FRUITS OF BELIEVING THE PROFESSIONAL LIARS 49 CHAPTER FlVE The Fruits Of Believing The Professional Liars Now here we lay side-by-side two baskets of fruit; two samples of what is produced in the "hothouse" (or greenhouse) of higher Christian education. One of these will be the profes- sions of faith and confessions of belief from men whose faith was destroyed in the classroom of a Christian college, or seminary (a Fundamental or ''Orthodox" school). and came out as Alexandrian clones believing in Greek scholarship as the determining factor in finding the truth. The other will be some men who were exposed but looked a little "deeper" into the material they were being given, and came to the conclusion that since the whole system was based on the preferences and opin- ions of men who were trying to get rid of one Book, that their scholarship should be JUNKED. First up to bat will be Dr. Wierville (1971), who will give you POWER FOR ABUNDANTLIVING, by giving you the of- ficial standard position on "the Word of God" as held by John R. Rice, Curtis Hutson, Bob Jones III, B.H. Carroll, Robert Sumner, J. Gresham Machen, Benjamin Warfield, and Gary Hudson. You will never find it worded better than here; one reading will show you how Curtis Hutson, in 1991, got into such a mess when he talked about ''the Bible," "correcting the Bible," and "Unnecessary Divisions Among Fundamentalists'' who all believed the King James Bible was "the Word of God. '' Ditto James Combs (Baptist Bible Tribune), at the same time. Party line: "We are interested in the accuracy and integ- rity of God's Word. We must get back to that original Word which was given when holy men of God spoke as they were moved by the Holy Spirit. We must strip ourselves of translators 50 HOW TO TEACH ''THE ORIGINAL'' GREEK TEXT theologies. ..and once more discover the perfect GOD BREATH- ED ' 'Word. " ''The Bible IS the revealed Word and Will of God..Most people do nol believe that the Bible IS the revealed Word and Will of God. They take out one segment of the Word of God and insert another. But to be logical and consistent, either the entire Bible IS the Word of God from Genesis to Revelation or it is not the Word of God anywhere. . . One of the greatest errors in the translation of the Bible was placing the four Gospels in the New Testament . . . At this point (2 Tim. 3: 16), the transla- tion has failed to communicate the IMPACT of the verse. The Bible, the Word of God, in its originally revealed form, is the Word of Truth. When I refer to the 'Word of God' I do not mean a copy, or a translation, or a version: I mean that Word of God which was originally given by revelation to holy men. When we get back to that ORIGINAL GOD BREATHED WORD-which I am confldent we CAN-then once again we will be able to say WITH ALL THE AUTHORITY OF THE PROPHETS OF OLD "THUS SAITH THE LORD." "We must go back to the Word of God. No one can know the WILL of God without knowing the Word of God. The Bi- ble is the revealed Word of God; THIS WORD OF GOD means what it says [present tense] and says what it means [present tense], and God has a purpose for everything He says [present tense], where He says it [present tense], why He says it [pre- sent tense], how He says it [present tense], and to whom He says it [present tense].'' Those are from pages 5,19,128,133,141,154,155,165,191, and 209, in Power for Abundant Living. You will find that posi- tion, given exactly as that, on an hour and a half tape from the auditorium at BJU under the auspices of Bob Jones Jr., Bob Jones III, Wisdom, Panosian, and Stewart Custer. Curtis Hut- son repeats the last part of the second paragraph almost ver- batim when writing to Dr. Noe of Livonia, Michigan [1990]. (See the direct quotation in The Last Grenade, p. 113.) Now, do you realize the extent of the depravity and insan- ity in the three paragraphs just quoted from Wierville? Do you yet fully comprehend what these apostate Fundamentalists are FRUITS OF BELIEVING THE PROFESSIONAL LIARS 51 giving you, in the name of the Greek teachers and scholars at Moody, BJU, Fuller, PCS, Tennessee Temple, Dallas, Biola, Piedmont, BBC, Pillsbury, and Liberty University? All right, go back and read it, and note the italics. 1. Translations are theological attempts to deny what the Word of God says. 2. No translation is the "Word of God " because no transla- tion is "God breathed.'' 3. No preacher can say "Thus saith the Lord" with any authority until he has read the ORIGINAL, GOD BREATHED, ''Word'' of God. Moody, Spurgeon, Sunday, Booth, Knox, Whitfield, Luther, Chyrsostom, Finney, Sam Jones, Bob Jones Sr., John Patton, David Livingston, and William Carey had no author- ity for their life ministries. 