Episode List Star Trek: Deep Space Nine ----------------------------------------------------------------- Emissary 46379.1 Benjamin Sisko, bitter towards Picard since the Borg incident at Wolf 359, is assigned to administrate the abandoned Deep Space 9 station near the Bajora and Cardassian border. He becomes trapped in a nearby worm hole believed to have been constructed. Past Prologue 46400.0 * A suspected Bajaron terrorist (Jeffrey Nordling) seeks asylum on the station when Klingon Duras's sisters suddenly appear. Major Kira is divided between her homeland priorities and her new commitment to Starfleet to employ order and peace in the region. A Man Alone 46421.5 Amidst prejudiced mobs, Security Chief Odo is implicated in a murder while Keiko (Rosalind Chao) and Miles settle their differences. Sisko relieves the shapeshifter of duty despite his efforts to remain unbiased. Keiko opens a school for children. Babel 46423.7 O'Brien proves he's a handyman as every system begins to fail on the station. When he falls ill along with more and more people, the doctor and Kira race to find a cure for the life-threatening virus that causes aphasia. Odo recruits Quark. Captive Pursuit 46430.0 * An alien emerges from the wormhole and despite damage to his ship, he resists offers of assistance. O'Brien befriends him, helps repair his ship, and learns more about him. He discovers his new acquaintance is being hunted for sport. Q-Less 46531.2 Vash is back in Federation space having dumped Q. Despite his efforts she chooses not to return to him; instead, Vash pursues a business venture with Quark. Sisko blames Q for the intermittent systems failures and problems around the station. Passenger, The 46680.0 * When an alien (James Harper) dies en route to Deep Space Nine, his plans to steal a rare substance from the station are not thwarted -- he transfers his consciousness into another being's mind, in particular, Dr. Bashir's. Ty Kajada: Caitlin Brown. Move Along Home 46690.0 * Sisko, Dax, Bashir, and Kira meet a delegation from the Gamma quadrant. Being their first contact with the Wadi, Sisko wants to put the best foot forward; however, the visitors are more interested in Quark's games and gambling. Nagus, The 46695.0 * The Grand Nagus Zek selects Quark to start Ferengi business ventures in the Gamma Quadrant before he dies of old age. Jealous murder attempts are made on bartender's life. O'Brien teaches while Kieko is on Earth; Jake helps Nog study. Vortex 46700.0 * When twin Miradorns negotiate with Quark the sale of a expensive object, one is killed. As Odo investigates the incident, the Rakhari criminal refers to him as a changeling, talks of others like Odo, and shows him his shapeshifting amulet. Battle Lines 46705.0 * Sisko, Kira, and Bashir are trapped on a penal colony moon of eternal war when they crash land. Opaka, accompanying them on the trip through the wormhole, is killed in the crash. Bashir discovers however that people here cannot die. Storyteller, The 46729.1 O'Brien suddenly becomes a Bajoran village's unwilling guru. He must win the confidence of the people before a creature destroys the community. On the station when Nog and Jake can untie their tongues they advise a young leader on negotiation tactics. Progress 46844.3 An old Bajoran farmer (Brian Keith) refuses to leave a moon scheduled to be mined. Kira questions her heritage when she tries to force him to evacuate. Meanwhile, on DS9, Nog and Jake learn the art of the deal exploring a business opportunity. If Wishes Were Horses 46853.2 The crew and habitants are amazed (and sometimes embarrassed) when dreams and fantasies become real, but the occurrences seem linked to a galactic disturbance that threatens the station. Odo allows himself to fantasize about locking up Quark. Dax 46910.1 When Jadzia Dax (Terry Farrell) is arrested and accused of murder and treason, Sisko tries to prevent her extradition and enlists Kira, Odo, and Dr. Bashir to help in her defense. Tandro: Gregory Itzin. She is suspiciously silent. Dramatis Personae 46922.3 Dissent spreads on DS9 when a Klingon ship mysteriously explodes after exiting the wormhole, leaving Odo the only one unaffected. Dax becomes absent-minded, Sisko builds a clock, while Kira recruits Bajorans and plans a mutiny. Klingon: Tom Towles. Forsaken, The 46925.1 Downloaded data from a mysterious probe causes DS9's computer to crave O'Brien's attention. Meanwhile, Sisko