THE BOTTOM LINE ON TEACHING GREEK 105 CHAPTER NINE The Bottom Line On Teaching Greek We have now seen not only HOW a young man is put out of a New Testament Pauline ministry, but WHERE he is bushwhacked, WHO bushwhacks him, and HOW they do it. This is what the Christian celebrities of 1900-1990 would not discuss. They would not even MENTION it. They had no ''testimony'' as to the source of their own doubts and infidel- ity regarding the Book whereby they were saved, and wherewith most of them made their living the rest of their lives. We testified for them because of their lack of manhood and guts. They would have you think this was ''objectiveness," or "love,'' on their part. It was a lack of courage: no backbone. The "brethren" need to spend some time in the Airborne Rangers, or the Seals. Their education was deficient, and we have now proved that to the tune of about one hundred pages. Now did you really take note of how the brainwashing was done? If not, go back and read the book through again, and take a "magic marker" with you and "underline" the follow- ing expressions: "impossible to, etc.'' "solving textual dif- ficulties," "solving textual problems," "solving doctrinal dif- ficulties," "avoiding erroneous interpretations," "having ac- cess to truth,'' ''finding more truth," ''exegeting properly," "superior knowledge,'' "more ability," and etc. Do you see what the Greek teacher was REALLY driving at? He was con- vincing the naive and the unwary (the positive thinkers) that they could never learn the Bible, or know what it really teaches, UNLESS THEY CORRECTED THE AV TEXT: if the student is able to do this, he will automatically be more intelligent than his congregation, or his students, and he will have access to 106 HOW TO TEACH "THE ORIGINAL'' GREEK TEXT REVELATIONS that are denied to them. He will be ''a god, knowing good and evil." If you think ONE word of this is overstatement, read the last chapter in The Last Grenade which deals with these problems in an actual death-bed case history reporting the verbal exchanges, verbatim. At the Pensacola Bible Institute, we play a ''shut out'' every time we get in a game with Alexandrians. We shut them out in every game because we have access to information which they either do not have, or else they are too cowardly to disseminate. We tell the students FACTS that they will not dare tell their students, for they would endanger their educational systems ($$$) if they gave out the facts; at least, that is the fear that turns them into deaf mutes. This explains why ''Terrible Timothy'' (2 Tim. 2:15, 2 Tim. 3:15, 1 Tim 5:5, 9, 10, 20) gives these carnal materialists so much trouble. Their trouble is "the root of all evil," and so they try to serve two masters. The NASV, NIV, and NKJV are the result of trying to serve the two masters; that is why all three change every verse in 1 Timothy and 2 Timothy just listed. If you don't believe it, check the verses out. Now, the way to teach Greek is as follows, and this is the way we teach it at PBI, and have taught it for twenty-nine years. I. Give the student a brief background in the origins of the language by discussing the differences between the ancient dialects (Phoenician, Doric, Aeolic, Attic, etc.) and the Liter- ary Attic, which became "Greek" at the time of Alexander the Great. Vernacular Attic is the ancestor of the Koine, and a literary Koine survives alongside the street language. Note! At this point emphasize two things. 1) Greek is now a DEAD language, as far as "vernaculars" are concerned, and has been a dead language for more than 1,800 years. The universal language today is ENGLISH and the "vernacular'' is UN- PRINTABLE, at least in America. 