ÚÄ¿ Welcome... to ChristNet ÚÄÄÙ ÀÄÄ¿ Christian Fellowship Network ÀÄÄ¿ ÚÄÄÙ ³ ³ ChristNet Forum Listing ³ ³ Updated: Apr 2, 1994 ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ þ ChristNet SysOp & Host(ess) ONLY in CN-AdMin please. þ 3 Required Forums: CN-AdMin, Open Forum & Prayer/Praise þ Forum ##s are TBB's actual numbers (used for QWK Mail Tossers). ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ *** The Following rules apply to EACH ChristNet Forum *** 1. The management team of ChristNet Christian Fellowship Network reserves the right to terminate ANY and/or ALL discussion on a specific topic, at their discretion, when it believes the post or thread has gone off topic, or does not magnify Christ. 2. All messages are to remain on-topic. Threads that become specific will be moved to their appropriate Forum. 3. Absolutely *NO FLAMES* - This means no personal insults, character at- tacks, false innuendoes, etc. 4. Avoid Over-Quoting! Normally, 3 to 5 lines of quoting is enough to remind the sender what you are replying to. Do NOT quote an entire post! 5. CCFN/TBB nor any of the HUBS or NODES shall ever be liable for any or all claims arising out of the use of CCFN. 6. Finally, remember, this is an electronic church and we are in the presence of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Be concise in your posts, be courteous and post unto others as you would have them post to you. ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Name/Number: 7 - ChristNet Administration Description: A private communication forum exclusively for the Network SysOps and Conference Host(ess) to discuss day-to-day operation of the network. Also the conference used to announce and advise the network SysOps of changes, and/or new information available on the network. Host/Node: Randy Tincher - BELIEVER Name/Number: 8 - Open Forum Description: This conference exists to fellowship with the brethren. It is the "family meeting" place, the "town hall" and in general a place to meet other believers. The posts will range from personal introductions to light hearted discussions about various topics. Threads which become very focused will be redirected to a more specific forum. Ok - rules of the Open Forum! 1. hey! This stuff is FUN - don't get over serious here. There are several conferences for serious stuff. The open conference is for meeting new peo- ple and starting conversations. But if conversations become a thread and are computable with a net conference, I will send you there. If we need to start a conference to handle your discussion and the traffic warrants it, that we will do. 2. - We be Like Him - right? Cussin' or Fussin'. Make nice. We all under- stand that "make Nice" is different things to different people (right, Ron?), but no personal attacks. For example, you might say "Curt, Immersion is just an opinion, it's not supported as well as you think it is by Scrip- ture." and not "you do it - you're excluding millions who weren't immersed!". See how that works? The "You dolt" is the problem! 3. Change the topic heading if you change topics. If the original-ginal posts were "Changes in Government" and now you're swapping taglines about church oddities, it's confusing to everyone! 4. - Multi-page posts. Keep them to a minimum in this conference. We have a lot of traffic and it's "happy talk". Most of those long ones are very good and well done but deserve to be in the conference they belong in, so they can be properly read and discussed. Enough already! :) Host/Node: Curtis Taylor - RESTORE Name/Number: 9 - Bible Q&A Description: Focuses on Scripture interpretation. Scripture clarifi- cations are presented via correlation with other Biblical script. What does the Word say, what exactly is meant, for who is the scripture directed at, and so on. Lively posts causing us all to search the Bible are common. The following are guidelines for conduct and posting of messages within the Bible Question and Answer Conference. 1. Restrict your posts to Direct Bible Questions and Answers only. Please do not post sermons. A "sermon" is defined as any post that is designed to present information only, containing both Bible questions and answers or presenting information in lengthy posts which support your views regarding a certain scripture or issue. 2. Do not discuss issues. For instance, a users might ask for a Bible scripture on certain beliefs in the Roman Catholic Church. Discussions of dogma, traditions and other facets of the Roman Catholic Church may follow but should be moved to the appropriate conference designed for those top- ics. It is my hope that Bible Questions will indeed escalate into discus- sions and Bible Studies, which should then be moved to The Open Forum or The Bible Study Conference. Thank you for participating in this conference. These guidelines are pro- vided for conference "structure" and will hopefully enhance participation and use that this conference is designed for. Host/Node: Greg Moore - Imperial Name/Number: 10 - ProLife Description: Nationally, this topic continues to receive a great deal of press. With the new administration already lifting restrictions which have been in place for years, this conference allows for each person to learn what the Bible teaches the believer about this volatile social issue. Host/Node: John Granade - THELIGHT Name/Number: 11 - Praise/Prayer Description: Prayer and Praise Conference Cords to Bind us together in His Love We will speak out for those who have no voices, We will stand up for the rights of the oppressed, We will speak Truth and Justice, We'll defend the poor and needy, .............How?................... We'll lift up the weak in Jesus name. We will speak out for those who have no choices, We will cry out for those who live without love, We will show God's compassion, to the crushed and broken in spirit, .............How?.................. We will lift up the weak in Jesus name. May we be an encouragement to one another as we see the day approaching. The Prayer/Praise Forum is a required Forum for each ChristNet Node. This Forum is a special place where both Prayer Requests may be posted, and also the Praise Reports may be shared so that others who are walking through similar trials my receive encouragement, hope and learn how others with similar trials have overcome the trials through the power of prayer. The guidelines are very simply - only four types of posts allowed: 1. Prayer Requests (Individual or Group*) 2. Prayer Responses (From a Prayer Request) 3. Praise Reports (Oh Magnify the Lord) 4. Praise Replies (How the Praise Report helped you) * Note: if you submit a group prayer list, then you as the sender are re- sponsible for keeping the Prayer & Praise Conf. up to date on the status of the requests on said list, ie, Praise reports, updated prayer requests. As Believers in the Lord, Jesus Christ, we daily live a spiritual battle where the evil one wants to destroy and discourage each of us. This Forum will be very closely monitored to ensure that each post falls into one of the four allowable categories. The Bible teaches us..."Base your happiness on your hope in Christ. When trials come, endure them patiently;steadfast- ly maintain THE HABIT OF PRAYER!" Romans 12:12 (Ph) Let's also remember to post the Praise Reports - you may never know in this lifetime just how powerful they are! Countless times posts that lift what the Lord has done give tremendous hope to others who are walking through the same trial - with hope in the future, there is power in the present. The most powerful gift we as believers have is prayer! By the shed blood of Jesus Christ, may we boldly come before the Throne of Grace, lifting up our needs in Jesus' name. Host/Node: Bob Davis - GLORY (soon to be HOUSEofPRAYER) Name/Number: 12 - Teens Only! Description: This Conference is designed for use by the teenage caller only. A place to discuss the difficulties of attending secular schools, what your youth group is doing, etc. This is an excellent place to ask for help with the daily struggles which are so strong among the peer group. Host/Node: Branin Johnson - BELIEVER Name/Number: 13 - Pastors Description: A forum for those in the Ministry to share with each of us what their ministry is working on and how each of us could apply the focus to our lives. Host/Node: Kerry Scott Miller - PASTOR Name/Number: 14 - Warfare - Description: Satan is described as a roaring lion. His worldwide mission is to destroy people - both the saved and the unsaved. We as believers have been given all power through the shed blood of Jesus Christ to cast out the enemy. This is the Spiritual Warfare forum. Host/Node: Micheal Holman, Sr. HOLMAN Name/Number: 15 - Genesis Description: This forum discusses the beginning of the world using the Genesis account of how God created the Heavens and the Earth. Host/Node: Curt Tabor - New node id TBD Name/Number: 16 - Rapha Description: From the Hebrew word, Rapha means "healing". Today in this broken and confused world, millions of people each day are walking towards healthy living by walking a 12 step program where the "higher power" is the Lord, Jesus Christ. This forum is not available to debate Jesus Christ as the "higher power" but rather a safe harbor for those working a program to encourage others and a place for those with questions to seek answers from the "professionals" who have been down the same road. This Forum will not debate the wordly higher power concept and will not allow debate about established groups that wish to endorse other than Jesus Christ as the Higher Power. It is a place to begin a recovery of any type where Jesus Christ is the Higher Power and take those hard steps to walk towards healing. Naturally, all of the established ChristNet guidelines apply and ChristNet can not be held accountable for any individuals recovery process - we just hold Jesus as the Master and trust that since He is the one that made us, He can fix the damage done to that which He created. Host/Node: Randy Tincher - BELIEVER Sponsors: Saddleback Valley Community Church - Celebrate Recovery Steve Aterburn/New Life Treatment Centers Name/Number: 17 - ANSI & RIP Description: OK - Let 'em "RIP"! This is the forum for all of our creative artists to display their talents! Also, a great place to ask those "how do I do" questions from those who hold the answers. Host/Node: Each ChristNet SysOp Name/Number: 18 - Sermons Description: A place to share the sermon notes or significant lessons you learned by listening to a sermon which would be a benefit to all. Be sure to first ensure no copy-rights will be violated be reprinting sermons or outlines in a verbatim format. Host/Node: Kerry Scott Miller - PASTOR Name/Number: 19 - Trials & Tribulation Description: Focuses on the trials and tribulations that Christians are subject to. Here Christians who have undergone similar experiences can share with each other, encouraging one another in Christ. Host/Node: Jack Larkin - RESTORE Name/Number: 20 - BBS Ads Description: This is the place to post your BBS announcements and/or ads. They may be ascii or Ansi. Host/Node: Each ChristNet SysOp Name/Number: 21 - For Sale Description: Through the power of multiple BBS's, list the items you have for sale, or list the items you are looking for. No restriction on what can be in the posts as long as no illegal items are advertised or sought. 