has Bashir host three barking ambassadors as Odo finds himself the object of Lwaxana Troi's affections. Duet 46930.0 * Kira believes a Cardassian (Harris Yulin) seeking medical treatment may be a war criminal guilty of atrocities at a labour camp. He denies being at the camp but later admits he was a filing clerk there. Odo and Kira discover this too is a lie. In The Hands of the Prophets 46950.0 * A Bajoran leader (Louise Fletcher) creates problems on DS9 with her religious views, polarizing the crew and jeopardizing the alliance between Bajor and the Federation. Meanwhile, Miles and Odo investigate the disappearance of a Federation crew member. Homecoming, The 47050.0 * Kira embarks on a risky mission to rescue a legendary Bajoran resistance figther (Richard Beymer) held prisoner in a Cardassian labour camp; a radical Bajoran faction begins to cause problems on DS9. Jaro: Frank Langella. Circle, The 47100.0 * Relieved of her post and exiled back to Bajor, Kira helps to reveal the hidden force behind The Circle--and a greater secret that could destroy them all. Meanwhile, Minister Jaro and Vedek Winn combine forces. Seige, The 47150.0 * While Sisko leads a daring last stand against the Bajoran Circle takeover forces, Kira and Dax embark on a desperate mission to reveal the truth about the coup before Jaro can take control of the station. Cardassians 47177.2 When a young Cardassian orphan adopted by Bajoran parents arrives at DS9, Dr. Bashir and shopkeeper Garak become embroiled in political negotiations and intrigue involving the boy's natural father (Robert Mandan) and Gul Dukat (Marc Alaimo). Invasive Procedures 47182.1 While the station is evacuated because of a storm, a small group of outlaws takes control and one--a Trill--demands that he have Jadzia's symbiont. Bashir under protest takes the Trill from Dax. Verad: John Glover. Melora 47229.1 Dr. Bashir becomes romantically involved with a disabled-- correction, gravity-challenged--cartographer (Daphne Ashbrook). When he offers to help her live in normal gravity, she faces a difficult choice. Quark's life is threatened by an old aquaintance. Rules of Acquisition 47250.0 * A Ferengi female who has defied the law and disguised herself as a male risks it all when she falls in love with Quark. The Nagus wants them to secure a deal with a new race, "The Dominion," from the other side of the wormhole. Necessary Evil 47282.5 Quark is asked (well, paid, of course) to retrieve a memento from the station. When he is assaulted and a list of eight Bajoran names is stolen, it triggers the reopening of a five-year-old murder case involving Odo and Kira. Odo has to keep a log. Second Sight 47329.4 Just as Benjamin remembers his wife has been dead for four years, he falls in love with a mysterious woman (Salli Elise Richardson) who keeps disappearing. She resembles the wife of a visiting terraformer scientist (Richard Kiley). Sanctuary 47350.0 * A group of destitute alien refugees arrive on DS9 in search of their legendary promised land--which turns out to be Bajor. When Bajor refuses to receive the 3,000,000 homeless, Kira finds her new friendship terminated. Varani: William Schallert. Rivals 47375.0 * Quark finds himself holding a losing hand to a newcomer (Chris Sarandon) whose gambling establishment seens to have the odds in its favour. It turns out the proprietor is a con artist using a device. Alternate, The 47391.7 DNA similar to Odo's is found on a planet in the Gamma quadrant. Odo's excitement is quickly snuffed when he finds himself again under the scrutiny of Dr. Mora Pol (James Sloyan), the Bajoran scientist who studied him after he was first discovered. Armageddon Game 47400.0 * Dr. Bashir and O'Brien, assigned to help eliminate the biological weapons of two formerly warring races, find themselves double-crossed and stranded on a desolate planet. However, back at DS9, they are reported dead. Whispers 47569.4 On the eve of peace talks with the Paradans, O'Brien suspects a conspiracy when everyone on DS9--including his wife and daughter--begins treating him strangely. He escapes from the station and heads back to the Paradans homeworld. Paradise 47573.1 Sisko and O'Brien become trapped on a planet inhabited by militantly non-technological society. When they are found attempting to repair their tricorders, the leader punishes Sisko in an isolation cell. Alixus: Gail Strickland. Shadow Play 47600.0 * Drawn by unusual