HOW NOT TO DO IT IN GREEK CLASS 69 CHAPTER SIX How Not To Do It In Greek Class As one can see from the above (Chapter 5), the trouble had to begin with a Greek teacher. All of this sudden "light on the originals,'' and ''older and better manuscripts" and "bet- ter and more accurate renderings" etc. had to come from some cold, dead, back-slidden, non-Pauline type of bookworrn without the cornrnon sense of a muskrat (Kenyon, Clark, Streeter, Swete, Colwell, Pickering, Nestle, Vogel, Weiss, Lachrnann, Tischen- dorf, Deissmann, Briggs, Rendal, Vincent, Schaff, Lightfoot, Ellicott, etc). So let us go back into the classroom and see what the Greek teacher is telling the young people (1992) in his class, as he prepares them to graduate as proud, stupid, self-righteous, flakey NINCOMPOOPS. I will pull two dozen random samples out of my hat: the same one that had the rabbits in it. As near as I can remember, from my five years of Greek and three years of Hebrew, it went something like this: a. "The translators of the Authorized Version, not in possession of the light archaeology has shed on the passage in Joshua 11:13, ERRONEOUSLY rendered the text "but as for the cities that stood in their strength." It should have been "stood on their mounds"-because some blockhead found out they built cities on mounds. b. "Second Peter 1:20 does NOT speak of interpretation at all (!); in FACT, the word translated ''interpretation" SHOULD have been translated ''origirl.'' That is ''no scrip- ture is of private ORIGIN.'' c. ''What gives the King James translators the RIGHT to translate the SAME GREEK WORD ("author'') in Hebrews 12:2 and (''prince'') in Acts 3:15? It would have been BET- 70 HOW TO TEACH "THE ORIGINAL'' GREEK TEXT TER if they had translated the word as ''author'' in Acts 3:15. Now this is a thought you could NOT GET from the KING JAMES, which is clearly in the Greek, and one more example that our ULTIMATE AUTHORITY should be the wording of THE GREEK TEXT, and not any English translation." d. ''No one should 'put on the whole armour of God'." The RV (Westcott and Hort, 1884) correctly renders this as "TAKE UP, etc.," and the word "condemnation" in the A V at Romans 8:1 should be ''judgment,'' as in the RV (Westcott and Hort, 1884). Alter the words "condemned" and "con- demnation," in John 3:18 and John 5:24, to Westcott and Hort's more accurate rendering in the Jesuit RV, or Douay Rheims ("judged" and "judgment"). e. Paul was in error when he wrote 1 Corinthians 10:8, but that is all right, it still backed up ''the point he was mak- ing." This was probably just a copyist's mistake anyway and not Paul's original. The mustard seed is NOT the "least of all seeds" (Matt. 13:31), for since then we have found smaller seeds. Hebrews 6:1 is ''very faulty and misleading in the AV. " ''We'' is a Christian in the passage, so Matthew 13:24 is also for a Christian. f. ''The indefinite article is objectionable in John 4:24, because the ORIGINAL reads as the NASVreads." "The name of the angel is Daniel 8:13 is `Palmoni' though, unfortunately, not given in the AV. " ''It is unreasonable and unscriptural to suppose that the 'sons of God' in Genesis 6 are anything but the 'sons of SETH'." "The powers of the world to come" (Heb. 6:5) should read "the inherent abilities.'' Hebrews 6:14 is "crystal clear'' if vou understand the original Greek gram- mar and svntax. "If" in the King James Version (Heb. 6:6) is not acceptable. One cannot understand such a passage apart from the grammatical principle of antecedent action related to the main verb.'' g. In Hebrews 3:14, it is apparent that you must WORK to get into union with Christ, for the believer can "apostatize." Hebrews 10:26 is a reference to Pauline Christians. Half of Romans 8:1 is false, and should be thrown out of the Bible because, clearly, it was not in "the ORIGINAL text.'' In regards HOW NOT TO DO IT IN GREEK CLASS 71 to Exodus 34:35: the misconception of this incident has ''no doubt arisen from one word ERRONEOUSLY supplied in the A V. More correctly, we might supply the word 'when.' It does not SEEM however, that it is neGessary to supply ANY word.'' h. ''It is strange that the AV renders Luke 2:34 the way it does. Here the AV departed from the Texus Receptus. Whatever the reasons why the AV departed from the Textus Receptus in this passage, a