4. No Christian alive on this earth today can know the Will of God because the ''Word" of God WAS (past tense) lost more than 1,800 years ago. 5. Bob Jones Jr. cites the quotation on ''what I mean when I say 'the Bible' or the 'word of God''' in The Last Grenade, pp. 154, 290, 302. Buy a copy and read it. 6. After talking like a perfect idiot for thirty minutes, Wier- ville suddenly reverses field and says that the Bible IS (not was) the revealed Will of God and "this Word of God'' can be read, memorized, studied, and understood. Bob Jones Jr. did exactly the same thing when he stated in his advertising brochures that BJU believed "WHATEVER THE BIBLE SAID IS SO'' and all things are to be judged "BY THE BIBLE.'' What Bible? Go back and read chapters 1 and 2. What Bible? NO BIBLE ON THE FACE OF THIS EARTH. (See John R. Rice: p. 63). No Bible that ever WAS on the face this earth. The "original autographs" were never found in ONE BIBLE of any kind; a "Bible" is a BOOK This is the result of studying "New Testament Greek'' under a Greek teacher in a "Bastion of Faith,'' a ''School for Champions,'' or a ''Fortress of Faith." It is, by Webster's 52 HOW TO TEACH ''THE ORIGINAL" GREEK TEXT definition: ''IRRESPONSIBLE MADNESS.'' And this explains, thoroughly, why these wretched apostates get bent out of shape about ''Ruckmanites'' and ''King James Onlyism." They are Kookites hung up on ''Disneyworld Onlyism. ' ' Let us now turn the coin over and see how a scholar comes out who didn't take his classroom training seriously, especial- ly where it ran afoul of THE BOOK. This is C. H. Waller, cited by Charles Haddon Spurgeon: Here is an "historic position" from 1887, more than twenty years before my mother was born, and this position is now called "RUCKMANISM" by the apostate Fundamentalists (1990) who lost their faith in the Bible listening to (or reading after) a Greek teacher: Truth: "Contradiction is a very different thing from ap- parent discrepancy...INSPIRATION DOES NOT STOP AT THE AUTOGRAPHS. Those who hold that the words of Scrip- ture are God's word written, very often limit their statements to the autographs of the first writers [Bob Jones Jr., Bob Jones III, Robert Sumner, James Combs, Chuck Swindoll, John Rice, Curtis Hutson, etc]. This, of course, is necessary if inspiration attaches to the authors of the Bible RATHER THAN TO THE BOOK ITSELF. But if the scripture is to last forever it is manifest that its authority must last too. The inspiration of scrip- ture must extend to the whole meaning and purpose of scrip- ture in the mind of its divine Author. IT CANNOT BE LlMITED to that portion which lies within the horizon of the original scribes." Evidently, Bob Jones III, Curtis Hutson, Kenneth Wuest, A.T. Robertson, Wierville, Arthur Farstad, Wiersbe, Will- mington, Wilbur Pickering, Hudson, Hymers, Hobbs, Sturz, Afman, Price, Combs, Martin, and Homer Duncan, are HER- ETICS . Why wasn't the student in the Greek class given this in- formation by Waller, since it dealt directly, and immediately, with THE ORIGINAL LANGUAGES and the ORIGINAL MANUSCRIPTS? Why was only ONE view of 2 Timothy 3:16 given in the Greek class, when 2 Timothy 3:16 itself was NOT FRUITS OF BELIEVING THE PROFESSIONAL LIARS 53 a reference to ''original autographs" to start with? (Boy, when it comes to sins of OMISSION, you couldn't beat this bunch with the Sanhedrin!) Truth: "Moses and the prophets, for example, cannot possibly have foreseen all that their utterances would mean for the Gentiles when expounded to them by the teaching of Christ and His apostles in the New Testament. Nor can St. Paul have foreseen all that his epistles would convey to English readers. And yet, wherever the Greek application of the Old Testament or the English application of the New lies fairly within the con- fines of the original, the authority of the latest form of Holy Scripture is as GREAT AS THAT OF THE EARLIEST. IN THIS SENSE, even translations are practically the INSPIRED WORD OF GOD. Nothing that is mistaken [Vaticanus, Sinaiticus, Alexandrinus, and Cantebrigensis for example!] or erroneous [the RV, ASV, NASV, RSV, or NRSV for example!] can be so." Observe that Waller has caught the significance of God BREATHING, or NOT BREATHING, on a translation. He got this from refusal to confine the BREATH of God (see Job 32:8 and Ezek. 37:5,12) to a ONE-TIME, BY-GONE, PAST EVENT. All the Greek scholars did just that. They killed God so that He died when the Greek language died, and that was more than 1,800 years ago. Truth: "Verbal inspiration requires that the words of the Gospels should be GOD'S WRITTEN WORD, and that is all. If our Lord spoke Aramaic, as He certainly did on many occa- sions, the words which He spoke in one language have necessar- ily been reported in ANOTHER. The report, therefore, CAN- NOT BE VERBAL. The title on the cross, which was written in three languages, has been reported to