Changes since Version 1.0 (compressed. See feelx.inf for more infos) -------------------------------------------------------------------- FEELX (THE MAIN PROGRAM): ========================= general improvements: - smaller, faster - better (and less) usage of memory Bugs removed: - PM-Kill now works even if the PM-Shell has been killed (and got a new PID). - Hide mouse ptr feature now independent from sliding focus - change Z-order iff (not if...) Shift is pressed - Full Screen programs are now started at front problems removed: - better work with screen savers - tried to make the program more stable - better work with FM/2 (no flickering) and hopefully Lotus 1-2-3 (???) - problems with Dlg boxes removed (new windows do always receive the focus) - menus are easier to use new features: - make use of 3-button mouse - change Z-order with 3rd button - Display settings with the 3rd mouse button - move windows with all contents (right mouse button) (you can 'grab' it at his frame also) - easier marking and pasting - ability to specify a alternate cut/paste shift comination - Ctrl-Shift PgUp, PgDn now works for shells too - Ctrl-Shift PgUp, PgDn are now implemented in the FeelX.go - keyin for DOS-shells via clipboard - more flexibility for cut, pasten, ... - high flexibility for configuring menus and submenus by using a simple small description language - while Ctrl is pressed the sliding focus is off - (menu) entry points are now (*=new): Menu in all 4 corners, Titlebar, Shell(right button), *Shell3(3rd buttton) *Desktop(DbClick left button), *Desktop(3rd button), *Hotkeys, *Startup new functions: - lots of new functions for program launching - Define name, path, parameters (specify at run-time, use the clipboard), ... - redirect output to clipboard or a PM-Viewer - specify DOS-Settigs for Dos-programs - error message when program does not exist. - a very (,very) simple macro recorder - Hotkeys - improved kill and pmkill and adapted to OS/2 2.1 - window list menu and OS/2 windowlist ( quick switch still there) - (up to 10) Actionbars for PM/WPS - shutdown - start WPS objects (currently not very user-friendly) WPS-Object: =========== - completly rewritten. I hope you like it! Documentation: ============== - almost completly rewritten. I hope it is easier now. Tools: ====== - wpopen added (opens default view of WPS objects or current path) - wo added (fault-tolerant search of file(names)) - isChild added (return code signals wether a command is the shell itself or a child of the shell). - fg now runs with full screen programs (but still requires popuppm to be running) - fg now runs even if it is the child of a child (...) of the shell - fg now runs in DOS shells. - callrx added to show integration of ext. prgs. - fxopt runs from DOS-session (full functionality) - other tools just recompiled (... and still a lot of work left)