DESTROYING THE FAITH 17 CHAPTER THREE Destroying The Faith In A "Fortress Of Faith" According to our Baptist Biblical Heritage (Hudson and Kutilek), your ''heritage" is your liberty to alter the words of God anytime you cannot understand them or disagree with them. According to Curtis Hutson (Sword of the Lord), the King James text uses a "deception that borders on blasphemy'' (The last Grenade, p. 122, quoting the Sword of the Lord). In the Sword of the Lord, the AV has wrong translations in it, and its authors used DECEIT to deceive you (ibid. p. 122). Curtis Hutson then says that you can "fully trust'' the AV (ibid. p. 124), and you may put "COMPLETE CONFIDENCE IN IT" (ibid. p. 124). According to the faculty at BJU (citing their "Official Posi- tion on the Bible"), the Jesuit Rheims version at the Vatican (1582) is based on more accurate Greek manuscripts than the King James Bible, and is closer to the "original, " both in time and in CONTENT (The Last Grenade, op cit. pp. 49, 50). But BJU does not want to be identified with the oldest and best manuscripts; it wants to be "IDENTIFIED" with an inferior English translation (AV) so its enrollment will hold up (ibid. p. 50). Jerry Falwell said the Living Bible was the best book he had in his house for devotions, and that he owed the success of his ministry largely to studying that Bible. He said this after stating that if any Christian changed what God said in the AV he was sinning ("had no right to do it''), and that if whatever a man was reading didn't agree with an AV he was in trouble (The Last Grenade, p. 90). When Robert Sumner wasted twenty-two pages blacken- ing Jack Hyles, and two pages blackening Ruckman (1990), he was put on the spot by Reverend Don Mangus of Louisville, Kentucky, and asked why he wasted his time attacking Ruckrman by insinuating (without being unable to give ONE instance) that 18 HOW To TEACH "THE ORIGINAL'' GREEK TEXT Ruckman's morals were in question. when the issue was Sumner's attack on the WORDS in a KING JAMES BIBLE Sumner could not only not document the gossip he had picked up about ''Ruckman,'' he couldn't list one verse in the New Testament that he thought was in error. He did this after publishing a pamphlet saying that no translation was perfect they all bad errors. He just couldn't prove any, and found it expedient not to even LIST any. When he was asked three simple direct questions about the AV and final authority, Sumner went back to his smut sheet to print gossip (The Last Grenade, p. 219). He never answered the questions. Now, what happened to the MINDS of Falwell, Rice, Sumner, Hutson, Kutilek, and Sumner? Who was it, where was it, and when was it, that they got on this fanatical ego ''trip" that unmanned them, and rendered them incapable of defen- ding the Book THEY MADE THEIR LIVING BY? They never you. They never testify. They are ashamed to let you know where they got their "wisdom and knowledge. " They want you who derailed them and made their ministries of no ef- fect, or cut their effectiveness by fifty percent. I am going to show you what went on in the classroom after these suckers learned the ''basics" of Greek grammar. These great revela- tions of "wisdom and knowledge" were passed on to John Rice, John Broadus, B.H. Carrol, George Truett, Wally Criswell, Robert Sumner, Gary Hudson, Bob Ross, Curtis Hutson, Stewart Custer, Fred Afman, Jarnes Price, Dell, Sherrnan, Mar- tin, et al., by means of BOOKS and articles in papers. They are found in The Expositor's Greek New Testament (Nicoll), The Theological Dictionary of the New Testament (Kittel), A.T. Robertson's Greek Grammar, Kenneth Wuest's Nuggets, Trench's Word Studies, and similar publications. They work their way into the MINDS of any pastor, evangelist, or soul winner, who has aspirations to be accepted as a "scholar,'' or gain a reputation as being "scholarly," when he is NOT. A perfect modern ''sucker" for this type of set-up would be a prominent Christian evangelist, pastor, or educator who DESTROYING THE FAITH 19 has been successful in attracting a large following through either evangelistic zeal, or through setting up a large impressive ''plant" where ''high academic standards'' and high standards of ''separation'' are insisted upon . These are the chumps who bite at the trot line when it is offered to them by a cold, dead, barren, fruitless, backslidden apostate (who, in many cases, is not even saved) in the name of ''You want to be recognized, don't you?'' ''You want people to think you are highly educated, don't you?'' ''You don't