1. Absolutely no copyrighted material will be illegally sold and/or listed in this forum. For Sale Ads are restricted to Christian and Electronic Goods in this forum. This means NO amway products, MCI telephone ads, cars etc. 2 ChristNet will not be held responsible for any damage resulting from the use of any product, service, or advice sold in this forum. No warranties are expressed or implied. *ALL* sellers must agree that what they are selling will not be DOA (Dead On Arrival). Host/Node: Brian Ladwig - BELIEVER Name/Number: 22 - Apologetics Description: This forum is for the defense of our faith. A place to challenge all of our thinking as we consider and discuss various view points about the Christian faith. WELCOME! TO CHRISTNET'S APOLOGETICS CONFERENCE The Bible, Reason, and the Holy Spirit At this point arises a question concerning the relationship between bibli- cal authority and reason. Is there not the possibly of some conflict here? Ostensibly the authority is the Bible, but various means of interpretation are brought to bear upon the Bible to elicit it meaning. When we come to determine what the message means, and assess whether it is true by employing various hermeneutical and exegetical methods in combina- tion with illumination by the Holy Spirit, we must then decide whether the Christian belief system is true by rationally examining and evaluating the evidences...this, we term, apologetics. 1. REMEMBER you are in the presence of YOUR CREATOR! Act accordingly, by following these short guidelines. 2. Agreement to disagree is ok; reasons for each side of the discussion should be stated clearly. 3. REMEMBER WHERE YOU ARE! This is a * privileged opportunity * granted to you as a user of ChristNet Christian Fellowship Network, and NOT a *RIGHT.* Offensive behavior will NOT be tolerated, as anyone using these special forums should be mature, to be able to state their case without malice or anger or childish temper tantrums. Host/Node: Rob Ellison - BELIEVER Name/Number: 23 - Christian Media & Events Description: This forum is for the discussion of events in the media or events in your area. The discussions may be about non Christian items. Host/Node: Open... Name/Number: 24 - Singles Description: This forum is for the those who are now SINGLE no matter how your life has brought you to this place. You may have never been married, or recently divorced, or may be now a widow. No matter the case, this is the Forum to talk and meet those who also are not married at this time in their lives. Host/Node: Open.... Name/Number: 25 - Marriage Description: This forum is for the discussion of how to bring joy and love into your marriage. Also, discussions about the things can tear apart a couple and how to avoid them. In all, a place to share ideas, problems and seek advice from those who have experience. Host/Node: Tiffany Leonard - ETS Name/Number: 26 - Parenting Description: This forum is for the discussion of events which entail being a Mom or a Dad. Home schooling threads are also expected to develop in this forum. My husband (Tom) and I have been married for almost 10 years and we have 2 children (Meagan, who is 8 1/2 and Joshua, who is almost 6). I have just started home schooling this year. Now, I don't claim to be an "authority" or either parenting or home schooling, but I have some experience "in the trenches" and will do my best to host this conference. What I would like to see happen in this conference is for us to be able to encourage one another through the job of raising the children that God has graciously "loaned" us. To not only offer practical advice, but to build a supportive, praying group. Host/Node: Lyndee Hawkins - ETS Name/Number: 27 - Testimony Description: This forum is for the sharing of one's own personal account of how they came to know Christ as Lord. It is an excellent way to share your past and what Jesus has done to call you unto Himself. "And they overcame him [the accuser] by the blood of the lamb, and by the word of their testimony . . . " (Revelation 12:11). TESTIMONY is a conference where anyone and everyone is invited to post their personal testimony of what Jesus Christ has done in his or her life. If Christ has done something in your life, salvation, a blessing, a testing, any testimony of what Christ is doing in the lives of His people, is welcome in this conference. We also welcome questions concerning how to put together and/or share a personal testimony that glorifies the Lord Jesus Christ, and we'll try our best to answer those questions as they come. There are only a few constraints on content to be posted here: 1. The content of the public post should be limited to subjects related to personal testimonies and how to make them. Reactions to testimonies are fine for this conference, but we ask that any lengthy discussions be taken to other conferences such as the ChristNet OPEN FORUM. 