CORRECTING RECEPTUS WITH ''KING'S ENGLISH'' 97 CHAPTER EIGHT Correcting the Greek Textus Receptus With the "King's English" used to indicate the source of an official, accepted orthodox revision of the King James Bible, in 1983, by the NKJV com- rnittee, which professed to be translating THIS text. We assume that this NKJV is the CORRECT TRANSLATION OF THE GREEK TEXTUS RECEPTUS, according to the men who pro- fessed to be translating that text. We assume that where they corrected the "King's English," in their work, that they did so on the basis of the GREEK TEXTUS RECEPTUS, exactly as we assumed that everywhere Neal, Custer, Schaff, Bob Jones III, Panosian, Sumner, and A.T. Robertson corrected "the King's English" they did so on the basis of the Alexandrian text of Westcott, Nestle, and Hort (the Jesuit Rheims Dark Age text of 1582). Thus, you will find here the King's English CORRECTING the Textus Receptus, for the Textus Receptus, as translated by the NKJV committee, used it to correct the Authonzed Version. Understand this thoroughly, because for ten years now the apostates (Curtis Hutson, PCS, Hot Dog Hymers, and Bob Jones III mainly) have been throwing up their hands in holy horror at "Ruckman's teaching" that you can "correct the Greek with the English. " When we demonstrated how this could be done- say on Mark 1:1,2, Matthew 6:13, 23:14, etc.-they quickly reversed field and said "Oh, we meant the Textus Receptus Greek!" No, they didn't. From 1880, to 1980 they meant the Greek text of the ASV. I have it in writing right here on my desk. No, they lied. ''The Greek text'' at BJU and in the Sword 98 HOW TO TEACH "THE ORIGINAL" GREEK TEXT of the Lord (see John R. Rice, p. 20) was not the Textus Receptus at all, nor was it the "Majority" text. It was the official New Testament Greek text of the Jesuit Duoay Rheims, and we have been demonstrating that in our classrooms at Pensacola Bible Institute for more than twenty-eight years, using twenty-eight to thirty-two different versions on forty-five to fifty readings. So, the next time you hear some double-tongued, two-faced politician like Curtis Hutson raving about the heresy of say- ing, "you can correct the Greek with the English" make a note. Note what he DlDN'T TELL YOU. "Omissions'' are the foun- dations on which the Alexandrian Cult is built (see Gen. 3:1-5). 1. You cannot learn from the Textus Receptus that God wants you to STUDY the Bible, for the Textus Receptus, as translated by those who professed to believe it was the final authority, couldn't flnd the word "study" in the Textus Recep- tus (see 2 Tim. 2:15). You can only get that truth from a King James Bible; any edition for 380 years. 2. You can find no warning to look out for "science" in the the (Greek Textus Receptus because every translator on the NKJV committee (thirty of them) said the word was not in the Greek Textus Receptus. So, it is not found in the NKJV. If you want to get the warning you can only obtain it in ONE Bible: the one that is 380 years "out of step with the times.'' 3. You can find no warning against Bible corrupters in the Textus Receptus because the AV reading (2 Cor. 2:17) was said to be in error (for 371 years) and the word should have been ''peddling,'' according to "THE ORIGINAL GREEK TEXT.'' We simply correct the Greek with the English. We know why "corrupt" was changed to "peddle." That way, you could claim that no one was corrupting the SCRIPTURES THEMSELVES, at the time Paul wrote. They were simply mak- ing money "preaching." However, someone was corrupting the scriptures before Paul wrote, for the Apocrypha had been written before Paul wrote, and "many" (see 2 Cor. 2:17) were involved. To show you how "many," observe that the post- Christian Septuagints (Vaticanus, Sinaiticus and Alexandrinus) all contain Apocryphal books as part of the Old Testament in- spired canon. CORRECTING RECEPTUS WITH ''KING'S ENGLISH" 99 But this advanced revelation cannot be found in the Greek Textus Receptus-at least not according to lames Price, Zane Hodges, Elmer Towns, Jerry Falwell, A.V. Henderson, Truman Dollar, Curtis Hutson, Harry Sturtz, and Arthur Farstad. It is missing from the NKJV as it is rnissing from the RV, RSV, NRSV, ASV, NASV, NEB, TEV, and NIV. Evidently ''KING JAMES ONLYISM" is the key to a proper understanding of the New Testament, and manuscript evidence. 