us in ONE alone. Be- ing in three languages, they could not possibly be WRITTEN IN THE SAME WORDS But that is not the point. The record, which as reported by them, may be relied upon as THE VERY WORD OF GOD. '' Why was the Greek student not given this information? Why wasn't this article by C.H. Waller ever published in The Biblical Viewpoint (BJU), The Biblical Evangelist (Robert 54 HOW TO TEACH "THE ORIGINAL" GREEK TEXT Sumner), Our Baptist Biblical Heritage (Hudson), Christian- ity Today, Moody Monthly, The Fundamentalist Journal or 771e Baptist Tribune (James Combs)? Is some Christian hypocrite afraid of the conflicting views of a scholar who is just as saved and just as consecrated (and just as separated, and just as ''once married") as he is? It ap- pears to be so. C.H. Waller: "It will be evident on reflection that VER- BAL INSPIRATION has been strangely TRAVESTIED BEFORE ITS REJECTION (! ! ! ) on the ground that it was sup- posed to demand a verbal report of what was actually spoken and not only a report of everything that was placed on record, GIVEN IN GOD'S WORDS.'' Do you know what Waller is driving at? The denial of the plenary, verbal, inspiration of the original manuscripts STEMS from rejection of the authority of the English scriptures that God gave to the world in 1611. You take that step first. You always take THAT step before you take the final step of the "Liberal" or "Modernist." Charles Woodbridge: ''Where are our SCHOOLS leading us? Are we like silly sheep following their slippery paths?'' Yes, son, YOU sure are, and so is any silly sheep who follows the path of Nestle, Hort, Schaff, and the NASV, RSV, NIV, or any other Roman Catholic perversion of the scriptures. "The sad story of educational compromise in other schools is long, tedious and disappointing. It is wise for Christians who desire to remain loyal to THE WORD OF GOD to keep their eyes on THAT WORD and not to deviate from its mandates no matter how strong, persuasive or magnetic the forces of compromise may be." (Woodbridge, 1971, Bible Separation). Having given you the historic position of Bible-believers back in 1887, let us step up to 1989 and see how the Alexan- drians are doing who took Westcott and Hort seriously-along with their retinue (Trench, Gloag, Knowling, Lightfoot, Goodspeed, Ellicot, Schaff, Green, Deismann, Thayer, Ren- dall, Nicoll, etc). Here is one. Here is a first class, grade A, Alexandrian clone put together by a master craftsman with all the ''curious works of art" that only a genius could devise. This FRUITS OF BELIEVING THE PROFESSIONAL LIARS 55 is Homer Duncan, speaking up for every apostate, Bible- rejecting, Bible-denying, destructive critic in America who USES the AV to make a living with. This is the oft-repeated "Creed of the Cult'7 that has been repeated so many times since 1880, that the sucker who sits under a Greek teacher now thinks that it was the position held by the Body of Christ from 300 to 1990 A.D. It is not two hundred years old and it doesn't come from ''the Body;" it comes for an isolated, separated, deadly minority of backslidden scholars who spent their lives behind closed doors carrying out "ministries" that were no more "Pauline'' than those of Kenneth Wuest or Dr. A.T. Robert- son. On comes Homer Duncan, to say what any of us could repeat by rote memory before he ever said a word of it. This is the FRUIT of taking a Greek course in Greek seriously, where you are denied three-fourths of the information you should have been given. Party Line: ''First, I believe the BIBLE, as given in the original autographs, IS (!) the verbally inspired, infallible, in- errant, Word of God. I have studied, preached, and taught THE BOOK for forty-eight years." Bonkers. ''THE BOOK" Duncan preached was not the Bi- ble. ''The Bible" was a lost pile of papers (according to what he just stated). He did not preach a lost pile of papers for forty- eight years because he never saw one of them, let alone read them. Party Line: ''I love, BELIEVE, study, and preach from the King James Version of the Bible. As my father before me, I BELIEVE the King James Version is unsurpassed in the beauty of its language.'' Bananas: he didn't say he believed ANY of it was true. let alone all of it. "Some of the differences between the King James Version and the modern translations depends on which Greek text is used.'' He then tells you that it is all right to strike "God" out of 1Timothy 3:16, since one verse cannot do away with a major doctrine (see Chapter One), and that you can take the "blood" out of Colossians 1:14, because either way it doesn't do any harm, and then you can strike 1 John 5:7 out because 56 HOW TO TEACH ''THE ORIGINAL'' GREFK TEXT you don't need it to prove the Trinty. Notice: three negative attacks on one text (the AV) to get rid of