CAREFUL EXAMINATION OF THE FACTS (don't you know, baby!!) will show that the TR must be correct.'' i. ''For all SERIOUS study of the book of Revelation, one MUST use the RVof 1891, or one of the later versions. The expression "GOD IS LOVE" (1 John 4:8) is not so, because the article should have been before God. The word is in the predicate, and is ANARTHROUS. It is not the cities referred to in Jude 7 but the ANGELS, who were "in like manner" destroyed. Inspiration extends to the grammar of the Westcott and Hort Greek text but not to the AV text. (Here, the teacher said "THE GREEK WORDS ARE VERBALLY INSPIRED,'' after quoting the RV of Westcott and Hort). j. ''The idea of permanency would never occur to the stu- dent of the English Bible in Ephesians 3: 17, but is CLEARLY SEEN in the GREEK TEXT by the student who has ''eyes to see." Philippians 2:6.7 means "change of rank or station'' in the Greek text, not just ''change in shape. '' "The student who uses his Greek Testament has access to MORE CLEARLY PRESENTED TRUTH than the student of the English Bible, and is therefore less liable to arrive at erroneous conclusions (see below)!" k. ''In 1 Peter 5:10, "œiS'' should be translated as "with a respect or view toward." Matthew 11:3 is wrongly translated in the AV; it should be "another KIND. ''The word * for * clears up another difficulty in understanding the Bible that would remain UNSOLVED in the English text." 1. To understand Hebrews 10:26-3.3, you have to under- stand the Greek of John 19:30 and Ephesians 2:8. "Such prac- tical distinctions are lost to the student of the English Bible but readily available to the student of THE Greek New Testament." 72 HOW TO TEACH ''THE ORlGlNAL" GREEK TEXT m. The punctiliar action in John 1:12 and Acts 16:31 "solves another problem, which in the English translation, could NOT be solved. The English reader simply cannot COPE with Hebrews 5:7. The Greek student who knows his Greek Testa- ment always has more truth on hand than he has an opportun- ity to give out. Understanding the ortginal Greek of Mark 14:71 and Hebrews 12:2 solves problems, which in the English transla- tion, could not be solved." Every quotation I gave, came from the mouth of a born- again, saved, Fundamentalist who subscribed (100%) to all the "Fundamentals'' of the World Congress of Fundamentalism in 1992. Every man I cited, believed in the "verbal, plenary, inspiration of the original autographs," and every man I cited was a professional LIAR from the crown of his pate to the sole of his ''dogs." Every apostate Fundamentalist I cited, refer- red to the Jesuit Vatican text of Nestle as ''THE" Greek text. Everyone of them implied that you could find advanced revela- tions and hidden truth in the Greek text that you could not find in a King James Bible. And every flop-eared, pin-whiskered, bi-focaled jackass in the list sat in judgment on the AV like he, himself, was the final word in what God should have said, that He did not say. [Observe the trouble they had with Hebrews (see The Bible Believers Commentary on Hebrews, 1989) and you will understand why we have often made ''biting'' and ''caustic" and "abrasive" remarks about their stupidity and lack of sincerity.] Shall we continue? Back into the classroom to learn "the original Greek,'' so we will get "insights" into the word of God denied to people like "Ruckman"! n. Actually, you are not saved "by grace" (Eph. 2:5), you are in a "saved state" or a "state of Salvation. " The Greek text makes this clear. And you were not actually "DEAD IN SINS" as the AV states; you were dead THROUGH your sins; the Greek case is Instrumental, not Locative. o. Also, you are not in "heavenly places" in Ephesians 2 at all. ''The Greek student knows this should have been translated as ''the heavenly sphere." p. The AV reading for Ephesians 1:6 is definitely in er- HOW NOT TO DO IT IN GREEK CLASS 73 ror for no one is "accepted in the beloved." ''THE Greek text'' should be rendered as "which He has freely given us.'' This is more accurate than the AV, because "accepted in the be- loved" is not found in the Jesuit Rheims Bible of the Vatican (1582). "Vile" (Phil. 3:21) should be toned down to ''weak,'' as in all modern English versions, and "dung" certainly is a mistranslation of * which is only "refuse." q. Ephesians 6:24 is extremely corrupt in