-=-=- VGALOGIN 1.0, by Simple Simon Software -=-=- Q: What is VGALOGIN 1.0 ? A: VGALOGIN is a graphical replacement for Novell's LOGIN.EXE. It presents the user with a nice full screen interface which includes a random quote of the day, a fully configurable screen saver, and two fields in which the user enters his or her username and password. The user is able to tab between the fields, and see his or her password being entered (as a series of dots). As an added bonus, the user can change the screen colors via the function keys...and who thought logging in couldn't be fun? Q: Why is it better than the old LOGIN.EXE ? A: Well, looks aren't everything. Besides presenting a nice interface, the program will check to see if the username and password are valid. If they aren't, VGALOGIN will tell the user and allow him or her to try again. So now you don't need some clumsy LOGIN.BAT file which checks to see if the user actually got logged in. While other LOGIN replacements do the same, they don't use the Novell function call to verify the username and password. Instead, they simply call the old LOGIN.EXE with the user's parameters. If the password is invalid, it make take the server a few seconds to fail out of the login, and this can be a real source of annoyance and confusion to the users. Q. How does it work? A: After the user presses the key on the password field, the program checks with the file server to see if the password for the user is valid. If the password is valid, the program executes the original LOGIN.EXE. To insure smooth operation, you only need to make sure of one thing: the user's password must be less than 16 characters. This limitation is due to the fact that the password must be stuffed into the keyboard buffer as LOGIN.EXE is called. Q: How do I install it? A: To install the software simply follow the following instuctions while you are logged in as the SUPERVISOR or a SUPERVISOR equivalent user: 1) Copy VGALOGIN.EXE, VGALOGIN.DAT, VGALOGIN.CFG, VGAEDIT.EXE, and VGACFG.EXE into the SYS:LOGIN directory. 2) Type "FLAG LOGIN.EXE RW" to take away the read-only attribute from Novell's login program 3) Rename LOGIN.EXE to OLDLOGIN.EXE 4) Rename VGALOGIN.EXE to LOGIN.EXE 5) Type "FLAG LOGIN.EXE ROS" to add the read-only attribute 6) Type "FLAG OLDLOGIN.EXE ROS" to restore the read-only attribute 7) At the system console, type "SET ALLOW UNENCRYPTED PASSWORDS = ON". You also need to add this line to your AUTOEXEC.NCF file. Q: What if some of my stations are not VGA capable? A: That's no problem. If VGALOGIN detects that a workstation is not VGA capable, it will perform the verified login in text mode (without the quote). Q: What if I want to keep Novell's LOGIN.EXE as the standard login? A: That is understandable, maybe you just want to test the program out on a few workstations. All you have to do is not rename either LOGIN.EXE or VGALOGIN.EXE. Just skip steps 3-6 and instead, edit the VGALOGIN.CFG file. In this file, you while find a section that looks like this: [New name of the original login executable] OLDLOGIN.EXE Simply change "OLDLOGIN.EXE" to "LOGIN.EXE"...that's all. After that, if you want to use VGALOGIN, then just type VGALOGIN. Q: What are the function keys that change the colors? A: The function keys are each assigned in the following manner: F1 : Cycle border colors F2 : Cycle inside window colors F3 : Cycle text colors F4 : Cycle upper chizel color F5 : Cycle lower chizel color F6 : Pick random colors for all screen elements F7 : Restore startup colors for all screen elements F8 : Restore default colors for all screen elements Q: Why did I have to copy VGALOGIN.DAT, VGALOGIN.CFG, VGAEDIT.EXE, and VGACFG.EXE ? A: Well, VGALOGIN.CFG is the configuration file that VGALOGIN.EXE needs in order to run, and it won't run without it. If it accidentally gets erased and you can't salvage it, simply run VGACFG.EXE, and it will create it for you using default values. VGACFG.EXE will also allow you to edit most of the fields of VGALOGIN.CFG...the fields that were left out are ones that probably should be left alone. Finally VGAEDIT.EXE allows you to add quotes to the quote file named in VGALOGIN.CFG, by default, this file is named VGALOGIN.DAT. The program is very easy to use, just press the buttons for the action that you want to take. Q: What if I have more questions? A: You can contact the author at Simple Simon Software using one of the following methods: America On-Line : Simple Smn InterNet : SimpleSmn@AOL.com U.S. Mail : Simple Simon Software PO Box 2832 Carbondale, IL 62902 Phone : (618) 549-9374 ( 9am - 5pm CST ) Fax : (618) 549-1875 Q: How can I make the author jump out of his skin with pure unadulterated joy and happiness? A: Well...you can register the program for $35 for each fileserver that the program will be run on. See REGISTER.TXT for more details.