want to be ridiculed as a fanatic, do you? ''Don't you want to be classified with the great Christian intellectuals?'' ''Don't you want a chance to speak to young people in colleges and universities?'' Satan has the sucker's number. A man like Robert Dick Wilson, or Philip Schaff, is no more of a problem to him than Uncle Bud Robinson or Pappy Reveal. As a matter of fact, the bigger the belfry the more room for the bats. Satan would have a much harder time deceiving Harold Sightler, or Billy Sunday, than he would in fooling Stewart Custer, or Arthur Farstad. Here is how he did it in the classroom; a Greek classroom. This will be a classroom in The World's Most Unusual University. The teacher was hired after subscribing to the of- ficial position of the Bible Department on the ''Bible.'' The official position is in print in The Last Grenade, and has been mailed out periodically, by Bob Jones III, to scores and scores of Christians all over the United States and Europe, in the last ten years. The official position is that Sinaiticus and Vaticanus (? and B, uncial Greek manuscripts written in 330 A.D.) are the best Greek texts to use for correcting the King James Bi- ble, because they are not only older than the Greek manuscripts used in 1611, but they are better (more accurate), so they are closer to the originals in CONTENT and authenticity. While BJU says it wishes to be ''identified'' with an inferior English translation (the King James Version), it recornmends the NASV (1959) as superior to the King James, and they recommend its eclectic Greek text (Nestle's, 1898) as superior to any edition of the Receptus by Erasmus, Stephanus, Beza, or Elzevir. Do you know what this means? Do you know the EFFECT this 20 HOW TO TEACH "THE ORlGlNAL" GREEK TEXT has on a student who is dumb enough to trust Bob Jones III, or ANY of his faculty members? Well it means that when any student, believing his Bible, arrives at the school, from the time he gets there until the time he leaves, the entire Bible Depart- ment is concentrating on DISARMING him. They are set on taking the Sword of the Spirit from him, and sending him back out into the battle of life armed with a skate board, two bean bags, a cap pistol, and a ping-pong paddle. ''THE'' Greek text produced in the classroom at BJU, will be that of Eberhard Nestle, who never gave a testimony as to his conversion to Christ a day in his life. Neither he, nor his father, who produced the standard United Bible Society, American Bible Society, British Foreign Bible Society's text (1904-1991), left one line of print on this earth as to their con- version to Christ. They both professed to believe the Roman Catholic "Apostle's Creed," recited in every Reformed and every Lutheran church in Germany. So do all popes, cardinals, bishops, and priests in the Catholic Church. Nestle's text is the Greek text of the NASV, of which John Rice said "At last, a Bible you can believe in! From the original Greek text!" (Sword of the Lord, September 17, 1971, pp. 8,9). The Bible you can "finally believe in" (notice the word- ing in the ad above) is the official Dark Age, Jesuit Rheims Bible of the Roman Catholic church (1582). The Greek student begins his studies in "THE" Greek New Testament after a year of "basics," and, lo and behold, he discovers: I . Mary didn't have any children after Jesus Christ. "The original Greek'' had no ?p?ro?oKov in it (Matt. 1:25). And since James "the Lord's brother" (1 Cor. 15:7) was just His COUSIN, the aspiring ministerial student must pretend that Psalm 69:8 (in ALL Hebrew texts) was a LIE. He must fur- ther assume that the Bible he hrought to school with him- which is USED in the chapel at BJU-has violated Proverbs 30:6 in adding to the words of God. Off to a great start, aren't we? But who could argue with "THE" original Greek text? Stewart Custer the head of the Bible Department, confessed DESTROYING THE FAITH 21 that the copy he read daily was INSPIRED and INFALLIBLE (see The Last Grenade, p. 137). 2. Hell does not have any real "gates." The Roman Catholic church taught for 1,500 years that ''7?u?at'' (Greek) meant the POWERS OF HELL-i.e. the Protestants, Donatists, Montanists, Hinclus, Emperors, Buddhists, Manicheans, Bap- tists, etc., will not prevail against the Vatican hierarchy (Matt. 16:18). In line with the Vatican, Stewart Custer gives the stu- dent "THE POWERS OF DEATH" for "gates," and then alters "prevail" to "OVERPOWER." This makes it fit the Catholic private interpretation. 