entered it in and I press the red button, then some wierd noise comes on and a note across the screen says error number t57 occured and it stops. This really makes me mad because I have gotten so far! Any help would be greatly appeciated!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! R@CHEL =============== Reply 1 of Note 1 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST-FIREPLACE HELP! To: SPGW69A JEFFREY MOORE Date: 03/18 From: HVMK65B LESTER VECSEY JR Time: 10:20 PM I'm stuck at the puzzle in the fireplace. Help. PRODIGY(R) interactive personal service 03/26 1:17 PM Number of notes exported: 20 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Board: GAMES BB ^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT ^^^^^^^^^^^^ =============== Note 1 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST-IBMCD OUT!! To: ALL Date: 02/26 From: VTWB60A JERRY JANSEN Time: 2:29 PM To All, Just picked up Myst for IBM-CDRom (Windows) at Software, Etc. for $59.99. Haven't even tried it out yet, but I wanted to let everyone know that Myst has finally arrived. Have fun! Jerry J. =============== Reply 1 of Note 1 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST-IBMCD OUT!! To: VTWB60A JERRY JANSEN Date: 02/26 From: XKMS63A BILL FALCONE Time: 5:12 PM $59.99!?!? Where do you live?? Our local Software Etc. (N.E. Pa.) is charging $74.99!! As much as I HATED to do so, I passed on it. Bill, Myst-less in Pa. =============== Reply 2 of Note 1 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST-IBMCD OUT!! To: XKMS63A BILL FALCONE Date: 02/26 From: EDHK17E MATTHEW KUSICK Time: 5:42 PM hi where do you live at my local softwere ect it is 49.00 and i got it matt =============== Reply 3 of Note 1 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST-IBMCD OUT!! To: EDHK17E MATTHEW KUSICK Date: 02/27 From: MSKX79B MATTHEW BLITZ Time: 0:07 AM I got it for $64.99 at my Software Etc. =============== Reply 4 of Note 1 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST-IBMCD OUT!! To: VTWB60A JERRY JANSEN Date: 02/27 From: YKMU05A BRIAN ALBERS Time: 11:21 AM I don't know much of the truth to this, and I would hate to disappoint those of you that bought it, but there might be a problem with the version you got. I saw it at my local Software Etc. store and went price shopping at other stores, none of which had it (big chains, too.) Many of them said that the version just released was buggy and was recalled and will be rereleased in the next week or two. That is >> why most chains don't have it. And they usually gave the same reason. Let me know if this is incorrect and I should go ahead and get it. IS is buggy? -B- =============== Reply 5 of Note 1 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST-IBMCD OUT!! To: YKMU05A BRIAN ALBERS Date: 02/27 From: NUCD29C KEN MEEGAN Time: 6:26 PM I just bought it yesterday and it seemed fine,It is the best game I have played yet!!Seriously!!!I bought it at Waldons software and I also saw one at electronic boutique,same price though.$54.99 =============== Reply 6 of Note 1 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST-IBMCD OUT!! To: NUCD29C KEN MEEGAN Date: 02/27 From: XBDT28B DEREK ELKINS Time: 9:31 PM I PLAYED IT AND IT MESSED UP A BUNCH! DEREK =============== Reply 7 of Note 1 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST-IBMCD OUT!! To: XBDT28B DEREK ELKINS Date: 02/28 From: NUCD29C KEN MEEGAN Time: 0:18 AM Really,what did it do on wich parts?!?!?! =============== Reply 8 of Note 1 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST-IBMCD OUT!! To: NUCD29C KEN MEEGAN Date: 02/28 From: XBDT28B DEREK ELKINS Time: 9:51 PM IT ALWAYS RUNS SLOW ON MY COMPUTER THAT MOST ALL OTHER GAMES PLAYED FAST ON, AND IT ALWAYS FREEZES UP. DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEAS ON HOW TO CHANGE THIS? THANKS, DEREK =============== Reply 9 of Note 1 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST-IBMCD OUT!! To: EDHK17E MATTHEW KUSICK Date: 02/28 From: FNXB96C A J BERGER Time: 10:30 PM Mat Where (company/city) did you see it for $49 ? that's only 10% above wholesale ! Joe =============== Reply 10 of Note 1 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST-IBMCD OUT!! To: XBDT28B DEREK ELKINS Date: 03/02 From: NUCD29C KEN MEEGAN Time: 2:18 AM Sorry,no. =============== Reply 11 of Note 1 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST-IBMCD OUT!! To: XKMS63A BILL FALCONE Date: 03/02 From: FSTD28A SANDY POYNOR Time: 11:40 PM That sounds awfully expensive. I got it for $50 at Electronic Boutique. Sandi =============== Reply 12 of Note 1 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST-IBMCD OUT!! To: XKMS63A BILL FALCONE Date: 03/06 From: XHVN83A CAROLE ODELL Time: 9:24 AM Electronics Boutique has the game for $49.99 in the Philadelphia and surrounding area. Also check Babbages. =============== Reply 13 of Note 1 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST-IBMCD OUT!! To: XHVN83A CAROLE ODELL Date: 03/06 From: BNGD22A JAMES HOPWOOD Time: 11:48 PM Hey you all got screwed I payed $46 for Myst. You should move to Texas and shop at Computer City. =============== Reply 14 of Note 1 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST-IBMCD OUT!! To: FNXB96C A J BERGER Date: 03/09 From: DDWB17A RICHARD ALEXANDER Time: 1:11 AM I work at Price/Costco and our 210 locations sell it for $41.99. I am a programmer and know for our database that that are thousands of copies on hand. Great Price! RICK ddwb17a =============== Note 2 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST-IBMCD OUT!! To: ALL Date: 02/28 From: FNXB96C A J BERGER Time: 10:30 PM I got a reply from someone who says MYST Sucks ! when compared to 7th Guest, no moving scenes, just a 2,500 frame slide show ! Is this really true ? =============== Reply 1 of Note 2 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST-IBMCD OUT!! To: FNXB96C A J BERGER Date: 03/01 From: RCXH59A YALE POPOWICH Time: 8:10 AM Not true at all. MUCH more interesting than Seventh Guest. =============== Reply 2 of Note 2 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST-IBMCD OUT!! To: RCXH59A YALE POPOWICH Date: 03/02 From: TPVT24A JJ JULIAN Time: 4:37 PM From the Land of Misery(MO)=- Yes, but what about that graphical claim? Being a big T7G fan, I drooled at the still shots of Myst, hoping for 3d walkthroughs comparable to T7G. Is it full-motion, or just a series of still photos as you move between the scenes? the enquiring-minds-want-to-know KCMOSHer =============== Reply 3 of Note 2 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST-IBMCD OUT!! To: TPVT24A JJ JULIAN Date: 03/02 From: FSTD28A SANDY POYNOR Time: 11:40 PM You can set it so the screens fade from one picture to another, or the screen jumps from picture to picture like a slide show. The game is great tho. Lots of puzzles, in some respects more difficult than 7th guest.. because you have to walk through several screens, areas sometimes up into trees or down into sunken ships to solve several parts of the puzzle before it can be "entirely" solved. I think it's> similar to 7th Guest in many respects.. but more detailed and at least it has a plot ... You're not stuck in just a house, but get to travel all over an island, and several different worlds too. If you're not sure, get it from a company that will allow you to return it if you don't like it. Sandi =============== Reply 4 of Note 2 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST-IBMCD OUT!! To: FNXB96C A J BERGER Date: 03/05 From: VKJG02A BRIAN KEY Time: 9:37 PM A.J., I took it back because it is a slide show.It claims on the box to leapfrog ahead of 7th Guest.It is a bunch of stills with puzzles.Good graphics if you like photos. Brian in TX PRODIGY(R) interactive personal service 03/26 1:18 PM Number of notes exported: 2 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Board: GAMES BB ^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT ^^^^^^^^^^^^ =============== Note 1 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST-IFIED HELP!!!! To: ALL Date: 03/25 From: NWBU31A DENISE KEMMER Time: 11:50 AM I JUST GOT MYST.I READ THE LETTER FROM ARTUS. HOW DO I ENTER THE NUMBER OF MARKER SWITCHES INTO THE FOUNTAIN IN THE FORE-CHAMBER BESIDE THE DOCK?WHEN I GET THERE MY GAME SEEMS TO GET STUCK? WHY?HOW DO I PICK UP PAGES??! NWBU31A JOE.K =============== Reply 1 of Note 1 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST-IFIED HELP!!!! To: NWBU31A DENISE KEMMER Date: 03/25 From: NYUW87C EDDIE MEESE Time: 5:02 PM my game gets stuck there too efm95/ PRODIGY(R) interactive personal service 03/26 1:18 PM Number of notes exported: 1 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Board: GAMES BB ^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT ^^^^^^^^^^^^ =============== Note 1 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST-IFIED HELP!!!!! To: ALL Date: 03/25 From: NWBU31A DENISE KEMMER Time: 1:17 PM I READ THE LETTER FROM ARTUS.I KNOW THAT THERE ARE 8 SWITCHES.BUT HOW DO I ENTER THE NUMBER OF MARKER SWITCHES INTO THE FOUNTAIN? MY GAME SEEMS TO GET STUCK AT THAT POINT IN THE GAME?WHY?PLEASE HELP!!!!!! NWBU31A JOE.K PRODIGY(R) interactive personal service 03/26 1:19 PM Number of notes exported: 2 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Board: GAMES BB ^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT ^^^^^^^^^^^^ =============== Note 1 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST-IS THAT IT? To: ALL Date: 03/09 From: JPMP88A JOSEPH SCUDERI JR Time: 1:51 PM I brought the red and blue pages to the boooks, and we know what happens there. Then I brought the white page to the guy in the fireplace and he thanks me. Is that all? Am I done? If that is all, I'll be quite dissappointed. What happens to Catherine? What is the deal here? Thanks, Joe =============== Reply 1 of Note 1 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST-IS THAT IT? To: JPMP88A JOSEPH SCUDERI JR Date: 03/11 From: NBFT18A FRANK CALVAGNA Time: 6:15 PM Joe, we just finished it too. From the looks of things, yes, that is all for this game. What a pity. Frank and Lynne PRODIGY(R) interactive personal service 03/26 1:19 PM Number of notes exported: 4 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Board: GAMES BB ^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT ^^^^^^^^^^^^ =============== Note 1 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST-JERKY...? To: ALL Date: 03/03 From: CJCX21A PETER RUSTIN Time: 2:30 PM Hi--i just got the ibm myst...i'm using a zeos 486/66, diamond speedstar pro card, and a sb pro, with a mitsumi 2x drive. I am caching my cdrom driver at 64, with a 3072 smartdrive cache (i have 8 megs total) Yet, with all this firepower, i am getting a LOT of jerky pauses with the game, starting, for example, with the Broderbund logo at the beginning, and also, e.g., with the imager. Ideas? Peter =============== Reply 1 of Note 1 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST-JERKY...? To: CJCX21A PETER RUSTIN Date: 03/03 From: YPVD35A MATT NEWMAN Time: 11:25 PM Have you tried increasing the amount of 'virtual memory' available to Windoze? I did, and Myst is running smoother on my 486/33 with 4 megs of RAM. Hopefully this will work for you. Sadly, it seems that all Windoze applications consistently run slower than their DOS counterparts. Peace... =============== Reply 2 of Note 1 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST-JERKY...? To: CJCX21A PETER RUSTIN Date: 03/04 From: YKMU05A BRIAN ALBERS Time: 2:39 PM I had the same problem with my #9GXE card, and after months I finally figured out that if I turn my turbo setting off on the card it fixes this problem. However, the only way to find out about a setting like this is to read the manual for info (mine didn't mention it) or try changing the settings in the video card icon or setup program, if you have one. =============== Note 2 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST-JERKY...? To: ALL Date: 03/11 From: FDBH20A ASWIN PRIBADI Time: 1:34 PM To all you frustated-Jerky Myst players out there.....I KNOW THE FEELING! This is the checklist I used to get rid of the jerkiness out of my system: 1. No IRQ conflict. 