June 28, 1994 REVELATION CHAPTER 20 The Book of Revelations is one of the most misunderstood books in the Bible. For the simple reason that people want to take what is there and mix it with the politics of "THE DAY" instead of letting The Bible interpret what it means. I've heard everything from Hitler, Kyser, Rome, The Pope, 666 being computor cards, The comon market countries of Europe, A Nuclear Holocust, A one World rule, Russia, Libia, etc., etc., etc., on and on. Everybody has got a different idea of what the interpretations mean. There is a reason for that. The reason is that They are not comparing scripture with scripture to find out just what Revelations is talking about. Rather, they are listening to others that they RESPECT, or looking at the political leaders and Nations to try and mix and match to what seems to be in scripture. What they come up with may sound good, and SEEM, and I Emphasis the word "SEEM" to fit, but careful study of scripture will clearly show that it DOESN'T fit at all. It is inconsistant with the rest of scripture. UNDERSTAND! When we come to real TRUTH, everything fits. Like a gigantic Picture puzzel with everything in place, it all fits. It fits because it's GOD's Interpretation, NOT MAN's. For example, you look at the candlesticks, symbolizing the church, where ever you look to mix and match, it all fits. The candlesticks are called the church, the candlesticks are called olive trees, the olive tree is used to symbolize the church, the candlesticks are called the 2 wittnesses, Jesus sends the 70 out (Sym The Church) 2 by two to wittness with power. The 2 wittnesses are sent out in rev 11 and called the candlesticks and olive trees. I made an example before about how someone could come up with an interpretation of the candlesticks from their own minds (John Candlestick), and it all sounds good and seems to be consistant, but when compared to scripture, it will be found out for what it is. Man's Ideas, not GOD'S! On the other hand, when you get your Interpretations DIRECT from scripture, you can be sure you are on the right Track. Simply put, there are no contradictions. When you compare scripture with scripture, and it all fits, then you know you have come to the Truth of GOD's Word. It's called searching it out, or as 2nd Timothy 2:15 says, Studying to show yourself approved Rightly understanding the word. Does the 1000 year reign spoken of in Revelations chapter 20, mean that Christ is going to come and reign on this Earth after the Tribulation? I know it is taught by a lot of people, but frankly, the whole idea is preposterous. Nowhere is such an idea mentioned in scripture. Ehere does God say He will rapture the Church before the Tribulation? NOWHERE! The Lord says "JUST THE OPPOSITE" He says the Church will not be taken out of the world until the End. Before I start on chapter 20, I think that it should be made perfectly clear what GOD says about it. Let's look a a few verses. Matthew 24:29, "Immediately after the tribulation of those days shall the sun be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light, and the stars shall fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens shall be shaken: and then shall appear the sign of the son of man in heaven: and then shall all the tribes of the earth mourn, and they shall see the Son of man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory. And He shall send His angels with a great sound of a Trumpet, and they shall gather together His elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven unto the other." Now this is GOD talking, not pastor brown, or brother tom, or evangelist Johnny day. It's God talking. It's not a matter of interpretation, it's a matter of Following God's word. He says IMMEDIATELY after the tribulation the TRUMPET will sound and it's the gathering of His people and the End of the world. He didn't say after the tribulation I'll reign on the earth 1000 years, He said the Trumpet will sound and the believers gathered up. Despite what some people say, it is clear that there is no room for a 1000 year reign after the tribulation. NOT according to Christ that is. man has his own ideas, but the word of GOD is True and Trustworthy, and their ideas flately contradict Christ's. Everywhere you look in scripture the same thing holds true. The believers are not taken out of the world before the tribulation and there is no 1000 year reign after the tribulation. LEARN the parable of the tares in matthew chapter 13. Jesus gives us this parable and in case there should be any question about it's interpretation, JESUS HIMSELF explains it to us. He Interprets the parable for us, so no one can use their own interpretations. He says the wheat (Believers) and the tares (Unbelievers) will remain in the field (World) TOGETHER until the harvest (End of the World). Now that's CHRIST talking. It's not a matter of my interpretation, it's CHRIST'S Interpretation. In fact, in the parable itself it was asked if the tares should be plucked out and GOd says NO! the tares and the Wheat stay together until the End of the world, then the tares will be gathered and burned. that's not "MY" interpretation, that's the word of God. But some have flatly contradicted Christ saying, NO! The Wheat will be taken out of the field because Christ doesn't want His Wheat being harmed by these tares. That plain and simple is a contradiction of GOD. So the question is not one of interpretation, the question is, who are we going to believe. GOD or our teachers? GOD says the believers and Unbelievers will remain together in the world until the End of the world. man says no, that's wrong, the believers will be taken out before the end of the world. This is called choice. Believe God, or man. And that's just a couple of verses, there are many more which show the very same thing. The Rapture is at the End of the world, not before the tribulation, and the 1000 year reign is of souls in heaven, NOT of people here on earth. Study scripture carefully and the Holy spirit will guide you into all TRUTH. ACCEPT the words of men and you set