2) The Alexandrian manuscripts bear the earmarks of LITERARY KOINE, not the ''street variety," and Nestle confesses that the orthography of these texts has been adjusted to make them look like they were written in the first century. This passage can be READ to the student in the class on Manuscript Evidence. THE BOTTOM LINE ON TEACHING GREEK 107 II. Go through the alphabet with the student, pronounc- ing each letter; have him memorize the alphabet. Note: point out that the sounds of New Testament Greek would be a joke to a modern Greek, for now the episilons, etas, and upsilons are all given the lohg ''e" sound, as in "feet.'' Next, teach the student about breathing marks and accent marks, and teach him the three kinds of accents which occur on three places in the word (ultima, penult, antepenult). Next, teach him the rules of accent and give him some vocabulary words to learn; preferably, masculine NOUNS to start with. III. Next, start him out with the * verb, and a number of verbs like it, and show him the conjugation in the present indicative active. Explain the variety of endings and show him what the ''stem" of a verb is. Note! At this point, show him places in the NIV, NASV, and NKJV where a present indicative active is not translated as "linear" at all- no "progressive" action is indicated. Point out that it is NOT an error every time and, therefore, is NOT a legitimate criticism of the AV text where such things occur. IV. Next, teach him the Second Declension of nouns with their cases, briefly explaining each case. Note: show how Origen altered a Nominative to a Genitive, because he couldn't figure out Luke 2:14, since he was not a Pre-millennialist. Teach him Robertson's Eight Case System (Nom. Gen. Abl. Loc. Inst. Dat. Acc. and Voc.) and show him how SUBJECTIVE INTER- PRETATION can be involved in choosing the meaning of a preposition preceding one of these cases: for example * can come out ''in," ''with," or "by." After showing him the endings for masculine, feminine, and neuter in the Second Declension, go on to the First Declen- sion. During this time, add about twenty vocabulary words to each lesson. By now, you can give him short Greek sentences to translate, using the words you have taught him. After the nouns, show him the declension of masculine, feminine, and neuter adjectives, which are SUPPOSED to match their nouns. Point out that they do not always do this, and give examples. V. Teach him the fourteen main prepositions and show him 108 HOW TO TEACH "THE ORlGlNAL'' GREEK TEXT how the case they are used with can alter their meanings (thus "para'' can mean "from,'' or ''by the side of," or ''beyond,'' etc. ) . VI. Then, in order, teach him the Present Indicative PASSIVE forms, the Present MIDDLE Indicative forms, and show how the PASSIVE can be translated as MIDDLE, and the MIDDLE sometimes as ACTIVE (Robertson's grammar, p. 291, Jamieson, Fausset, and Brown, p. 987. See Acts 2:26, Acts 2:40, James 4:10, Expositor's Greek New Testament, Vol. 2, p. 669, etc). The rest is routine: Demonstrative pronouns; proclitics; enclitics; deponent verbs and infinitive; the IMPERFECT ac- tive, middle and passive; FUTURE active, middle, and passive and then, the First and Second Aorists. The modes and par- ticiples will come last. Three things should be emphasized throughout the Greek classes, and examples of these things should be given to the student. 1. The absolute insanity of translating any Greek text literally, word for word, in order to give a reader THE WORDS God wants him to have in another language. Over and over again, the student should have placed before his eyes the cons- tant failure of every English translation since 1880 to translate "WORD FOR WORD" its own Greek text. 2. The absolutefalsehood of talking about "THE'' GREEK TEXT, when that is nothing but a legendary myth that exists only in the imaginations of professional liars, who are trying to make you think their corrections on the AVcome from THE ORIGINAL GREEK TEXT (see Rice and Hutson for exam- ple, p. 20). There are at least twenty-five Greek texts around: Tischendorf, Lachmann, Von Soden, Tregelles, Alford, Hort, Nestle, Souter, Elzevir, Metzger, Erasmus, Beza, Mill, Fell, Walton, etc... 3. The great flexibility that Greek grammatical rules allow translators, which they pretend don't exist until they try to justify their own corrections of the AV English text. Throughout the three years, our Greek students are taught that a knowledge of Greek is good for two things, and two things THE BOTTOM LINE ON TEACHING GREEK 109 only: To shut the mouths of half-educated idiots whose bellies are bigger than their brains, and to reinforce TRUTH ALREADY REVEALED IN THE ENGLISH BIBLE (AV). Not once is the student ever given the impression that ''WORD STUDIES'' can bring to light anything ''hidden" in the