2. The mission of this conference is glorify our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ by sharing what He has done in our lives, even in the littlest things of life. This conference is *NOT* presented to point fingers, judge improperly, or otherwise tear down other believers. Such behavior will not be tolerated and will result in a sequence of disci- pline in accordance with Matthew 18.15. Host/Node: Steve Buehler - BELIEVER Name/Number: 28 - End Times Description: This forum is for the discussion of our last days here on Earth. The Bible tells us when we see earthquakes and many other manifestations, we need to know the redemption draws nigh. Host/Node: David Klingelberg - SOLIDRCK Name/Number: 29 - Victims of Abuse Description: This forum is to discuss all areas of abuse, emotional, physical and sexual and how it effects the victim & their families. This is to support those who are victims of abuse of any kind, for their families to better understand them and for those who wish to be more informed on this sensitive but widespread issue. Discretion is advised! The content of some of the messages may not be suit- able for those under age. The SysOp of each BBS is responsible for the users that they give access to this forum. ChristNet and/or the conference Host will not be held liable. SysOps may, at their option, give users an "alias" or "handle" to be used in this conference, but must know who the user is in case of liability. This conference, and the men's conference are the only two in which Aliases may be used on ChristNet. This is a place of encouragement and support for victims of abuse as they travel down the healing path that God has them on. We are not here to "fix" each other. We leave that in Gods hands. There will be NO harassment of any kind tolerated in this forum. This is a very sensitive issue and some may share some personal experiences so that we may learn from them and so that those abused can continue on that heal- ing journey. REMEMBER: Abuse victims feel enough guilt. They don't need anybody here to make them feel any more. We want that guilt to be removed. Host/Node: Gina Clark - Formerly NUTHOUSE Host/Node: John Tatum - BELIEVER Name/Number: 30 - OLB-SM Description: This forum is for the discussion of the *NEW* OnLine Bible (v 6.10) release and/or the SeedMaster Bible. Both require a little technical knowledge to install and maximize. This is the support Forum and the authors will be notified with problems that are software related. Host/Node: Randy Tincher - BELIEVER Name/Number: 31 - Mormon Description: The discussion/interaction of the Mormon beliefs verses the beliefs of Christianity. 1. Comparisons of LDS or Christian beliefs are to be taken to the LDS Forum. Any other religion must be taken to Theology Forum. 2. The respected authority on the Christian belief is the Holy Bible. The respected authorities on the Mormon belief are the Book of Mormon, Pearl of Great Price, Doctrine & Covenants, and the Holy Bible. 3. Quotes from the above respected authorities are allowed. Host/Node: Jeff Keith - CAPITAL Name/Number: 32 - Youth Ministry Description: This forum is for the discussion of Youth Ministry programs. The range includes pre-school thru High School. The "How To's" thru the "We Are Doing" will be likely found. Host/Node: Open... Name/Number: 33 - College Ministry Description: This forum is for the discussion of College Ministry programs. The difference from Youth Ministry is that the target group is in there college years. Host/Node: Open... Name/Number: 34 - Missions Description: This forum is for the discussion of all Mission Field Ministries. Both at home and abroad. If it is a new grow church or a group you or your church has sent to reach others, this is the place to share what is now working and what does not work. What you church/group is doing and how the family can help. Host/Node: Scott Hodgins - LOCKSOFT Name/Number: 35 - Finances Description: This forum is for the discussion of the MONEY the Lord gives to us. It is meant to be a Forum which will help us each to learn how to be better stewards of HIS provisions. Host/Node: Tom Mills - COVENANT Name/Number: 36 - Market Place Ministry Description: This is a forum which reaches the Business and Professional Men & Women who each day derive their income from a very professional position. SVCC Church, which endorses TBB, has it's very own Market Place Ministry. Weekly, Pastor Rick Warren writes the "FAX-OF-LIFE" which will be added to this Forum. If you are a Professional, this forum is a place to discuss the roles you have letting Jesus shine thru all the Corporate clutter. Host/Node: Open... Sponsors: SVCC Market Place Ministry - Pastor Brian Thatcher Drew Smith - Weekly Steward of Fax-Of-Life Uploads Name/Number: 37 - Prison Ministry Description: This forum is for the discussion of what you and or your church is doing in an outreach program targeted at the people in Prison. Host/Node: Gill Rapoza Name/Number: 38 - Music Ministry Description: This forum is for the discussion