yourself up for a great FALL. NOWHERE does this chapter say one word about a 1000 year reign on earth by Christ. Some teachers say that, but here john says (The word of God says) he saw SOULS reigning! Souls of the martyrs, Those Killed (Beheaded). Since when does souls of the dead Martyrs reign on the earth. Remember, They are the ones who say we have to take this literally. The Souls of the dead (Believers) go to reign with Christ in Heaven, not on earth. You see, this part that Christ reigns on earth 1000 years is something added to this chapter by some teachers. But as you can plainly see, it is "NOT HERE!" It is very easy for someone not reading the Bible carefully to miss this and actually think what they say is in here. Study will show that it is not. It sounds like it is when they say it, but when you look carefully at the verse you find it says nothing of the kind. False teachings flourish because people are to busy with the cares of this world to bother to search it out to see if it is true. They run accross something that seems to be contradictory and they just say, well this teacher is smarter than me in Bible matters so I'll trust what he says. Bad, VERY BAD thing for a Christian to do. We are to KEEP the word of God. That means obeying it, not men. Christ should be our FIRST Love, not Job, Money, Bart Simpson, Oprah Winfrey. If People turned of the infernal TV once in awhile and stuck their noses in the Bible, they would not be so decieved by false doctrines. Let's take a look at what Revelation chapter 20 is saying.. Verse 1. The Messenger (The word angel is the Greek word Aggelos and is the EXACT same word translated messenger in scripture) From heaven with the key and "GREAT" Chain to bind Satan is The Lord Jesus Christ! "The Messenger of the Covenant" (Malichi 3:1). He is the one come down from Heaven with the "POWER" (Key and great Chain) to bind Satan in a pottomless pit. We should also take note (As if I needed to tell you) That this is Symbolic language. satan cannot be bound with a literal Chain, or locked in a pit with a literal Key. NO, This is more of the Lord's great Symbolical language where He is showing us a great Spiritual "PICTURE". Once we understand that, half the battle of understanding His word is complete. This 1st verse is a Picture of Christ, The messenger of the covenant who was prophesied should come, who comes down from heaven to bind Satan. Who else COULD bind satan but the Lord? NO ONE. It's IMPOSSIBLE! We can get a little more understanding about this in verse 2 Verse 2. Verse 2 says He laid hold on satan, and Bound Him 1000 years. This is where some people tend to get a little confused. When did Christ Bind satan? Some say that this hasn't happened yet and will take place on Christ's second return. They say that because they have a problem with the 1000 years. Careful study of the scriptures will show that Satan was bound by Christ at the cross. Why? So that Christ could build His Church. You will get a much better understanding of this principle by looking "CAREFULLY" at Matthew chapter 12 verse 29 where Jesus, speaking of Satan says: "How can one enter into a strong man's house and spoil his goods, except he first BIND the strong man and then he will spoil his house." Study that parable and come to the TRUTH of it. You see, The Lord Jesus Christ came to spoil, or Plunder (Take the goods) from the house of Satan. but first, He had to bind him. Check it out! Satan is the strong man. Christ is the one who came to take his goods, but had to bind him first. His goods, (The Spoil) are all of us who were unsaved (in captivity to satan) but who are set free by Christ. This parable is the Spiritual Picture that GOD gives us of the Messenger of the covenant, coming from heaven to bind Satan and set the captives free. Satan being bound symbolizes that the Evil of satan is being withholden to a great degree. In other words, the church is allowed to go forth with the true gospel that many are SAVED, and Satan "IS NOT" able to (with his decieving lies) decieve or overrun the church that it become unfruitful. In other words, While he is bound, the Lord's Church "WILL" have a chance to be built. When the 1000 years are over Satan is loosed to go forth decieving those of the church "AGAIN", and the church will be overrun. but more on that later. Colossians 2:15 says that Jesus Spoiled principalities and Powers and made a show of them openly triumphing over them in it. Keep in mind what Jesus said in matthew that you first have to bind a strong man before you can spoil his goods. Ephesians 4:8 tells us very plainly Christ led captivity captive and gave gifts to men. The captivity is the power of Satan to hold us, and the gift is Salvation! He first had to lead captivity captive, then he gave the gifts to men. You see, being unsaved is like being in a prison with satan as your captor. No way you can get out because you are in Bondage to sin. You serve sin. BUT Christ came to set the captives free. He came to loose the prisoners, to spoil satan's house. Remember Jesus said, If "I" shall make you free, you shall be free endeed? And the people didn't know what he was talking about saying, they were never in bondage and were born free. But Jesus was talking about another captivity. Another Bondage. Being in captivity to satan. And Jesus said, If I will make you free, ye shall be FREE Endeed. They were Thinking Literally, Jesus was speaking in a Spiritual language. They thought they were already free, Jesus knew they were captives in the House of Satan. But He came to Bind Him and Set them free. And this FREEDOM was greater than any Literal freedom they could imagine. But in order to free them, He first had to Bind their captor. Learn the parable of the Binding of the strong man and you will see (By the grace of God) When Satan was bound. He was Bound at the cross. Let's look at this from another verse. Let's look at 2nd Thessalonians chapter 2 which speaks of the time when Satan will be unbound, or loosed. Let's particularly look at verse 6,7,8, and 9: "And now ye know what withholdeth