scriptures. Word studies dig vertically DOWNWARD till they dead-end, thus giving information about ONE word which may, or may not, be correct. Our students are taught to com- pare scripture with scripture and use ''word studies" in the light of what the scriptures say about the scriptures. In this respect, we have a tremendous advantage over all the faculty and staffs, and all the student bodies of EVERY Christian college, univer- sity and seminary in America, for you see, WE HAVE THE SCRIPTURES TO STUDY: theY do rlot. All they have is the ''Word of God'' (see p. 50), and this they avow is NOT given by inspiration, nor is it infallible, nor is it inerrant. Not once is any student given the impression that a knowledge of Greek grammar and syntax will aid him in PREACHING, or TEACHING, one verse in either Testament. He is taught that the Author of the scripture (which he has) is the Interpreter of the scripture (which he has), and that "light on the text" will come through a prayerful study of the entire Bible, if the HEART is kept right. Finally, in Manuscript Evidence, Problem Texts (second year), and Church History (first and second year), he is alerted to the Halloween theories of Schaff, Hort, and Nestle, and the Mickey Mouse scholarship of Bob Jones III and Stewart Custer, and the fraudulent versions recommended by the National Coun- cil of Christian Churches, Grace Theological Seminary, Dallas Theological Seminary, and Louisville Theological Seminary. He is armed with THE LAST GRENADE, THE CHRISTIAN'S HANDBOOK OF BIBLICAL SCHOLARSHIP, WHICH BIBLE, and THE KING JAMES BIBLE DEFENDED, plus studies in thirty English translations, comparing scripture with perver- sions of scripture. He graduates believing the Book, by which he was saved and called to preach, is the final and infallible authority for faith and practise in his life, and anyone he is called to minister to. Instead of matriculating as a smooth-faced, 110 HOW TO TEACH ''THE ORIGINAL'' GREEK TEXT cultured, hypocritical, Bible-rejecting, milk sop, he comes out a grown man believing "EVERY WORD OF GOD IS PURE" and "LET GOD BE TRUE BUT EVERY MAN A LIAR" and "I BELIEVE GOD THAT IT SHALL BE EVEN AS IT WAS TOLD ME." The difference is what he was taught in class; the Greek classes, where GREEK was taught. Our Greek teacher here is a STREET PREACHER and a former missionary to Gerrnany. (I taught it from 1964 to 1970, along with Hebrew. I still teach Manuscript Evidence, which goes into the matters discussed in this treatise. We don't graduate infidels). We don't bat 1,000; nobody does. We have ''fruitloops'' and ''dingalings'' like anyone else, but our average graduating class is ninety percent solid, and the males are MALES; they are not "persons. " None of them would be stupid enough to think the NASV, or the NIV, was anything more than "commercialized vanity" (Sasse, p. 89) that can be dispensed with immediately without fear of spiritual loss or retribution. They know what the New King Jimmy Version is a bastard coalition of the ASV, RSV, and NASV, hiding under the camouflage net of a Textus Receptus. "By their fruits you shall know them." The fruits of the RV, RSV, NRSV, ASV, NASV, NIV, NEB, TEV, NWT, NKJV-and the next FIVE coming up-are: two World Wars, Vietnam, Korea, Afghanistan, the United Nations, the crime rate in New York, Miami, Houston, Detroit and Washington, D.C., one divorce out of two marriages, interna- tional terrorism, the drug traffic, the destruction of the Con- stitution, the Antichrist taking over, the end of the American dollar, and Christian millionaires (Graham, Falwell, Swaggart, Roberts, Shuller, Bakker, etc.), whose EFFEMINATE, IN- TERDENOMINATIONAL, HOLLYWOOD organizations and schools cannot bring about a national revival, after matriculating more than five thousand students a year. No combination of English Bibles since 1611 has ever produced one-twentieth of the spiritual fruit that came from the Authorized Version, and it never will. The apostates who promote and recommend and publish these abominations like to blame the condition of their nation on TV, Communists, the CFR, government control, the THE BOTTOM LINE ON TEACHING GREEK 111 IRS, or the public school systems. But those things are themselves the FRUITS of destroying