INSTALLATION NOTES FOR WILDCAT! 4.0 At the time of this release, Wildcat! 4.0 is in beta. The format for one of Wildcat!'s door information files, USERINFO.DAT, has changed for the 4.0 release. Iron Ox will not support the new format for USERINFO.DAT until the format information is publicly available. Fortunately, USERINFO.DAT is an "optional" file for this door. If you are running Wildcat! 4.0 beta, you can still use Iron Ox 1.10; Ox just won't be able to tell Wildcat! about time prizes or compensate people for time spent in chat. To install Iron Ox with Wildcat! 4.0b, adjust your DOORx.RUN file so that it looks something like this: REN USERINFO.DAT USERINFO.BAD C:\DOOR\IRONOX\IRONOX.EXE REN USERINFO.BAD USERINFO.DAT The purpose of the REN statements is to prevent Ox from seeing your USERINFO.DAT file and trying to read it as a Wildcat! 3.x USERINFO file. If the public release of Wildcat! 4.00 is available at the time you are reading this note, please check with one of the distribution sites listed in SYSOP.DOC for a new version of Iron Ox. I will update Iron Ox to provide direct support for WC4 as soon as possible after the public release.