2. No DMA conflict. 3. Make sure your CDROM utilises DMA. (This was the reason Myst was slow on my cptr, DMA was turned off). 4. Do not open another window while Myst is operating. DMA is short for Direct Memory Access. A method of checking whether DMA and IRQ is in conflict is simply to just put any program CD in and type dir d:, if DOS cannot recognize drive d: then either IRQ or DMA (or both) is in conflict. For those of you with Mitsumi2x, I may be able to help you further....if you could supply me with your config and autoexec.bat files (specifically, the CD-ROM driver lines. More specifically, their options). Good luck. PRODIGY(R) interactive personal service 03/26 1:19 PM Number of notes exported: 5 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Board: GAMES BB ^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT ^^^^^^^^^^^^ =============== Note 1 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST-MECHANICAL BUG? To: ALL Date: 02/08 From: SPGW69A JEFFREY MOORE Time: 5:24 PM Does MYST game have a bug in it that unables you to rotate the fortress when you get to the mechanical age? I've heard a lot of talk about it. I'm asking because people have said every game has a problem but I have come across a couple of people that have had no problems. If my game does have a bug, how do I know? THANKS R@CHEL =============== Reply 1 of Note 1 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST-MECHANICAL BUG? To: SPGW69A JEFFREY MOORE Date: 02/08 From: FDFN68B WENDY BRUNSMAN Time: 7:15 PM I am having trouble rotating the fortress in my game, but I am not entirely convinced that it is a bug and not some piece of the puzzle I have missed. I can use the contols the same way as the hologram instruction device, but after I move and go downstairs nothing has changed. I would appreciate a little help regardless of whether it is me or the program. Wendy =============== Reply 2 of Note 1 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST-MECHANICAL BUG? To: FDFN68B WENDY BRUNSMAN Date: 02/09 From: XBHK64A STEVEN BUCHTHAL Time: 1:08 PM Listen to the sounds the simulator makes when you move it to each of the 4 compass points. This will help you when you do the real thing- it is the only way to keep track of which direction the fortress is pointing. If you get all four sounds and still can't reach one of the islands- then you have a bug. I think there's a patch available, but there are only 100 possible combo's. Steve =============== Reply 3 of Note 1 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST-MECHANICAL BUG? To: XBHK64A STEVEN BUCHTHAL Date: 03/04 From: FSTD28A SANDY POYNOR Time: 10:15 PM How do you reach the controls on top of the elevator?? Thanks, Sandi =============== Reply 4 of Note 1 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST-MECHANICAL BUG? To: FSTD28A SANDY POYNOR Date: 03/07 From: NCVU93A LEE ABRAHAM Time: 1:58 PM To get to the controls press the middle button in the elevator, then step out of the elevator before it moves. Lee PRODIGY(R) interactive personal service 03/26 1:19 PM Number of notes exported: 1 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Board: GAMES BB ^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT ^^^^^^^^^^^^ =============== Note 1 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST-NEED ANSWERS!!! To: ALL Date: 03/25 From: NWBU31A DENISE KEMMER Time: 11:57 AM I GOT MYST I SEARCHED THE ISLAND. I FOUND MANY WEIRD THINGS.WHAT IS THAT CHAIR DO?WHAT IS THE COMBINATION TO THE SAFE? WHAT DOES THAT MAN IN THE BOOK WITH THE TV IN NWBU31A IT WANT??HE SAID SOMETHING ABOUT BLUE.?? JOE.K I'M WRITING MY MYST JOURNAL I'LL TAKE ANY ANSWERS OR TIPS.. PLEASE HELP PRODIGY(R) interactive personal service 03/26 1:20 PM Number of notes exported: 3 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Board: GAMES BB ^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT ^^^^^^^^^^^^ =============== Note 1 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST-PAGES To: ALL Date: 03/25 From: PBPF61A ADAM LEWIS Time: 10:07 PM I just completed the first age (Stoneship) yet I'm not clear which page to give. Obviously found both but can only leave with one. Do I go back for the other? Not sure. =============== Reply 1 of Note 1 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST-PAGES To: PBPF61A ADAM LEWIS Date: 03/25 From: JRRU04A BARBARA GILLICK Time: 10:32 PM You can go back again without repeating the whole progess if you want both pages. Just beware not to bring 4 pages to both brothers, or you will end up like them. Barb =============== Reply 2 of Note 1 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST-PAGES To: JRRU04A BARBARA GILLICK Date: 03/26 From: PBPF61A ADAM LEWIS Time: 12:54 PM Barbara, thanks for the quick reply. It poses another question(s). If I dedicate the right page to Cirrus and avoid Achenar (sp?), does the game play out differently than if I dedicate the right page to Achenar and avoid Cirrus? What if I gave 1 to Cirrus and the rest to Achenar? Hmmm... Multiple endings???? I just spoiling the fun? Adam PRODIGY(R) interactive personal service 03/26 1:20 PM Number of notes exported: 7 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Board: GAMES BB ^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT ^^^^^^^^^^^^ =============== Note 1 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST-PLEASE HELP To: ALL Date: 03/05 From: JXDP87C COREY KINARD Time: 4:06 PM I just got Myst today and I am having some problems.When I run it the music is very choppy,the graphic move frame by frame.Please help.I am running it on a 486sx 25,6 megs of ram,337 meg hard drive,350 ms CD-ROM. <<>> =============== Reply 1 of Note 1 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST-PLEASE HELP To: JXDP87C COREY KINARD Date: 03/11 From: FDBH20A ASWIN PRIBADI Time: 1:34 PM Check my note on Myst-Jerky.... Subject. Hopefully it helps. I know the tearing feeling of frustration and anger you are feeling at your computer right now, I use to feel the same way!. =============== Note 2 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST-PLEASE HELP To: ALL Date: 03/10 From: GKBB73A DAVID JEWETT Time: 7:44 PM I have a 486 25 with 4 megs of ram? Will that suffice?? Also, I have VGA, but not Super VGA. Will that work with Myst? Thanks to anyone who knows for sure. =============== Note 3 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST-PLEASE HELP To: ALL Date: 03/12 From: PHNX09A WILLIAM KNITTLE Time: 11:22 AM I have a 486/33mhz and Windows for Workgroups 3.11. I also have 4megs of RAM like the box says is required. When I tried to run MYST, it gives me "Not enough memory to run MYST". Is it possible to get 10,000kb free on my system?? Or am doing something wrong? Any help appreciated. thanks.. Bill K. =============== Reply 1 of Note 3 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST-PLEASE HELP To: PHNX09A WILLIAM KNITTLE Date: 03/12 From: BVKT76A ANTON ZILG III Time: 1:03 PM In order to get 10,000K or more memory to get myst going, I had to change the windows swap file. Im using a tempory swap file of about 6 megs. =============== Reply 2 of Note 3 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST-PLEASE HELP To: BVKT76A ANTON ZILG III Date: 03/12 From: PHNX09A WILLIAM KNITTLE Time: 10:44 PM ok.....i was already doing this....but the problem is that i can't get my swap file drive to C: instead of H:. When I click on drives, it only gives me H: as a choice. I then changed my PermDosSwapDrv in SYSTEM.INI to C then the PermSwapSize to 8000 (just to be sure), and still no luck...How'd u do it? Can u tell me how to do it? Thanks for your help....please reply soon..... Bill K. =============== Reply 3 of Note 3 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST-PLEASE HELP To: PHNX09A WILLIAM KNITTLE Date: 03/13 From: BVKT76A ANTON ZILG III Time: 12:03 PM Im suprised thats not working. Heres exactly what I did. I went into the CONTROL PANEL, clicked on 386 ENHANCED, Clicked on VIRTUAL MEMORY, It now showed me what drive I am using and the size the swap file is. I then clicked on CHANGE and the rest you can see what to do. NEXT PAGE >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The only thing I can think of is maybe youre not running Windows in Enhanced mode. I have no idea because its kinda hard to explain things like this by typing. Check to see if you have a 386 ENHANCED icon in your COLTROL PANEL. If you do and the only drive it will let you use is H: ,Then Im as puzzled as you are. You said you even changed the settings in the .INI file and that didnt work ???STRANGE??? Well let me know what youve figured out, you can write me e-mail if you like. my ID is BVKT76A Hope everything goes well, GOOD LUCK! ANTON PRODIGY(R) interactive personal service 03/26 1:20 PM Number of notes exported: 12 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Board: GAMES BB ^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT ^^^^^^^^^^^^ =============== Note 1 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST-QUESTIONS!!!! To: ALL Date: 02/26 From: XRTN01B PAUL ELLIS Time: 11:03 PM I was thinking about purchasing Myst for the IBM-CD. I have a few questions before I go out and buy it. What exactly is Myst?! An Adventure game, RPG, Shooter, Puzzle, what?! I have a 386DX-40, 4MB RAM, DoubleSpeed CD, and Sound Blaster-16. Will I have any problems running Myst with the hardware I have? How would you rate the game overall(Sound, graphics, challenge), 1-10? Thanks! -Paul =============== Reply 1 of Note 1 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST-QUESTIONS!!!! To: XRTN01B PAUL ELLIS Date: 02/27 From: NUCD29C KEN MEEGAN Time: 6:43 PM It is an ineractive adventure game,sincce you have a sound blaster 16.You will need to copy some sound blaster files from your installation disk you got with your sound blaster onto myst.But I give the game a 10 for all!!! =============== Note 2 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST-QUESTIONS!!!! To: ALL Date: 03/05 From: MCHG44B BRIAN CARMINE Time: 2:09 PM Where is the green page? Where is the vault on Myst island?I know how to open it (from the two halves of the note), but I can't find it... BC =============== Reply 1 of Note 2 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST-QUESTIONS!!!! To: MCHG44B BRIAN CARMINE Date: 03/05 From: PFWD79B NICHOLAS JONES Time: 4:06 PM COULD YOU PLEASE TELL ME WHEREYOU FOUND A GREEN NOTE?aLSO i WOULD LIKE TO KNOW WHAT VAULT YOU ARE TALKING ABOUT. Dr.Bones p.s.ALSO WHAT TWO HALVES OF WHAT NOTE IS ONE OF THE PARTS UP IN THE TREEPEOPLES AGE =============== Reply 2 of Note 2 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST-QUESTIONS!!!! To: MCHG44B BRIAN CARMINE Date: 03/06 From: YHFN15A JAMES BALDASSARRE Time: 10:08 AM The vault is the marker switch on the dock. You must have all the marker switches in the "on" position (despite what the note says). Now turn the switch on the dock to the "off" position and the bottom of the switch will open up to reveal the white page. P.S. What green page? BALDY =============== Reply 3 of Note 2 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST-QUESTIONS!!!! To: YHFN15A JAMES BALDASSARRE