3 . The ungodly AV-which the student brought to school with him-violated Proverbs 30:6 again. It had (Greek not recognized by Scanner) in it, and this is a false reading. In the Greek classroom, all of these words are thrown out (NASV, Matthew 17:21). To show the student how grossly corrupt the book is, by which he was saved, the Greek teacher tells the green horn that the AV added sixteen English words to Acts 28:29 (Greek not recognized by Scanner), and twenty seven English words to Acts 8:37 (Greek not recognized by Scanner). None of these words are found in Nestle' s text, or the text of the NASV. 4. Having convinced the "soldier'' in the "Bastion of Or- thodoxy" that his AVis thoroughly unreliable, and corrupt. the Greek teacher now deletes thirty-four words from Acts 9:5,6, and then retains the VERSE MARKINGS of a King James Bi- ble for those verses, so you will think that the wording of those verses is found in the NASV. It is not. All thirty-nine words in English are missing from Acts 9:5, 6 . (Greek text not recognized by Scanner) The same thing is then done in I John 5:7,8. After making fun of the verse numbering system used by the AV translators (all colleges and universities and seminaries do 22 HOW TO TEACH "THE ORIGINAL" GREEK TEXT this), BJU uses the verse markings of the King James to deceive the student into thinking he has I John 5:7 in the NASV. He doesn't. All twenty-two Greek words and all twenty-two English words are missing in the NASV, although the verse numbering format is kept SO YOU WILL NOT SEE THE OMISSION. Sword of the Lord: ''At last a Bible you can believe in!'' See why Curtis Hutson gets to speak at BJU and PCS? Are you getting the message? The message is ''Damnation,'' spelled $$$$$. Now put yourself in the pupil's desk that this ''ministerial'' student is sitting in. He is in a ''Fortress of Faith" that holds "World Congresses of Fundamentalism," dealing with the "Authority of the Scriptures." Nothing but a King James Bi- ble is being preached from that chapel (Homer Rodeheaver Auditorium) when a ''Bible" (!) Conference is held. But here, in the GREEK CLASSROOM (that is where apostasy begins every time: Gen. 3:1), he is being taught the Book BJU wants to be ''identified'' with is a CORRUPT (Prov. 30:6), inferior, misleading translation. What will this produce in "the ministry" if the young man ever gets into it? He is taught that the AV translators LIED when they chose (Not recognized by Scanner) for "Isaiah the prophet'' (Mark 1:2) (Greek not recognized). They must have lied again when they told him that God was incarnate in the flesh (1 Tim. 3:16), and that you should study the Bible. Neither word ("God" or "study") is to be found in I Timothy 3:16 or 2 Timothy 2:15. To reduce God to an unknown ''He who''-whose antecedent is not a person but only a neuter (Greek not recognized by Scanner) thing-the NASV has to add the verb "was" to the verse (1 Tim. 3:16), otherwise it would read as the silly old ASV read: an aborted English sentence with a subject, but no predicate. If that were not enough, the great ''militant fundamentalist" in the ''Bastion of Orthodoxy' ' is now converted into a Jehovah's Witness by telling him that there are, in reality, TWO Gods: One of them was begotten and the other One begat Him! Stewart Custer and Bob Jones III told the suckers that John 1:18 should DESTROYlNG THE FAITH 23 have read (Greek not recognized by scanner) -the only begotten ''GOD,'' declared the unbegotten GOD (NASV, John 1:18). This Jeho- vah's Witness New World Translation is the Jesuit Dark Age text of 1582 (Vaticanus in the Vatican). Sword of the Lord, September 17, 1971 ''At last, a Bible you can believe in! Thoroughly reliable!" Who recommended this depraved counterfeit of the Bible? John Broadus-recommended by Bobbie Scumner! ''Do not take spurious passages. Those which are CER- TAlNLYspurious (Matt. 6:13, 23:14; Acts 8:37, 9:5,6; 1 Jn. 5:7; Mark 1:1, 2, 9:46, etc.) may be avoided by the use of the American Standard Version (Philip Schaff, above, p.39). The revisers were VERY CONSERVATIVE as to the text [they didn't even use the same text] and any passage omitted in THAT version MAY BE SAFELY ASSUMED TO BE SPURIOUS.'' (Broadus, On the Preparation and Delivery of Sermons. Harper and Row, p. 21). ''In regard to doubtful passages, further HELP may be had from Westcott and Hort's Greek New Testament [that strikes out the ascension and worship of Christ in Luke 24:51,52, the bloody sweat in Gethsamene in Luke 22:44, the Incarnation in 1 Tim. 3:16, and the Deity of Christ in Luke 23:42, Acts 4:27, and John 9:35] and from the revision