NOVELL TECHNICAL INFORMATION DOCUMENT TITLE: Windows 3.1 and Novell DOS 7 DOCUMENT ID: 014924 DOCUMENT REVISION: A DATE: 27FEB94 ALERT STATUS: Yellow INFORMATION TYPE: Issue README FOR: NA NOVELL PRODUCT and VERSION: Novell DOS 7 ABSTRACT: This document discusses the installation and operation of Microsoft Windows 3.1 on a Novell DOS 7 system. This document contains configuration requirements for Microsoft Windows 3.1. ------------------------------------------------------------------ DISCLAIMER THE ORIGIN OF THIS INFORMATION MAY BE INTERNAL OR EXTERNAL TO NOVELL. NOVELL MAKES EVERY EFFORT WITHIN ITS MEANS TO VERIFY THIS INFORMATION. HOWEVER, THE INFORMATION PROVIDED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS FOR YOUR INFORMATION ONLY. NOVELL MAKES NO EXPLICIT OR IMPLIED CLAIMS TO THE VALIDITY OF THIS INFORMATION. ------------------------------------------------------------------ ISSUE Novell DOS 7 is fully compatible with Microsoft Windows 3.1. WINDOWS REQUIREMENTS Microsoft Windows 3.1 is designed to run on 286, 386SX, 386 and 486 computers. It has two modes of operation (Standard and Enhanced). Windows Standard mode requires that there be at least 1 MB of total memory and that an XMS memory manager, such as HIMEM.SYS or EMM386.EXE, be present. Windows will only run in Enhanced Mode on a 386, 486 or Pentium CPU, and it requires a minimum of 1 MB of available XMS memory. The recommended amount of XMS memory for Enhanced Mode is 3.5 MB. Your mode of operation can be determined by selecting the HELP menu from the Windows Program Manager. Select ABOUT PROGRAM MANAGER and a dialogue box will be displayed indicating the mode you are currently using. The /V option for HIMEM.SYS and EMM386.EXE cannot be used with Windows 3.1. This option takes "unused" video memory addresses and assigns them to conventional memory. Only text based applications can run when the /V switch is on. STACKER The Windows 3.1 default disk for temporary or permanent swap files is the disk on which Windows was installed. If Windows is installed on a Stacker disk, the Virtual Memory Temporary or Permanent Swap File cannot reside on a Stacker disk. CHANGING THE SWAP FILE LOCATION You must be in Enhanced Mode to change the location of the swap file. To do so, perform the following steps: 1. Open the Control Panel by double clicking on the icon. 2. Select the 386 Enhanced icon. This displays a dialogue box with several buttons. 3. Select the button labeled Virtual Memory. 4. The next dialogue box will indicate whether a permanent swap file is in use and which drive is being used for the swap file. Select the appropriate options to place the swap file on the uncompressed drive (not the uncompressed portion of a compressed drive). PERMANENT SWAP FILE SIZE The optimal size of the Windows permanent swap file can often speed the processing of programs and data within Windows. To change the size of the permanent swap file, within Windows, choose the CONTROL PANEL, 386 Enhanced, Virtual Memory and Change buttons. It is best to use the change size recommended by Windows. It is also recommended that 32-bit Access be checked. SUPERSTOR If SuperStor is used, make sure the C: drive is not compressed (for example, drives C: and D: swapped). The use of SuperStor on a DOS partition, such as the D: or E: drive is recommended, with compression of the entire partition. The Windows 3.1 temporary or permanent swap file should be on a DOS uncompressed drive. Note: If the uncompressed drive does not have enough space for the swap file, DO NOT run Windows in Enhanced mode until enough free space has been cleared. Standard mode can still be used; although, it is not recommended. Creating a backup of the compressed drive and remove the compressed partition may be necessary to create enough uncompressed free space for Windows swap files. Swap files average from 2 to 8 MB but can be as large as 30 MB. NWCACHE The use of NWCACHE (a high-speed memory buffer that keeps copies of the data read from and written to the hard or floppy drives) can significantly increase the performance of Windows 3.1. NWCACHE should be configured to use upper and extended memory if possible, and can be loaded from CONFIG.SYS instead of AUTOEXEC.BAT for added speed. NWCACHE is configured to use upper and extended memory if it is available using the /MUX option. Both of these options can be enabled through Novell DOS 7 SETUP program by performing the following: 1. Enter Novell DOS 7 SETUP (type SETUP at the C:\> prompt). 2. Select the "Disk Performance" option from the Setup Menu. 3. Using the arrow keys or mouse pointer, select the "NWCACHE" option. 4. Select the "Configure NWCACHE" option. 5. Select (with the arrow keys or mouse pointer) the "Maximum Size [nnnn] Kbytes" option. Change the memory used, or choose to accept the default memory selected by Setup. 6. Select "Minimum Size [nnnn] Kbytes" option. Change the memory used, or choose to accept the default memory selected by Setup. 7. Using the arrow keys or mouse pointer, check the box [v] next to the "Allow Memory Lending" option. 8. To save the settings and make the appropriate changes to the AUTOEXEC.BAT file. Choose "Accept the above and Continue" option; then choose the "Exit this screen" option then the "Save changes & Exit" option. WINDOWS 3.1 INSTALLATION If NWCACHE is already loaded when you install Windows 3.1, the Windows SETUP program displays a warning message that NWCACHE is running and that your system may fail. Ignore this message and continue with the Windows installation procedure. This message will also appear whenever the Windows SETUP program is used to change Windows configurations. Make backups of the AUTOEXEC.BAT and CONFIG.SYS files before installing or choose the Custom Setup option from the Windows Installation screen. The Windows 3.1 standard installation makes changes to the these files. When the installation is complete, return these two files to their previous state BEFORE rebooting the computer. CHANGES TO CONFIGURATION FILES Make sure the AUTOEXEC.BAT file contains the following lines: PATH C:\NWDOS;C:\NWCLIENT;C:\WINDOWS;etc... SHARE /L:10 /F:2048 Make sure the CONFIG.SYS file contains the following line: STACKS=9,256