Date: 03/06 From: PFWD79B NICHOLAS JONES Time: 2:22 PM dear baldy I think I found what looks to be a green page in the mecchanical world but it turns out to be just another blue page I also want to know which of the brothers I should let out or have they both gone just completly nutsoid. curiosity killed the cat thank god I'm not a cat W\B Dr. Bones =============== Note 3 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST-QUESTIONS!!!! To: ALL Date: 03/05 From: VKJG02A BRIAN KEY Time: 4:06 PM For everyone thinking about buying MYST I would at least like to warn you that it is really a collection of still pictures with puzzles.The graphics are great but the game moves from picture to picture instead of fluidly like 7th guest.MYST is crying out for some movement and interaction. Others will rave about this game but I wanted people to hear the other side also. Brian in TX =============== Reply 1 of Note 3 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST-QUESTIONS!!!! To: VKJG02A BRIAN KEY Date: 03/05 From: DVBK31A ANDREW HALL Time: 11:08 PM Thats one point of it, but you didn't mention ANY thing about the puzzles. This game is loaded with them! They outstrip 7th Guest by far with them too. So what if its a slide show? I do agree that some 3D animation would be nice, but this game would probably need a MEGA amount of memory to run. It's too huge to 3D animate, even for a CD. 7th Guest took 2 CD's to animate 1 house! >>>>>>>>>>>> >>Imagine how many this would take for MYST. And the price would be astronomical too. AH. From the OTHER side of the coin. =============== Reply 2 of Note 3 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST-QUESTIONS!!!! To: DVBK31A ANDREW HALL Date: 03/06 From: VKJG02A BRIAN KEY Time: 2:06 AM Andrew, I did mention the puzzles.That seems to be all cd-rom games can do.Either they make a puzzle game or a short full motion video game.Dracula Unleashed was a joke.My point is that cd-rom games haven't been all they are supposed to be.I believe a few in the future might change that like Outpost but it is yet to be seen. Brian in TX =============== Note 4 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST-QUESTIONS!!!! To: ALL Date: 03/05 From: NSFX45A DALE BURNER SR Time: 7:21 PM How do i enter 59 volts into the control panel and what do I do first after I get into the boat world? =============== Reply 1 of Note 4 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST-QUESTIONS!!!! To: NSFX45A DALE BURNER SR Date: 03/06 From: FSTD28A SANDY POYNOR Time: 0:53 AM To get 59 volts, push each button by itself to find out what it's value is. Then calculate which buttons you must push to add up to the number 59. Then push those buttons. As for the boat world, check out the umbrella with the 3 different switches. After pushing each switch, take a look at the tunnels, lighthouse and boat, to see which switch pumps water out of which area. Then explore that area. You'll >> need a light source, which can be found behind the locked trap door in the top of the lighthouse. Sandi =============== Note 5 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST-QUESTIONS!!!! To: ALL Date: 03/06 From: HPTN55C JIMMY RUSSELL Time: 12:59 PM Okay, ive found the white page,gave it to the guy in Dunny,and heard what he had to say about Catherine being held hostage and fighting an enemy greater than his sons, and then he sent me back to Myst. WHAT NOW? Did I beat the game, or is the stuff he said just what will happen in Return to Myst? Is there more to do? PLEASE HELP! (I need an answernot a hint!) James PRODIGY(R) interactive personal service 03/26 1:21 PM Number of notes exported: 1 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Board: GAMES BB ^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT ^^^^^^^^^^^^ =============== Note 1 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST-SB16 To: ALL Date: 03/25 From: RFXP27A ARTHUR YOLLIN Time: 3:25 PM I have posted this on other interactive services. Is anyone happy with the sound quality using the SB16? I am usingthe updated drivers with my Zeos 486-66, CL 562 CD-ROM drive, and Persona speakers. The sound distorts and sounds like an old phonograph record. There is hiss and noise even after adjusting the levels ie. bass,treble and input level. It seems like MYST is using 8 bit samples which the SB16 has allways had trouble with. Feedback on this problem is appreciated. PRODIGY(R) interactive personal service 03/26 1:21 PM Number of notes exported: 5 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Board: GAMES BB ^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT ^^^^^^^^^^^^ =============== Note 1 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST-SBPRO SOUND? To: ALL Date: 03/20 From: XXTE51A VALERIE SCIBILIA Time: 2:14 PM I have an SoundBlast Pro and I am getting no sound in MYST. I have a 386/33mz, Creative CD ROM driver, and successfullly downloaded upgraded video drivers. I cannot adjust for SB16 as they suggest in the troubleshooting guide. Does anyone have any suggestions? This is frustrating... Thanks. Valerie Z. =============== Reply 1 of Note 1 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST-SBPRO SOUND? To: XXTE51A VALERIE SCIBILIA Date: 03/20 From: XKVK56A VICKI FOSTER Time: 10:19 PM I have the same setup as you. Don't adjust for SB16. You don't have that. Apparently the Pro is different from the 16. =============== Reply 2 of Note 1 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST-SBPRO SOUND? To: XXTE51A VALERIE SCIBILIA Date: 03/21 From: JJJG32A TONY FERDAISE Time: 2:18 AM Val, SBPRO and SB16 are 2 different programs, so don't upgrade. I have SBPro and I don't have a problem. BUT did get a bad disk the first time. You might want to take your disk bad and see if there is something wrong with it.. Tony/San Diego =============== Reply 3 of Note 1 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST-SBPRO SOUND? To: JJJG32A TONY FERDAISE Date: 03/23 From: XXTE51A VALERIE SCIBILIA Time: 8:23 AM Vicky and Tony: Thanks for your help. I returned MYST and got a new disk, and again, the sound didn't work. So then I reloaded SBPRO. It was NEVER loaded into windows, since this is the first CD game I have had to play thru windows. Now it works great! And now my Windows even makes music. WOWEE!!!! Thanks--Valerie =============== Reply 4 of Note 1 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST-SBPRO SOUND? To: XXTE51A VALERIE SCIBILIA Date: 03/24 From: JJJG32A TONY FERDAISE Time: 3:10 AM LOL !! Great.. Now you can go crazy with the rest of us.. Good luck on your tour if MYSt island !! Tony/san Diego PRODIGY(R) interactive personal service 03/26 1:21 PM Number of notes exported: 22 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Board: GAMES BB ^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT ^^^^^^^^^^^^ =============== Note 1 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST-STONESHIP AGE To: ALL Date: 03/16 From: BVKT76A ANTON ZILG III Time: 8:49 PM I'm having problems and hopefully someone can give me some answers PLEASE!!! :) How do I get off of this island??? I found the pages, figured out the pump switches, got the key in the lighthouse, found the passageway in the stairway in the stone, but I just cant seem to figure out how to get off this island. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> And how do I turn on the lights in that one room thats on the boat itself? Its too dark to make anything out. I know there are more stairs in this room but its too dark to see whats going on. Can someone give me some answers please?!?!?!?! (Please no hints just answers) Thanx for listening! (actually reading) Anton =============== Reply 1 of Note 1 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST-STONESHIP AGE To: BVKT76A ANTON ZILG III Date: 03/17 From: JRRU04A BARBARA GILLICK Time: 1:11 AM Anton, Set the telescope until you see the top of the lighthouse. Write down the degrees. Go to the generator and charge it up. Enter the secret passage along the tunnel wall. Remember the degree you set the telescope at. Look at the item in the center of the floor and push the botton the corresponds to it. If you have down everything correctly the lights in that dark room with lit. Pump it out and go down. Jrru04a Barb P.S. Have you done the Age with the Windmill, I really need help on it???? =============== Reply 2 of Note 1 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST-STONESHIP AGE To: JRRU04A BARBARA GILLICK Date: 03/17 From: BVKT76A ANTON ZILG III Time: 7:34 PM Thanx for the info! Ill try it out And as to your question, No, sorry I have not been there yet. =============== Reply 3 of Note 1 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST-STONESHIP AGE To: BVKT76A ANTON ZILG III Date: 03/17 From: JRRU04A BARBARA GILLICK Time: 11:40 PM Anton, Thanks okay, I'll wait, can't do anything anyways, so I bought another game tonight to play in between the frustations of Myst. Jrru04a Barb =============== Reply 4 of Note 1 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST-STONESHIP AGE To: JRRU04A BARBARA GILLICK Date: 03/18 From: BVKT76A ANTON ZILG III Time: 7:00 PM Barbara, Looks like were the only two people here so far! thats funny! I dont think I understood your advise on how to get off of this age. Can you re-write it to me? (If you dont mind) Thanx Anton =============== Reply 5 of Note 1 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST-STONESHIP AGE To: BVKT76A ANTON ZILG III Date: 03/18 From: YKMU05A BRIAN ALBERS Time: 8:55 PM OK, here's what to do. I am assuming you have gotten the lights on inside the rock passages by getting to the top of the lighthouse. Barbara's answer was correct, and you should write down the degrees of the top of the lighthouse when looking through the telescope. It should be a flashing beacon. By the way, the generator at the top of the lighthouse eventually loses power and must be recharged >> so you might have to crank it again. Go inside the rock passageways. If you look carefully, both of them have secret doors. Entering either of these doors will bring you to a room with a large compass rose with buttons. Push the button corresponding to the degrees of the lighthouse and you will turn on the lights in the lower decks of the ship. This leads to the exit from this world. Don't forget one to bring one of the pages. Hope this helps! -B- =============== Reply 6 of Note 1 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST-STONESHIP AGE To: BVKT76A ANTON ZILG III Date: 03/20 From: JRRU04A BARBARA GILLICK Time: 0:49 AM Anton, I'm sorry I'm so late replying, been really busy. Have you figured it out yet? If not, tell me how much you've done, so I can let you know what to do next? Jrru04a Barb =============== Reply 7 of Note 1 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST-STONESHIP AGE To: JRRU04A BARBARA GILLICK Date: 03/20 From: BVKT76A ANTON ZILG III Time: 12:53 PM Hello Barbara, Nice to hear from ya again! Im still having a huge problem. I know how do get to the secret passageway in the hallway in the rocks. Now my biggest problem is what to do with that 'dial' thingy. I know the number for the lighthouse (135???). But which button do I push? Do the buttons have number values? How do i figure out which button to push?????? >>>>>>>>>>>> If you can tell me the exact button to push and how you figured it out, I would be very grateful. Thanx for listenin! Anton =============== Reply 8 of Note 1 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST-STONESHIP AGE To: BVKT76A ANTON ZILG III Date: 03/20 From: JBHT20A JOHN MURCHISON Time: 3:38 PM The dial thingy, or compass rose, is just that, A Compass. 