the AV, for the word "sincerity" has no business in the text. ''An undying love'' (NlV) is better, or any reading found in the ASV, NASV, RSV, NRSV, or RV-all of which omit "sincerib" * r. "There can be no "fruit of the spirit" in Ephesians 5:9, because the AV translators did not properly understand Greek grammar and syntax. Correctly rendered, this should be 'FRUIT OF THE LIGHT' as is in the RV, ASV, NASV, RSV, NRSV, NIV, and other 'reliable translations'.'' Now can you imagine the confusion (that Philpott spoke of in 1869) by this time? Can you imagine the state of mind of some young man-say twenty to twenty-four years of age- after sitting FOUR YEARS under this type of thing? Why, bless my soul, he wouldn't have any MIND left. As a Christian, he is destroyed. His authority is gone, his faith is gone, his Bible is gone, and it was stolen right out from under his nose by men who professed to be ''Bible'' believers and said "THE BIBLE" was the "Word'' of God. "Now the serpent was more subtle than any beast of the field which the LORD God had made." He can knock R.A. Torrey out of the ring quicker than he knocked out Moses, Noah, David, Peter, and Paul. ''As a rule, the RV(Westcott and Hort's Roman Catholic text of 1884) is a more accurate rendering of THE ORIGINAL [the original WHAT, Brother Torrey? "text?" "language?" "languages" ''Greek text?'' ''manuscripts?" Having a little trouble there, are you, R.A.?] than the Authorized Version, but there are some glaring exceptions to the contrary . " (For example? "Sorry, this is a recorded announcement He is going to leave it up to YOU to decide what the ''glaring exceptions" are.) "I THINK it is the OPINION of the majority of BIBLICAL [see p. 50!] scholars that the ASV is, upon the whole, the MOST ACCURATE 74 HOW TO TEACH "THE ORIGINAL'' GREEK TEXT RENDERING into English of the ORIGINAL HEBREW OF THE OLD TESTAMENT and THE ORIGINAL Greek of the New.'' (Practical and Perplexing Questions, Moody Press, P. 17) Did you mean the original Hebrew ''TEXT'' and the original Greek ''TEXT?'' Why is it that these super-educated, super-intelligent, Chris- tian scholars have such terrible trouble with GRADE SCHOOL ENGLISH? Did he mean the original "tongues" when he said "THE ORIGINAL HEBREW OF THE OLD TESTAMENT"? Did he mean THE ORIGINAL GREEK "LANGUAGE'' when he said "THE ORIGINAL GREEK OF THE NEW?'' Why does R.A. Torrey always speak in an ''unknown tongue?" I will tell you why. He wants to IMPLY-without saying it-that the RV and the ASV came from THE ORIGINAL, IN- SPIRED HEBREW AND GREEK, OLD AND NEW TESTAMENTS He wanted to deceive you, and he did, if you took him seriously. He did exactly what Charles Haddon Spurgeon and John R. Rice did (pp. 63-64), and this is exactly how "THE'' Greek text is taught at BJU and every other Alex- andrian institution on the North American continent: "DECEIV- ING, AND BEING DECEIVED." This is how ''good, godly, dedicated, spiritual, soul- winning, militant Fundamentalists" put five hundred young men a year SLAP OUT OF THE MINISTRY. It has been going on since 1880. I am showing you how NOT to teach Greek. I am show- ing you how we do NOT teach it here at PBI, and have not taught it here one day for twenty-nine years. I am showing you how it is taught in the classrooms of every major recognized Christian college, seminary and university in America, bar none (Fundamental, Liberal, Catholic, Evangelical, Neo-orthodox, Orthodox, Modernistic, Humanist, or Conservative). Every man I am about to quote is a saved Conservative, Orthodox, Fun- damentalist who subscribes to "verbal, plenary, infallible, in- errant, inspired, NOTHINGS'' that don't exist, and vanished more than 1,800 years ago. HOW NOT TO DO IT IN GREEK CLASS 75 s. ''We should not drop any verse unless we are very sure it was not part of the inspired original text.'' Alter "dung" to "fertilizer" in Luke 13:8, and alter "dung" to "rubbish" in Philippians 3:8. And for heavens sake! get rid of the "piss" and "dung" of Isaiah 36:12 and make it "waste," so you don't offend any of the ''devout women" who hold Sword conferences l on marriages to get money for the ''Sword"! t. The AV is mistaken in Genesis 1, by translating the Hebrew as "and" before each verse (NKJV), because this is ''prosy journalism" and is ''monstrous" to do. The "and" l should be omitted from