that he might be revealed in his time. For the mystery of iniquity doth already work: only He who now letteth will let, until he be taken out of the way. And then shall that Wicked be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the Spirit of His mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of His coming: Even him whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders.." This Chapter of 2nd Thessalonians is dealing with the falling away of the church preceeding the Lord's second coming. and verse 6 tells us that there is Something withholding This "EVIL" Power of Satan, but that there is a specific time when this evil will be let loose and revealed. Read these verses carefully and you'll understand just what they are saying. Some evil is being held, and not revealed yet, but at a certain, or set (HIS) time, it will be revealed. What is this? It's the Power of satan that was Bound at the cross of course. Look at verse 9 which all but confirms this. "whose power is is after the working of satan, with all power, signs, and lying wonders." FALSE PROPHETS, Lying Bible teachers, come to decieve the people of the world. This mirrors Revelation chapter 20 where when Satan is loosed, he goes forth to decieve the nations of the 4 quarters of the world. In other words, it's universal deception of the peoples of the world. Why? 2nd thessalonians tells us why they are decieved. Because they recieved not the love of Truth, that they could have TRUE salvation, but had pleasure in unrighteousness. Therefore they wanted the smooth way, the worldly way, and therefore were they sucked in and decieved by these false prophets/teachers/preachers of satan. OK, look at verse 7 of 2nd thessalonians chapter 2. It says "HE" that now letteth, will let, until he be taken out of the way. This old english word letteth, is the Greek word katecho, (Hold Down), derived from the greek 'kata (Down) and 'echo (hold). So once again we see the principle that something is holding this "EVIL POWER" of the Iniquity of Satan bound (down) until a certain set Time (Spoken of here as, till he be taken out of the way). We see 2 things in this verse #1, the mystery of this iniquity was already at work then, when paul wrote to the thessalonians, but was being held down, till a certain time when he that held it down should be taken out of the way. Who is "He" that Holds it down. Who is it that has the keys to the bottomless pit and has put him down there, chained, reserved for this time. It is Christ. How is he taken out of the way? read verses 3 and 4. the falling away. The man of sin seated in the Temple of God, showing himself that he is God. Well, God's supposed to be there! Where is He??? The answer I believe is that He has been taken out of the way. The Temple is the church. We as christians are Bricks in that Temple. But something has gone terribly wrong and the people don't want Christ "THE WORD" as their authority anymore. They want to listen to Dr. DoMyThing, and their pastors, and the TV Evangelists, and their priest, and the learned theologians with 6 letter by thier name. Whatever they say is right is fine, and what they say is right is whatever the people want, not whatever is in scripture. The falling away, that Christ be taken out of the way and this man of SIN put in his place to rule (Sitting) in the Temple. This is the prophesy that is being Fullfilled today. And the people are decieved thinking they are serving GOD. They may be serving a god, but they are not serving Thee GOD! They resent the Truth of the word. They have pleasure in unrightousness. The Word Tormented them. Anyway, that is again more information about the binding of satan, the witholding of His Evil decieving until the time of the end when He will be loosed, as judgement upon the church. His end? (He will be destroyed with the brightness of the Lord's second coming). Verse 3. Now the part where some people seem to have a problem understanding. It says the messenger bound him 1000 years. Well, people look at that and say, well it's been more than 1000 years since christ went to the cross, so that can't be right. They say that because they are thinking of this chapter in literal terms. Revelations chapter 20 is not speaking "LITERALLY" it is speaking in Symbolic or Spititual language. All we need to do is look at the rest of the chapter to CLEARLY see this. Fist of all, this messenger came with a key. Is This Literal? Of course not. Second He came with this GREAT Chain. Is this Literal? No WAY! Satan cannot be bound with a literal Chain and locked up with a literal master lock or something. Satan is a Spirit being. This Language is Spititual language. So if everything is not Literal, what makes people think the 1000 years is a literal number of years? Is the bottomless pit literal? Is there someplace in arizona where there is a hole in the ground that goes down forever? Of course not. we understand this as Symbolic language to show us that satan is being Held down, Bound up, so that he cannot do certain things. Not that He is Literally in a pit somewhere. The Bottomless pit signifies a picture of falling, but never reaching anyplace. so why do we pick the 1000 years out of all this, and say this is literal? Well, some people have the idea that when Christ comes back, He's going to reign on THIS EARTH 1000 years. This despite the FACT that it is contrary to other CLEAR passages in scripture. When Christ comes back, He will rapture His church, and Destroy Satan, and the unsaved will stand for judgement. There is "NO" 1000 year reign ON EARTH when Christ returns. But let's look at the number 1000 first. When we study scripture we will find that GOD often uses certain number relationships to symbolize things. For example the number 40 for testing, as in the people of Israel spending 40 years in the wilderness, or moses on the mount 40 days and the people were tested, or Jesus being tempted of the devil when in the wildernes 40 days, etc., etc. Or the number 12, as in the tribes of Israel, the 12 disciples, the 12 gates of the city, etc., the number 1000 is