135 is the degrees the lighthouse is located in reference to the Island. A compass is 360 deg. total, 90 deg. per quarter. 135 = 90 deg. + 45 deg. (12th button) Good Luck, MURCH =============== Reply 9 of Note 1 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST-STONESHIP AGE To: BVKT76A ANTON ZILG III Date: 03/20 From: JRRU04A BARBARA GILLICK Time: 6:38 PM Anton, It's actually by degrees, so push the 12th button from what would be 12'clock. jrru04a Barbs =============== Reply 10 of Note 1 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST-STONESHIP AGE To: JRRU04A BARBARA GILLICK Date: 03/20 From: BVKT76A ANTON ZILG III Time: 9:30 PM OK! Thank you Barbara and john for helping me! THANX! Anton =============== Note 2 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST-STONESHIP AGE To: ALL Date: 03/18 From: HSWC67A JUDY DENNEN Time: 7:33 PM Could someone tell me how to turn on the generator, in fact where is the generator. I can see the towers but I can't find the generator. I have pumped out the hold of the ship twice, but it is just hit or miss. Is there an order to the pump switches. Where do I find the red and blue pages? I have the telescope setting but until I can find the generator, I am stuck. Please help. Thanks in advance. =============== Reply 1 of Note 2 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST-STONESHIP AGE To: HSWC67A JUDY DENNEN Date: 03/20 From: JRRU04A BARBARA GILLICK Time: 1:08 AM First pumps is for room on boat second for tunnels in rock third the lighthouse =============== Note 3 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST-STONESHIP AGE To: ALL Date: 03/19 From: BVKT76A ANTON ZILG III Time: 2:23 AM Its me again. Ok I understand the part about getting into the passageway in the tunnel in the rock. And I know the number for the lighthouse (135??) .Now my biggest problem is figuring out this "dail" in this passageway. Do the buttons surrounding it have number values?? and if so how do I count them??? Or am I completely worng with that idea??? THANX! Anton =============== Reply 1 of Note 3 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST-STONESHIP AGE To: BVKT76A ANTON ZILG III Date: 03/19 From: BVKT76A ANTON ZILG III Time: 11:23 AM In that last message I said "dail" when I meant "DIAL" Sorry for the confusion if it caused any. =============== Reply 2 of Note 3 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST-STONESHIP AGE To: BVKT76A ANTON ZILG III Date: 03/19 From: NYUW87C EDDIE MEESE Time: 11:23 AM THE GAME SUCKS> =============== Note 4 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST-STONESHIP AGE To: ALL Date: 03/19 From: HSWC67A JUDY DENNEN Time: 8:46 PM I have figured out the pump switches (I think) I have gotten to the two rooms and found the red and blue pages, but when I pick up one the other one goes back to the room where it came from. How do I get to keep both pages and how do I get to read them. Also, how do I get the key in the lighthouse. I figured out the telescope setting for the lighthouse, but now I'm really stuck. Any help would be appreciated. Judy D =============== Reply 1 of Note 4 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST-STONESHIP AGE To: HSWC67A JUDY DENNEN Date: 03/20 From: JRRU04A BARBARA GILLICK Time: 1:17 AM There is a trunk on the bottom, open the value on the side, flood the room again. Also, you can carry only one page at a time, which means you will have to go back twice, the second time, you need only to get the page, not do all the work again. =============== Reply 2 of Note 4 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST-STONESHIP AGE To: JRRU04A BARBARA GILLICK Date: 03/20 From: HSWC67A JUDY DENNEN Time: 6:21 PM Barbara: Thanks for the reply. What do I do with the page when I get it? I carried it around but nothing happened, so I dropped it. If I go back and get the pages again, please advise what to do with them. Is there a way to look at them. Thanks for the help. Judy D =============== Reply 3 of Note 4 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST-STONESHIP AGE To: HSWC67A JUDY DENNEN Date: 03/21 From: JRRU04A BARBARA GILLICK Time: 0:39 AM You can carry only one at a time back to the Island of Myst. They go in the red or blue books in the library. You must go back twice to each age if you want both pages. the second time, you will not have to repeat the whole thing again, just get the page. Jrru04a Barb =============== Note 5 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST-STONESHIP AGE To: ALL Date: 03/21 From: HSWC67A JUDY DENNEN Time: 8:32 PM Hi: I have been inside the secret room in the tunnel. I was just getting blue lights and alarms. I went out and now I am having a problem recharging the generator. How do you charge the generator. The battery pack button stays red. I can turn the crank but it doesn't seem to do anything. Please advise. =============== Reply 1 of Note 5 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST-STONESHIP AGE To: HSWC67A JUDY DENNEN Date: 03/22 From: JRRU04A BARBARA GILLICK Time: 11:16 PM July, Keep turning the crank over and over, until you see the light turn green. The power doesn't last forever, so move quickly doing things. Jrru04a Barb PRODIGY(R) interactive personal service 03/26 1:22 PM Number of notes exported: 1 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Board: GAMES BB ^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT ^^^^^^^^^^^^ =============== Note 1 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST-STORY? To: ALL Date: 03/25 From: JMND65B MARJORIE SZELIGO Time: 3:01 PM hI! I have been playing this game long enough to get to the channelwood age and the mechanical age. I am wondering if I have missed something that explains the overall story and purpose for this game. What is it that tells you that you are looking for pages of a book and why? I did see the message to Catherine in the imager, but it explained almost nothing. Thanks anyone, Marge Mystified in Pgh. PRODIGY(R) interactive personal service 03/26 1:22 PM Number of notes exported: 47 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Board: GAMES BB ^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT ^^^^^^^^^^^^ =============== Note 1 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST-TECH PROBLEMS To: ALL Date: 03/01 From: GARA29A STANLEY TREVENA Time: 3:37 AM I am posting this for general discussion. It seems that sometimes a creative/resourceful person can often come up with something tech support cannot. . I picked up Myst-CD MPC on Saturday, I know, don't buy ver. 1.0 of anything, but I just had to. I am having severe problems with it. I have a Legend 24LX video card. The game locks up everytime by the entrance to the generation plant/after the pillar walkway. The few times I got it sort of working I saw two butterflys dart by. All other times no butterflys, no work. The game locks my CD drive hard and the only way out is to do the three finger salute. Broderbund said that it was the video driver for my Legend since it uses the Cirrus 542X series chipset. They gave me an 800 number to call and order the new driver update for Windows. I was told when I called it that the cost of the update was $30 or I could download it from Compuserve, I downloaded it. Still no go. I then pulled up my Support On-Site for Applications CD from Ziff Davis and downloaded the new Microsoft "official" fast 256 color 640x480 driver. Again, no go, lock on the butterflys. Every so often it will lock on the docks with the seagulls at the start. . Broderbund was no help at all. They claimed that they had no info on problems since the game was so new and that they had done no in-house testing of the Cirrus chipset. . Is anyone else having this problem? The only other CD that causes this problem in my collection, and I have 40 of them , is Arthurs Teacher Troubles (gee, it's by Broderbund also, is there a trend here?). My Multimedia kit is the MediaVision Fusion Double-CD 16. . I've been fooling with this darn thing all night, I give up. I'll wait a week tops for some word about what the problem is and then this baby goes back to the store (or gets sold to a friend since I got it for $49. . Is anyone else out there having this problem? Speak up and be heard. . - Stan =============== Reply 1 of Note 1 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST-TECH PROBLEMS To: GARA29A STANLEY TREVENA Date: 03/01 From: RXPP35A STEVEN HASTINGS Time: 9:34 PM I am also having problems with this game. Broderbund support basically is non-existent. If you can stand to redial the number about 20 times and stay on hold for 20 minutes, you may get to talk to someone. I am also having video problems with the MPC version of MSYT. I have a Packard Bell 486 with a Headland video card. It is really strange that they reference the specific video probloem >>> that I am having in their README.TXT file, but they cannot offer me any solutions. They must have been able to recreate it otherwise why would they even admit to having a problem. The problem that I am having is that the Quick Time movie segments in the game are not placed correctly on the screen. They are all over the place. I have the most recent video driver the I can obtain for my card, but it still does not work. I wish these video game people would spend more time into testing the systems that people actual have. That is if they test anything at all. I just finished going through a big ordeal with Sierra's Gabriel>> Knight CD. They finally updated their drivers so they would work. If anyone has any information on video drivers that I can try, please write me. =============== Reply 2 of Note 1 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST-TECH PROBLEMS To: GARA29A STANLEY TREVENA Date: 03/02 From: GARA29A STANLEY TREVENA Time: 1:15 AM Well, after much troubleshooting (and downloading) I was able to fix my problem on my own. After another call to Broderbund this morning (this time 30 min. on hold) I came up dry again. Basically, after talking to the lady for about 10 minutes, I was left with the following info: . The percentage of problems to shipped product is "minuscule". My question, is that total shipped copies of Myst (MAC and MPC) or just the recent MPC release. And it only just hit the shelf Saturday/Monday in most places, of course not many reports have been made. When pushing the rep for more info I was told that they are now having their programmers look at the reported problems and that they are "writing to Microsoft spec." for their code and if it does not work with a specific machine with specific hardware it would be the responsibility of that hardware manufacturer to patch THEIR drivers. That sounds nice but let's see a company patch their drivers so it will work with a single CD release. I don't know, the rep left me with a bad impression. Actually came across a little snide is some of her comments. . I downloaded the new 542X code from Compuserve. It was in the IBMHW forum in the video lib. The file name is CL131.ZIP It's a new set of drivers for the 5426 and 5428 Cirrus chipsets. I loaded up the 640 x 480 x 256 driver and the problem actually got worse. Solid lock on the first screen on the island when the seagulls appear. . Got home early and got right through to Mediavision Tech support. They recently restructured their tech support and while I always talked it down in the past for lack of knowledge of their own products and general "who cares" attitude, my latest experience was a model for how tech support should be. Very polite, stayed on the phone while I ran through some version checking and tests, and told me to call back if I had any further problems. I was told to download the following