it, without giving the reader any of the manuscript evidence for one text listed. The evidence for 1 Timothy 3:16 will be found in The Bible Believer's Commentary on the Pastoral Epistles. The evidence for Colossians 1:14 is listed in The Bible Believer's Commen- tary on Galatians-Colossians, and the evidence for 1 John 5:7 can be obtained from the Bible Baptist Bookstore (Pensacola, Florida) for fifty cents. Party Line: ''By 'THE BIBLE' I do not mean any particular English version of the scriptures...but the scriptures as originally given...all versions are a substantially accurate rendition of the Hebrew and Aramaic of the original Old Testarnent manuscripts, and of the Greek of the original New Testament manuscripts. To that extent they are the 'Holy Scriptures,' the 'Bible'," (Dun- can citing r orrey). Twinkies: By the statement, R. A. Torrey (as Curtis Hut- son) never preached "THE BIBLE" a day in his life. Read the first twenty words. He preached from what he said you could call as a "Bible,'' but since you had no originals to compare it with to see if it was a ''substantially accurate rendition'' (see above), you simply lived "by faith," and LIED ABOUT YOUR FAITH. ''To all intents and purposes, we have the autographs, and thus when we SAY we believe in the verbal inspiration of the autographs, we are not talking of something imaginary and far off, but of the texts WRITTEN BY THOSE INSPIRED MEN and preserved for us so carefully by faithful believers of a long past age (Laird Harris).'' Fruitloop City: You do NOT have the autographs; they are afar off, and now they exist only in the imagination, for they perished, ''in reality," at least five hundred years before the first Crusades. The term ''texts" covered five thousand manuscripts and pieces of manuscripts which deny the Deity of Christ, deny the Virgin Birth, deny the Blood Atonement, attack the gospel of the Grace of God, present two gods, lie about who quoted the Old Testament (Mark 1), invent an eclipse at Calvary. call Barabbas "Jesus," omit Christ's bloody sweat, FRUITS OF BELIEVING THE PROFESSIONAL LIARS 57 and delete more than five hundred words from the Protestant ''texts'' of the Reformation. This is the result of taking your Greek studies "seriously." You become a professional LIAR. And what does Robert Scumner say about this rnadcap nonsense? "That is our position exactly!" (Bible Translations). Party Line: "We think any who make exclusive use of that translation (AV) as a test of fellowship (for example, Philpot, below) are wrong, especially when they infer a recommenda- tion of another version-which has been translated by compe- tent, evangelical scholars-is a departure from the faith...there are good recent translations of the holy scriptures, such as the NASV and the NIV, translated by godly Bible believing men.... No major doctrine of the Bible is changed one way or another regardless of which Greek text is used'' (Duncan). See how you do it? By attacking the Bible believer who believed his Bible, Duncan ran two Roman Catholic, Dark Age texts in on you that came from Sinaiticus and Vaticanus. After doing this, Homer Duncan (with all the piety of a boiled owl) says, ''Though I have not been able to find a perfect transla- tion of the Bible, for more than forty-eight years I have built my life on the unchanging foundation as found in the ETER- NAL WORD of the only true and living God.'' Booby hatch: He couldn't find a perfect translation in forty- eight years, but ''built his life'' on a non-existent foundation that no man living or dead has seen since 800 B.C.? And what about the Book that Homer read, preached, and taught all his life? He says it erred on Revelation 22:19, because he heard a Greek teacher say that; he says 1 Kings 7:16 and Jeremiah 52:22 are errors because Wally Criswell couldn't reconcile the passages; he says that Jehoiachin couldn't be eighteen (2 Kings 24:8) because of 2 Chronicles 36:9, so that is another error; and he says that 2 Samuel 8:4 and 1 Chronicles 18:4 show some- one is Iying. All four "DOCTRINAL PROBLEMS" were solved in Problem Texts (1970) without one reference to one Hebrew or Greek manuscript, or one Greek word ever writ- ten, or spoken. In the case of Revelation 22, the Greek manuscript evidence was given showing that Erasmus was cor- rect and the critics simply didn't know what they were talking 58 HOW TO TEACH "THE ORIGINAL'' GREEK TEXT about. But as we said on pages 6, 13, the Greek students in the classrooms are not shown this evidence. It is available from the Trinitarian Bible Society, and has been available for more than two hundred years. Now, taking for granted that Homer Duncan is giving a late ' 'historic position' ' that popped up after Westcott and Hort, let us go back before the RV (1884) of Westcott and Hort and look at a