also used this way. It is used to symbolize the Completeness or Fullness of whatever is being spoken about. Just as an example, as you might say to your wife, I'll love you 1000 years. Well, You are not saying you'll literally love her 1000 years and then it's over, that's a figure of speach to indicate you'll love her from now until forever. In other words, it indicates the fullness of time, whatever that time may literally be. 10 years, 20 years 50 years, whatever. Whatever fullness of time you have together, that is the 1000 years that you said you'd love her for. It's not literal, it's just a number to indicate fullness of time. In scripture for example The LORD GOD says in Psalms 50:10 that the cattle upon 1000 hills are His. Is that Literal? Does that mean that the cattle upon 1001 or 1002 hills are NOT His. NO! It's not a literal number, it's a symbolic number, a figure to indicate completeness. read the verse. It means every beast of the forest is his and ALL the cattle are his also. He uses the term 1000 to show us something. Nothing is in the Bible by accident. the 1000 cattle indicates the fullness of them, the completeness of them, in other words "ALL", of Them are the Lord's. Isaiah 7 speaks about the First coming of the Lord (verse14) and says in verse 23, "And it shall come to pass in that day, that every place shall be, where there were a thousand vines at a thousand silverlings, it shall even be for briers and thorns." Are we to suppose this is a literal number. Were there literally 1000 vines and 1000 silverlings, not 1001 or 999? When we look at the verse carefully we see that it is indicating that where there was an abundance of vines, there will be briers and thorns. The 1000 is not to allert us to the LITERAL number of vines, it is to symbolize where a great abundance of vines once was, it is changed to briers & thorns. Anything Not Literal is, NOT LITERAL! Again when we look at a verse like Psalms 105:8 where it tells us that the LORD hath remembered His covenant FOREVER, and the word which He commanded to 1000 generations. Is This Literal? Is His word commanded to 1000 generations and not 1001 or 1002? How about 999 generations? Again, look at the context of the verse. His covenant is remembered how long? FOREVER! And His word commanded to who? 1000 generations! Context tells us that this 1000 generations is "ALL" generations. the 1000 has been put there BY GOD to show us a certain consistancy in His use of the number 1000. It is Symbolic of the Fullness, or Completeness. In Revelations chapter 20 where everything else is symbolic language, the 1000 years that Satan is bound is symbolic language also. It indicates, the fullness, or Completeness of time. In other words, from the Time that He is bound by Christ at the cross, to the time that He is loosed, this is the 1000 years, whatever literal amount of time it may actually be. It is symbolized by being bound 1000 years. It indicates, GOD has a seal on him, GOD is in control, HE will be held till the FULLNESS of time that GOD has SET. Remember 2nd thessalonians, that He be withhoden that he be revealed "IN HIS TIME." Well, GOD has set the time. How long? The time that it takes to build the church. (Remember, Satan was bound in the first place so Christ could spoil His house?). How long will it take to build the church, before satan is loosed to decieve the 4 quarters of the earth? 1000 years! Not Literally, but that's symbolical of the fullness of Time that the captivity remains captive. For when it is released, this GREAT decieving (The Tribulation) of satan and his cohorts will take place, and many, many are decieved thinking they worship God, but do not. They worship the man of sin sitting in the Temple. This verse 3 of Revelations tells us that When he was bound by this messenger, He set a seal on him. That indicates that The Purpose is Clearly of GOD that he remain bound till his time. When the LORD sets His seal upon something, you can be sure that it won't get out until "THE TIME." It's the purpose of GOD that he remain sealed, Held down, Bound, Withholden, whatever, until the FULLNESS of the believers come in. In other words, until the Church is built. 1000 years! Then it says, he must be loosed a little season. Why a little season? Because Christ is Coming BACK, and will destroy him. You see, Satan marshals his army near the Lord's return and comes against the church, described as the 2 wittnesses in revelations chapter 11. they are killed "ONLY" in the sense that the churches are overrun by these who are of satan and the TRUE gospel is silenced in the churches. The man of sin is seated there. We who brought the TRUTH tormented these with it, but now they rejoice because they control the churches and our voice, (In the Church at least) is silenced. But their rejoicing only lasts a short while, Because Our Lord is coming soon! - Very soon! - MUCH SOONER THAN THEY IMAGINE! Verse 4: In verse 4 John tells us that he saw the souls of the martyrs who did not worship the beast, nor recieve his mark. First of all, Notice that John does "NOT" say he saw the martyrs, nor does it say that he saw their bodies, or the persons. He is very specific. He saw "THE SOULS" of those that were beheaded for the witness of God. The SOULS of them, NOTHING MORE! Again, this is a Spiritual Picture that the LORD is giving us. First Christ comes and binds Satan, then John sees the souls of those martyred raised up to reign on thrones. These are the souls of the believers who have been raised up to reign with Christ on thrones, "BECAUSE" this Messenger came from heaven, with the Power to bind Satan. If you look at verse 5 you'll see that this (the souls of these martyrs up on thrones) is called "THE FIRST RESURRECTION." It's now a simple matter of Biblical deduction. When was the first ressurrection? It was at the cross of course. These Souls were raised up to reign with christ, when Christ went to the cross. He is the "FIRST" ressurection. Those who have part in the FIRST resurrection are "ALL" the True Believers. Those of the Old testament who have died, and