files from their BBS (510) 770-9905: . MVSND324.EXE 312.EXE GWPATCH.ZIP or WIN146.EXE The first two files are the DOS drivers for the CD and ProAudio Studio Card, the last two (your choice, ZIP or self extract) are for the updated Windows drivers. After unzipping these files and installing them to the correct directories Myst now works. Which file did it? Don't know and don't care. I took all my drivers to the absolute latest versions and it worked (which by the way is what is mentioned in the Myst readme file). So if you are having problems with Myst, don't wait for Broderbund to tell you what's causing it, get on the modem and update all your drivers to current versions. I had a problem very much like the Broderbund experience with The Journeyman Project. I was half way through and writing a review of it when I hit a bug that I could not get around. All fingers pointed to everyone ELSE and THEIR drivers as the cause of the problem. And oh yes, Quicktime would soon be updated by Apple and that might fixit(?). Companies are going to have to learn to be a little more responsive to their customers or they won't have customers. . We could talk for days on software standards and PC's but I got what I needed off my chest. Any ?'s, drop me a line. =============== Reply 3 of Note 1 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST-TECH PROBLEMS To: GARA29A STANLEY TREVENA Date: 03/02 From: YVBA27A RICHARD GILMORE Time: 2:48 AM All this talk agrivates me. I mean thousands of different computer setups. Hundreds, well maybe a little under a hundred video cards, quite a few different cd-rom drives and you expect everything to run picture perfect of every system. It's a new game. How can the tech people know what is going to happen on every computer. No matter how much testing they do there are always going to be bugs. This is no Sega Genesis or SNES where everything is the same of every single machine. If half you people even had a clue!! Think for a bloody second. If you need new drivers for video cards or sound cards, get them. You can't expect technology to stay at a standstill. You would all still be sitting back playing hurl the rock at Uggggg or playing Ultima on your C-64. The only complaint I can see is that you have such a hard time getting through to their tech department. But what can you expect when a game first comes out. I wish some of you would think for a bloody second. RICH =============== Reply 4 of Note 1 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST-TECH PROBLEMS To: GARA29A STANLEY TREVENA Date: 03/02 From: WVHG41A JODY HAWKE Time: 3:05 AM Thank you Mr. Trevena! A few days after release, and I am now convinced that sound card software upgrades are the name of the game in MYST. We always recommend to customers that they inquire with the manufacturer of sound card, video card, and CD-ROM player to ensure that they have the latest software available, but consumer resistance is extreme. Most computer users are not that technically-oriented, and I don't blame them; you buy a new machine, you expect the latest software. You may have just purchased the CPU yesterday, but the driver versions (partcularly sound card drivers) installed may be months old. For the vast majority of applications, this presents no problem at all. MYST, however, is as state-of-the-art as we can make it. And you must give your hardware manufacturer (sound card, video board, and CD-ROM player) the opportunity to be state-of- the-art as well. So I would once again like to thank Mr. Trevena for distributing this valuable information. It applies across the board to all currently available sound cards (and video cards, and CD-ROM drivers). Update those drivers! The sound card, video board, and CD-ROM manufacturers update constantly to accomodate new software releases that exploit features of Windows/MPC not previously anticipated. Most of them have very friendly BBS's. You must give the manufacturer of your hardware the opportunity to do their best, by downloading their most current software. And then let us know. We are always looking for ways to improve our products. Jody Hawke Sr. Technical Support Representative Broderbund Software =============== Reply 5 of Note 1 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST-TECH PROBLEMS To: RXPP35A STEVEN HASTINGS Date: 03/02 From: TPVT24A JJ JULIAN Time: 4:50 PM From the Land of Misery(MO)=- I'll start by saying A: I don't have Myst, and B: I don't even know if it's a Windows program or not. If it is, the following is useless, ignore me. I also have a PB, and have found in a number of cases that a separate VESA driver helps strange problems with the HT/V7 cards. The best I've found is "Univesa 3.2". It can be found many places, but>> I found it on the Virgin board (seems to work well with T7G on many systems, mine works fine on T7G without the driver). On a number of VESA-driven DOS games, even the most recent designed-for-V7 VESA drivers were inferior to UNIVESA32. So, if this IS a DOS game and is VESA compatible, check around for Univesa 3.2, and if you can't find it locally, call Virgin's BBS at 714-833-3305. Again, I have NO idea if this is even a VESA game or a DOS game, I just wanted to toss out that hint to a fellow PB owner. the be-sure-to-buy-and-play-7th-Guest KCMOSHer =============== Reply 6 of Note 1 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST-TECH PROBLEMS To: WVHG41A JODY HAWKE Date: 03/02 From: XHVN83A CAROLE ODELL Time: 8:49 PM Hi Jody - I believe we spoke today about a General Fault in Module QCMC.OTC. You had mentioned that you thought it was a sound card problem. I have Sound Blaster Pro 2. I called Creative and they don't think it is their problem. I also checked Windows and the only task that is running is Program Manager. The only thing I did accomplish is how to use my sound card with DOS 6.2. Do you have any more suggestions? I have Zeos 486DX 33 with 4 meg of RAM. =============== Reply 7 of Note 1 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST-TECH PROBLEMS To: GARA29A STANLEY TREVENA Date: 03/03 From: GARA29A STANLEY TREVENA Time: 0:44 AM In all fairness to Broderbund, while they may not have done extensive testing in-house for Myst, they did go to lengths I've not seen many others go to in listing all possible support BBS numbers for video and sound adapter manufacturers. It's a mixed bag, maybe since it's early in the release cycle they will add a little personal touch to their phone support. - Stan =============== Reply 8 of Note 1 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST-TECH PROBLEMS To: YVBA27A RICHARD GILMORE Date: 03/03 From: GARA29A STANLEY TREVENA Time: 1:04 AM Richard, I did think for a "bloody" minute. I got the game right out of the UPS box at the store on Saturday. I do not expect a software company to test every combination of every system available to man. What I do expect is some testing on those products that make up the top 30-40% of the market. What does this game rely on? Video drivers can be had that are standard, Microsoft just released their batch of new "standard" drivers on CIS and Support On Site For Applications CD (among other places). That's what's nice about Windows, some form of standards that are enforced. The OEM drivers are usually for sound cards and CD's. I have a Pro Audio Studio card and an NEC Double Speed CD-ROM. These two items are very mainstream. If I were releasing a game, I would at least test those hardware items that are in this ranking. Panasonic and Hitachi are two other popular drives, as are Sony's. The SoundBlaster series is the other biggie in the sound card arena. Let's not forget Roland. Sure, I don't expect them to test Joe's Waveblaster, or Mikioto's Compatible with EVERYTHING for $19 sound card that you see in the aisles at Comdex (right next to the hot dog stands). . My drivers were only a few months out of date according to MediaVision. This game has been in development for a lot longer than a few months. I would think that the sound driver and other drivers would be based on versions that were not released in the past few months. SORRY, but in my book having the source of the problem be a sound driver for a large market share holder is an major oversight on someone's part. Sue me, that's my opinion. . My other objection was simply the way the call was handled, two days in a row. Would you simply have them turn off their tech lines for new games until the game has been out for a month, two months, maybe three? They could just answer the phone and say, "Sorry, that game was just released, please call back in a few weeks and we might have found out who's fault it is by then" ??? With the proliferation of on-line services like Prodigy, AOL, and Compuserve, the information flows quickly and if a company has people watching these boards they can get the feedback they need quickly (hats off to Broderbund, they are here and doing just that). To come across arrogant on a tech support line telling the customer that even when the problem is found, it's going to be the other guys problem to update their drivers is not the way to do it. It really doesn't matter to me if this turns out to be the case, take the time to work with your customers politely (even if it is the 50th call of the day for the same problem). I manage a 500+ installation of networked PC's, Midranges, and Mini's and it takes a special type of person to put on a "happy" phone voice to answer a question for the 1,000th time, I can't. . My argument lies in the lack of testing for a mainstream sound board and an apparent lack of patience and overall arrogant manner on a tech support line. Those are two mistakes that can do real damage to a games success. To their credit they did supply a long list of tech BBS's and made the statement of current drivers in their documentation. Here's to improvement in both areas in the future for Broderbund..... - Stan =============== Reply 9 of Note 1 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST-TECH PROBLEMS To: RXPP35A STEVEN HASTINGS Date: 03/04 From: UDDD85A CHUCK BACHELDER Time: 1:07 AM Hey Steven, I also have the same headland video card and have the same problems with QuickTime movies, and Myst isn't the only game that has that problem. I also spent hours calling tech support #'s having no success. I have the latest driver's for the headland card that are on Packard's BBS which are dated july 21, 1993. I called Packard Bell Tech and they >> Said that the latest drivers they show are dated Sept '93, so I asked if they would put them on the bbs. They should already be on there was their reply. Well their not I said so he said he could ship them to me. I said how long til I get them, 3-4weeks they said. I then asked if he was sending them pony express, he didn't find that ammusing and said since the earthquake things have backed up. Understandable, so anyway I took back Myst and will wait til the new drivers come in and I'll try them with some other QuickTime movie files I have. If you have any luck yourself with it let me know. Chuck in Ft Walton Bch, FL =============== Reply 10 of Note 1 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST-TECH PROBLEMS To: GARA29A STANLEY TREVENA Date: 03/06 From: BGRM28A RICK SOMMERFELD Time: 10:48 PM I got Myst yesterday and it worked fine. Then today I installed Norton's Desktop for Windows and now Myst won't work - I get strange screeching sound and then it locks up - usually at the first Title screen, but sometimes it lets me play for a couple of minutes. Could Norton't be the problem? Or is it just a coincidence? Thanks for your help. Rick =============== Reply 11 of Note 1 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST-TECH