Biblical authority for four generations of young people. The translators and revisors go right on slapping each other on the back, and bragging about each other's "godliness," "militancy," and ''faithfulness to the historic doctrines," but the truth of the matter is these pro- fessional liars have the blood of a nation on their hands. They are LYING THIEVES, and the thing they stole from you was your divine authority for "faith and practise,'' and they LIED to do it. They are Iying right now while you are reading this print. The problem all Greek teachers and all Greek scholars have is "How can I reduce the ministerial student to MY level of ignorance and infidelity?'' That is the problem he faces every time he attempts to "teach" the Bible. Scholars have had this problem since the days of Origen (184-254 A.D.). Witness Origen, back in 200 A.D., getting run over by Luke 2:14 like a possum going under the front wheels of a Mack truck. He could not understand "peace on earth" coming at the first com- ing of Christ. So, to reduce the neophytes, greenhorns, dudes, suckers, and nearsighted of his day (200 A.D.) to his own level of stupidity, he added one Greek letter to one Greek word to alter a Nominative case to a Genitive case. This produced the desired effect, so eighteen centuries later the gullible, naive, and artless fools who put out the ASV, NASV, RSV, NRSV, and NlV would "have the reading of THE GREEK ORIGINAL," instead of the reading of the English Bible of the Protestant Reformation. That is exactly what they have. Origen solved the problem by ''going to the original." That is how all Greek teachers and scholars solve the problem; the problem being, "How can I deceive this young man into rejecting the words of God because I don't like them (Infidelity), or they don't make any sense to ME'' (Ignorance). Notice how constant appeals to the "original'' are NOT for the purpose of giving scriptural light on ANY scripture, nor do they hardly ever have anything to do with finding the TRUTH, or even what the scriptures teach about the Truth. The constant reference to the ''originals'' (this is often left stand- 112 HOW TO TEACH '-THE ORIGINAL'' GREEK TEXT ing like a cold cat in a blizzard without any noun of explana- tion such as "text," "texts," "manuscript," "manuscripts" ''language,'' ''tongues," etc.) leaves a FALSE IMPRESSION in the mind of the sucker, dude, novice, beginner, etc., that he is getting something superior to the English Authorized Ver- sion. He is not. He is being led into a blind alley, a dead end, where his ministry will make "carwreck" (original Greek for "shipwreck" in 1 Tim. 1:19) under the guidance of an apostate who had nothing in mind when he started but to DESTROY THE YOUNG MAN'S FAITH IN THE HOLY SCRIPTURE. I will give two cases here. (In King James Onlyism vs. Scholarship Onlyism you will find eight more, where the Greek teacher used the Textus Receptus of the NKJV to cover up truth and destroy the truth as already revealed in the AV of 1611). Witness Doug Kutilek, a lifelong destructive critic of the Holy Bible (according to those who went to school with him and sat under his teaching). Here is Kutilek trying to make preaching a respectable calling by altering 1 Corinthians 1:21 to mean that it is only the "message" of the cross that is ''foolishness," not PREACHING. Now don't you know that a man-pleasing, men-following, man-worshipper of men's "historic positions" would worry about a thing like that? You see, RIDICULE (what Paul got all of his life: see 2 Cor. 10:10, 11:6) is the bubonic plague for any proud, stupid, conceited sissy who is trying to get into the Scholar's Union by attacking the Autflorized Version. Apostates like Bob Ross, Bob Jones III, Fred Afman, James Price, James Combs, Robert Scumner, and Gary Hudson are more afraid of RIDICULE than they are God, death, or the Judgment Seat of Christ. I mean that liter- ally and actually. They can take anything but RIDICULE; and this explains why they try to ridicule every Bible-believer out of his faith in the word of God by trying to connect him with "Ruckmanism." They use the tactics that they know would work on themselves, because THESE WERE THE TACTICS THEIR OWN TEACHERS USED WHEN THEY SUCCEED- ED IN DESTROYING