those of the new testament as well. we all have part in the first ressurrection. The second resurrection will be at the End of time when (as 1st Thessalonians 4:16 tells us) the dead in Christ shall rise and we which are alive will be caught up with them in the Air to be ever with the Lord. Then will be the beginning of the second death, of which those who have part in the FIRST resurrection have no need to worry about. Don't be confused by this First and Second Resurrection and this First and Second Death. This is the way the Lord writes things that "ONLY" His sheep will recieve it. Just as in the parables He Told. The Souls of the Martyrs who live and reign with Christ 1000 years I believe represent "ALL" of those who are raised up in Christ from adam, to the Time of the end. We all are martyrs. Symbolically, 1000 Years! If we look at this carefully and objectively, we can see that the 1000 years are not literal. Look carefully. These souls are those of the martyrs. It says these are those beheaded because of the wittness of Jesus, and for the word of God, and are those who didn't recieve the mark of the beast in their foreheads. Now, in order for these to live and reign with Christ 1000 years "LITERALLY" ALL of them would have HAD to have been martyred the same Day. OTHERWISE, some would live and reign with Him 1000 years PLUS a day, or 1000 years MINUS a day. You see, there is "NO WAY" to live and reign with Christ 1000 years LITERALLY unless all were martyred the same day. Try telling that to those who claim this is literally 1000 years. You'll soon find out that their 1000 years is not precisely 1000 years. They'll tell you that. And if it's not precisely 1000 years, it's not Literal. These Souls spoken of in Revelations Chapter 20 were not all killed the same day. I don't know if you can find anyone who will try and tell you that. "YET" they WILL try and tell you that it's literally 1000 years. And that is called Biblical inconsistancy. Because if they weren't, all martyred the same day, it can't be literally 1000 years. It can be 1000 years plus 5 days or it can be 1000 years minus 20 days but not LITERALLY 1000 years unless IT IS! Then who are these Souls with Judgement, who after this Messenger comes from heaven, we see reigning with on thrones in heaven? They are all those raised in Christ. Christ is the First resurrection. All of those who have part in Him have part in that First resurrection. Well, you might say, we haven't been RESURRECTED (Raised from the dead) to be on thrones with Christ. You might say that, but not according to scripture. According to scripture, we HAVE! According to scripture we have been delivered from the Power of darkness and TRANSLATED into the Kingdom of Christ. That's what this Messenger of Revelations Chapter 20 did. He came with the Power to Bind satan and Deliver us from his Power (Remember Christ said he had to be bound first) and THEN put us in a heavenly kingdom, in heavenly places to reign with Him, by his Resurrection. When He was raised, We were raised with Him. This is the FIRST resurrection. Colosians 1:12 says: "Who hath delivered us from the Power of Darkness, and hath translated us into the kingdom of His Dear Son:" That's Right! Christ has TRANSFERED us from the Power of Satan, to The KingDom of GOD. How? By taking us there Himself. In our bodies? NO! In our Bodies we are a part of the world, we live here, we work here, etc. But in Our Souls existance, we have been transfered from here, to the Kingdom of heaven. How? Through the Resurrection of Christ. Epesians 2:15: "Even when we were DEAD in sins, hath HE QUICKENED us together with Christ, (by grace ye are saved) and hath RAISED us up together, and made us sit together in heavenly places in Christ Jesus." Not my words, but the Word of GOD. That word Quickened means to be "Made Alive." So there we have it in plain English. We were Resurrected when Christ was Resurrected. Not my words. Note also that we were made to sit Together IN HEAVENLY PLACES In Christ. Well, we know this is True because it is the Word of GOD. But How is that possible when we are on earth, not in heaven. It's simple because in our soul or Spirit existance, we are raised up with Christ, not in our bodies. In other words, by The Holy Spirit of GOD dwelling within us, makes us there with Him. Do you understand what I am saying? By GOD dwelling within us by His Holy Spirit, We are with Him, because He is with us and He is Reigning. And BECAUSE we bring HIS word, we have Judgement, because His word "IS" Judgement and Salvation. Remember when Jesus said to His diciples in Matthew chapter 1 verse 28: "And Jesus said unto them, verily I say unto you that ye which have followed me, in the regeneration when the son of man shall sit in the throne of His Glory, ye also shall sit upon twelve thrones, judgeing the twelve tribes of Israel." Now some people have the incorrect idea that Jesus was talking about at the End of time, at the second coming. Careful study of the word will reveal that this is not what This verse is saying. First of all the Lord gives us a "TIME CLUE" right off the bat. He says it will happen "WHEN HE SITS ON THE THRONE OF HIS GLORY." Well, When did Christ sit in the Throne of His Glory. Not when we think so, but when does the Bible say He did? After the Cross Christ asended up to heaven unto the Throne of his Glory (1st Timothy 3:16). He is seated at the right hand of the Father in His Glory already. Not at the second coming. The second "TIME CLUE" is that it's at the REGENERATION. That also Places it at the Time of the Cross. The Word translated regeneration in the Bible is the greek word Paliggenesia, and is derived from the words "palin" meaning repitition as in, once more or anew and "genesis" meaning nativity, The beginning. It most literally means a rebirth. This word is only found in on other place in the Bible. That's what we mean about comparing scripture with scripture and allowing it to Interpret itself. When we look at the other passage, it is clear what and when it is talking about. In Titus 3:5 we read: "Not by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to His mercy He saved us, by the washing of REGENERATION, and renewing of the Holy Ghost." So once again CLEARLY the regeneration (ACCORDING TO SCRIPTURE) is not at the end the world, but is something that takes place with salvation. It is the Rebirth, when we have been born again, by the Holy Spirit of God. So going back to Matthew 19:28 we can once again see that what He is talking about is not at the second coming, but what would take place immediately after the cross. Namely, that when He asended to the Throne the 12 would also sit on 12 thrones judging the 12 tribes. HOW? Because they were Risen with Him (1st resurrection) and by the Power of the Holy Spirit of God and the word of God that they now bring, By THAT SPIRIT, they bring Judgement. Now you may wonder how this can be when Revelations chapter 20 calls these the souls of those that were beheaded. Well, actually, that's another good reason to see that this chapter is not speaking Literally. Were they all beheaded, or is this just speaking symbolically to say these are the martyrs? I believe this is symbolic of it meaning, martyrs. Those who say it's literal should also say that this is Only those who have been beheaded. Not someone burned at the stake, or hung on a tree, or tortured to death, or fed to lions. NO, ONLY those who had their heads chopped off. That is, if they even want to at least try and appear to be consistant. Because LITERAL means Literal. And if it's not, then it's not. You can't say this is literal, and then turn around and say, but it's speaking of all the martyrs, not just those beheaded. If it's not Speaking only of those beheaded, Then it's "NOT LITERAL" If it's not literal, then It's not! Agreed? So the next question is, just who are souls of the Martyrs, that reign with Christ after He went to the cross? I believe that it is EVERY "TRUE" believer. Everyone who has died with Christ and has been Resurrected with Him (The FIRST RESURRECTION). Remember Jesus said to the lawyers, that the Righteous blood from able to Zacharias would be required of this generation? (Luke 11:50). Well did these literally kill able? No, Cain killed able, but the Lord is saying that these were just as guilty for the crime, BECAUSE their hearts were the same. They did the same deeds as their fathers who killed the prophets. They Hated the TRUE prophets. In this same way I believe that all "TRUE" believers are Symbolically, Martyrs. Because we are Hated, Persecuted, Reviled, Scorned, Mocked, Scoffed at, Ridiculed, Done harm to in every way possible, including Physical. Because they hate us with the same Hatred as their predecessors did the prophets, they are guilty of murder, and we are the martyred. 1st John 3:12-14, "Not as Cain, who was of that Wicked one, and slew his brother. And wherefore slew he him? Because his own works were evil and his brother's righteous. Marvel not, my brethren, if the world hate you. We know that we have passed from DEATH to LIFE, because we love the brethren. He that loveth not his brother ABIDETH IN DEATH. Whosoever hateth his brother IS A MURDERER: and ye know that no murderer hath eternal life abiding in him." That's Christ talking and He said that he that hateth his brother is guilty of murder. I didn't say it, The Lord did. Yes, for Christ's sake we are killed all the day long. What did Christ say? Take up your cross and follow me? Find out what that means! Jesus already Told us that the world "WOULD" hate us. Not Maybe, not could be, BUT WILL! Woe unto you when all men love you. So once again we read it plainly in the word of GOD. "ANYONE" who hateth his brother is a Murderer. According to scripture, that is. That's God's definition. What does that mean? It means, (just as Jesus told the lawyers) that their blood is required of them. In other words, they are guilty of murdering them, because of their hatred of them. They are of the same mind as those who killed the prophets. The Mind of Satan. And that is what the mark of the Beast in their foreheads symbolizes. It symbolizes that their minds are sold out to satan. It's not a "LITERAL" mark, it is a Spiritual mark. Like a spiritual brand, as we would brand cattle today. It symbolizes that they BELONG to satan. We can see the Exact same spiritual language with Christ, in the picture that the "TRUE" Believers have the seal of GOD in their foreheads (Revelation 7:3). It's symbolic that these have been spitually marked of God indicating "THEY ARE HIS!" Whenever we become SAVED, we have been SEALED by the Holy Spirit of GOD. In other words, We Are His. That's what being Sealed of God Means. (Ephesians 1:13) (Ephesians 4:30) (2nd Corinthians 1:22). Once we have the seal of GOD upon us, it means that we belong to Christ. We are His Servants. By the same token, once you recieve the mark of the Beast, it means you belong to Satan. You are his servants. And so we see that everything in this Revelations chapter 20 is going along in Logical progression. Christ, The Messenger of the Covenant, Comes down from heaven with this Key (Christ is the one with the Keys to Hell and death Rev. 1:18) and GREAT chain (Symbolizing it's a special Chain, not a normal chain) and lays hold on Satan and bounds him up 1000 year (until the completeness of the Lords purpose) so that He can free Satan's prisoners. So He shuts him up in a pit (Symbolic) and sets a seal on him (Remember the seal? it indicates It's God's mark, Nobody can open this seal, in other words, He won't get out) until the fullness of Time is accomplished. Then he must be loosed a little season. Who Looses Him? Only GOD can loose him, because He's sealed with the seal of God. He will be loosed as a judgement upon the people for unfaithfulness to GOD's WORD. Satan will only be allowed to continue a short time, because Christ will return and Rapture His Church. So then we see after satan is bound, John sees the souls of the martyrs LIVING and reigning on thrones for 1000 years. These are those who have not SOLD OUT to satan (recieved his mark), but they are/were martyred