published by the American BAPTIST (!) Pub. Society" (ibid). "The preacher should be very careful NOT to use any text [AV- Matt. 6:13, 23:14, John 3:13, Rom. 13:9, etc.] without fIrst consulting the Revised Version (1881-1884)." It omits all of those texts. John Broadus would get you killed. He was probably responsible for the spiritual death of more than five hundred young men called to preach. John Broadus was a blind guide who led the blind into a ditch; like Bobbie Scumner, who recommended him (Bible Translations, p. 23). John Broadus, once he got his Adamic nature "into gear," could destroy more young preachers in a month than Cardinal Spellman, or Fulton Sheen, could destroy in ten years. We called it SATAN'S MASTERPIECE, THE NASV, back in 1960. Evidently, we don't have much in common with the Sword of rhe Lord. 24 HOW TO TEACH "THE ORIGINAL'' GREEK TEXT After being told that the AV is full of inconsistent transla- tions, and being shown from "the original Greek'' that they have translated the same Greek word a number of different ways-thereby, proving they are inaccurate-the sucker at BJU is now led to believe that the NASVis consistent and, therefore, ''more accurate.'' Again, the sin of omission is utilized to the fullest extent, and what we show all of our Greek students here at PBI is NOT mentioned in BJU, PCS, Moody, Wheaton, Liberty, Fuller, Pacific Coast, BBC, and etc. We show them how the NASV translated (Greek not recognized by Scanner) (1 Pet. 1:18) as ''USELESS'' in I Corinthians 3:20, and ''WORTHLESS" in 1 Corinthians 15:17. They translated (Greek not recognized by Scanner) as UNCHASTITY in Matthew 5:32, FORNICATION in Matthew 15:19, and IMMORALITY in Matthew 19:9 (note! the same author with the same ''style" in all three passages). When they got to I Corinthians 6:18, where fornication was DEFINED by the Holy Spirit, they had to convert the Greek participle ("the one committing fornication" (Greek not recognized by Scanner) into an adjective modifying a noun ("the immoral MAN"). There was no ''man" in any Greek text, there was no adjec- tive in any Greek text. Then they took the same word (Greek not recognized by Scanner) and translated it as "SEXUAL IMMORALITY in 1 Thessalonians 4:3. They justified all FIVE changes on the grounds of ' 'context, ' ' but never allowed that the AV translators had the same right to do the same thing. "You serpents you generation of vipers! How can ye escape the damnation of hell?" Easy; get you a NASV. There you will not go to HELL; you will go to Gehenna, and you won't actually get any DAM- NATION, for you will escape the ''SENTENCE" of hell (NASV, Matt. 23:33). You were led to believe that multiple translations of the same Greek word (take "churches," for example, in Acts 19:37, or "Easter" for example in Acts 12:4) were errors if they occured in the A V text, but were SUPERIOR SCHOLAR- SHIP if they occured in the Jesuit Text (NASV, NIV, NRSV, lnd RSV). The word for "sky" (Greek not recognized by Scanner) comes out ''sky'' in Acts 1:11, but "heaven" in 1 Corinthians 12:2, DESTROYING THE FAITH 25 but ''sky'' again in Luke 4:25. The Greek teacher then tells the gullible neophyte in the Cult that ''sky" was used to in- dicate the immediate ''first heaven'' (up to the clouds), while "heaven" was reserved for the abode of God. But he is lying. The light that Paul saw shining around about him, having the "brightness of the sun," came from THE THIRD HEAVEN according to the NASV, for they translated * there as HEAVEN: not ''sky''. After careful training in the tenses of the "Greek verb'' (see above), Bob Jones University practises exactly what they condemn the AV translators for practising. The Greek teacher puts a NASVon them, and tells them that it is all right to translate * (Matt. 3:1) as "John the Baptist CAME..." He did nothing of the kind. The verb is not an aorist, it is not even an imperfect. It is a present indicative active. The same word is mistranslated in the NASVagain in Matthew 3:13. After rais- ing a one hundred year stink to high heaven about * and * in John 21:15, the NASVproceeded to translate * "LOVE" in Matthew 6:5, 10:37, John 5:20, 11:3, 12:25, 15:19; I Corinthians 16:22 and Titus 3:15. After tearing the Holy Bible out of the hand of the unsus- pecting ministerial student-who came to the school believing it!