THEIR FAITH IN THE BOOK. This is no overstatement. Look at the thing taking place in the classroom (1980) of the "Fortress of Faith" (see The Last Grenade, p. 67). THE BOTTOM LlNE ON TEACHING GREEK 113 Kutilek, Ross, and Hudson suddenly hit 1 Corinthians 1:21 like three minnows hitting a five pound bluefish. Jeopardy! Danger! Red Alert! Four Alarm Fire! The verse says that if you have been called to preach that your life occupation is FOOLISHNESS! My God, what a thought for a young man who wants to maintain his respectability and his image as a great ''defender of the faith"-a "godly" scholar who stands with "unquestioned" fidelity for a lost pile of a papers he never read! "It pleased God by the foolishness of PREACHING." Preaching is "foolishness" in a King James Bible; therefore, the man who practices it is a FOOL. Not so in the ASV, NASV, RSV, NRSV, RV, NKJV, NIV, etc., no matter WHAT Greek text they came from, or who professed an "original," whether it be text, language, manuscript, tongues or "reading." If you will just throw out your King James Bible and accept Doug Kutilek's opinion-which he got from the opinions of opin- ionated critics like HIMSELF-then you will find out what the verse REALLY meant and what it REALLY says, because you will be going by the "original" (text, language, tongue, reading, manuscripts, etc. Any Iying stratagem to give a false impres- sion). What is Kutey Kutilek trying to do for thin-skinned sissies in the Scholar's Union? Why, he is trying to protect THEIR integrity; not the integrity of the Holy Bible. His problem is how to reduce YOU to his level of infidelity, because HE doesn't like the verse as it stands. It implies that he is a FOOL called to do a FOOLISH thing, if he has been called to preach. (He probably was once, but he failed so miserably, as a preacher, that he joined the ranks of amateur Bible-correctors to make a living). So if you will just abandon the Holy Bible for Doug-like HE abandoned it for a Greek grammar or Greek Lexicon- you will come out with ''THE FOOLISHNESS OF THE MESSAGE." You see, that way YOU retain your wisdom, respectability, image, and honour; you are "somebody!" (For an analysis of the Greek article, in this case, a comparative and thorough discussion of the problem involved is in King James Onlyism vs. Scholarship Onlyism, where Hudson brought up this same problem TWO years before Kutilek cloned him). 114 HOW TO TEACH ''THE ORIGINAL" GREEK TEXT Now, what is the truth? If this sinful critic has improvec. on the AV, then the scriptures should confirm his "find'' that he got from ''properly translating the original'' (text, language, tongues, manuscript, reading, etc. All omissions are to leave a false impression in your mind). Does Kutey's private inter- pretation (found in the NKJV and NASV) line up with the rest of the scriptures? Of course it doesn't. 7hat is whv he didn't give one scriptural comment orl the verse he just perverted. He led you to a Greek grammarian instead of the scriptures: ditto, A.T. Robertson, Trench, Rendall, Thayer, Vincent, Wuest, Kit- tel, Nicoll, Schaff, Farstad, Bruce, Metzger, Aland, Nestle, and Hort. "What saith the scriptures?" Well, here they are laid alongside Kutey's ''original" (text, manuscript, autograph, reading, tongues, etc.). Notice carefully! lf Kutey is quoting THE VERBALLY INSPIRED ORIGINAL GREEK TEXT-which Custer claims to read, and which all of Kutey's gang says "for all practical purposes we may say we HAVE"-then the English text of 1611 succeeds in giving scriptural light on the "VERBALLY IN- SPIRED ORIGINAL GREEK TEXT'' (don't leave out that con- ditional clause I just wrote, you old PERVERT, you!). If you had believed the English text of 1611-which occurs without alterationsfrom 1611 to 1992-you would have been in line with scriptural truth as given by the same author of the same letter (I Cor.), that was being perverted by going to the ''original.'' The Greek teacher went to the ''original'' (text, manuscripts, reading, autograph, tongue, tongues, whatever; all liars talk alike in these matters) TO COVER UP THE TRUTH, so that you would be reduced to HIS level of infideli- ty. That is why he went to the ''Greek. " That was his MOTIVE. If his motive had been to give you the truth, he would