of to grow a Music Ministry so that the Church it serves grows. The gift of MUSIC is a very special one - this is a place for those who have this gift to share. Host/Node: Open... Name/Number: 39 - Convalescence Ministry Description: This forum is for the discussion of Ministries to the homebound, handicapped and bed-bound. Topics may include ADA issues as well as the Christians' duty Host/Node: open.. (But a host is in mind) Name/Number: 40 - BBS Ministry Description: This forum is for the discussion of operating a computer ministry. BBS is actually a acronym for "Bulletin Board System". This is the BBS Ministry conference. General chit-chat between SysOps, tech talk and other BBS stuff is encouraged here. This conference is maintained for the use of SysOps, would-be SysOps, users, and others willing to dis- cuss this addictive habit called BBSing. We'll talk tech, doors, software and hardware. Other nets may be discussed, but not gossiped about here. The basic rules of no personal attacks and no unpleasantries exist. There's a lot of lee-way in chit-chat here. Host/Node: Curtis Taylor - RESTORE Name/Number: 41- Cult/Occult Description: This forum is for the discussion of Cult and/or Occult groups and/or activity. These range greatly from groups who appear to be "Christian" to the blatant Satanic ones. Those using this forum are encouraged to pray for God's armor as the topics will require spiritual maturity. Host/Node: Matt Tiscareno Name/Number: 42 - Computers In Ministry Description: This forum is for the discussion of how computers are being used in the ministry work of Jesus Christ. Host/Node: Doug Haberlie - GLORY Name/Number: 43 - Theology Description: This forum is for the discussion of all sorts of ideas, thoughts and beliefs. The threads will heat up because of the various view points. Of all the forums on ChristNet this *is* the debate forum. The study or science of God is a good preliminary or basic definition of theology. The God of Christianity is an ACTIVE being however, so there must be an initial expansion of this definition to include God's works and His relationship with them. Thus theology seeks to understand God's creation, particularly man and his condition, and God's redemptive working in rela- tion to mankind. Theology must also be contemporary. While it treats timeless issues, it must use language, concepts, and thought forms that make some sense in the context of the present time. THERE IS DANGER HERE. Some theologies in attempting to deal with modern issues have restated the biblical materials in a way that distorts them. 1. REMEMBER you are in the presence of YOUR CREATOR He loves ALL people and EXPECTS you to be KIND to His Creation. 2. Agreeing to disagree is ok; without explanation, if you so choose. (THIS cannot be done with apologetics, as each side must clarify a position.) Host/Node: Rob Ellison - BELIEVER Name/Number: 44 - Bible Study Description: This forum is for the discussion of Bible study material, studies which are available and when things really become solid in this forum, our Host(ess) will actually be leading us in a daily study. Host/Node: Carl Mattes - AGAPE Name/Number: 45 - JW/LDS Description: The discussion/interaction of the JW/LDS beliefs verses the beliefs of Christianity. Host/Node: Open... Name/Number: 46 - On-Line Bible College Description: This forum is for the discussion of the On-Line Bible College - an institution for higher learning based on a BBS system - Latest file: OLBC9306.ZIP 1. Theology is a sensitive subject with people typically being dogmatic on both sides. Hot debates and heavy discussion are one thing, personal at- tacks on an others beliefs or character will not be allowed, AT ALL! I am "charismatic," but not every one is of the same persuasion. I'm "liberal" enough to believe that what Acts 4:12 and Acts 16:30 says is the truth. 2. Submission of courses - All courses must be submitted via private post- ings. They are to be compressed using ZIP or ARJ. If there is another com- pression utility that you use, let me know ahead of time. When posted, they must be password protected. You and I will agree on your "permanent" pass- word. The integrity of your work and that of the OLBC must be protected. 3. Future plans - Almost all courses will soon be available for direct download. They will be set in an .EXE format and password protected to avoid unauthorized duplication. More information will be posted as this becomes reality! 4. Disclaimer and Notice - The OLBC is not connected with Larry Pierce's excellent program, the Online Bible. The abbreviation, OLBC, is copyright- ed as well as the term ON LINE BIBLE COLLEGE. Host/Node: Rev. Dr. Charles Wootten - SERVANT ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Additional Conferences may be added from time to time as the Lord leads (but probably not until after Christmas or so. If you have an idea for a new conference, simply post a message to Curtis Taylor in Open Forum. From there, the Network SysOps will be advised of the suggestion and be asked if they would carry such a conference. If a majority will carry the conference, guidelines will be established and the conference will be installed. When you make your suggestion, please also indicate if you would be willing to serve as the Host(ess) for this conference. *eof: CN-FORUM.TXT*