verse 2, the "and" should be converted to ''then" in verse 3, 9, and 11, but converted to ''so" in verse 13, and ' 'Thus" in verse 6. (The NKJV is much more consis- tent in translating the same word the same way each time it l appears ! ) u. The word "taxed" is wrong in Luke 2:1-2. The original Greek actually means "registered," except where it means ''enrollment,'' except where it means "census,'' OR SOMETHING ELSE (NASV). v. Philippians 1:16 and 2:3 favors "selfish ambition'' in- stead of "contention," although * means "STRIFE" or ''WRANGLING." The word "file" is archaic in 1 Samuel 13:21. A modern update translation (NKJV) must have easy to understand words for "file," like "PIM.'' w. The word "communicate" in the AV actually should be translated as ''SHARE" or ''SHARING." x. "Reconciliation" is correct for Romans 5:11, not "atonement. " In promoting the NKJV "WE WANT A BIBLE THAT GIVES US WHAT THE TEXT SAYS, NOT WHAT SOME SCHOLAR (AV) THINKS IT MEANS!'' ''The divine inspiration of translators cannot be supported by scripture (see p. 61)." (The writer writing this is James Price, who confesses in the same breath THAT HE NEVER READ ONE VERSE OF SCRIPTURE A DAY IN HIS LIFE TO SEE WHAT IT SUPPORTED). ''The multiplicity of meanings may lead to doctrinal er- ror'' (James Price, again, while engaged in creating another 76 HOW TO TEACH ''THE ORIGINAL" GREEK TEXT "meaning" in passages after it had been done ninety times in the ninety years preceding his work). On page 123, of Farstad's work (The NKJV in the Great Tradition), the student is told that before a modern translation is made, the REVISERS AC- TUALLY ANALYZE THE ''ORIGINAL TEXT.'' Do you see what is going on in the classroom? Liars are reproducing "after their kind" (Gen. 1). They are producing liars. This has been going on for over a century (1880-1990). I have not given yet one-tenth of the material that a Greek student is given in four years of attacking the Holy Bible in a classroom. Gary Ferkel, who attended BJU, describes a classroom in a "Fortress of Faith'' as follows: Truth: "Dr. Neal has just finished discussing the subject of textual criticism in New Testament Introduction where the KING JAMES VERSION OF THE BIBLE [the one the school wanted to be identified with! ] was ridiculed. Westcott and Hort were described as "very devout men" who believed in the fundamentals of the faith [ditto Pope Paul VI, Pope John XXIII, and Pope lohn Paul II]. Not only did Dr. Neal make those who support the theory of Westcott and Hort look good [Sumner, Kutilek, Schaff, Green, Robertson, Machen, Davis, Warfield, Carrol, Broadus, etc.], but many of those who op- pose it were made to look SILLY. David Otis Fuller was described as being "either DISHONEST, or very IGNOR- ANT." Dr. Neal stated that he believes the former (dishonest). The testimony of others was discounted on the grounds dlat they were not SCHOLARS [See The Anti-lntellectual Manifesto, 1991, Chaps. 1, 2]. The laughter of students, AS DR. NEAL WAS MOCKING THOSE WHO SUPPORT THE KING JAMES VERSION OF THE BIBLE [the "Bible" Bob Jones III said the school wanted to be "identified" with!]l made it ob- vious that they have been thoroughly indoctrinated with the| LIBERAL THEORY OF TEXTUAL CRITICISM during theirl studies at BJU'' (March 2, 1976). Where do you lose your faith in a King James Bible? You lose it in a Greek classroom under a saved Greek teacher. Where are you converted from a Bible-believer into an INFIDEL? HOW NOT TO DO IT IN GREEK CLASS 77 In a "BASTION OF ORTHODOXY'' which is a "FOR- TRESS OF FAITH" holding the ''WORLD CONGRESS OF FUNDAMENTALISM ." Those were the people who invented the terms "King James Onlyism,'' "Ruckmanism, " and "Ruckmanite. " That is them. Their life long ministries are destroying the faith of young men and women in the Holy Bible. That is their "calling." Truth has always been stranger than fiction. Apostasy always begins (always, not one exception in one thousand years of church history) in a Christian institution of "higher learn- ing'' that professes to believe the FUNDAMENTALS, as given in the Apostle's Creed. There are no exceptions (325-1992 A.D.). The only thing men learn from history is that men never learn from history. This time, going back in the classroom, I will not merely show you how the Book is perverted by a professional liar, I