because of their "WITNESS" and for the "WORD OF GOD" they brought. And they All "LIVED and REIGNED" (Epesians 2:15) 1000 years with Christ. How? Because they were in Christ when He went to the cross and were raised up with Him (The First resurrection) to be seated in heavenly places having the Judgement of GOD, with Power, because GOD dwelleth within Them. remember when mary's brother lazareth died, and Jesus came and mary said I know he will be raised at the last day? But Jesus said to her, I AM THE RESSURRECTION. You see, He was telling her, No, the ressurrection is RIGHT HERE! I am the ressurrection. He that liveth and believeth in me shall never die! In other words, you don't have to die physically and wait till the end to be ressurrected. He that liveth and believeth is ressurrected in ME, so that he'll never die! NEVER. That is only possible if they have part in the First ressurrection, which is Christ. Which brings us to, Verse 5 But the rest of the dead, didn't live until the 1000 years were over. As "TRUE BELIEVERS" we live and reign with Christ, RIGHT NOW. We've been living and reigning with Christ. ever since He went to the cross to make that Possible. ALL those who lived from adam until now, and who are saved, continue to live and reign with Christ all through this time period. Well, you might say, most of the believers from the cross, have died!! But have they really? Didn't Jesus say "I AM the resurrection and the Life, He that liveth and believeth in Me shall NEVER die." YES HE DID! Well, If He is the resurrection, and we have been raised with Him, then we don't die. We LIVE and reign with Christ in our souls, even though in our bodies we have died. We live and reign with Him 1000 years. But The rest of the dead, (THE UNSAVED) they weren't raised up from death to new life to reign with Christ. They won't be raised up to live again until Christ returns. That will be the second resurrection. Lets take a look at what it says here and what it means by it. 1st Resurrection= Even when we were DEAD in Tresspass & sins, have we been made alive and seated in Heavely places in Christ. Those who have part in this 1st resurrection, the second death hath no power over. 2nd Resurrection=Judgement day 1st Death=Death of the body 2nd Death=The Judgement that is meeted out By GOD upon the unrighteous. HELL! This is the death that JESUS was talking about when He said "I AM THE RESURRECTION, (1st resurrection) HE THAT LIVETH AND BELIEVETH IN ME, SHALL NEVER DIE" Simply put, verse 5 tells us that the rest of the dead (Those who weren't raised up or resurrected in Christ Jesus to live and reign with Him) didn't get raised up until after the 1000 years (After the completeness of GOD's purpose). and it calls those souls that were raised up from death unto life, The First resurrection. You see, it all fits when the 1000 years are not forced to mean literally. The Ones raised up in christ lived and reigned with him 1000 years as the church is being built, but the rest of the dead (Unsaved dead) weren't raised up, and so they weren't ressurrected (Lived Again) until after the 1000 years, when Christs returns to rapture his Church and raise the dead for judgement. This is the TRUTH of GOD's Word. Verse 6 verse 6 tells us that these that hath part in the 1st resurrection are BLESSED (True Believers) HOLY (True Believers), and on such the second Death hath no part. Why? Because they have part in the 1st resurrection of Christ. They've already been raised up. They liveth and BELIEVETH in Christ and Shall NEVER die. They are Priests of GOD (True Believers - Revelations 1:6) and Live and reign with Him 1000 years. ONCE AGAIN, we see CLEAR indication that This 1000 years "CANNOT" be understood literally. Because it says These Live and reign with Christ 1000 years. The "FACT" is that these Martyrs, Whoever people may say they are, are TRUE BELIEVERS, and as Such will Live and Reign with Christ "FOREVER" NOT 1000 years! You see, It doesn't make any sense. LITERALLY!! are these souls living and reigning with Christ 1000 years, and then Christ says, Opps, I'm so sorry, You can't live and reign with me anymore. The answer of course is, That's SILLY! But if This 1000 years is "LITERAL" that is EXACTLY how you would have to understand it. They Lived and reigned with Christ 1000 years. Not 2000, Not 5000, Not forever, but 1000 years. Literal just does not add up. It won't stand the test of accuracy. It won't stand the test of faithfulness, and most important, it won't stand the Test of Biblical consistancy. It is blatantly contradictory with other scripture, if we understand it as literal. It is not Literal. It is no more a literal number than when God says He owns the sheep on 1000 hills. He owns them all. And this 1000 years is Symbolic of completeness. It's the completeness of God's purpose. Verse 7 And when the 1000 years (God's purpose in Time) is over, satan will be loosed out of his prison. This verse Tells us that It's GOD's purpose that at the end of His Sealed Time length, Satan will "AGAIN" be loosed. Verse 8 And will once again go forth to decieve the nations from the 4 quarters of the earth. NOTE! Some people would like you to believe that Gog and Magog here represent Russia, or some nation. BE SMART! Let the Bible Tell you Who it represent. And you have to go no Further than this verse here. It Tells us "CLEARLY" who Gog and Magog here represent It says that they are "THE NATIONS WHICH ARE IN THE 4 QUARTERS OF THE EARTH" It doesn't say it's Russia, or Libia, or any other nation. that's "MAN'S" Definition of who Gog and Magog Symbolize here. The Biblical definition is that it is The nations from the 4 quarters of the earth. In other words, all the peoples of the world. 4 quarters of the earth is Symbolizing UNIVERSALITY. All the peoples of the world. When satan is loosed, he he will go forth decieving all the peoples of the world, to gather them together to fight the TRUE Church, the same as he did when christ came and bound him, so that He could BUILD His Church. {HE that hath ears to hear, let him hear.