-by telling him that Matthew 27:44 is not in ANY Greek text, Stewart Custer must tell his students it is all right to translate without reference to any Greek text, for here is "wisdom" being justified by her "DEEDS" (NASV, Matt. 11:19), when there are no DEEDS in the verse in ANY set of Greek manuscripts from ANY Greek text; eclectic, or otherwise. The word was * ("children," as in the AVof 1611). Then the "Fundamentalist" is given the RV reading of the National Coun- cil of Churches (RSV and NRSV) to replace Matthew 19:17 with, in his King James Bible. (While being "identified" with it, of course!) Sinners were not "called'' to ANYTHING in Mark 3:17 in the NASV. They were simply "called." The AV must have perverted the truth again for it said, He was calling them to "repentance." There are no "years" in ANY Greek text, in Luke 1:18, including the one that Bob Jones III used to destroy the students faith in the King James English text. The word was. 26 HOW TO TEACH ''THE ORIGINAL" GREEK TEXT "days'' *. The word mistranslated by the NASV as ''ended'' (Luke 1:23) is "FULFILLED" *. When BJU hit Luke 1:25, they added an article-which appears no where in thc Greek text that Custer said he would defend word for word-and they added "WAY,'' which is not in ANY Greek text, including the one they used for a source. "Thy word" (Luke 2:29) has been perverted to "THIS STATEMENT," and the reading reproduced in the Bi- ble (!) Department at BJU, for Luke 2:14, is Origen's deprava- tion found in all Catholic Bibles and all translations put out by the NCC (RSV, NRSV, etc.). Can you imagine the state of mind the student is in by now? Can you imagine what happens to some young, egotistical saphead who spends four to eight years in an institution like this, and then becomes a TEACHER? I haven't gone into two percent of the devilment, by what I have printed on the last ten pages. When that orthodox infidel gets his 'higher" degree, he will have gotten it sitting under a tutelage that failed to tell him: 1. The perfect legitimacy of the AV in adding words, add- ing articles, leaving articles untranslated, changing the tense of the verb, and giving "dynamic equivalents" instea l of "for- mal correspondence." 2. The perfect legitimacy of the AV in correcting "THE ORIGINAL GREEK TEXT" as advertised in America's leading Fundamentalist publication (the Sword of tke Lord), for they told you the Alexandrian Greek text of the NASV was "THE ORIGINAL GREEK TEXT" (Sept. 1971). 3. The Satanic nature of Sinaiticus and Vaticanus, and the FRUITS of the translations that come from them (RV, RSV, NRSV, ASV, NASV, NIV, TEV, NEB, NWT, etc.). 4. The removal of "science" and "study" from the Holy Bible in ALL English translations, following 1880- including the New KJV of Curtis Hutson and Harold Ockenga (I Tim. 6:20 and 2 Tim. 2:15). 5. The fact that the "eclectic" text for Nestle, the NASV, NIV, and RSV containes the Apocryphal books as part of the Old Testament, inspired canon. DESTROYING THE FAlTH 27 6. The approved legitimacy of the AV-by its enemies; those who tried to take it out of the hand of the student when he enrolled-in choosing ANY way to translate a preposition, in view of the fact that most of them have five to ten meanings. Observe, that it is the sins of omission that damn the fac- ulty, staff, and student body. The faculty omit what they want to be omitted, on purpose, and they do it to produce an EF- FECT; to bring the student to a false conclusion that will force him to put his faith in a LIE. This is done deliberately, morn- ing, noon, and night, just like John R. Rice did it in 1971 in the Sword of the Lord, and exactly as Curits Hutson is doing it right now. The student is not told the truth. He is told two- thirds of the truth, exactly as Satan told it to Eve (Gen. 3:1-5). The matter of the "DEATH IN THE POT" (See Satan's Masrerpiece, the NASV, 1970) is not mentioned. A positive philosophy is used to destroy the Holy Bible, by ignoring the NEGATIVE truths that would bolster the believers' faith in it. Thus, at a Fortress of Faith, faith vanishes. It is replaced first with doubt, then with unbelief, and finally by faith in the in- consistent, subjective, depraved, partial truths of destructive critics. You matriculate deceived liars. They will take every Bible-believing Christian in America to be a DECEIVED LIAR. They are on the other end of the spectrum; polarization. They were "polarized" in a Greek class, under a Greek professor. Here is Charles Haddon Spurgeon pulling off John Rice's ''con act" (see p. 20), just like Rice pulled it off. "A man, to comment well, should be able to READ THE BIBLE in the ORIGINAL [original what, Charlie?]