EXCAL, THE WORKPLACE CALENDAR INSTALLING EXCAL ON YOUR SYSTEM FOR THE FIRST TIME: 1. Copy the EXCAL.DLL to C:\OS2\DLL, or another path listed in the LIBPATH statement in your CONFIG.SYS. 2. Copy the EXCAL.HLP to C:\OS2\HELP, or another path listed in the HELP environment variable in your CONFIG.SYS. 3. Run EXCINST.EXE to register the EXCAL.DLL and create an instance of ExCal. EXCINST.EXE will prompt for the path you copied the EXCAL.DLL. INSTALLING EXCAL ON YOUR SYSTEM FOR THE FIRST TIME *WITHOUT PROMPTING*: EXCINST path Where 'path' is where EXCAL.DLL was copied. -- or -- EXCINST /USELIBPATH If you copied EXCAL.DLL to a path on your LIBPATH. A progress dialog is displayed during installation. ALSO INCLUDE IN THIS PACKAGE: EXCAL.CMD is the REXX equivalent of the installation utility EXCINST.EXE. It shows how the REXX API can be used to create and modify ExCal objects. Online help is available from any of the ExCal objects (calendar, event, time, place), or by running VIEW EXCAL.INF. UPGRADING TO NEW VERSIONS OF THE EXCAL: To upgrade, the EXCAL.DLL must be replaced. But typically it is "in use" by the system. Here's two ways it can be replaced: 1. Add the line below: CALL=C:\OS2\CMD.EXE to the top of your CONFIG.SYS file and reboot. A full screen session will be started before the Workplace Shell is started. Copy the new EXCAL.DLL over the old and then EXIT to continue booting. Remember to remove (or comment out using REM) the line above in your CONFIG.SYS. 2. Or, another way: a. Rename the new EXCAL.DLL file to EXCAL.LLD (for downloading). b. Add the following lines to STARTUP.CMD, replacing 'x:\dir?' with the path you downloaded EXCAL.DLL (EXCAL.LLD) to: rem Allows replacing of EXCAL.DLL during boot IF NOT EXIST x:\dir?\EXCAL.LLD GOTO SKIPEXCAL DEL x:\dir?\EXCAL.DLL REN x:\dir?\EXCAL.LLD *.DLL :SKIPEXCAL