NOTE: This file is in no way endorsed or supported by id Software. DOOM is copyrighted by id Software. THE DOOM FINATIC'S INSTRUCTIONS ON CHANGING WINDOWS ICONS: ---------------------------------------------------------- 1. COPY the DOOM_#1.DLL file into your WINDOWS directory 2. In Window's PROGRAM MANAGER, select an ICON you wish to change. (Don't double click - that's for launching) 3. In the FILE menu, select "PROPERTIES..." prior to selecting "CHANGE ICON...". 4. Click on the "BROWSE..." dialog button and find DOOM_#1.DLL. Highlight it and select "OK". 5. In the CHANGE ICON dialog box, select an appropriate icon. Click "OK". 6. Select "OK" in the PROGRAM ITEM PROPERTIES dialog box. That's it! You should expect to see a NEW icon for your selected PROGRAM MANAGER item. ---------------------------------------------------------- Please READ your Windows manual for more information or clarification on changing PROGRAM MANAGER icons. I hope you enjoy using these icons. I thought they turned out O.K. given only the 16 colors I had to work with in a 32 x 32 pixel space. Feel free to spread this DLL around. I ask that you don't add BBS ads to the ZIP file. If you're a DOOM finatic, please register your copy. Shareware should be supported by the computing community if for no other reason than to send a message to the commercial vendors that their way of selling S-U-C-K-S. ......Carter Lee........ CompuServe ID 71202,1241