. Every minister should aim at a tolerable proficiency both in the Hebrew and the Greek [What is the "THE" for Charlie? Why not just "Hebrew and Greek?" You wouldn't be implying something, would you, Charlie?] "These two languages will give him a library...OF SPIRITUAL WEALTH. A minister ought to at- tain enough of these tongues to be at least able to make out a passage by the aid of a lexicon, so as to be SURE that he is not misrepresenting the Spirit of God in his discoursings, but is, as nearly as he can judge, giving forth what the Lord IN- TENDED to reveal by the language employed. Such knowledge 28 HOW TO TEACH ''THE ONGINAL" GREEK TEXT would prevent his founding doctrines upon expressions in our version when nothing analogous [say ''Limiled Atonement'' and "Irresistible Grace!''] is to be found in THE INSPIRED ORIGINAL" (Spurgeon, Commenting and Commentaries, Ban- ner of Truth, pp. 24, 25). This is the commentator (Spurgeon) who took Psalm 68 and put the whole first quarter into the past, got rid of the "angels" (Ps. 68:17) because they weren't in "THE'' Hebrew (see above), and then made verse 18 apply to God's presence in the church. This is the man that said "WE'' (referring to himself) should pray that "WE'' should be one of the elect, in Psalm 87:6. This is the man-who went by John Gill's dic- tum and advise-who said that the denunciations in Psalms 109 could not have been the thoughts or words of Jesus Christ, and this is the man that said Psalm 110:1-2 was the Church Age and not to be taken literally. Do you know how Charles Had- don Spurgeon got so fouled up in SOUND DOCTRINE? Sim- ple; he told you how. He went to the "original" (in one place "languages," in another place "THE" Greek and Hebrew, and in another place the "originals," and "THE INSPIRED ORIGINAL'') so he could "represent the Spirit of God" in his discoursing. God is no respector of persons. Whenever, and wherever, Spurgeon messed with that Book (the AV), God messed with his MIND: ditto Gill, Broadus, Carroll, and Torrey, as well as John Rice and Curtis Hutson. Watch old Charlie give the worst advice to his ministerial students he ever gave in his life. Watch him contradict everything he preached from the pulpit (The Scriptures, Pilgrim Pub., Pasadena,Texas, 1990pp. 111-113, 145-150,254-256,698- 700, 702-708). Here is the most Satanic thing that any minister can say to another potential minister; it is said to convert the novice into GOD-the final judge and the final authority for all mat- ters of faith and practice. This is Spurgeon's old nature in ac- tion, speaking for Satan: "Do not needlessly amend our Authorized Version. It is faulty in many places [none given], but still it is a grand work taking it for all in all, and it is un- DESTROYING THE FAITH 29 wise [not sinful] to be making every old lady distrust the ONLY BIBLE SHE CAN GET, or what is more likely, mistrust you for falling out with her cherished treasure. CORRECT where correction must be for truth's sake [not one sample given].'' ''Correct," according to WHAT? ''Correct,'' according to WHOM? ''Truth's sake?'' Whose "truth"? According to what YOU think copies of copies of uninspired (by Gill's, Torreys, Rice's profession, Hutson's profession, and Broadus' profession) meant, as evidenced by what other sin- ners thought they meant. To add AUTHORITY to your theoretical guesswork, always insert the article ("the'') before the following words: languages, text, Greek, Hebrew, tongues, original tongues, original text (see Rice, p. 20) or "Greek text.'' This will give the "old lady" (see above) thefalse impression that you have the onginal, authentic source from which her Bible came. "For truth's sake" ! That was Spurgeon's carnal nature in action. Spurgeon began to correct the Protestant reformation text, in the universal living language, with the DEAD language of the Alexandrian text (RV) used for the Jesuit Rheims Bible of 1582. God trapped him and stumbled him (Ezek. 14:1-6). God is no respector of persons. "The first Sabbath after his return from the sunny South- February 8, 1891-the pastor (Spurgeon) preached at the Taber- nacle from Isaiah 62:6,7, using both the Authorized and Re- vised Versions. ..He had been especially struck with the revisers rendering of the text.'' The Lord took Charles H. Spurgeon home the year after he preached that message (C.H. Spurgeon Autobiography, Vol. 2, Banner of Truth Trust, p. 497). Today, his "tabernacle" is a ghostly monument. ------------------------------ * Actual Greek letters are not recognized by our Scanner. Get the book for actual Greek ------------------------------ PAGE 30 BLANK ----------------------------