NOVELL TECHNICAL INFORMATION DOCUMENT TITLE: NetWare Connect Maintenance and 4.01 Compatibility DOCUMENT ID: TID250080 DOCUMENT REVISION: A DATE: 10JUN94 ALERT STATUS: Yellow INFORMATION TYPE: Symptom Solution README FOR: NWC001.EXE NOVELL PRODUCT and VERSION: NetWare Connect 1.0 ABSTRACT: NWC001.EXE and NWC002.EXE must be used together. They provide: 1) The latest "patches" for NetWare Connect 1.0. 2) Files to make NWC more compatible with NetWare 4.01 and 3) New features. NWC001 and NWC002 contain ALL "Fixes" in PTF 442 and PTF 440 plus several more. PLEASE read "Solution" and "Installation Instructions". ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ DISCLAIMER THE ORIGIN OF THIS INFORMATION MAY BE INTERNAL OR EXTERNAL TO NOVELL. NOVELL MAKES EVERY EFFORT WITHIN ITS MEANS TO VERIFY THIS INFORMATION. HOWEVER, THE INFORMATION PROVIDED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS FOR YOUR INFORMATION ONLY. NOVELL MAKES NO EXPLICIT OR IMPLIED CLAIMS TO THE VALIDITY OF THIS INFORMATION. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SYMPTOM General 1. MPR switching to a System Console screen if run on a Connect server. 2. Sometimes, Netware Connect would appear to install but the install program could not read the license disk. 3. Sometimes, NetWare Connect and the license disk would appear to install, but an attempt to add new ports would result in the "Port license has been exceeded" error. 4. Divide by zero error. 5. Server locks if a DOWN/EXIT is done while a NWC port is connected. NCS 1. Until the release of PTF 439/442 and PTF 440, if NetWare Connect was installed in a NetWare 4.x server, the server could abend. 2. NCS Maximum Connect timer not accurate. 3. NCS timer starts at host connection time and not at remote session start time. 4. NINT14 unable to access a port with the same General Name, even with /G option. 5. Characters could be lost in bi-directional file transfers, particularly when using ASCII protocol. (In order to correct this, NASI has been changed to synchronize with NCS before a data transfer.) 6. NASI applications hang when accessing ports with a status of "broken". (NCS ports, with a displayed status of "broken" will no longer be available to choose.) 7. Failure to dial out. (corrected by the AT command ATS0=x being handled differently.) 8. Long delay when dialing out of a modem independent port. (Should now be approximately only 10 seconds.) 9. Before the patch, if a port was left configured as unknown, it was advertised as available, and an attempt to use it would make all ports unavailable. (Ports will now configured as "None" by default.) NRN/ARAS 1. Retransmit failures. (A retransmit will no longer be a unsuccessful when a NAK is received from NRN. This addresses a latent problem relative to Citrix's WINview product. 2. The Macintosh utility, ARAS Set Password, could not change a password. 3. Lines dropping and retransmits at speeds above 9600 bps with Windows on the client. 4. Data loss resulting in termination of connection. 5. Slow performance with Remote Node. 6. Slow performance with X.25. (NRN/RNS and X.25 performance will now be faster. However, speed will still be restricted by the ability of the modem used.) SOLUTION 1. Apply both NWC001.EXE and NWC002.EXE: - If NetWare Connect will be on a NetWare 4.01 server, follow the instructions in 4X.TXT. - If NetWare Connect will be on a NetWare 3.x server, follow the instructions in 3X.TXT. 2. Download the latest NWCMOD.EXE: - If you have an AIOMDMS.MDC dated before 12-14-93 or - If you have a modem not supported by your current AIOMDMS.MDC. 3. If you have a 9600bps, or faster, modem and a fairly error free link, you can enhance performance by increasing packet size. To increase packet size, edit NET.CFG by adding the following line under the Link Driver NRN section: PACKET LENGTH n n can range from the default of 512 to a maximum of 1428. For example, replace n with 1024. Similarly, decrease the packet size if your connection is prone to errors. 4. Using NRN at speeds above 9,600bps tend to result in line drops and retransmit problems if the remote work station has a 8250 or 16450 UART. To get dependable, fast performance with Remote Node, Novell recommends that the remote computer's serial port have a 16550 UART. When you load NRN.COM, it will prompt you if a 16550 UART has been detected. NRN.COM will not prompt you about anything if it detects a 8250 or 16450 UART (this will be fixed in a future patch). However, after the installation of this PTF, RNS will support some RNS connections at higher modem rates than it formerly did. NOTE: Many internal modems include 8250 or 16450 UART emulation. 