will show you HOW he perverted it. That is, here is MY system for ''teaching Greek,'' in the classroom, laid alongside the Bob Jones-BBC-PCS-Liberty-Grace-Dallas-Moody-Fuller way of teaching it. First, I will list the apostate Fundamentalist in the role of a Iying thief (no overstatement, see p. 64) and then, I will show how we overthrow his Mickey Mouse scholarship, and his Iying corrections on the text. a. "A person cannot be a THEOLOGIAN unless he is first a GRAMMARIAN" (Blackwelder, Light f,om THE Greek New Testament, p. 30). This man was on the NKJV committee with Truman Dollar, Curtis Hutson, and A.V. Henderson. Correction: the word "theologian," in the ''original Greek,'' means "KNOWLEDGE OF GGD" (God-knowledge). If we take the Iying thief seriously, we must exclude Billy Bray, Sam Jones, Pappy Reveal, John Patton, Peter, Andrew, James, John, Dwight Moody, Mel Trotter, Billy Sunday, George Grace, Jack Hyles, and George Whitefield from having any knowledge of GOD. That is what the word ''theology" means in "the original Greek." (He didn't know the difference between systematic and practical theology). b. ''He who knows the Greek has a tool to help hirn toward accurate exposition of the scriptures and generally, he is less 78 HOW TO TEACH ''THE ORIGINAL'' GREEK TEXT liable to err in interpretation than he would otherwise be'' (p. 30). Correction: Dr. A.T. Robertson, the greatest Greek scholar America ever produced, was Amillennial; he was contem- poraneous with Billy Sunday, Charles Fuller, Dr. DeHaan, and Mordecai Ham, who were PREMILLENNIAL. c. "Classical Greek has at least four words meaning ''love.'' Various shades of meaning were expressed with the terms eros, philos, and agape. The Platonic use ''Eros" enobled the word somewhat. He used "eros" to denote the supreme DESIRE FOR KNOWLEDGE" (p. 33). Correction: the word "love" is defined in the English text of 161 1 (and all subsequent editions) in Genesis 22:1-2, where its ''first appearance'' determines its definition, as confirrned in the New Testament (1 John 4:10, Rom. 5:8) in ELIZABETHAN ENGLISH. The word ''eros'' IS NOT IN THE NEW TESTAMENT, IN ANY GREEK TEXT. d. ''Phileo was a fondness for a person or thing (p. 35)...Agapao and Phileo were sometimes used practically SYNONYMOUSLY in classical Greek and also in the scrip- tures" (p. 37). Comment: then what was the point in claiming ''error" in the AV translation of John 21:15? There wasn't any. e. "In rendering * and * by the same term (''beast''), the King James Version obliterated for the English reader the distinction between these two Greek words (p. 43). The * or 'living beings,' which stand before the throne of God (Rev. 4) are part of the HEAVENLY SYMBOLISM. This FACT, along with the etymological distinctions, should preclude any confusion of the two terms (p. 43). An understand- ing of these terms is ESSENTIAL for the proper interpretation of many passages in the Revelation of John (ibid)." Correction: you didn't give one example. Correction: the beasts are not "Heavenly Symbolism,'' they are FOUR BEASTS who represent the four main branches of creation. By taking out the word "beasts'' you lost the reference to the FIFTH CHERUB (Satan): see, Ezekiel 1, 10 and Genesis 3. Thus A "MISTAKE" IN THE KlNG JAMES BIBLE HOW NOT TO DO IT IN GREEK CLASS 79 TURNED OUT TO BE ADVANCED REVELATION which was not available to the Greek scholar who went to a lexicon to translate a Greek word, instead of the English text for the mean- ing of the passage. (This is the kind of thing that turns apostates like Curtis Hutson inside out! "MISTAKES IN THE AV ARE ADVANCED REVELATIONS.'' That is what drives modern apostate Bible correctors ''up the wall!'') Correction: not one thing Blackwelder said was "essen- tial'' for anything. He was just aping the "party line," i.e., you cannot understand the scriptures, or "properly interpret" the scriptures unless you study Greek under a destructive Bi- ble critic who knows Greek. f. ''A number of translations, including the King James ...does not make a consistent distinction between the Greek word for "regret" and the word for "repentance.'' It is true that * and * were used interchangeably at times in Koine Greek" (p. 38). Comment: good. Then the AV is not error when it does the same thing. A correct theological interpretation of "repent- ance" in