real "HISTORIC POSITION." We will see how Bible- believing people looked at the King James Bible before R.A. Torrey was born, before Duncan's grandmother was born, and before Curtis Hutson's great grandmother was born. We regress to 1869 (The Gospel Standard). Truth: "The present English Bible (AV) has been blessed to thousands of the saints of God. It is, we believe, the grand bulwark of PROTESTANTISM; and we should be traitors in every sense of the word if we consented to give it up to be rifled by the sacrilegious hands of the Puseyites, concealed papists, German Neologians (NESTLE!!), and the whole tribe of the enemies of God and godliness. If the new translation were once to begin where would it end? THE SOCINIANISING NEO- LOGIAN WOULD BLOT OUT "GOD" FROM I TIMOTHY 3:16 AND STRIKE OUT i JOHN 5:7 as an INTLRPOLA- TION (!!). We should have a Bible that nobody would accept as THE WORD OF GOD, to which none could safely appeal and on which none implicitly rely." And thus, forty-two years before World War I, Philpott explains why BJU wants to be identified with a Book in 1990 they do not believe in, and yet recommend a translation that REMOVED ''GOD" FROM I Timothy 3:16. Philpott called their hand before the turn of the century. At that time, Bob Jones Sr. was not shaving. Consider this remarkable prophesy. Here is a man over in England, writing more than fifty-eight years before Bob Jones Sr. founded BJU (Lynn Haven, FL ''Col- lege Point''), and he says, that if BJU abandons "King James Onlyism" they will kick God Almighty out of the Incarnatior in I Timothy 3 :16-which they did-and get rid of the "Johan- nine comma''-which they DID. If that weren't enough, look what the Trinitarian Bible Society had to say in 1980, more FRUITS OF BELIEVlNG THE PROFESSIONAL LIARS 59 than one hundred years after Philpott's prophesy: Truth: "We are opposed to the progress of ERROR in the guise of knowledge. Evangelical ministers, writers, teachers, and scholars do NOT serve the cause of TRUTH by insisting that all the versions are theologically the same...that their varia- tions are insignificant and trivial." (This is Sumner's positior in Bible Translations). THESE STATEMENTS ARE FAR FROM TRUE, and when they are made they need to be challenged and shown to be wrong." (So BJU refused to de- fend the truth and chickened out just like Warfield and Charles Hodge had done earlier). ''If every minister with a little Greek and a handful of books on textual criticism begins to amend the text piecemeal (see Custer, for example, p. 21), there will be as many different forms of texts as there are pulpits. The spate of modern versions, with their numerous omissions and startling innovations, BREEDS CONFUSION, doubt, misunderstanding, and DIVISION," (The Bible, A Sure Foun- daJion, p. 20, 21). Who were the ''hell-raising, trouble-making, church- spliting, divisive brethren who sowed discord among the brethren?" (See Bob Jones III and John R. Rice in The Last Grenade, p. 88, 305). They were the faculty and staffs of OX- FORD, BOB JONES, CAMBRIDGE, PCS, YALE, HAR- VARD, TENNESSEE TEMPLE, LOUISVILLE AND DALLAS THEOLOGICAL SEMINARIES, BBC, THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO, COLGATE ROCHESTER, LIBERTY UNIVERSITY, SANTA ROSA CHRISTIAN SCHOOLS, AND EVERY OTHER CHRISTIAN INSTITU- TION IN AMERICA THAT ATTACKED ''KING JAMES ONLYISM . " Now compare 1980 (above) with these words penned in 1869 in regards to "King James Onlyism." Truth: ''What a gloom too it would cast over the minds of many of God's saints to have those passages which had been applied to their souls translated in a dlfferent way, and how it would seem to shake all their experience of the power and preciousness of God's word! But beside all this, there would be TWO BIBLES spread throughout all the land, the old and 60 HOW TO TEACH "THE ORIGINAL" GREEK TEXT the new, AND WHAT CONFUSION WOULD THIS CREATE IN ALMOST EVERY PLACE! Nothing settles disputes so soon as when the contending parties have confidence IN THE SAME UMPIRE and are willing to abide by his decision. But this JUDGE of all disputes, this UMPIRE of all controversy [FINAL AUTHORITY!] would cease to be the healer of strife if its pre- sent acknowledged AUTHORITY were put to an end by a rival." It now has 125 rivals. The rivals did cause gloom to the saints. The rivals did do away with final authority. They did create confusion. There is no way to heal the strife for there is no arbitrator. Ever since the "rival" showed up (RV, 1884), the Chris- tian educators have been trying desperately to settle the STRIFE and CONFUSION, they created, by appealing to the Christians TO GIVE UP THEIR AUTHORITY AND ACCEPT CHRIS- TIAN SCHOLARSHIP AS THE UMPIRE. This is the brand NEW ''historic position" that cropped up in 1884 with Westcott and Hort. Why