5. NEW FEATURE: A TTY mode has been added to Dialcon that allows you to issue commands to intermediate devices such as challenge/response security units. 6. NEW FEATURE: AICON defaults changed; AIOCON, defaults to "Any Application" to allow other AIO products to use AIOCON. 7. NEW FEATURE Dial-in users will now show in the Audit Trail if they go through the complete login sequence and selected a service. 8. NEW FEATURE (carried over from prior PTF) NRN/RNS Download Notification TSR NetWare Connect's Remote Node service is designed to transfer data and is reasonably fast for that purpose. However, as with all other asynchronous remote node products, the practicality of program execution across the phone lines is severely limited by available modem speeds. In most cases, it is more effective to use "Remote Control" rather than "Remote Node" for the execution of programs which reside on the central file server. (Through experimentation you may determine that some programs execute across the line acceptably, particularly with 28.8 modems.) Because it is usually advisable to avoid loading programs across the line, this patch includes the TSR, NETWARN.COM. After it is loaded, NetWarn will notify the Remote Node Service user of the path and size of a "large" file when it is accessed. This gives the remote user the opportunity to stop the access before the asynch connection becomes tied up for an unacceptable period of time. NOTE: Do not load NetWarn until RNS connection is established. NetWarn supports the following options: netwarn [/d | /e | /u | /p | /s ] /d disables NetWarn /e enables NetWarn /u unloads NetWarn /p displays the path of the executable /s=n sets the file size in KB which will trigger a warning (n can range from 0 through 9999) The default value for n is 5KB. Self-Extracting File Name: NWC001.EXE Revision: A Files Included Size Date Time \ NWC001.TXT (This File) 3X.TXT 2826 06-09-94 3:05p 4X.TXT 2563 06-01-94 11:40a AIO.NLM 83033 05-04-94 2:11p NCS.NLM 61791 05-05-94 4:25p RNS.LAN 23132 06-08-94 1:20p NASI.EXE 33270 03-25-94 11:42a NASU.NLM 75304 02-10-94 2:39p NCSCON.NLM 31436 02-09-94 1:29p NINT14.COM 2944 04-04-94 11:30a NWCLIC.NLM 13703 02-09-94 1:27p README.NWC 18332 06-01-94 11:18a AIOCOMX.NLM 17537 06-01-94 1:35p CONNECT.001 904 06-09-94 11:05a CONNECT.RMV 2325 06-09-94 11:08a NWCSTAT.NLM 15666 02-09-94 1:14p PRODUCT.DEF 631 05-09-94 5:05p CSINSTAL.HLP 2336 03-09-93 6:44p NCSCNVRT.NLM 31971 02-09-94 1:22p NWCCLEAN.NLM 1694 02-09-94 1:25p NWCCNVRT.NLM 52467 02-09-94 1:31p NWCNCFRM.NLM 63048 02-09-94 1:26p PINSTALL.NLM 95522 09-17-93 2:28p \NWC001\ NW3X 05-11-94 3:38p NW4X 05-11-94 3:38p \NW3X\ ARAS.LAN 39031 01-18-94 9:41a ARASCON.NLM 27432 02-09-94 1:30p \NW4X\ AIO.NLM 90350 05-04-94 2:20p ARAS.LAN 39101 01-18-94 9:42a NASU.NLM 89565 02-10-94 2:23p PM401.NLM 8113 02-03-94 1:09a ARASCON.NLM 27485 02-09-94 1:30p SPXFIX2.NLM 1023 11-23-93 8:52a NCSCNVRT.NLM 45279 02-09-94 1:28p NWCNCFRM.NLM 76331 02-09-94 1:28p Installation Instructions: To install on a NetWare 3.X server, read 3X.TXT. To install on a NetWare 4.01 server, read 4X.TXT. Patch History: NWC001 supersedes PTF 442. NWC002 supersedes PTF 440. PTF 442 superseded PTF 439. PTF 439 and PTF 440 together superseded PTF 436 which was the first maintenance PTF for NetWare Connect. Nothing supersedes NWCMOD.EXE which provides the latest modem scripts (AIOMDMS.MDC). "Patches" for NetWare Connect will be in three separate series: - Maintenance - Third party AIO drivers for multiport adapter boards. - Updates of NetWare Connect's modem support. To access the most current modem scripts available, go to NOVLIB Library 9 and download NWCMOD.EXE. NWCMOD.EXE is periodically updated with additional and improved modem scripts. All registered owners of NetWare Connect 1.0 (8 port or 32 port) either received RunTime NetWare 4.01 on a CDROM in the NetWare Connect box, or have been sent a CDROM with RunTime NetWare 4.01. Everyone who has the NetWare 4.01 CDROM has the SAME NetWare Connect files that were in PTF 442 and PTF 440. If have 8 or 32 port NetWare Connect and have not received the NetWare 4.01 CDROM, please send in the registration form. ---------------------------------------------------------------- Any trademarks referenced in this document are the property of their respective owners. Consult your product manuals for complete trademark information. ---------------------------------------------------------------- ÿ