PROBLEMS To: BGRM28A RICK SOMMERFELD Date: 03/07 From: GARA29A STANLEY TREVENA Time: 1:32 AM I loved Norton Desktop, then I got hooked on PC Tools for Windows. After getting a CD-ROM added to my system, I just went back to plain old Windows (gross). I had far too many programs that needed special handling with any of the shell programs. Things might have changed with the recent round of upgrades but I can run efficiently in clean Windows. - Stan =============== Reply 12 of Note 1 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST-TECH PROBLEMS To: UDDD85A CHUCK BACHELDER Date: 03/07 From: RXPP35A STEVEN HASTINGS Time: 8:49 PM Thanks for the info. Gee how hard would it be to update a zip file on a BBS, earthquake or no earthquake. If the BBS is up and running then they can update it. It seems like we are starting a club here. You are the 3rd person with the same problem. The thing that I do not understand is why Broderbund states there is a problem with the Headland video boards, but they offer no real answers. >>>>>> It sounds like they know what the problem is and have fixed it based on the readme.txt file. Why can't they supply tell us what the dates are of the drivers they used and supply them on their bbs? Would anyone from Broderbund care to reply? If I get any info I will definately pass it on. =============== Reply 13 of Note 1 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST-TECH PROBLEMS To: GARA29A STANLEY TREVENA Date: 03/07 From: RXPP35A STEVEN HASTINGS Time: 8:49 PM Thank you for a well written response. I also wanted to respond to Mr. Gilmore's response as well as the Broderbund reps response, but I did not have the time to do so. You summed it up very well. I too work for a software development firm which creates an automation system for independent insurance agents. It seems software companies take a "pass the buck" approach to solving problems. Our company would be out of business if we dropped the ball like Broderbund has. You would think that after all the people having problems with MYST MPC writing on the BB Broderbund would get on the problems fast. It is no longer a few users having problems. I also took some offense to the Broderbund reps comment about most users not being that computer literate. On the contrary, most users are very computer literate. With products like MYST out there they have to be. It seems like most people who have written notes on the bb have done some kind of trouble-shooting before they called support. As a matter of fact, I think at this point the people who have had the problems with MYST know more about the product then Broderbund support. You should never assume a users intelligence. I think all the people having problems with MYST would appriciate a little more effort from Broderbund. How hard would it be to supply the compatible drivers ont he Broderbund BBS? Somehow I do not think it would be very hard at all since they probably already have them. This would go a long way towards showing users they really want to help. =============== Reply 14 of Note 1 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST-TECH PROBLEMS To: GARA29A STANLEY TREVENA Date: 03/10 From: DVRH18A KEN GRAHAM Time: 12:40 PM Stan, I had the same exact problem and I think the problem is the use of the Apple Quick Time video playing process. I too had trouble with specific trouble shooting so I took the game back.. also a week ago I had the SAME problem with The Journeyman Project which uses the same program.. I got the latest sound board driver ( Media Vision ) no help.. today I called STB in Texas and they are sending me new video bios chips ( free of charge ) so maybe in the future I can play one of these type of games. I too have over 30 CD_ROM's and NEVER ran onto any problem. I think they should let you install it under DOS or WINDOWS ( your choice ) as I have never had any problem with a Sierra, Lucas Arts or Legend game, for example, and ran a few under Windows... too bad companies DON'T offer good support by 1) either not having a solution or 2) make you wait 20 or more minutes long distance listening to dumb music! ken =============== Reply 15 of Note 1 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST-TECH PROBLEMS To: GARA29A STANLEY TREVENA Date: 03/10 From: JRRU04A BARBARA GILLICK Time: 8:03 PM Standly, I'm having problem with a split screen at the top and bottom of the main picture, that at least seems fine. You mentioned you had a legend. I have a Packard Bell Legend 2000, doesn't that mean I going to get the same run-around too?? I hope if you solve the problem you'll post us on it - or me, if I find out first. Jrru04a Bab P.s. there's alot of us having troubles. =============== Reply 16 of Note 1 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST-TECH PROBLEMS To: GARA29A STANLEY TREVENA Date: 03/15 From: HWBH65B JOANN MARTIN Time: 10:55 PM What a mess. Myst is going back. I can't believe what poor service I got at Broderbund. $$tech support, wait 30 minutes, no help. They actually told me to download drivers for cyrus chips when that isn't what my video card uses. I have over 200 software packages and have never seen such poor support!!! (I had same problem of lock up when going to what looks like the well areas. Oh well. I guess I'll stick to Sierra (and their companies), Lucasfilm, Interplay, and Origin. Jo-Ann =============== Note 2 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST-TECH PROBLEMS To: WVHG41A JODY HAWKE Date: 03/03 From: CNFT61A STEVEN RUSCHILL Time: 2:30 PM Hi Jody, I am having a real problem just installing Myst. Every time I try to install it gives me this message "Compile Error: Invalid command on script line 884." What does this mean. I have a 48633dx Dbl Spd CD rom and a Cirrus logic Video Card. Hope you can help Steve Ruschill =============== Note 3 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST-TECH PROBLEMS To: WVHG41A JODY HAWKE Date: 03/03 From: XHVN83A CAROLE ODELL Time: 3:33 PM Jody, I have been trying different things to see if I can run MYST but I keep having the same problem. The book opens and as the little window starts to show MYST, I get an error "General Protection Fault in module QCMC.QTC at 0002.6001, if I select ignore I get the same error at 0002.6004. I have a Zeos 486DX 33, Sound Blaster Pro 2, ProCom Technology CD - model PXCDL. Prior to getting the error, the sound keeps cutting in and out. I tried running the Making of MYST and was able to get all the way through it but again the sound kept cutting in and out. I must tell you that I am getting very frustrated. I have purchased other games and have never had this kind of difficulty in getting it to run. Is there any possibility the problem is in the disk and not my system? By the way, I am curently using DOS 5.0 (I downgraded from 6.2) and Windows 3.11. I also recently downloaded the updated Sound Blaster Pro 2 drivers from CompuServe. Please help!! =============== Reply 1 of Note 3 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST-TECH PROBLEMS To: XHVN83A CAROLE ODELL Date: 03/04 From: FSTD28A SANDY POYNOR Time: 0:05 AM Are you sure your DMA and IRQ are set right? In other games where mine haven't been set properly, I also get sound cutting in and out and the game freezes. Sandi =============== Reply 2 of Note 3 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST-TECH PROBLEMS To: FSTD28A SANDY POYNOR Date: 03/05 From: XHVN83A CAROLE ODELL Time: 9:22 AM The IRQ on the sound card is set at 7 and the DMA at 1. That seems to work on other games. Should be it be different? =============== Reply 3 of Note 3 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST-TECH PROBLEMS To: XHVN83A CAROLE ODELL Date: 03/06 From: FSTD28A SANDY POYNOR Time: 0:39 AM I think that's right. Did you read the readme text that came with the game? It does address different sound cards. Are you sure you have all the right drivers loaded in windows? I have a PAS.. so I'm not real sure about the SB card. But if you don't have the right drivers loaded, that can also create problems. If nothing else seems to help, try a different IRQ. I think I have mine set to Irq 5 and dma 1>> for the soundblaster portion of my card. Changing the irq in windows shouldn't be hard. Sandi =============== Reply 4 of Note 3 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST-TECH PROBLEMS To: FSTD28A SANDY POYNOR Date: 03/06 From: XHVN83A CAROLE ODELL Time: 9:39 AM I finally got the game to run after re-installing the drivers for my monitor but the sound still cuts in and out in the intro. Also, I get a lot of static when I open the book in a room that looks like a museum. I don't if that what suppose to happen but I'll keep working on it. That's for your suggestions. I read one note that you had to increase the virtual memory and Broderbund Tech told me the game wouldn't smooth without the increase. =============== Reply 5 of Note 3 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST-TECH PROBLEMS To: XHVN83A CAROLE ODELL Date: 03/06 From: FSTD28A SANDY POYNOR Time: 12:22 PM You're supposed to get static out of those books in the library. As you keep adding more and more pages, the static decreases a little at a time, until you can (I think after about 4 pages) finally understand most of what is going on. I still haven't gotten it entirely static free, and I'm locating the 5th page now. So... the static in the red and blue books in the library is normal. Sandi =============== Reply 6 of Note 3 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST-TECH PROBLEMS To: XHVN83A CAROLE ODELL Date: 03/25 From: FSTD28A SANDY POYNOR Time: 7:08 PM This may be a bit late.. but I've been without my computer for a few weeks. Am using a borrowed one tonite. You're supposed to get static and cutting in and out from the books in the can't change that. Sandi =============== Note 4 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST-TECH PROBLEMS To: WVHG41A JODY HAWKE Date: 03/04 From: CVKT72A MARK WEAVER Time: 0:05 AM I was wondering if you could help me. I tried copying the new Sound Blaster 16 drivers into the Windows directory. The program said that I couldn't as when I tried to do so it said, "access denied". Several drivers copied but not all. When I tried to run the program, an error message came up saying "Error 10200 Initializing timer manager." I have no clue as to what this means. I'd appreciate any help. =============== Reply 1 of Note 4 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST-TECH PROBLEMS To: CVKT72A MARK WEAVER Date: 03/04 From: GARA29A STANLEY TREVENA Time: 2:07 AM ANy time you get an access denied error when copying files it's most likely due to the original files you are trying to overwrite being read only files. Instead of doing a DIR on the sub-dir, try ATTRIB *.