4. "The love of money" is NOT "the root of all evil" in the Greek Textus Receptus, if we are to believe its supporters (1 Tim. 6:10). It is only "a root of all kinds": if we are to believe our ''fundamentalist'' Greek teachers. We will now cor- rect the Alexandrian Greek text (RV, RSV, NRSV, ASV, and NASV) with the English and then correct the Byzantine Syrian Greek Text (NKJV) with the English. A. "Kinds" is not in the text: any Greek text. B. When you stated the article should not be there ("the root") you forgot to tell your readers that you ADDED the ar- ticle in Matthew 27:54, Mark 15:39, Acts 17:27, 26:6, 1 Cor- inthians 3:16, Hebrews 11:10, and numerous other places. Citing Newport White (The E;xpositors Greek New Testa- ment, Vol. IV, p. 144), "A root of all kinds of evil (NKJV) is NOT satisfactory. The position of * in the sentence shows that it is EMPHATIC." Or, to mimic a member of the NKJV committee: "An AWARENESS of word order and a knowledge of THE GREEK ARTICLE will solve the difficulty found in the NKJV, which is impossible to solve without a knowledge of Greek grammar and syntax.'' Well, thank God we know both, so we simply corrected the Textus Receptus Greek with the AV before con- sulting White, or The Greek Expositors New Testament. Two centuries of Christians were correcting "the Greek" with the English before Nicoll edited The Greek Expositors New Testament. 5. We do not hesitate to correct the Greek for 1 Timothy 6:5 with the English, for that Greek Receptus text (according to the NKJV) said "who suppose that godliness is a means of gain.'' Correct it with the Authorized Version. That verse in 100 HOW TO TEACH "THE ORIGINAL'' GREEK TEXT the NKJV was written by a bunch of professional con artists who thought that "gain was godliness." That is why the verse was altered in every English translation on the market but ONE. Guess which one? ''Is a means of" is not found in any Greek text on earth. The infinitive * never meant anything more than "TO BE" since Plato kicked the bucket. It is the present infinitive of *. (Thank God we have an ''awareness" of the Greek infinitive! So, we will be "less liable" to arrive at ''erroneous interpretations!" Glory, Hallerluyer!!) 6. Acts 4:27. Correct the Greek * with the English "child." The "original Greek" was ''SERVANT,'' according to the RV, ASV, RSV, NRSV, NASV, NIV, TEB, NEB, NWT, and NKJV; the latter coming from the TEXTUS RECEPTUS GREEK (the ''right" Greek text, etc). Throw it out. "Evil com- munications corrupt good manners." 7. Romans 1:18. Correct the Greek with the English. The Textus Receptus Greek here reads as the RV, RSV, NRSV, ASV, NASV, NIV, NEB, NWT, and the NKJV. Using the Textus Receptus as the most authoritative Greek text, Farstad and Com- pany simply gave you the Alexandrian reading of Nestle's "Neologian text, " again, as it already had been printed in the ASV, NASV, RV, RSV, NRSV, and NEB. The treacherous liars who tried to cover up their sins on this passage saw, irnmediate- ly, that the King James text was exposing men who "HELD THE TRUTH'' in their hands when they weren't right with God (see Ezek. 14:1-10). They knew who this was; it was them. So, they altered the word for "hold" * to ''SUPPRESS," because no one could prove that they were "SUPPRESSING'' it. This was a ''true rendering" of the "original," from BOTH Greek texts, by every Greek scholar that ever set out to get rid of the Authorized English text. They did the same thing in the next verse. 8. Being engaged, full time, in changing "the truth of God into a lie" the committees of the RV, RSV, NRSV, ASV, NASV, NEB, NWT, NIV, and NKJV all saw the double-barreled shotgun now (v. 25) aimed at their own heads (or more prop- erly, ''hearts"). Here was Romans 1:25, saying that God was ANGRY with a sinner who was engaged in changing His Truth CORRECTING RECEPTUS WITH "KING'S ENGLISH" 101 "into a lie." Every apostate Fundamentalist who believed in a Textus Receptus, or a "Majority Text," dove for the nearest bomb shelter erected by the Neologians of Alexandria. All of them (RV, RSV, NRSV, ASV, NASV, NIV, NEB, TEV, NWT) had changed the verse to cover their sins. The NKJV immediately followed suit and, again, gave you the RSV reading of the Na- tional Council of Christian Churches ("exchanged the truth of God") to protect themselves. The NKJV translators altered the same Greek word * to "exchanged" in the next verse (v. 26). But here, their slip began to show, for these same translators were about to cover up for the queers in the same chapter (v. 31) by translating "without natural affection" as "UNDISCERNING.'' Now, in the context leading up to this ''undiscerning" fruit-the English adjective means "UNABLE TO TELL WHETHER ANYTHING IS RIGHT OR WRONG"-the double breasted finks just EXCHANGED one lifestyle for another without "discerning" what was involved. In the King James Bible (and I don't mean "King Jimmy''), the sex perverts CHANGE the truth of God by ALTERING GOD'S WORDS, and they also CHANGE their natures by practising sex perversion. There is no "undiscerning exchange'' involved in EITHER transaction, in the AV. The translators of the Textus Receptus sirnply saw their number when it came up. So did the ASV, NIV, NASV, RSV, and NRSVtranslators. One Bible has the right reading. Guess which one? Correct the Greek with the English. It is always the best policy; the one that God will bless. Feel free (with a clear conscience) in always correcting the Greek Receptus with the Holy Bible in the following places: Luke 11:15,39; 12:26; 13:8,24,33; 15:13; 16:14; 17:19; 19:14; 21:18, 24:28; 19:45; 20:16. You may also use the Holy Bible to correct the NKJV's Textus Receptus at Mark 14:3,5,14,27,48,72; 15:4,29; 16:1,16; 4:30; 12:42; and Mat- thew 2:16; 4:24 (three times in this verse); 5 :9 and 5 :32. Don t pay any attention to the Greek Textus Receptus (NKJV) in 1 Corinthians 8:4; 10:14,19,28 or 2 Corinthians 3 18; 5:17, 6:14; 7:10; 10:5 or other places like those. Correct "the Greek" with the English in Romans 14:23; 15:27 and 16:18. It might 102 HOW TO TEACH ''THE ORIGINAL" GREEK TEXT be beneficial also to correct the errors of the ''preserved Greek text'' as they appear in Galatians 1: 14; 2 :9; 6: 1, Ephesians 3: 12; 4:32; 5:5, Philippians 1:6, 9; 2:3, 8, 15, 16, 29; 4:8 and Co- lossians 1: 13; 2: 17, and 3:2. Certainly, the English text of 1611 is superior to the Greek text that produced the NKJV, at least in Luke 2:46, 48; 3:7, 4:13, 18, 20, 37, 42; 5:4, 16, 34, and any other five hundred places you might feel led to make the corrections. Genesis 2:18 is a lie in the NKJV. Genesis 1:28 conceals doctrinal truth in a NKJV. Genesis 3:16 is a lie in the NKlV("sexism''). Genesis 24:22 is a lie in the NKJV. Genesis 49:6 is a lie in the NKJV. Exodus 3:22 covers up a doctrinal truth in the NKIV. Job 25:5 covers up a revelation in the NKJV. Number 33:52 eliminates one of the most important WARNINGS against sin found in either Testament (NKJV). Proverbs 18: 1-2 has been altered to hide the sins of scholars-exactly as the NKIV did it in Romans (see above). Ecclesiastes 12: 11 gives the credit to scholarly teachers for finding the WORDS of God in a Book (see the context: v. 12) when the context was "the preacher" (v. 10), NOT THE SCHOLAR. Isaiah 9:3. Every copy of the authorized Massoretic text was rejected by striking out the word "not"-which was in all of the copies. (See a discussion of this "problem text" in Problem Texts, 1970). All of the dragons and satyrs and unicorns have been REMOVED from the Old Testament text on the grounds that Arthur Farstad never believed ONE word regarding them in his life. ("OTHER WORDS THAT NEED UPDATING ARE BRUTISH, BRUTE, AND THE NON-EXISTENT DRAG- ONS,'' Farstad, op cit. p. 51). Hosea 4: 18. The capital twentieth century SIN of ninety percent of the pastors in the United States is obliterated com- pletely to protect covetous "bishops." Habakkuk 3:13. The fulfillment of the first Messianic prom- ise in the Bible (cf. Gen. 3: 15 and Rom. 16:20) is obscured. CORRECTING RECEPTUS WITH ''KING'S ENGLISH" 103 Zechariah I 1: 17. Covering up for Satan, the NKJV throws out a reference on the Antichrist that links him to the Roman Catholic Church. Correct all English versions with the King James 1611 Authorized Version-any edition in any century-and correct all of them, no matter what Hebrew text they came from or what Greek text they came from. The key to proper interpreta- tion and proper understanding of the Bible is never connected with nineteenth or twentieth century Greek or Hebrew scholar- ship OF ANY KIND, FROM ANY SCHOOL, MAKING ANY KIND OF A PROFESSION ABOUT ANYTHING. ----------------------------- * Greek not recognized by our Scanner -----------------------------