have explained the verse with the following scriptures: "A FOOL'S VOICE IS KNOWN BY A MULTITUDE OF WORDS." "WE ARE FOOLS FOR CHRIST'S SAKE." "IF ANY MAN BE VVISE IN THIS WORLD LET HIM BECOME A FOOL THAT HE MIGHT BE WISE. ' THE BOTTOM LINE ON TEACHING GREEK 115 "I SPEAK AS A FOOL, I AM MORE.." "THE FOOLISHNESS OF GOD IS WISER THAN THE WISDOM OF MEN." You see, apostate Fundamentalists have no conception of what a New Testament Biblical ministry is, becausethey have never been in it. They know nothing, experimentally, about Pauline, New Testament Christianity for they are strangers and aliens to it. Kutilek had to go to "the original Greek" to DESTROY what the scriptures said about Paul's ministry. He didn't want to get what Paul got (see 2 Cor. 11) for telling the truth, so he lied. But he had to ''go to the Greek'' to do it. THE LIE WAS NOT IN THE KING JAMES TEXT: it was in the "original Greek." In this case, the "Textus Receptus,'' which Kutey used to get rid of the words of truth. The sissies in the Cult had to make preaching ''respectable'' because they worshipped men, and desired to glorify man. Face it. I have been on the battlefield now for forty-three years. After observing nearly every human activity on the face of this earth, either by direct personal observation, or by eye witness testimony, or written record, I believe that the most foolish thing on this earth-if it had anything to do with a sin- ner winding up in eternity with a perfect body, soul, and spirit- would be a sinner standing up somewhere and SHOOTING HIS MOUTH OFF FOR FIVE TO THIRTY-FIVE MINUTES. Nothing could be more foolish. It is so foolish that, to this day, there are more than 800,000,000 professing Christians who do not even believe that any sinner can be saved by this method. A blabber-mouthed sinner, speaking words, is the last thing on earth that would ever insure anyone's entrance into heaven ac- cording to the "historic'' catechisms of the Presbyterians, Tridentine Confession of Faith (Rome) and Wesley's Methodist Handbook There is not a Catholic, Methodist, Buddhist, Atheist, Moslem, Taoist, Anglican, Lutheran, Charismatic, or Presbyterian on this earth-if they hold to the "historic posi- tions" of their "historic creeds''-that believes God saves sin- ners by A MAN SIMPLY GETTING UP AND SHOOTING HIS MOUTH OFF ABOUT ANYTHING, including 1 Corin- thians 15: 1-6 and 2 Corinthians 5:19-21. It takes more than that, 116 HOW TO TEACH "THE ORIGINAL'' GREEK TEXT buddy boy! It takes more than that as a "means of grace,'' if you are even a saved Catholic. It takes sacraments (which have nothing to do with ''preaching the cross''); it takes baptism (which has nothing to do with "the preaching of the cross'') it takes the Golden Rule or the Ten Commandments (which have nothing to do with "the preaching of the cross"); or it takes prayer, good deeds, meditation, and alms giving (which have nothing to do with ''the preaching of tlle cross''). "The preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness," so it "pleased God by the foolishness of preaching to save them that believe." You couldn't imagine a more FOOLISH and USELESS method of saving sinners from Hell than another sinner getting up and TALKING. But that is what God chose to do, because "the foolishness of God is wiser than men." It has often occurred to me in the midst of an exposition of Genesis, Exodus, Daniel, Matthew, Acts, or Hebrews, stand- ing before 100-t80 young men and women, that if the world knew what they were doing-SITTING FOUR HOURS A NIGHT IN FRONT OF A SINNER SHOOTING OFF HIS MOUTH-they would mark everyone of them down as "plain nuts,"-"out of their skulls." What could possibly be more boring and ''non-productive" than listening to a man talk for four hours out of a Book that is 380 years out of date, and covers up the truth with ''archaic" words that no one can understand? I have seen four hundred young people sit under that "spell" for four hours and wanr to go on. Do you know what this is, in the eyes of every major political, educational, scientific, scholarly, religious, humanitarian leader in the world? IT IS FOOLISHNESS. The thing is, stuffed shirts like Kutilek, Sumner, Hudson, Ross, etc., don't want to look like fools. They fear ridicule worse than