readings from an unknown planet, Dax and Odo discover that its inhabitants are literally disappearing. Rurigan: Kenneth Tobey. Taya: Noley Thornton. Playing God 47700.0 * While hosting her first Trill initiate, Dax discovers a strange protoplasm in the wormhole. It turns out to be a tiny but developing universe, which threatens to destroy the station as it expands. O'Brien exterminates rodents. Arjin: Geoffrey Blake. Profit and Loss 47800.0 * Three Cardassian political fugitives arrive at DS9, one of whom is an old acquaintance--and lover--of Quark's. He offers them an illegal cloaking device for free. Really! Natina: Mary Crosby. Hogue: Michael Reilly Burke. Blood Oath 47850.0 * Jadzia Dax feels compelled, even despite orders, to honour a blood oath made between Kurzon Dax and a small band of Klingons sworn to avenge murders of family members by an albino man. The Maquis, Part I 47900.0 * When a Cardassian ship is destroyed at DS9, Gul Dukat appears, unofficially, to assist in the investigation. A Federation colonist admits to the terrorist act threatening to start another Cardassian war. Sisko finds his friend a member of the Maquis. The Maquis, Part II 47910.0 * Sisko forms an unusual alliance with Gul Dukat, who aids in the clash between Cardassian and Federation settlers, and tries to convince his friend to not attack a military base hidden in a civilian colony. Quark is caught selling weapons to the Vulcans. The Wire 47920.0 * Garak's crippling pain is discovered to be caused by a device planted in his brain by Cardassian intelligence. Bashir goes to the homeworld to find out who did this, but learns that Garak (Andrew Robinson) is not telling the complete truth. Crossover 47945.0 * Bashir and Kira find themselves in the alternate universe first discovered by Kirk where Klingons, Cardassians, and Bajorans have formed an alliance--and humans are slaves. Kira- Prime is leader at DS9 and Garak-Prime is first officer. The Collaborator 47950.0 * Kira learns her Kai candidate lover, Vedek Bariel (Philip Anglim), may be responsible for a massacre. Vedek Winn claims she is not lying about his past nor attempting to tarnish him so as to improve her chances at becoming Bajor's next spiritual leader. Tribunal 47990.0 * O'Brien, framed as a weapons smuggler and Maquis sympathizer, faces a trial leading to certain death on Cardassia. Meanwhile, Sisko investigates the theft of weapons from a room that recorded O'Brien's voice. Gul Evek: Richard Poe. Kovat: Fritz Weaver. The Dominion I 47999.9 * During a trip to the Gamma Quadrant, Sisko and Quark are taken prisoner by the Jem'Hadar, mercenary soldiers of the mysterious Dominion. End of second season... End of list. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Colophon This text file contains an episode list for Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, presented in stardate order. It is in an unenhanced ASCII format to facilitate importing into other word processors. I'd like to thank Mark Holtz, Harold Stein, and Bradley Grigor for news and proper spellings. The descriptions are almost straight copies of television guide listings as found in the Globe & Mail's Broadcast Week, Toronto Star's Starweek, and Telemedia's TV GUIDE. I am not claiming copyright. An asterisk (*) denotes a fictitious or estimated stardate. Either the narration did not include a date, it is unknown, or the source is outside the show. An invented date positions the episode in Gene Roddenberry's future history time-line. The name of this file is ASCIIDS9.TXT. It is based on a heavily formatted WordPerfect 5.1 (release 07/09/92) column document. I copied the entries from my indexed database video tape catalog to generate this guide. I generated this list on Friday 10 June 1994. The guide for Star Trek: The Next Generation is available too! Electronic, hard, ASCII, and UUENCODEd copies of this guide are available. Specify the copy type, media size, and send $5.00 to cover shipping via snail mail. It is uploaded to Canada Remote Systems Online, CompuServe, and various U.S. BBSs. Suggestions, comments, corrections, or requests are welcome. Send or telephone queries to: Blake Nancarrow 65 Jefferson Avenue, Suite 203 Toronto, Ontario, Canada, Earth Sol/Jup III sector 0,0,1 M6K 1Y3 CRS Online id: BLAKE NANCARROW CompuServe id: 70511,673 Internet ids: 70511.673@compuserve.com blake.nancarrow@canrem.com voice: (416) 535-1899 fax: (416) 538-3755