NEW KING JIMMY-WIMMY VERSION 87 CHAPIER SEVEN The New King Jimmy-Wimmy Version (For Greek Scholars Who Don't Like Westcott and Hort). Around 1970-1980, after The Christian's Handbook of Manuscript Evidence got on the market, along with The Bible Babel and The Bible Believer's Commentary on Revelation, a strange thing took place among the ranks of the destructive Bi- ble critics who formerly had sworn by Nestle, Westcott, and Hort. Suddenly, there was a mass defection from the Alexan- drian Greek text of the Jesuit Rheims Bible to the Syrian Greek text of the Textus Receptus, or "Majority Text. " Not even Nes- tle, himself, back in Stuttgart, could escape the "ground swell.'' He suddenly reversed field and altered his "standard" text, be- ing used by the British Foreign Missionary Society (1904), in more than 450 places, re-inserting the Greek text for the KING JAMES BIBLE He did this to the tune of more than eighty in Matthew alone, more than forty in Mark, more than fifty in Luke, more than sixty in John, and more than eighty in Acts, before he even got to the Pauline Epistles. This mammouth defection from the "ORIGINAL GREEK TEXT"-that is what John R. Rice called it (see p. 20), ''inspired'' Thomas Nelson and Sons to clean the suckers out of another several million dollars by producing a "NEW'' King James Bible, built on the Syrian Receptus, instead of the Catholic Egyptian text. Between 1979 and 1980, the destructive critics had to change their habit of correcting the Holy Bible with the ALEX- ANDRIAN Greek, to correcting it with BYZANTINE Greek. There were two "catches,'' however, in this movement. First, 88 HOW TO TEACH "THE ORIGINAL" GREEK TEXT text of 1582 (RV, 1884). Two; when the ''New'' KJV came out, it was discovered that it had altered the King James text in more than five hundred places to bring it back into line with the RSV of the National Council of Churches, and the ASV of 1901; both of these depraved corruptions (plus the NASV, NRSV and NIV) came from Alexandrian text, not the Byzantine. Both of them were Origenistic-Jerome-Nestle-ASV-Hort-BJU pro- ductions; they were not from the Syrian texts (Majority or Textus Receptus). Thus, it came to pass that the Greek teachers in the Greek classrooms went right on with their divisive and destructive ministries without "missing a lick.'' While they were doing it, the crown fraud of fraud-out frauding the RSV, NRSV, NEB, TEV, and NASV-showed up: THE "NEW KING JIMMY,'' sporting Curtis Hutson and Harold Ockenga on the same com- mittee, with Truman Dollar, Jerry Falwell, Duke McCall, and A. V. Henderson. Under the guise of reproducing a New King James Bible in the ''TRADITION" of the old one, the readings of the ASV, RV, RSV, NASV, and NRSV were thrust back into the English text to replace the 1611 readings, which had appeared IN EVERY EDITION OF THE AV UP TILL THAT TIME. The matter was not discussed in any classes on Greek beyond point- ing out that the NKJV readings were right, and the AV readings were wrong. This double-barreled fraud (carried out by men who all believed in "plenary, verbally, inspired, original autographs) was done as follows: 1. First the sucker was told that the New King Jirnmy would make the Bible ''UNDERSTANDABLE'' for the first time in 371 years. This was said after more than ninety translations preceding it had just made the SAME profession (see p. 89). But to prove the lie, the student was given a review of Tyn- dale, Coverdale, the Bishop's Bible, the Geneva Bible, and the Great Bible to prove that each of those revisions was an attempt to "UPDATE language.'' They listed eight Bibles for a period of seventy years, knowing their own revision was one among more than rlfty in the last sixty years. NEW KING JIMMY-WIMMY VERSION 89 2. You were then led to believe that since there were critics of the AV when it came out, that criticism of modern transla- tions (ASV, NASV, NKJV) would come from the same source, which of course they would NOT. 3. You were then told that the spelling and punctuation in a King James Bible would be discouraging obstacles to modern reading: however, you were referred to the original 1611, not to the COPIES WHICH EVERY CHRISTIAN HAS IN HIS HAND TODAY. It is a copy, TODAY, that the translators of the New King Jimmy were trying to get rid of, and that will be more than apparent in what follows. 