death or hell. Having exalted every Bible-corrector they could get their hands on-to justify their own sins of infidelity and pride-they are under obligation now to make the CALL- ING of these men look "respectable" in the eyes of the world and the worldly wise; you see, THOSE WERE THE ITEMS UNDER DISCUSSION IN 1 CORINTHIANS 1, 2. THE BOTTOM LINE ON TEACHING GREEK 117 This explains the utility of ''THE ORIGINAL GREEK TEXT. " The Greek (or "THE Greek text'' or "the ORIGINAL Greek," or "original Greek TEXT'') is the handiest and most expedient tool any apostate has for: 1) Justifying his own sins. 2) Destroying the faith of others in the word of God. 3) Pros- elyting converts so that his ''misery" can have some company. (Ministerial rejects feel much more at home when they can destroy someone else the way THEY were destroyed. Soon this becomes their life GOAL.) 4) Reducing a young man to their own level of stupidity, to guarantee that at no time in the future will he ever be able to find anything in the scriptures beyond what the teacher knows. 5) STOPPING BIBLICAL TRUTH SC THAT NO FUTURE REVELATIONS CAN BE OBTAINED FROM THE SCRIPTURES. This is the ''ministry" that goes on in a Greek class. Kutey Kutilek is no one special; he is just one more very small cog in a vast machinery of would-be scholars who have been altering the truth, or stopping the truth, or holding the truth in unrighteousness, or suppressing the truth, or getting rid of the truth since the days of Origen (200 A.D.). There are, prob- ably, in the United States today, five hundred of these clones, all giving out with the party line. Here is the second case. (Keep in mind, throughout, the basic fundamental truth: THE GOAL OF THE GREEK TEACHER IS TO DESTROY ONE BOOK, AND ONE BOOK ONLY, and he is going to use "the original" [without defin- ing the word] to reduce you to HIS level of ignorance and in- fidelity. He is going to "work you over" like his teacher worked him over, clean back to Alexandria, the first "Christian" university . ) Our modern ministerial reject (say Willmington, Wemp, Hudson, Sumner, Ross, Walker, Duncan, Melton, Dell, Sher- man, Combs, Kutilek, or anyone like them) hits 2 Timothy 2:15-or, more precisely, it hits him. Here it stands, in 1992, exactly as it stood in 1611 and 1613, without a variation. Three- hundred and eighty years of consistent statement of truth. I) There are scriptures which are called "the word of Truth." 118 HOW TO TEACH ''THE ORICINAL" GREEK TEXT 2) You should search these scriptures to find the truth (Acts 17:11). 3) The mefhod of study should be to note the things that DIFFER and make the proper DIVISIONS between them. 4) This cannot be done without STUDYING. Now! What could be "obscure" or difficult about that? Do the ''archaic'' words give you trouble? Does it need ''updating'' because there is something there "you don't understand?'' If you want God's approval (see the text), you will have to ''rightly divide'' the word of Truth. To do this, without STUDYING the words of truth, would be an impossibility. Have any trouble grasping this? Well someone did, because someone (the committees that produced the RV, ASV, NASV, RSV, NRSV, NKJV, and NIV) erased the word "study" from the text, and then erased the word "dividing" from the text. Who would do a thing like that? Bless your soul, honey, nobody would do a thing like that unless they had a motive and a motivating force that would make Hitler's ''drive to succeed" look like Step- N'-Fetchit on an "off day." It would have to be a GREEK TEACHER. It would have to be someone who didn't want you to STUDY "the words of truth, '' and it would have to be some- one who didn't believe in "rightly dividing the words of truth." It would, by all odds, have to be (beyond any reasonable shadow of a doubt) an apostate who believed in the fundamen- tals of the ''faith," but deeply resented the ADVANCED REVELATIONS God gave from the scriptures to Darby, Scofield, Cronin, Bullinger, and Stam SINCE the "historic posi- tions'' of the Baptists, Anglicans, Catholics, Methodists, and Lutherans were stated. Who would this be? It would have to be someone who was trying to get the word "study" out of your Bible, because 2 Timothy 2:15 was the only place where the word showed up