weren't the students in every Greek class in America given the material by Philpott and the Trinitarian Soci- ety? After all, it dealt directly and specifically with THE GREEK WORDS IN THE GREEK TEXTS USED FOR THE ASV, NASV, RSV, NRSV, NIV, NEB, and TEV. Someone's education (any fool who took Tennessee Tem- ple, Liberty University, PCS, Dallas, Denver, Moody, BIOLA, BBC, Fuller, etc. seriously) is woefully deficient in CONTENT. They were defrauded of their education. Now about Baptist Bible College in Springfield? Well here it is from the editor of the Baptist Bible Trihune (James Combs, Jan. 12, 1989) on the official stationary: 1) He thanks God for a pamphlet by Gary Hudson (see, The La.ct Grenade, pp. 224-235) on W71y I Left Ruckmanism. '' 2) He says it "meets an important NEED." 3) He says he USES the King James Version and so do the faculty members at BBC, but they, of course, realize it is not INSPIRED. 4) He commends Hudson for getting Donald Waite' s approval and blessing on the pamphlet-Hudson dumps Waite and the Dean Burgon Soci- FRUITS OF BELIEVING THE PROFESSIONAL LIARS 61 ety in less than ten months after the publication-and recom- mends that you USE the King James Bible because it is the best translation. After this, James Combs went around the country (I have the tapes) bellowing, "BBC believes the King James Bihle IS the Word of God! I believe the King James Bible IS the Word of God!" etc., to keep the enrollment up. But Ar- cher Weniger (Ecumenical Folly) lets the cat out of the bag on this "Word'' business. Note, the designation with a capital ''W'' is given as though the speaker or writer were honoring the WORDS of God by capitalizing them as in references to Deity (God, Jesus, Lord, Christ, etc), but this is fraud. The "Word," in the book, is Jesus Christ (John 1:1-3) and the ''word'' is a reference to WORDS that He spoke (see John 6:63; 8:47). Thus, James Comb's pious profession (duplicated by Dell, Sher- man, Dollar, Henderson, Walker, Melton, Kutilek, etc.) is nothing but rank hypocrisy in its rawest form. You see, not one man in the bunch said he believed the King James Bible was "THE SCRIPTURES." You say, "what difference would that make?'' Archer Weniger is about to show you the dif- ference, although, he still is in fellowship with two of the most confused and contradictory Alexandrians in the Cult: Bob Jones Jr., and Bob Jones III. ''Dr. J. Carter Swaim, NCC Director of the Dept. of English Bible (RSV, NRSV) set the tone of the entire Assembly (Dec. 5, 1961). Theologians are assuring us that what is primary is not the church nor the Bible, but the Word of God...some would not agree to the proposition that the Word of God is MORE IMPORTANT THAN THE BIBLE. ' ' (This was Homer Duncan, verbatim, in the National Council of Churches, now being condemned by Archer Weniger. It is the position of Bob Jones Jr. and Bob Jones III. Watch the birdie!) ''...Because THEY regard them as one and the same. 7he Bible IS the 'Word of God ' [Duncan, Sumner, Jones, Combs, Kutilek, Custer, Af- man, Martin, Price, Ross, Hymer, Horton, Hobbs, Hindson, Dobson, Hudson, etc.] YET THE SCRIPTURE; SUGGESTS that the two ARE NOT TO BE EQUATED. . .the prophet did not say ''THE BIBLE'' will stand forever .... Paul cannot have in mind the Bible . . . when he says, "The word of our God will 62 HOW TO TEACH "THE ORIGINAL'' GREEK TEXT stand forever.' God's best Word to man is NOT A BOOK but a Person. There is a sense in which the Bible is still an open- ended book. We beg you therefore to HEED GOD'S LIVING WORD as it comes to you THROUGH THE SCRIPTURES. " The Word is NOT the same as the scriptures, but somehow, mysteriously, it can come THROUGH THE SCRIPTURES. Why wasn't this information given out at PCS and BBC? We have taught this matter at Pensacola Bible Institute since 1965. Someone is paying money for an education they are not getting. On Monday, December 5, 1961, at a luncheon held at the Foothill Boulevard Baptist Church in Oakland, ''Bible- believing'' Fundamentalists met with one hundred ministers and they drafted a bold, militant, Fundamental statement for "historic militant Fundamentalists'' to take in their bold ''mili- tant stand'' for historic Biblical Christianity. Do you know what it said? It said just what the Liberal, Dr. J. Carter Swaim had just said, in other words: "Any merger of Protestant denomina- tions . . . based upon the sacrifice of scriptural principle, and that denies the VALIDITY OF THE BIBLE AS THE INFALLIBLE 'WORD OF GOD,' is a merger against the Gospel of Christ." What Bible? Not any Bible on the face of this earth. (see Wierville, p. 50). Weniger and BJU have never seen an ''infallible'' Bible a day in their life, and they would be the first to tell you so if you wrote them. The ''bold, militant historic'' Fundamentalist "congress'' of December 5, 1961 worded their statement so only the "Word" was INFALLIBLE. That is what the unsaved Liberal at the NCC had just said (Dr. J. Carter Swaim). Watch dear old "godly'' Dr. John R. Rice embrace J.C. Swaim. Here is the view of the unsaved liberal (Carter Swaim) above given by Dr. John R. Rice, exactly as Curtis Hutson copied it from him. "Here, then, is a clear BIBLE DOCTRINE that the WORD OF GOD abides forever, it endures forever, FRUITS OF BELIEVING THE PROFESSIONAL LIARS 63 it shall never pass away! So, if we know the DETAILED METHODS by which God preserves His "Word" (note the Neo-orthodox designation as used by James Combs of the Baptist Tribune) well and good . . and not altogether, perhaps, in one copy or in one translation, but IN THEM ALL COLLEC- TIVELY [ASV, NASV, NWT, RV, RSV, NASV, NRSV, CEV, NEB, TEV, NKJV, etc.] God has preserved His PERFECT WORD [not words, not a Book, not scripture] NEVER TO BE DESTROYED never to pass away." So when the naive young man reads "PREACH THE WORD" (this is the call to the minister in 2 Timothy 4:24) he takes this to be ''Preach the Duoay Rheims, New World Translation, ASV, RSV, NRSV, NASV, The Cotton Patch Ver- sion, the New Jerusalem Bible, the Contemporary Englisfl Bi- ble, NEB, NKJV, NIV, and the other eighty.'' And when he reads "HE THAT IS OF GOD HEARETH GODS WORDS" (John 8:47). "THE WORDS THAT I SPEAK" (John 6:63) he is to understand that he can never find these words or read them without a copy of the ASV, NASV, RV, RSV, NRSV, TEB, NKJV, NIV, NEB, CEV, Weymoulh, Berkley, Moffatt, Goodspeed, Hort, Nestle, Aland, Metzger, AV, NWT, TEV, Riverside, Wuest, and the other eighty. Observe, that John R. Rice, Bob Jones III, Harry Emer- Fosdick, Dean Weigle, Robert Sumner, Barth, Curtis Hutson, Brunner, Bishop Eugene Carson Black, John MacArthur, and Carter Swaim all have one great "Christian" (and "Biblical") conviction in common: i.e. THE "WORD OF GOD" IS NOT A BOOK. Did you notice that? That is why they ''CALL" some Bi- ble ''the Word of God''-to make you think they believe what they do NOT believe. When pinned to the mat, all ten will ad- mit that NO BOOK ON THIS EARTH IS "the Word of God.'' John Rice just confessed it in print, with his name attached to the book he wrote. Do you know why James Combs (BBC and the Tribune) ''CALLS'' the AV the "Word of God?" We do. Because the Book he ''uses'' is not "scripture'' and the ''Word of God'' is NOT a BOOK: it is the message contained in one hundred corrupt English translations, plus five editions of the 64 HOW TO TEACH "THE ORIGINAL" GREEK TEXT Greek Receptus, plus nine critical editions by Nestle, Aland, Metzger, Hort, Souter, Alford, Lachmann, Vogel, and Merk. "You see, then, that God is determined HIS WORD shall be known and He has wonderfully preserved IT, though sometimes it be not all in one translation, nor in one copy, nor in the preaching of one preacher" (John R. Rice). "Well there are many translations [none listed]. The dfferences in the transla- tions are so minor, SO INSIGNIFICANT [this is the mark of a SINFUL COWARD according to the Trinitarian Bible Soc- iety: see page 58] that we can be sure not a single doctrine, nor a single STATEMENT OF FACT [for example, 2 Tim. 2:15, I Tim. 6:9,10, 2 Cor. 2:17, 1 Thess. 5:23] has been missed in OUR TRANSLATIONS [without naming one]. And where the WORD OF GOD is not perfectly translated in one instance [no instance given] it is CORRECTED in another translation [no other translation given]. And besides, we can go back to THE ORIGINAL HEBREW AND GREEK TEXTS to check for ourselves the translations .... use Youngs Analytical Concordance. THERE YOU WILL FIND IN EVERY SINGLE CASE THE ORIGINAL GREEK OR HEBREW WORD. '' John R. Rice is a liar. He will lie to make you think he has the ORIGINAL GREEK TEXT. He will lie just like Bob Jones III and Stewart Custer (p. 21). When it comes to Alexandrian cloning and brainwashing techniques, John R. Rice will lie to you like Curtis Hutson, Robert Sumner. There are no "ORIGINAL HEBREW AND GREEK" texts for anyone to go back to, and Young's Concordance does not have in it ONE WORD FROM ANY ORIGINAL HEBREW OR GREEK ''TEXT." Professional liars bring forth fruit "after their kind." They produce professional liars. The line of succession is unbroken through one hundred years (1890-1990). TRUTH: "Good, godly, kind, sweet, charitable, wonder- ful, soul-winning, Fundamentalist men of God'' WILL LIE LIKE A PERSIAN RUG WHEN IT COMES TO A CONTEST BETWEEN GOD'S ABSOLUTE AUTHORlTY (THE HOLY FRUITS OF BELIEVING THE PROFESSIONAL LIARS 65 BIBLE) AND THEIR ADAMIC, UNREGENERATE NATURES. No Fundamentalist is exempt. Rice is simply one more example among five hundred saved preachers whose egos got the best of them when they tried to avoid ridicule for stand- ing by THE