4. Next, you were informed that the real reason for not sticking with the King James Bible you have in your hand was because the English language had changed in the last four hun- dred years (Farstad, p. 28). You are told this after the follow- ing men and committees ''updated" the language ten to one hundred years before the New Jimmy showed up: Philipps, Amplified, Goodspeed, Jerusalem, New English, Moffatt, Williams, RV, ASV, NASV, RSV, Rieve, Verkuyl, Hanson, Doward, Lewis, Weeks, Wuest, Lamsa, Riverside, New World, Weymouth, International, Fenton, Dake, Callan, Wand, Kent, Gowen, Royd, Wade, Martin, Spencer, Hayman, Godbey, Lloyd, Forster, Bourne, Weaver, Cunnington, McFayden, Anderson, Askwith, Nols, Beck, Gelineaus, Bruce, Laubach, Huddson, Meissner, Vernon, Lenski, Leslie, and thirty-six others. Fraud. In the words of J.L. Sasse: "NOTHING BUT A SMOKE SCREEN OF COMMERCIALIZED VANITY. THEY CAN BE DISPENSED WITH." How many of them? ALL of them. The alibi used by Sarn Moore, of Thomas Nelson and Sons, was he was ''deeply concerned" about "so many Christians" not being able to ''FULLY UNDERSTAND" the AV because of its "archaic phraseology.'' (op cit. p. 31). This was the alibi for taking "science" out of 1 Timothy 6:20, "ap- pearance" out of 1 Thessalonians 5:22, "corrupt" out of 2 Corinthians 2:17, and making a ''servant" out of God's "child" in Acts 4:27. I have been saved forty-three years. I have never met a Greek or Hebrew scholar on the face of this earth who 90 HOW TO TEACH ''THE ORIGINAL'' GREEK TEXT ''FULLY UNDERSTOOD'' (see Sam Moore above) any ver- sion of any Bible, in any language, no matter who translated it from what set of manuscripts. If you ''FULLY UNDER- STOOD'' (see Sam Moore above) the Bible, you would be Jesus Christ. "Sam baby" gave you the shaft, and you paid a price for it, believe me. After explaining ''Complete Old Testament Textual Data'' and ''New Testament Textual Data," and "Complete Equivalence in Translation,'' Farstad had letters of recommen- dation printed (for selling the King Jimmy) by ''youth leaders," educators, pastors, evangelists, and missionaries. They say, among other things, that it will help AWANA, so young peo- ple will understand the "Word'' better (see p. 50), and "NOW we have a Bible that is easily memorized, as well as, being easily understood. '' Unfortunately, your memorization isn't going to enable you to retain the truth. "Do I use the old King James anymore? NO. Why should I when I have the NKJV- EVERYTHING THAT WAS GREAT IN THE OLD (see pages 91), plus a whole lot more?" "The NKJV makes reading the Bible much clearer, but IN NO WAY DILUTES THE TRUTH (see p. 93), or distracts from the most effective flow found in the original King James. '' ''There is no translation on earth that has the beauty of the New King James Bible." ''I am pro- foundly thankful to God that we have AT LAST (!!) a trustea~ text that is easy to read." Michael Cocoris, pastor of an in- terdenominational charismatic mess out in Glendora, Califor- nia, says that if you hold on to the King James Bible you are bound by tradition. (He words this cautiously as ''The problem is WE tend to hold on to tradition"). Then he states that stick- ing with the King James Bible will interfere with your under- standing God's "Word" (This is cautiously worded as ''That's fine UNTIL it interferes with understanding and obeying God's Word''). The rest of the recommendation (with an illustration) shows that what this mealy-mouthed, double-tongued, "sharer" is trying to say is that if you desire in your heart to understand the Word of God, you WILL DUMP YOUR KING JAMES Bl- BLE AND TRUST ONE THAT HAS THE ENGLISH TEXTS OF THE ASV, RSV, NASV, NRSV, and NIV ALL THE WAY THROUGH IT. (op cit. p. 139). NEW KING JIMMY-WIMMY VERSION 91 Now, back into the Greek class! Here is the destructive critic again, this time armed with a Textus Receptus instead of Nestle or Aland and Metzger, and now he will justify the ASV, NASV, RSV, NRSV, and NIV readings with a NKJV in- stead of a NASV (like they did at Bob Jones, p. 76). Off we go! Keep in mind that the one guiding principle behind everything I have said about these scholars, since page one, was their desire to get rid of, or nullify, the effects of one Book. It is one Book, and ONE BOOK only, they are setting their sights on. The NlVtranslators waste no time attacking the ASV or the RSV. The NASVtranslators don't waste five minutes at- tacking the RV or the ''Living Bible. " They are