* This will list out all the files and their attributes. Use ATTRIB -R -S -H to remove the offending attributes (R=Read Onlyu, S=System, H=Hidden). Norton Commander and other shells will also allow you to change these attributes without the command line interface. . - Stan =============== Reply 2 of Note 4 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST-TECH PROBLEMS To: GARA29A STANLEY TREVENA Date: 03/06 From: XHVN83A CAROLE ODELL Time: 9:39 AM You can download current drivers from Compuserve which includes an automatic install program and you won't have to worry about it. =============== Note 5 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST-TECH PROBLEMS To: ALL Date: 03/04 From: JWCK29A RUSSELL TONKINSON Time: 3:08 PM Wow I'm bumming now that I've read about all these problems. I was looking for some help myself; My version runs (if you can call it that) ok but from the opening screen on it's like eveything is to low on the screen and I'm missing some of the game. I'm on a PB 486 33 mhz with a Headland drivers installed. Does anyone have a BBS # for Headland?? Will a new updated driver help? Thanks, Russ =============== Reply 1 of Note 5 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST-TECH PROBLEMS To: JWCK29A RUSSELL TONKINSON Date: 03/07 From: RXPP35A STEVEN HASTINGS Time: 8:49 PM Welcome to the club. I also have a PB 486. I cannot get anyone to give me anything close to real help. I have uploaded what PB considers the latest video drivers for the Headland card from the PB BBS. This file is HT-WIN.EXE dated 10/25/93. The game still does not work right. The QuickTime video is all over the place. If you find an answer please let me know and I will do the same. =============== Note 6 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST-TECH PROBLEMS To: ALL Date: 03/05 From: UJFM44A KAY ATZ Time: 0:23 AM I can't install this game. When I try to install it through Windows, I get a message - can't find file.D:\install.exe or unexpexted dos error 1. I have a 486DX2/66, SB Pro. Dos NEC triple speed. I have been running 7th Guest just fine. Help before I commit suicide. katz ujfm44a =============== Reply 1 of Note 6 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST-TECH PROBLEMS To: UJFM44A KAY ATZ Date: 03/05 From: EGNU81A PETER HANDKE Time: 1:14 AM Kay, are you installing it thru Win3.1? Run file from the Progman. Make sure you've got correct drive leter. Also try installing QTW separately. Good luck. =============== Note 7 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST-TECH PROBLEMS To: ALL Date: 03/05 From: UXHY09C JEFF GALLO Time: 4:06 PM I have a Laser 486DX2 with 8mb and a Mitsumi double speed cdrom drive. I got MYST today, It runs SO slow! When I start the game it take three minutes for the game to start. That time, it's not even accessing the disk!! Whats wrong? My computer can't be to slow, can it?? Also all through the game, the game pauses for like 30 seconds and doesnt do anything, what's wrong???? Jeff =============== Reply 1 of Note 7 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST-TECH PROBLEMS To: UXHY09C JEFF GALLO Date: 03/05 From: JXDP87C COREY KINARD Time: 7:21 PM I know what you mean,WHATS UP ?? I got mine today also and couldn't wait to play it,then I find out it takes 3-4 minutes to get to the game.And half the time it is not even accessing.I am running it on a 486 sx25,6 megs,350 ms CD-ROM and a 337 meg hard drive.Please E-mail me if you or somebody else gets it.Thanx. <<>> =============== Reply 2 of Note 7 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST-TECH PROBLEMS To: JXDP87C COREY KINARD Date: 03/05 From: YJPA77A MARCUS FAUST Time: 8:20 PM I have been having the same problem with Gabriel Knight on my 386/40MHz DX w/ 4 megs of Ram. I have a single speed CD-ROM drive, a Trident 16-bit video card, and a Pro Audio Spectrum. However, Myst runs just fine for me. I don't know why since my system isn't the greatest. However, whenever I want to restore a saved game on Gabriel Knight, it takes about 4 minutes with the computer and CD not even doing anything. THat's weird. I guess I'll just have to wait for now. If anyone has suggestions, let me know! Marcus Etc. =============== Reply 3 of Note 7 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST-TECH PROBLEMS To: UXHY09C JEFF GALLO Date: 03/07 From: FXMC36A M BELL Time: 8:49 PM Jeff..Having the same problem, have a 486SX/3 25mh Spectrum 16 sound, double speed cd, super VGA. Sound and CD are brand new. Takes 3-4 min to load, no sound. Tryed everthing, tryed a memory manager QEMM. Speeded up everthing but Myst. IRQ sst for 7. This is very depressing!!!! Any ideas out there? Maureen =============== Reply 4 of Note 7 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST-TECH PROBLEMS To: FXMC36A M BELL Date: 03/07 From: EGWA99A STEPHEN DRAGE Time: 11:31 PM Yeh - Me too. Only once though.Just after entering Mech. World (or whatever it's called) Saw Mucho disk access and my 486/33 gradually ground to a halt. constant disk access, Scarry cause this happened March 6 ( some famous ceiling painter wrote virus????) DOS 6 shows me virus free. Only happened that one time. Good luck. Steve =============== Note 8 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST-TECH PROBLEMS To: ALL Date: 03/06 From: BBBU65A STEVEN FENWICK 00 Time: 1:20 PM I recently finished this game and maybe this will help. I have an Acer486/Sx,panasonic 563cd,Sbpro soundcard. Go in windows and pick Control Panel,choose virtual memory. Createa permanent swap file of whatever size it recommends. Reboot and see if you have at least 10,000+KB. You can find this by choosing Help under Program Manager and clicking About. If your running a Sbpro try using IRQ5,DMA1. Occasio, save the game,exit and then start playing again. The game uses alot of resources under Windows and you can run out of mem. and slow things down. I ran the standard window vga driver under Vga Utilities and had no problems. 640,480,256 colors. My drive is Doublespaced and I run the Qualitis 386 memory manager to load as much as possible into upper memory. I hope this helps. Any questions about the game or tech ?s about the cddrive or sbpro I'll try to help. Steve BBBU65A =============== Reply 1 of Note 8 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST-TECH PROBLEMS To: BBBU65A STEVEN FENWICK 00 Date: 03/06 From: UTFT02A LESLIE HORVATH Time: 2:36 PM I can't seem to get more virt. mem. try memmaker ect. I heard ddspace isn't good idea help!! running 486sx,double speed cd,sbpro ect.irq at 5 dma at 1 Ive even erased every thing poss. utft02a !$!@%$$#^ JOE =============== Reply 2 of Note 8 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST-TECH PROBLEMS To: UTFT02A LESLIE HORVATH Date: 03/06 From: NRMK66B BILL GLENNON Time: 7:19 PM In order to increase the size of the swap file you need to defrag the drive and open up as much continuous space on the drive as possible. Just deleteing files won't do it. BILL IN CHILLY NYC =============== Reply 3 of Note 8 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST-TECH PROBLEMS To: NRMK66B BILL GLENNON Date: 03/07 From: UTFT02A LESLIE HORVATH Time: 6:36 PM THANKS ILL GIVE IT A TRY,BESIDES ALL THE COMPLAINTS I REALLYENJOY THIS GAME JUST WISH IT WOULDNT SLOW DOWN AFTER DOING LOTS OF THINGS IN THE GAME!! THANKS AGAIN JOE IN SNOWY COLO. =============== Note 9 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST-TECH PROBLEMS To: ALL Date: 03/07 From: GARA29A STANLEY TREVENA Time: 1:45 AM Anyone notice how Jody Hawke only made herself known when information was provided FOR Broderbund as to one of the technical problems with the IBM-CD version of Myst? When people saw her here other questions were asked, none were answered and it's almost been a week now. Kind of supports my original statements of Broderbund. She is obviously a lurker here or else she would have at least responded to those questions with a "we'll get back to you when we have an answer" type response. Too bad, they had an opportunity to show support for their product and they're not. Many companies make a real effort to have a presence here and on other on-line services to support their products. . Oh well, just an observation. Hey, maybe it's not in her job description as Senior Technical Support? . - Stan =============== Note 10 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST-TECH PROBLEMS To: ALL Date: 03/08 From: MVXV92C KEVIN GONZALEZ Time: 10:54 AM Could any of you who have MPC Myst tell me if there are any known problems with: 1) Soundblaster Pro II 2) Paradise Windows Accelerator (Western Digital) 3) QEMM 7.03 4) Creative Labs Omni CD I hate when I buy a game and can't use it. Thanks. =============== Note 11 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST-TECH PROBLEMS To: ALL Date: 03/10 From: GKBB73A DAVID JEWETT Time: 8:03 PM I have a 486 25 and a doublespeed CD. But don't have SUper VGA. Just VGA. Will Myst work with VGA instead of Super VGA??? =============== Note 12 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST-TECH PROBLEMS To: ALL Date: 03/12 From: PHNX09A WILLIAM KNITTLE Time: 12:03 PM Is 4meg of ram all that is req'd to play this game? When I try to run it, Windows gives me "Not enough memory to run MYST". My swap file is already at max (3,850 i think). How do I possibly get 10,000? Also, after i copied those few SB16 files into my WINDOWS/SYSTEM directory, i tried to run Windows again and it gave me something about Dynalink error or Datalink error....something like that. If anyone has any clues for me, please reply ASAP. Thanks...... Bill K. =============== Note 13 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST-TECH PROBLEMS To: ALL Date: 03/22 From: KFGM58D ROBERT WEISER Time: 10:10 PM I have a very slight technical problem. The game runs fine, but when I move the mouse, along the top of the screen (black part) there is a litle group of white dots (looks like static) around 3/4" in diameter that moves sideways along with the mouse. Not a problem, just an annoyance. Any help? I have the IBM version. Best game I've ever played! -Robert =============== Reply 1 of Note 13 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST-TECH PROBLEMS To: KFGM58D ROBERT WEISER Date: 03/22 From: JRRU04A BARBARA GILLICK Time: 11:18 PM You've having a problem with your video card - you have a ghost mouse. I can only suggest you call the computer company and see what can be done to correct it. I have the same problem with SimCity 2000, and needed an updated video driver. Jrru04a Barb PRODIGY(R) interactive personal service 03/26 1:25 PM Number of notes exported: 2 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Board: GAMES BB ^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT ^^^^^^^^^^^^ =============== Note 1 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST-VIDEO To: ALL Date: 03/08 From: FNWH36A STEVEN COOPER Time: 0:18 AM I have seen some reference to my problem on the board, but need some simple advice. I have a PB 1120 486SX 33mhz, with DOS 6.2 and Windows 3. It has a Headland Tech HT 216-32 local bus video with 512K RAM. MYST will not run properly in the specified mode of 256 color, 640x480 resolution (the video is cut in half, with half at the bottom of the screen and the other half at the top). Again, in SIMPLE terms what can I do about this. Is the only resort to get a new driver, and if so, how do I do that? Note, I do not belong to Compuserve or any other network. The game sound very interesting, and I purchased it on the basis of a good review I read, but I am quite dissapointed in not being able to run it. Looking forward to any help. Thanks, Steve in Western Ma. =============== Reply 1 of Note 1 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST-VIDEO To: FNWH36A STEVEN COOPER Date: 03/08 From: JWCK29A RUSSELL TONKINSON Time: 8:11 PM Hey Steven, I'm using a PB 486 33MHZ with the same Headland bus and drivers, with the same problem. If you find something out how about dropping me a note. Thanks, Russell Tonkinson jwck29a ps Well I just reviewed your problem and our problems are not the same but similar. I don't have a split screen but rather a have what appears to be a reflection on the bottom of my screen that contains changes that the screen should have been updated with. Any ways if you find a driver that works please let me know. Thanks Again Russell Tonkinson jwck29a PRODIGY(R) interactive personal service 03/26 1:25 PM Number of notes exported: 18 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Board: GAMES BB ^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT ^^^^^^^^^^^^ =============== Note 1 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST-VIDEO PROBLEM To: ALL Date: 03/12 From: GDCX15A W SILVERSTEIN Time: 2:14 PM Hi Folks, I hope that someone here can help. I just purchased MYST for MPC.I am using a Packard Bell 486-25mhz. I have a Headland Technologies video card in the cpu.I am not a novice to CD-ROM games or software, BUT I am having a problem with the "real time" movie on the disk. The actual game works fine, but when I try to watch the "Making of Myst" the screen divides into two parts, the bottom of the> picture is on the TOP of the CRT, and the top of the picture is on the bottom. All my video drivers are "right on", there is plenty of memory for Windows [over 10k], my monitor is set for 640x480x256, all is well. Is anyone having the same or similar problem? If so, can you shed any light on this problem before I spend countless hours and money attempting to call Broderbund support.It would be greatly appreciated especially for my ego's sake. Thanks in advance. Bill Silverstein GDCX15A =============== Reply 1 of Note 1 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST-VIDEO PROBLEM To: GDCX15A W SILVERSTEIN Date: 03/12 From: JRRU04A BARBARA GILLICK Time: 9:25 PM W. Silverstein.