NOVELL TECHNICAL INFORMATION DOCUMENT TITLE: Changes to Windows After Novell DOS 7 Install DOCUMENT ID: 014922 DOCUMENT REVISION: A DATE: 24FEB94 ALERT STATUS: Yellow INFORMATION TYPE: Issue README FOR: NA NOVELL PRODUCT and VERSION: Novell DOS 7 ABSTRACT: This document explains the steps a user can take if Windows functions that had operated before the installation of Novell DOS 7 fail after Novell DOS 7 is installed. ------------------------------------------------------------------ DISCLAIMER THE ORIGIN OF THIS INFORMATION MAY BE INTERNAL OR EXTERNAL TO NOVELL. NOVELL MAKES EVERY EFFORT WITHIN ITS MEANS TO VERIFY THIS INFORMATION. HOWEVER, THE INFORMATION PROVIDED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS FOR YOUR INFORMATION ONLY. NOVELL MAKES NO EXPLICIT OR IMPLIED CLAIMS TO THE VALIDITY OF THIS INFORMATION. ------------------------------------------------------------------ ISSUE When installing Novell DOS 7 to a Windows 3.x configured machine, changes are made to the Windows configuration for the network interface to PERSONAL NetWare (or any network) and to add Fastback (backup utility) and Search and Destroy (virus checking utility). When a user experiences a change or loss of a certain Windows action after installing Novell DOS 7, the function should be checked to these alterations. Changes are made to three .INI files; WIN.INI, SYSTEM.INI and PROGMAN.INI. These three files are saved with the filename extension .ND7 before being edited. The line changes are as follows: NOTE: The semicolon (;) in the following lines represents a comment or remark line. They are used to provide information about the preceding line. They do not actually appear in the files. WIN.INI [windows] NetWarn=1 ;Added line, no function effect. SYSTEM.INI [boot] network.drv=netware.drv ; Added if no network specified. Changes NETWARE.DRV to NV7. Version may cause other networks to change or not function (see NETWARE.DRV description below). [boot.description] network.drv=Personal NetWare (v1.0) ; Changes "No Network Installed" or specified network. May cause version trouble with other types of network installed. [386Enh] device=fastback.386 ; Added line, added functionality. network=*vnetbios,vnetware.386,vipx.386 ; Line was network=*dosnet,*vnetbios. Functionality change will cause protocol problem for DOSNET type networks. ;device=*vcd ; Semi-colon removes this function, line was "device=*vcd." TimerCriticalSection=10000 ; Added line, added functionality. ReflectDOSInt2A=TRUE ; Added line, added functionality. UniqueDOSPSP=TRUE ; Added line, added functionality. PSPIncrement=5 ; Added line, added functionality. PROGMAN.INI [Groups] GroupX=C:\WINDOWS\NWDOS.GRP ; Where "X" is the next program group. This allows the Novell DOS 7 program group, defined in NWDOS.GRP, to be displayed. No functionality change. FILES DELETED With new functions of Novell DOS 7, files must be added to reflect these utilities. Some files were deleted to reduce confusion. Deleted files are the same as Novell DOS 7 commands. None of the deleted files are saved under any new filename. The list below reflects these changes. \WINDOWS\SETUP.HLP ; Known problem for running Windows setup that F1 help key is not supported with this file deleted. \WINDOWS\EMM386.EXE ; Parameter (switches) for MS DOS file must be matched with equivalent Novell DOS 7 file or functionality change will result. \WINDOWS\HIMEM.SYS ; Parameter (switches) for MS DOS file must be matched with equivalent Novell DOS 7 file or functionality change will result. FILES OVERWRITTEN When these files are overwritten for Novell network operation, functionality problems with other installed networks may arise. Original Windows files are saved as new file names with an @ sign as the first character of the file name. NETWARE.DRV ; Version problems with Windows for Workgroups are known. VNETWARE.386 ; May cause network problems. VIPX.386 ; May cause network problems. NWPOPUP.EXE ; May cause network problems. NETWARE.HLP ; May cause network problems. COMMDLG.DLL FILES ADDED The following file was added to \WINDOWS sub directory: WINFILE.INI The following files were added to \WINDOWS\SYSTEM subdirectory: FASTBACK.386 ;Added for Fastback functionality. FBWBLOCK.DLL ;Added for Fastback functionality. FBWX_USA.DLL ;Added for Fastback functionality. FBWXDRVR.DLL ;Added for Fastback functionality. FBWXHELP.HLP ;Added for Fastback functionality. FBWXNET.DLL ;Added for Fastback functionality. FBWXUTIL.DLL ;Added for Fastback functionality. FGSCL.DLL ;Added for Fastback functionality. NETWARER.DRV ;Added for Novell DOS 7 functionality. BWCC.DLL ;Added for Novell DOS 7 functionality. NWCALLS.DLL ;Added for Novell DOS 7 functionality. NWDESK.HLP ;Added for Novell DOS 7 functionality. NWFILNAM.DLL ;Added for Novell DOS 7 functionality. NWGDI.DLL ;Added for Novell DOS 7 functionality. NWIPXSPX.DLL ;Added for Novell DOS 7 functionality. NWLOCALE.DLL ;Added for Novell DOS 7 functionality. NWNET.DLL ;Added for Novell DOS 7 functionality. NWNETAPI.DLL ;Added for Novell DOS 7 functionality. NWPSRV.DLL ;Added for Novell DOS 7 functionality. PNW.DLL ;Added for Personal NetWare functionality. PNWDESK.DLL ;Added for Personal NetWare functionality. PNWDIAGW.DLL ;Added for Personal NetWare functionality. STACFM.DLL ;Added for Stacker functionality. STACFM.HLP ;Added for Stacker functionality. WINSWAP.CPL ;Added for Stacker functionality. WINSWAP.EXE ;Added for Stacker functionality. WINSWAP2.EXE ;Added for Stacker functionality. WINSWAP.HLP ;Added for Stacker functionality. SUBDIRECTORY ADDED A new directory is added under \WINDOWS called \WINDOWS\NLS. NLS stands for NetWare Language Support. This directory has files that support code page and keyboard functions for languages in PERSONAL NetWare. There is a total of 98 files. CONCLUSION The information provided in this document should help you recognize the functionality changes that may occur after Novell DOS 7 has been installed.