confederate against one Book. The trick is, "How many changes can I make in that one book to destroy its authority?" That is why the Greek class was formed, and why they hired a Greek teacher to teach Greek. This is the American "King Jimmy" who has no more real spiritual authority than Jimmy Hoffa or Jimmy Dorsey. Party Line: "Da}nnable" should be "destructive" (2 Pet. 2:1); "riot" should be "carouse" (2 Pet. 2:13); "hell" should be ''hades'' (Rev. 6:8); "slaves" should be "bodies'' (Rev. 18:13); "whoremongers" should be "sexually immoral" (Rev. 22:15); "reprobate" should be "disqualified'' (Titus 1:16); "an heretic" should be a "divisive man'' (Titus 3:10); your "profession" should have been only a "confession" (Heb. 3:1); Christ is not "touched" with the feelings of your infirmities but only "sympathizes with them" (Heb. 4:15); "worldly" should be "earthly" (Heb. 9:1); "building" should be ''crea- tion" (Heb. 9:11); a "commandment" is just an "instruction" (Heb. 11:22); "profited" should be ''advanced" (Gal. 1:14); there are no "heathen," they are just "Gentiles'' (Gal. 2:9); "reprove" should be "expose'' (Eph. 5:11); "body" should be "substance'' (Col. 2:17); and your "affections" just have to do with your "mind" (Col. 3:2); and so forth. This is retaining the SENSE of the AV text in its tradition, is it? This is "everything that was in the old,'' is it? It "in no way dilutes the truth, '' does it? If "Diana" should have been "Artemis'' (Acts 19:24) and "Jupiter" should have been "heaven'' (Acts 19:35), haven't you deliberately covered up 92 HOW TO TEACH ''THE ORIGINAL" GREEK TEXT revealed truth? No? Then get the Bible Believer's Commentary on Acts and look at the comments under Acts 19:24 and 19:35. You are being defrauded. It is done in a classroom, under a Greek teacher. Truth: "BOYS'' (John 21:5) is not a translation of *. As a matter of fact, that was the word the same NKJV board translated as "SERVANT" in Acts 4:27 when at- tacking Jesus Christ. The alteration of "man" to a neuter 319 times in the New Testament, by the NKJV board, shows their preoccupation with sexism. If you think converting a male to a neuter (anyone, everyone, someone, each person, human be- ing, etc.) is in the "tradition" of the King James Bible, you don't know what a King is, who King James was, or what a Bible is. In the NKJV, it is all right for a woman to get drunk (Titus 2:4), because inspite of the fact that every edition of a King James Bible for 380 years said "to be sober," the "New" King Jimmy throws all three words out of the text. The alibi is, since the words were not found in the Receptus, they should be out. But, lest you should be deceived into thinking these are honest men consistently following their "text," turn to Acts 7:59 where the word "GOD" has been inserted. lT IS NOT FOUND IN ANY MANUSCRIPT OF ANY EDITION OF ANY COPY OF THE MAJORITY TEXT OR THE TEXTUS RECEPTUS. Fraud. At Philippians 2:8, the King Jimmy inserted the reading of the RSV of the National Council of Churches (ditto the NASV) . This reading-"EMPTIED" for "humbled"-was considered to be an attack on the Deity of Christ by every major Fundamen- talist leader who rejected the RSV when it came out in 1952. It was accepted by Truman Dollar, Curtis Hutson, A.V. Hender- son, and Tennessee Temple (James Price). After saying that they would italicize additions, the King limmy Version added words to Hebrews 2:16 that are not in italics and, in adding them, they completely destroyed the mean- ing of the verse AND the context in which it appeared. With their obsession on "sexism,'' the King Jimrny put the NIV reading into Romans 1:31 to protect those who had NEW KING JIMMY-WIMMY VERSION 93 UNNATURAL AFFECTIONS. The AV reading, found in every edition of the AV for 380 years, was "without natural affec- tion." For the benefit of lesbians, abortionists, and homos, this was reduced to "UNDISCERNING" in the King Jimmy. (Now at this point go back again and read those ''recommendations'' that Arthur Farstad had printed in order to sell this anti-King James Version.) God never "passed over" the sins of anyone in the Old Testament. He often forgave them (see Exod. 34:7), but when you read the King Jirnmy (1983), you find God "passing over" sins that He actually REMITTED (Rom. 3:25). In making this mammoth, theological blunder, Hutson, Dollar, Price, Mar- tin, Farstad, Ockenga, McCall, and etc. erased one of the FOUR