VXREZ 1.2 -- Resource Binding for use with VX-REXX 2.0 ------------------------------------------------------ To install: 0) If you already have VXREZ 1.0 or 1.1 installed, you can just replace all the files in the VXREZ directory with the new ones in this archive. 1) Make a directory called VXREZ in your VX-REXX directory. For example, if you installed VX-REXX in C:\VXREXX, you would do this: mkdir c:\vxrexx\vxrez 2) Copy the macros.zip file into this directory: copy macros.zip c:\vxrexx\vxrez 3) Change to the directory and unzip the file: c: cd \vxrexx\vxrez unzip macros.zip 4) Edit the ..\macros\profile.vrm file and add the lines found in profile.add to the end of profile.vrm: path = VREPath() || "VXREZ\INSTALL.VRM" if( VRFileExists( path ) )then do call VRMacro "'"path"'", parent end 5) Start VX-REXX. Click the right mouse button on the empty window to bring up the popup menu. You should see an item called "Edit resources..." appear. If not, you did something wrong. 6) Choose "Edit resources..." and select "General Help" from the "Help" menu. Read the help text for instructions on how to bind resources. Changes From Version 1.1 ------------------------ -- VXREZ would fail and then disable your VX-REXX session if you were trying to run a project that hadn't been saved or had been saved to the VX-REXX root directory. VXREZ now ignores these two cases. You must save your project somewhere else for VXREZ to work. Changes From Version 1.0 ------------------------ -- Added a paragraph on the mysteries of icon formats and why the independent VGA format is not enough... -- Now copies PMEXE.NRZ and PMRUN.NRZ back to PMEXE.EXE and PMRUN.EXE both before and after the bind process. -- Converted online help into .INF format for easier reading. The text file is still there as well. -- Installed two new menuitems under "Project", with accelerators. One lets you edit the project resources (just like the popup menu), the other runs the .EXE file that you created with "Make EXE file...", as long as it is in the same directory as the project itself. -- If a PMEXE.EXE exists in the project directory, it first copies it to the VX-REXX directory. This lets you use make your own version of PMEXE.EXE (how to do so is a topic discussed in a VX-REXX tech note...) Eric Giguere giguere@watcom.on.ca