connected with Bible study. Furthermore, it would have to be someone who wanted desperately to con- vert the written WORDS of truth ("the word of truth") into SPOKEN MESSAGES, DEALING WITH GENERALITIES. This would leave the door open to continue to attack the writ- ten words of truth and get rid of them. Who could do this bet- ter than a ''good, godly, militant, dedicated, recognized, Con- THE BOTTOM LINE ON TEACHING GREEK 119 servative Greek Scholar?" No one; no one on earth. So, up shows every perversion of scripture from Hort (1884) to Farstad (l983) with ''HANDLING'' for "rightly dividing" and "be diligent" for "study." (Any other variations still remove all THREE words. Samples: "Give diligence," ''Do your best, ''Work hard so,'' etc). No modern Bible corrector STUDIES the Bible in order to ''RIGHTLY DIVIDE'' the word of truth. The reason why he doesn't is because he is not working for God's approval (see the text). He is working for "the praise of men" (John 12:43). That is how you get into the Scholar's Union. That is the first requirement. Now observe how this happened. l) The Fundarnentalist found himself in the Laodecian period where such words as ''DIVISION," and "SEPARATION," and "SEGREGA- TION'' were considered to be cuss words describing IM- MORAL SINS. He found himself in an environment where the key phrase was "DON'T ROCK THE BOAT." Everyone "get together." Don 't "DIVIDE" anything; "share it. "This was working on the apostate's mind when he sat down to attack the Reformation text from Philadelphia, whether he was conscious of it or not. 2. He had just learned some things from studying Bull- inger and Scofield that proved, beyond all cavil, that many of the ''historic positions'' of 1500-1900 A.D. were FALSE. In order to maintain these "historic positions, " the apostate must stop people from studying DlSPENSATlONAL TRUTH: for that deals with "rightly dividing" passages. The trick was to pre- tend God never showed Bullinger, Larkin, or Scofield anything, for they all printed the Authorized English text of the King James Bible (Companion Bible, Scofield Reference Bible, and Dispen- sational Truth). You see, the Greek teacher could not let anyone know about this: this is a "no- no," for no one is supposed to find out anything more about scripture than they knew in 325 A.D., unless he goes to the "GREEK ORIGINAL" to get it. Bullinger, Scofield, and Larkin did not have to go to ANY Greek text for the inforrnation they gave on Dispensations. Occasional suggested corrections by these men have no effect (nor are they 120 HOW TO TEACH ''THE ORIGINAL" GREEK TEXT related) to their DISPENSATIONAL TEACHINGS. They are like Spurgeon's occasional corrections: wasted time, trying to demonstrate the intelligence of the Adamic nature before pro- fessional scholars whom they wished to impress. Bob Ross went so far as to say that Charles Haddon Spurgeon could not have found out that water baptism should be by immersion UNLESS HE HAD LEARNED GREEK. Like Spurgeon, I was raised Anglican; like Spurgeon, all my peo- ple were baby sprinklers; and, like Spurgeon, I became a Bap- tist pastor. I NEVER HAD TO LOOK AT ONE LETTER IN A GREEK ALPHABET TO SEE THAT BAPTISM WAS A BURIAL IN WATER (1 Pet. 3:21, Rom. 6:1-3 and Acts 8:39). Neither did B.B. Crimm, Jack Hyles, Bruce Cummons, Sam Gipp, or Queen Elizabeth: SHE was immersed. Schaff says Anglicans often were immersed (Church History, Vol. 2, p. 251) while ''Baptists'' were being persecuted. The ''Greek" had nothing to do with it. But if some man SAID that, the very first man in the world to grab it and use it for Satan's glory would be a Greek teacher whose ministry was destroying the faith of young men in THE BOOK. The word "study," in an AV, is the "dynamic equivalent" that matches the CONTEXT of the word * and the "rightly dividing" * is the Greek word mean- ing "TO CUT STRAIGHT." The Greek teacher lied to you again. He had to ruin you like HE, himself, had been ruined. That was his "ministry." It is a "full time ministry" which requires absolute "dedication.'' Apostates like Ross, Hudson, Sumner, Hymers, Duncan, Melton, Price, Wisdom, and Farstad are absolutely "CONSECRATED." ----------------------------- * Greek not recognized by our Scanner -----------------------------