references to Acts 2:38, which interpreted the Greek preposi- tion in that clause (see page 32). God only passed over the Jews at the passover, physically, on the basis of blood that COULD NOT TAKE AWAY THEIR SINS. They were forgiven as David's sins were, and Jehosophat's were (or any other saint under the law). They were remitted without being REDEEMED. This is one of the greatest truths found in both Testaments (see Heb. 9:15 and Exod. 34:7 in the RIGHT King James Bible). We have access to truths that no Hebrew or Greek scholar has access to (see p. 35). After all that hot air about archaic language and poor Sam Moore's burden for folks to "fully understand the Bible,'' up pops "denarii '' and "mina '' (Luke 19, Mark 18). Fraud. De- spicable fraud. But one must remember that in the Laodecian age, FRAUD is ''godliness'' if it accompanies "good, godly, dedicated scholarship ." It is one of the "signs of the times ." While pro- fessing to be restonng the Textus Receptus of Luther, Tyndale, Diodati, Valera, Olivetan, and the Geneva Bible, Farstad, Blackwelder, McCrea, McCall and Co., restored the RSV readings of the NCC of churches that came from the Alexan- drian text of Nestle, Hort, Schaff, Origen, and the popes. The RSV readings are in the NKJV in Job 3:7,8,26, 4:4,17; 13:18, 24:24; 26:6,13; 30:29 and 32:15,16. That is ONE Book out of sixty-six. Bob Jones University's Alexandrian corruption (the 94 HOW TO TEACH "THE ORIGINAL" GREEK TEXT NASV) restored the RSV reading to Romans 8:1, Revelation 22:14, Acts, 1:3, Matthew 6:13, 12:6; 12:42, Hebrews 11:6 and Luke 4:4,8, 23:42, and 24:51,52. After professing to being more "consistent'' than the AV in translating "the same Greek word the same way,'' the NKJV gave you the following variations on * and * (behold): ''Look, suddenly, indeed, at once, see, here are, observe, here am I, and now." In Acts 9:10, the word * is completely missing, although it is in every copy of the Textus Receptus in print (Erasmus, Stephanus, Beza, Elzevir, Colinaeus, etc). It is again ignored in Romans 11:22 *, after complaining about the AV translators lack of knowledge compared with the twentieth cen- tury Laodecians (i.e. ''These recommendations cannot be justified (AV) on the basis of SUPERIOR SCHOLARLY JUDG- MENT of the 1611 translators because there are equally com- petent scholars today and textual-critical knowledge IS MORE ADVANCED," James Price: Farstad, op cit. p. 99). So, the dirty, Iying, hypocrites (and I say that with char- ity!) refused to translate their own Greek text, and then accus- ed the AV translators of ERROR in doing the same thing (see pp. 47, 48). "You serpents, you generation of npers, how can ye escape the damnation of hell?" You see, they used their own sins to get rid of your Bible, and then claimed it was sinning when it followed THEIR ex- ample. You couldn't find a more UNGODLY bunch anywhere on the face of this earth. Their profession is like a Mafia "Don" confessing to live by the Golden Rule. It is like "Smilin'' Al Capone who said: ''Gosh, what's wrong? I just wanted to live and let live.'' Now observe how "mistakes" in a King James Bible- that is, what these God defying, Bible-rejecting, Fundamen- talists CALL "mistakes"-often contain revelations of the truth that evidently cannot be found in ANY Greek Text. The samples we are about to give are from the Textus Receptus, if the NKJV translators told the truth about their sources. We are going to lay an Authorized Version of the Holy Bible alongside the Greek NEW KING JIMMY-WIMMY VERSION 95 scholarship of the men who created the New King Jimmy Ver- sion (NKJV: The Nutty Kook's Jackleg Vision) and show the Greek student how the King's English contains truth that must be ABSENT from their Greek ''Receptus," for all the scholars who swore by it (Zane Hodges, Arthur Farstad, Richard Chase, Cortez Cooper, Truman Dollar, Wilbur Pickering, Jerry Falwell, A.V. Henderson, W.A. Criswell, William Glass, Herschel Hobbs, Stanley Mooneyham, Curtis Hutson, Rufus Jones, Duke McCall, Adrian Rogers, Henry Morris, Elmer Towns, Thomas Zimmerman, Jack Wrytzen, and James Price) (see Farstad, op cit. pp. 141-159), COULD NOT FIND THESE TRUTHS IN THAT GREEK TEXT, not even "THE" Greek Receptus. Hang on to your hats, kiddies, this is the kind of thing that makes an apostate come "unglued!" ----------------------------- * Greek not recognized by our Scanner -----------------------------