the Bible doesn't hinge on any Greek word, nor is any understanding of any Greek word to get the truth. ''Repent- ance," according to Job 42 and Luke 5:8 and 2 Corinthians 7:10, is ''sorrow for what you ARE." On the other hand, Ex- odus 9:27 and Numbers 22:34 and Matthew 27:4 show "regret" is sorrow for what you have DONE. The English gave light on the "original Greek" that Blackwelder couldn't find, neither could Kenneth Wuest nor A.T. Robertson. g. "An understanding of the significance of tense clears away a contradiction [see p. 71 for more of this Alexandrian baloney] which some translations [i.e. King James] make be- tween John 20:17 and Matthew 28:9. The verb "hapto" means not only to "touch" but to ''cling to. '' In John, the LATTER IDEA is evidently meant as indicated by the present tense. Bear- ing each of these elements of svntax in mind, the total idea ex- pressed in Jesus' exhortation is "Stop holding to me, " or "cease clinging to me" (p. 74). Correction: then she DID touch Him if you were stupid enough to think that a knowledge of Greek grammar and syn- 80 HOW TO TEACH ''THE ORIGINAL'' GREEK TEXT tax would protect you from error and give you the right inter- pretation. Observe how a knowledge of Greek and Greek syn- tax enables a fool to blot out the truth and DESTROY THE SCRIPTURES. If Mary had touched Him, she would have brought a sinless Saviour back into contact with defiled flesh after He had just completed a payment for that item ("SIN"- John 2:29), AND HAD NOT YET PRESENTED HIS FIN- ISHED WORK BACK TO THE FATHER AT THE MERCY SEAT (Heb. 6:20, 9:12), IN THE THIRD HEAVEN. The NKJV committee (Blackwelder) knew nothing about these things. Hebrews 9:28 was also altered in the NKJV to cover up this great New Testament scriptural TRUTH. The name of Blackwelder's book is "LlGHT from the Greek New Testa- ment." Black light. His exegesis is a black hole. It is the scholar- ship of the NKJV committee (see Chapter 7 for the details). h. "An awareness of the ANAPHORIC use of the article is a great HELP to the INTERPRETER (p. 142). Since the "dragon" of Chapter 12 (Revelation) is NOT LITERAL, and inasmuch as he is the same monster described in Chapter 20, we conclude [honest to God, you are suppose to be taking this just as seriously as some stupid young man twenty years old, sitting in class] it cannot be a LITERAL creature, but is SYM- BOLIC" (p. 142). Correction: knowledge of the "anaphoric use of the arti- cle" causes deliberate rejection of Biblical truth and proves to be a hindrance to learning the scriptures. The "symbolic'' dragon's face, body, skin, breath, bones, and scales are de- scribed in Job 41. Here, the NKJV said it was a "large animal; identity UNKNOWN." That is what the "anaphoric use of the article" did for Arthur Farstad, James Price, and Curtis Hutson. When Blackwelder gets to hell, he will see how "symbolic" the dragon in Revelation 20:2 was. You say "what a thing to say of a Fundamentalist who believed in plenary, verbally, in- spired originals!" I didn't say it: he did. Blackwelder taught that he, himself, could go to hell after he was saved. ''An awareness of the tenses is ESSENTIAL for an interpretation [sounds like a broken record, doesn't it?] of 1 John 3:6,9. "Sav- ing faith" involves both the initial act of believing . . . AND THE HOW NOT TO DO IT IN GREEK CLASS 81 CONTINUOUS ATTITUDE OF TRUSTING IN HIM (p. 72). Every person who believes in Christ HAS eternal life .... HAS IT AS LONG AS HE IS TRUSTING. Thus, we see the im- portance of Jesus' statement, 'He that ENDURETH TO THE END SHALL BE SAVEDI!'' (p. 106). Now go back to pages 77-80 and read what Blackwelder and Kenneth Wuest said about improper interpretation and "be- ing liable to error" from not knowing Greek. The biggest bunch of bombed-out bunglers, who ever broke out of a booby hatch, are the blockheads who think proper interpretation of Chris- tian doctrine lies is a GREEK CLASSROOM where a GREEK TEACHER worships a GREEK GRAMMAR. i. * in Matthew 3:1 1 should be 'EVEN with fire,' and * in John 3:5 should be 'even the spirit', " (p. 113, 114) . Correction: you are a God-forsaken liar. The baptism of fire in Matthew 3 is NOT for anyone saved, and Acts 1:5 and Acts 11:16, in the 1611 English (and ALL editions since then), gave this light on "the original Greek" that no Greek