} These peoples of the world who satan will decieve, are Tiplified, or Symbolized by the Gog and Magog, because of What we read of them in the Old testament. You might want to read Ezekiel Chapter 39. Gog and Magog came up to take the kingdom of Israel, and The Lord made an end of them there, leaving them for buzard meat. But the Lord says that it was because of the Iniquity of Israel that the Lord hid His face and they went into captivity. ...And so is the symbolism for these in Revelation chapter 20 who come up to fight the church (called the camp of the saints in verse 9). It is for the Iniquity of the Church that these will come up and trample under foot the church, But there end will be the same as was Gog and magog on the mountains of Israel. They will be destroyed. We should notice a few things about this verse, and also verse 3. It Tells us something. Namely, (verse 3) Satan was going forth Decieving the nations before Christ came and bound him up, so he could spoil his house. And when the Time is right, he will once again be loosed and go forth decieving the nations of the world ONCE AGAIN (verse 8). Do you understand the language here now. He was bound for a Specific reason. So He couldn't decieve the world while Christ built his church. But near the end, when the church is come near the full, he is released. Why? Because of the falling away, and the unfaithfulness. Because of their INIQUITY. And satan marshalls his army of decievers and false prophets and prepares them to attack the church. Verse 9 and This army goes up and surrounds the camp of the saints. What is the saints? They are the Believers. If you need scriptural reference I can give them to you, but I feel pretty sure you agree that we are the saints. The camp of the saints is where the Believers camp. It is the church in other words. The Beloved City. Not a "LITERAL" City, but a Spiritual city. Remember when Jesus said that a City set upon a Hill cannot be hid? The city He was talking about is the church. Remember Revelations chapter 21:2 where it speaks of a Holy City coming down from heaven. This is not a Literal City, but is Symbolic language to symbolize the Church. The Body of believers are this City. The Precious stones are to Symbolize that they are Precious in the sight of God. Not of themselves, it's GOD's Preciousness. Anyway, that's the same type symbolism in chapter 20 of the camp of the saints, and the HOLY city. In The Old Testament, before the cross, Jerusalem was spoken of as the Holy city. After the cross, all those things concerning cerimonial laws, and Literal Buildings (TEMPLE) and Holy of Holies, and Holy cities were done away with. The Only temple that is in view today is the one spoken of that we, the Believers are bricks in, Christ being the Chief Corner stone. The ONLY Holy place is the Place of the Lord. The Only Holy City is the City of Believers, The camp of the saints. It's the church. The Lord has something more important in view than a Temple of LITERAL Bricks and Mortar. What has that got to do with the gospel. The Lord has something more Important in view than some LITERAL city somewhere that people "THINK" is somehow Holy. All that Cerimonial stuff is Over. Circumcision is Over. Baptism is here. Slaughtering Lambs is Over. The Lamb of GOD is here. Trips to some Holy City Twice a year is Over. The Only Holy city we make trips to is the Church. Anyone who doesn't understand this should learn the Parable of the FIG TREE, or study the parable of the vineyard and the householder. The Camp of the saints, is the Church. It's where the saints (Holy People) camp. When satan is Loosed in verse 7 he will go forth to muster his army to assult the church, But Fire from GOD will devour his ARMY (revelations 11:5). By the word of GOD these people are burned up as if they were wood, and the word of GOD fire! Verse 10 I'll move along quickly now because I don't think that these last verses are really much in dispute. Christ comes (second comming) and Satan that decieved them (the people who were devoured by the Fire of GOD) was cast into HELL, and are Tormented with the false prophets and and the beast forever VERSE 11 The End of the world and Great White throne Judgemet where all must stand and give account and be given their punishment VERSE 12 all the world must stand before GOD to recieve and answer for their Sins. They are judges out of the Book of Life. Verse 13 None will escape, no matter how they dies. All will be judged. according to their works Verse 14 Death is swallowed up in victory verse 15 Anyone not saved will suffer the penalty for sin, and be cast into the Lake of Fire. OVERVIEW The Simple OVERVIEW of chapter 20 is that Christ the Messenger of the Covenant, the Deliverer, that was promised should come, comes down from Heaven and lays hold on satan, who has been decieving the whole world, and binds him up in spiritual chains, for as long as it takes to build the Church of GOD. During this time he is not able to decieve that church, so as to make it fruitless, and in this time, many souls are saved, raised up, Resurrected in Christ to new life, to reign with Him in HIs kingdom. Blessed are the souls that have part in the First Ressurrection. And when the fullness of Believers have come in, then satan will be loosed ONCE AGAIN and go forth decieving again, to muster an army to come up against the church. This period is called the great tribulation. Believers normally have tribulation from unbelievers, but this is great Tribulation near the End of the world. Satan and his army assult the churches but are devoured by the fire of GOD which burns them as if they were wood. And then Christ returns, and the Judgement is set, and all are judged by what is written in the book of life, and all are judged according to their works. This is what Revelation chapter 20 is saying. It's a Symbolic picture of what takes place from the coming of Christ, the first time, to His second coming. He that hath ears to hear, let him hear. May The Lord give us all wisdom in the Study of His HOLY word. Peace, Tony Warren Tony.warren@seekers.com