- I have the same system, and am getting the exact problem as you. I called the company and they said to change my qtw.ini file to read optimize=video. - Mine said that already. Said it would cause it to run slower. Told to Circuit City where I brought the system, and they said just to update my video driver. I told Broderbund that the games BB for full of problems with the game, they offer very little advice just to say hetland is now not being manufactured anymore. don't wait you money calling. If any of us come up with a solution we'll let you know. Not Alone - Jrru04a Babs =============== Reply 2 of Note 1 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST-VIDEO PROBLEM To: JRRU04A BARBARA GILLICK Date: 03/13 From: BMMG97A JAMES KING Time: 8:39 AM Hi, I too have a PB with the same problem. But I fixed mine. I changed the QTW.INI...I had to put in a new line: [video] Optimize=Driver well it worked for me, but it is really slow. If anyone knows how to speed it up, let me know. Jay =============== Reply 3 of Note 1 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST-VIDEO PROBLEM To: BMMG97A JAMES KING Date: 03/13 From: JRRU04A BARBARA GILLICK Time: 4:24 PM Jay, Mine is unbelievely slow at times. Mine already read what you put in. don't know what to do. Jrru04a Babs =============== Reply 4 of Note 1 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST-VIDEO PROBLEM To: JRRU04A BARBARA GILLICK Date: 03/15 From: BMMG97A JAMES KING Time: 8:45 PM Barbara, Well I don't know what to tell you. I guess we're stuck. I guess We are going to have to wate for the patch. Like I said mine works...Just really slow. Well Good luck. And don't give up. Jay =============== Reply 5 of Note 1 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST-VIDEO PROBLEM To: BMMG97A JAMES KING Date: 03/15 From: JRRU04A BARBARA GILLICK Time: 10:20 PM Jim, I have no problem playing it - don't keep it on zip mode and it works faster. Only zip when you want to get back somewhere faster. Where are you now in the game, maybe we can help each other. Jrru04a Barb =============== Reply 6 of Note 1 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST-VIDEO PROBLEM To: JRRU04A BARBARA GILLICK Date: 03/20 From: BMMG97A JAMES KING Time: 8:21 AM Hi, Well Barbara I just got the hint book. I'm in the space ship. So where are you! I like the game alot. The game is not too slow but Movies are. So you said your playing the game how do you like it. Well talk to you later. Jay =============== Reply 7 of Note 1 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST-VIDEO PROBLEM To: BMMG97A JAMES KING Date: 03/20 From: JRRU04A BARBARA GILLICK Time: 6:38 PM Hi Jim, I ordered the book too, but haven't received it as yet. I'm in the age with the windmill - totally stuck - just got a clue from someone, so I'll give it a try. How's the spaceship age? - also is the book very helpful. I had four different people try to do the setting on the spaceship and still no dice, I know what numbers to go up but apparently doing a lousy job of it. Jrru04a Barb =============== Reply 8 of Note 1 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST-VIDEO PROBLEM To: JRRU04A BARBARA GILLICK Date: 03/21 From: BMMG97A JAMES KING Time: 7:09 PM Hi, Yes the book is very helpful, but still no luck on the spaceship. Yes I have the numbers, but trying to get them right....Agggggg. Oh well I'll keep tring. So write me E-mail some time and tell me about your self (what kind of game you like..and so..) Ok. Jay =============== Reply 9 of Note 1 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST-VIDEO PROBLEM To: BMMG97A JAMES KING Date: 03/21 From: JRRU04A BARBARA GILLICK Time: 8:03 PM I promise, I'll keep in touch okay? Jrru04a Barb =============== Reply 10 of Note 1 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST-VIDEO PROBLEM To: JRRU04A BARBARA GILLICK Date: 03/22 From: BMMG97A JAMES KING Time: 10:10 PM HI, Ok you'd better. So have you heard of any other ways to fix our BP computers? Over all my works good with MYST. I just wish the QTM were faster. Jay =============== Reply 11 of Note 1 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST-VIDEO PROBLEM To: BMMG97A JAMES KING Date: 03/23 From: JRRU04A BARBARA GILLICK Time: 1:25 AM Jim, Try not to keep it on zip mode or transmition options when you don't need them. This helps to move along a bit faster. I having problems with a slit screen above and before the main picuture, but the chip is being federal expressed. I can still play ok, but it's sometimes a pain in the drain. How do you like the game so far and how much or far have you done? =============== Reply 12 of Note 1 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST-VIDEO PROBLEM To: BMMG97A JAMES KING Date: 03/23 From: ERRT62A ERIN COLLINS LMP Time: 8:47 AM J--(and really to all the other folks who are hvaing a problem getting the spaceship off the ground). You obviously know the order in which to play the notes, but you must match the pitches exactly. Listen very carefully as you play the piano, in the sequential order, in the spaceship. Being a musician helps, but it's not critical.--Erin =============== Reply 13 of Note 1 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST-VIDEO PROBLEM To: JRRU04A BARBARA GILLICK Date: 03/24 From: BMMG97A JAMES KING Time: 8:35 AM Hi, Well I got the spaceship going...and I'm in some strange world. So you said something about a "CHIP". What is it, and what does it do? Will It fix our problems???? So where are you at in the game? Jay =============== Reply 14 of Note 1 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST-VIDEO PROBLEM To: BMMG97A JAMES KING Date: 03/25 From: JRRU04A BARBARA GILLICK Time: 8:31 PM Jim, You install the chip as hardware. If you need the part nbr. I'll give it to you, or did I already. They promise it will fix the problem. I'm in the same strange world as you are. good luck. Barb =============== Note 2 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST-VIDEO PROBLEM To: ALL Date: 03/20 From: ERRT62A ERIN COLLINS Time: 9:51 PM I haven't found a solution to my problem so I'll throw it out to y'all and fish a little. Yep, PackBell (grrr) user, 486-dx2/66, Win3.1, et all. HT driver. Now, we installed it and the video runs at a reasonable speed, but it isn't centered on the screen. We can play, and basically get the gist of what is happening, but the Quicktime and some other stuff is down at the bottom, with only the top half showing> I'm sure when we fix it, it'll look great. Do you think I should try the optimize=driver thing? We've had so many problems with this system (the WHOLE thing) that I'm scared to breath wrong on it-the BIOS chip might go down the tubes again! HelpHelpHelp!--Erin Collins =============== Note 3 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST-VIDEO PROBLEM To: ALL Date: 03/20 From: XBFP43E BRAD SUGAR Time: 10:19 PM I try installing Myst on my Ps\1 Consultant and I get the message that I need to have a configuration in windows that has a 256 color configuration. i've tried all of them, and none work. HELPPPP! =============== Reply 1 of Note 3 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST-VIDEO PROBLEM To: XBFP43E BRAD SUGAR Date: 03/21 From: JJJG32A TONY FERDAISE Time: 2:24 AM Brad, MYST runs in SVGA <265 colors> if you don't have a SVGA card then you can't run the game. If you have a SVGA card but the drivers don't work, MYST has drivers to us. Read the MPC Trouble shooting Guide that came with the game it well tell how to install the drivers. Tony/San Diego PRODIGY(R) interactive personal service 03/26 1:26 PM Number of notes exported: 3 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Board: GAMES BB ^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT ^^^^^^^^^^^^ =============== Note 1 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST:7,2,4? WHAT??? To: ALL Date: 03/12 From: GWXS94A JOE EIERS Time: 8:56 PM I've finished the game but never found out what the numbers 7,2,4 were. They were found after turning the tower toward the tree. Thanks!! Joe =============== Reply 1 of Note 1 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST:7,2,4? WHAT??? To: GWXS94A JOE EIERS Date: 03/14 From: UDWU21B TINA KINDER Time: 9:32 AM HOW DID YOU FINISH THE GAME WITHOUT KNOWING THOSE NUMBERS WERE FOR THE WALL SAFE IN THE CABIN WITH THE BOILERS? YOU NEED TO OPEN THIS SAFE TO GET THE MATCHES TO LIGHT THE BOILER. THE BOILER MUST BE LIT IN ORDER TO MOVE THE TREE TO GET TO CHANNELWOOD. =============== Reply 2 of Note 1 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST:7,2,4? WHAT??? To: UDWU21B TINA KINDER Date: 03/14 From: GWXS94A JOE EIERS Time: 10:01 AM Oh, that's right!!! How did I forget?? I guess my mind is going... Joe PRODIGY(R) interactive personal service 03/26 1:26 PM Number of notes exported: 2 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Board: GAMES BB ^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT ^^^^^^^^^^^^ =============== Note 1 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST:GOT XTRA PAPER? To: ALL Date: 03/07 From: GWXS94A JOE EIERS Time: 10:09 AM I went by the dock, flipped the marker switch and a little door opened. Inside was a little piece of paper. I can't figure out how to read it!!!! It isn't a colored one so putting it in a book doesnt' work. Help! Joe =============== Reply 1 of Note 1 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST:GOT XTRA PAPER? To: GWXS94A JOE EIERS Date: 03/07 From: FSTD28A SANDY POYNOR Time: 4:20 PM It doesn't go in either a red or blue book. You can't read the page. You will need it at the very end, after you solve the fireplace. Sandi PRODIGY(R) interactive personal service 03/26 1:26 PM Number of notes exported: 1 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Board: GAMES BB ^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT ^^^^^^^^^^^^ =============== Note 1 ================= Board: GAMES BB Topic: CD-ROM ENTERTAINMENT Subject: MYST:MUSIC WHERE??!! To: ALL Date: 03/06 From: GWXS94A JOE EIERS Time: 12:59 PM I just got this game. I read that in MANY reviews that the music was a BIG plus in the game. In the reviews here I see the same comments. WHERE'S THE MUSIC!!!! I do get a LITTLE BIT here and there, but DEFINATELY not as background as I go through the game. Dissappointng. I think the music I hear would add nicely to the game. Am I missing something?? Joe