scholar could find. If the * in John 3:15 were "even," you would be equating a material birth with a SPIRITUAL BIRTH (hello Rome!). Blackwelder taught two anti-scriptural heresies all of his life, and the NKIV committee chose him, knowing this. The advanced revelation found in the ENGLISH text was unavailable to the Greek scholars. (Oh, how that sets the hair on apostates like John R. Rice, Curtis Hutson, Robert Sumner, and Gary Hudson! Oh, My God! Do they have a time with THAT!!) j . ' 'Without the article on Galatians 3 :23, it is UNINTELLIGIBLE, because someone is liable to think that no one exercised any kind of faith before Christ (p. 143). Without an article on James 2:14, one would think that faith could not save a man (p. 143). In the New Testament, THE TRUTH means "the MESSAGE of the Gospel, the revelation of God in Jesus Christ" (p. 144). Correction: it means noting of the kind in John 17:17, or in 2 Timothy 2:15, or 4:4, or in James 1:18. You just gave Barth and Brunner's Neo-orthodox position before you sat down on the NK:JVcommittee to help poor old Sam Moore give folks a Bible they could "understand'' (see p.89). Bruce Blackwelder 82 HOW TO TEACH ''THE ORIGINAL'' GREEK TEXT was the FIRST New Testament translator named in Farstad's work on The NKJVin the Great Tradition (p. 144). Blackwelder couldn't find a bowling ball in a bathtub at 12 o'clock noon. k. ''It is ESSENTIAL [broken record] that the student master the conjugation of the verb before he attempts exegesis, for without such a background, exegesis is IMPOSSIBLE" (p. 51). Do you see what is being pounded into the student? He is being led to believe he will never be able to understand a verse, or explain it, unless he is as STUPID as the translators of the NKIV. Correction: you have just told your class that Oliver Green, Harry Ironsides, J. Frank Norris, Bob Jones Sr., Art Wilson, Lester Roloff, Bob Gray, Hugh Pyle, Gen. William Booth, Charles G. Finney, and Billy Sunday were UNABLE to ex- egete scripture. Not one of them "mastered'' the "conjuga- tion of the Greek verb." Now I am about to close this chapter on ''How NOT to do it in Greek Class." I think, by now, you should have a thorough understanding of what is done to the MIND of the ministerial student who is involved in "higher Christian educa- tion,'' and HOW it is done. Note the constant, irrational dogmatism that accompanies this Satanic brainwashing tech- nique: ''it is ESSENTIAL," "it is IMPOSSIBLE,'' it is ''ab- solutely NECESSARY," ''without THIS" you can't make it, etc. In ''Scholarship Onlyism," Greek grammars are gods, and the Greek teacher is the Almighty who constantly warns the young ministerial student that "without him he can do "nothing" (see John 15:5). By now, you could guess what is going to hap- pen when the NKIV comes out, professing to be just another edition of the King James Bible. It is going to be nothing but a mass of private interpretations thrust upon the body of scrip- ture to alter (at least five hundred times) some essential truth that a Greek scholar could not find in the "original Greek text'' (John Rice's term: see page 64). When Blackwelder, Blaikock, Boyer, Burns, Cameron, Farstad, Sturtz, and John Sproule final- ly get their confused (see above), unbelieving (see p. 91), de- filed hands on that Holy Book, they are going to make mince HOW NOT TO DO IT IN GREEK CLASS 83 meat out of it and then play ''cat and mouse'' with you to get you to rhink they were sound in the faith. '' How ''sound" they were will soon be evident. 1. ''The application of the distinction between * and * helps clear up an otherwise DIFFICULT PASSAGE in I Corinthians 14:34, 35." Correctlon: you lie like a dog, there is nothlng difficult about from 1611 to 1991. "There are four keys which UNLOCK the passage; the meaning of the verb, the tense, the situation, and the ANTITHETICAL FORM of the prohibition" (p. 56). Correction: the poor, blind, deluded, egomaniac is wander- mg in the back end of a dead-end alley. First Corinthians 14:34,35 has been exegeted and exposited correctly by more than fifty commentators and preachers in the last fifty years without making ONE reference to ANY Greek word in either verse. m. ''An understanding of this element of GRAMMAR will often solve what appears to be a SERIOUS PROBLEM OF IN- TERPRETATION, or enable a student