BOOK. The woods are "full of 'em.'' John R. Rice's position and Bob Jones III's position is the position of J. Carter Swaim, speaking for the National Council of Christian Churches: NO BOOK IS THE "Word'' of God. The two positions are identical and were prophesied to be l so in 1869, five years after Lee surrendered at Appomattox. The ''Word'' of God is an inerrant, infallible, inspired, non- existent SPOOK that can be found somewhere in translations that attack the Deity of Christ (NASV), the Virgin Birth (NASV, NIV), the Incarnation (NASV, NIV), the Ascension (Nestle's, ASV, NASV), and cover up the sins of modern Bible revisers (Rom. 1,2; 2 Cor. 2, 1 Tim. 6 in the ASV, NASV, NIV, and NKJV). At BJU, they have been recommending to the student more than thirty thousand changes in the AV text, since 1930. These were based on the ASV until 1959 and then, after that, on the NASV, until 1991. At Moody and Fuller, they recom- mend more than thirty thousand changes in the AV text, based on the NIV and the NRSV, using the ASV until around 1952. There is not ONE major Christian college, seminary, univer- sity, or Bible institute on the continent that has ONE copy of THE SCRIPTURES. All they have is uninspired, fallible, er- rant CORRECTIONS of the Authorized Version. Twenty-six years before World War I broke out, Charles Haddon Spurgeon said this about the faculties and staffs of these "Orthodox'' landfills: Truth: (Sword and Trowel, 1888) ''The act of altering the Word of God is SINFUL. ONLY UNHOLY (!) MINDS WOULD ATTEMPT IT." (How is that for "secondary sep- aration!?") "The desire to alter the Word of God is WEAKNESS. The authority, the power, the meaning, the terror of God's truth must be preserved in all their FULNESS [Hell, not Hades; BASTARD, not illegitimate; DUNG, not offal; WHORE, not harlot, etc.] if God's purposes are to be carried out.'' 66 HOW TO TEACH ''THE ORIGINAL" GREEK TEXT ''The ambition to alter the Word of God is PHARISAIC. Our Lord reproved this spirit in scathinG and unmistakable language." "The craving to alter the Word of God is accursed. THIS IS THE CRIME OF THE PRESENT DAY (RV: 1881-1884). The Lord preserve us from it.'' Charlie's prayer was not answered. Unfortunately, on oc- casion, he wished to strut his own knowledge before his con- gregation and his students, and on those occasions he overruled his own convictions, GIVEN TO HIM BY THE HOLY SPIRIT (see above), so his prayer fell flat. God did not preserve England or the United States from the Pharisaic (see above), accursed, sinful CRIME (see above) of tampering with the Book. The Christian leaders divorced the Book from the "Word," and then claimed they were not tampering with the "Word" because they were only destroying THE BOOK (see Weniger, Sumner, Dun- can, and Swaim above). The Book says (not "the Word of God,'' etc.) "BY THEIR FRUITS YE SHALL KNOW THEM." Spurgeon's success as a Baptist pastor had nothing to do with his lapses of faith in the Book he preached. Arlin Horton's income (PCS) cer- tainly might be connected but, in his case, he spent a lifetime AVOIDING the issue so that the funds would keep coming in. Spurgeon, at least, faced the issue. Bob Jones University's finan- cial and spiritual success was not due to the ''official position on the Bible'' taken by the faculty. It was due to the wisdom and spiritual power of the now deceased founder, and the wisdom of those trustees who handled money matters. There is nothing about R. A. Torrey's ministry, that was spiritual, which could be attributed to the stupid corrections he occasion- ally made on the King James text. Those were his short com- ings (''sinful crimes'' according to Spurgeon). "The fruits of righteousness" produced by BBC, Tennessee Temple, etc. (and there are many, never have ANY connection, directly or indirectly, with any staff member correcting the King James Bible. They were due to prayer, soul-winning, good teaching in the home before going to school, a local church that believed the King James Bible, and the truths that were taught from FRUITS OF BELIEVING THE PROFESSIONAL LIARS 67 THAT Book, without leaven or alteration. Thc confounding of spiritual power and spiritual success with destructive criticism of the Book is the work of a DEMENTED MIND or, according to Ruckman's Law, ''If- fen hit don't make sense, they's a buck in hit." We teach students at PBI that any jughead stupid enough to think that the spiritual successes of Hyles-Anderson, Lib- erty University, PCS, Moody, Fuller, Wheaton, and etc., were due to their brilliant intellectuality and ability to revise the AV, should take a long walk on a short pier, for the good of mankind. It will "make the world a better place to live in, etc." ----------------------------- * Greek not recognized by our Scanner -----------------------------