________________________________________________________________ Blake Nancarrow's =-o Star Trek Episode Guide Request Form (modified stardate 09404.21) So to speed the electronic transfer of my Star Trek episode guides to you, please complete this request form to the best of your ability. If you have any questions or are not sure of some of *my* questions, fill in the section at the end. Place a mark beside your desired answer. Thanks. Do you want my Next Generation and/or Deep Space 9 guide? . TNG only . DS9 only . both Which type of printer do you intend to use? A duplex printer can print on both sides of a page like a powerful photocopier. These are rare. A normal printer, one that prints on one side of a sheet of paper, is a non-duplex printer. . duplex (an HP IIID, for example) . non-duplex (most others, Epson, Apple LaserWriter, etc.) . both . not sure Are you using a IBM PC compatible or an Apple Macintosh? . PC . Mac . other ________________________________________________________ Which compression program do you use? Which version? . PKZIP . ARC . Compactor . Stuffit . other ________________________________________________________ . version __________________________ . none Which word processor do you intend to use? Which version? . WordPerfect for DOS or Windows . Word for Windows or Mac Word . other ________________________________________________________ . version __________________________ Do you use UUENCODE/UUDECODE? . Yes . No . never heard of it Are you willing to spend some time and effort reassembling a large file sent in separate pieces or emails? . Sure . I guess . No way As a confirmation, please record your electronic mail address(es): . name.name@company.blah.blah.blah via Internet . mmmmmm,nnnn on CompuServe . firstname lastname on Canada Remote Systems Online ______________________________________________________________ Comments and Questions Section "Gosh, Blake, how do you find the time?" ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ Thanks for completing this form. It makes my life easier and gets these files to you faster. My electronic ids are listed below. blake nancarrow - Canada Remote Systems Online 70511,673 - CompuServe blake.nancarrow@canrem.com - Internet 70511.673@compuserve.com - Internet If sending via Internet, please use the first address above. If you don't hear or receive anything, try the second address. Heck, send to all if you're in a great big hurry: ________________________________________________________________