to ascertain depths of meaning not possible otherwise'' (p. 60). Correction: that is what characterizes all CULTS, accord- ing to every anti-gnostic writer in the last two centuries: the teaching that if you follow the secret knowledge of the cult leader, you can get superior knowledge denied to the "masses. " After deliberately deceiving you, Blackwelder now demonstrates how you should translate the Textus Receptus. He takes Romans 6:15 and gives you this: "In the light of this fact, what is to be our course of action? Shall we commit OC- CASIONAL ACTS OF SIN BECAUSE WE ARE NOT UNDER legal principle but under God's favor? Never!" (p. 71). Correction: you didn't translate ANYGREEK TEXT. You didn't translate the Greek words in your own Greek text the way you just told the students they HAD to do. While stating that a man ''could not be a Theologian before he was a gram- marian,'' you violated THREE rules of Greek Grammar in one verse: I) You didn't translate * ("What then"). 84 HOW TO TEACH "THE ORIGINAL'' GREEK TEXT 2) You refused to translate the word for "law" correctly which is "law" * over 150 times in the New Testament. 3) You gave the NIV rendering of * (see p. 33) which fails to translate the OPTATIVE and omits the PER- SON of the verb (3rd singular). This is the Greek scholarship that was hehind the NKJV. This is the Greek professor at work on the prospective ministerial student. After four years of gas about the NEED for something being absolutely ESSENTIAL to "PROPER IN- TERPRETATION," the deluded, Iying thief gives you his own private interpretation of a scriptural passage without ANY regard to one rule of Greek grammar he just "sold you on.'' Of this privale interpretation-which created the NKJV-Sturz says: "We want to know what GOD says, not what some translator thinks He meant" (Farstad, op cit. p. 133). In the NRIV, from cover to cover, you get what some translator thought God should have said that He did NOT say. Sturz was on the committee with Blackwelder. Their "peers" were Truman Dollar, Curtis Hutson, Harold Okenga, Duke McCall, Jerry Falwell, A.V. Henderson, Adrian Rogers, Robert Picirilli, John A. Sproule, and Allan McCrae. You become a self-righteous, stupid, Bible critic in a Greek class (see J. Melton, p. 37). The way Greek is TAUGHT deter- mines your destiny. At Pensacola Bible Institute, we give the students all the FACTS, which prove that when these apostate Fundamentalists talk about "the facts, " and "facing thefacts." and "dealing with the facts," and "thefact of the matter is," etc., they simply mean two-thirds of the truth, carefully omit- ting ANY (and ALL) "facts'' which show that the "key'' to understanding and interpreting the scripture has nothing to do with linguistic ability, or knowledge of the "original languages." The keys to understanding the Bible are a humble heart, a believing mind, and time spent searching the scriptures. Blackwelder, Sturz, Pickering, James Price, Robert Sumner, Bob Jones III, and A.T. Robertson know nothing about these "keys'' at all, for they are found in the ENGLISH texts (from 1611-1992) of 1 Thess. 2:13, Isaiah 28:9, 66:2, and 2 Kings 22:11, which the bloated egotists rejected as Final Authority HOW NOT TO DO IT IN GREEK CLASS 85 when they began to deceive others. We now leave the Greek classroom momentarily to pick up the final PRODUCT of four hundred years of Satanic at- tempts to replace the Authorized Version. This is the last twen- tieth century, Laodecian publication put out by the publishers who put out the RSV of the National Council of Churches. It professes to be the greatest revision of the King James Bible ever made, and it modestly professes to be the FIRST revision of that Bible in 371 years that made it ''UNDERSTAND- ABLE.'' John Wesley, Billy Sunday, Gen. William Booth, Charles G. Finney, Sam Jones, J. Frank Norris, Lorenzo Dow, James McGready, Peter Cartwright, John Wesley, Sheldon Jackson, C.T. Studd, Jonathan Goforth, Adoniram Judson, Oliver Green, Mordecai Ham, B.B. Crimm, Art Wilson, Harvery Springer, and John Rice all missed the boat. They were stuck with a book they could not "understand. " They were not around in 1938 when the New King Jimmy sashayed out of the "wings'' on to the stage. ----------------------------- * Greek not recognized by our Scanner -----------------------------